weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #155

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I think the difference is most people believe its almost impossible to get away with murder. Most people don't commit murder... Or seriously plan it. Most people recognize that law enforcement is smarter than them, have more experience, more man power. Most people believe they'd be caught.

Jodi being a psychopath believed she was smarter and would never be caught. When caught ... Her narcissism still prevented the possibility of a conviction in her twisted mind. No jury will convict me, mark my words..


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I wish part of the sentencing hearing would involve forcing her to eat a video tape with that interview. With a fork and knife. I think it would be reasonable to allow condiments, so her choice of steak sauce as well.

From JA's May 22 journal entry:

"I am mortified that my phone was stolen. It had a hugely scandalous text message from him (10 pgs!) that he sent last week. It would make a steamy romance novel sound like a script from a G-rated Disney movie. I also had 1 or 2 recorded conversations that were equally as scandalous. I never did figure out how to play those back for him. Well they’re gone now and we won’t be making more. Well, actually I wouldn’t bet on it entirely, one of us will crack and call the other. It’s crazy, but what can you do?
Wherever my phone is now, I just hope text messages and conversations are never discovered. Yikes. It’s certainly not Pamela Anderson or Paris Hilton level scandal, there’s no videos but it would be embarrassing nonetheless."

IIRC the phone she was so "mortified" at losing was magically found by her aunt (during trial prep) while she was cleaning out gramps' truck.

great catch...migod jodi is so evil, I can close my eyes and practically smell the devil.
From JA's May 22 journal entry:

"I am mortified that my phone was stolen. It had a hugely scandalous text message from him (10 pgs!) that he sent last week. It would make a steamy romance novel sound like a script from a G-rated Disney movie. I also had 1 or 2 recorded conversations that were equally as scandalous. I never did figure out how to play those back for him. Well they’re gone now and we won’t be making more. Well, actually I wouldn’t bet on it entirely, one of us will crack and call the other. It’s crazy, but what can you do?
Wherever my phone is now, I just hope text messages and conversations are never discovered. Yikes. It’s certainly not Pamela Anderson or Paris Hilton level scandal, there’s no videos but it would be embarrassing nonetheless."

IIRC the phone she was so "mortified" at losing was magically found by her aunt (during trial prep) while she was cleaning out gramps' truck.

So she claimed to lose her phone with all the X-rated stuff. No way. She really did psychologically abuse Travis in many different ways....
I'd like to see DB show his hands and fingers, and drop his pants! I'd like to know if there is more to come from him, or about him. I have too many questions that haven't been answered, but nothing that makes me think anything other than Jodi killed Travis in cold blood. I do think Jodi gave DB the DVD player that belonged to her grandparents, but forgot to leave the remote. Maybe she swapped it for the gas cans. Or, maybe she needed some cash and DB bought it from her. Nurse said the penis picture was not a white man's penis, and she had seen thousands of them over her career. I'm guessing not erect, LOL.....sorry nurse! So, maybe when erect they appear darker. Does anybody know what DB's face, or skin tone looks like?


And....on that note I shall close my laptop......and go to work...

There is no way for me to catch up on this thread today. Moving too fast.

Two things I want to say:

JA's answer to the jury about why she bought the 9mm gun for the camping trip will definitely be in the top 10 stupidest things she ever said. (We should have a list of the 10 dumbest things she has said so far). She realized what men were capable of? Does she mean she realized men were capable of being slaughtered by women? If I were on the jury I would remember that very dangerous statement by JA into the closing and deliberations. Self-defense and PTSD makes someone buy a gun and prepare for another possible 'self-defense'? I'm sure the jurors will talk about this during deliberations.

I'm laughing so hard watching Mikee Daniel's latest video. I'm going to start saying roop (instead of loop) etc. very soon. He is so funny and so on-point!

When I first heard that Jodi purchased another gun, but went through the process of filing paper work, I didn't understand why she did that since it could be traced back to her. With all the guns at grandpa's house, why buy one? Once I heard her testify, it became crystal clear. She was trying to show that she wasn't smart enough to think about stealing a gun. If she wanted a gun she would have just bought one. She is sly like a fox! Just needed what she thought was a good excuse to acquire another gun, and claiming she was fearful of these men was a good reason. The guys on the camping trip were as much a threat to her as Travis was. It was all BS!
Oh yes. I bet the jury took notice of that.

Another I just thought of was during the pedophilia talk she said something like 'If I were Travis I'd want to jump off a bridge' or something to that effect. Very cruel but very dumb also. The jury won't forget that based on their questions which reveal that they have not bought the pedophilia/physical abuse claims.

So many of her own statements reveal that she has ZERO remorse and will gladly look for an excuse to murder again.

I think you're right. The jury had to have taken notice of those casual smirks, shoulder shrugs, and carelessly cold remarks during her marathon 18 day soliloquy. Only one of the many reasons why only a malignant narcissist would think it was a good idea to testify. It has to be infuriating for some of them to sit there as the months grind on with their lives on hold, given that (in my opinion) they are ready to deliberate.

Oh I Agree... Certainly number one on the top 10 list! Below that somewhere is the comment she made about dry humping Ryan... Shoulder shrug while saying basically so what... I was single

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Yes, and the was another comment she made about Ryan, which I can't recall right now, but was equally dismissive of him. Me thinks she is pi$$ed because he testified for the prosecution. (How dare he! :furious:)
From JA's May 22 journal entry:

"I am mortified that my phone was stolen. It had a hugely scandalous text message from him (10 pgs!) that he sent last week. It would make a steamy romance novel sound like a script from a G-rated Disney movie. I also had 1 or 2 recorded conversations that were equally as scandalous. I never did figure out how to play those back for him. Well they’re gone now and we won’t be making more. Well, actually I wouldn’t bet on it entirely, one of us will crack and call the other. It’s crazy, but what can you do?
Wherever my phone is now, I just hope text messages and conversations are never discovered. Yikes. It’s certainly not Pamela Anderson or Paris Hilton level scandal, there’s no videos but it would be embarrassing nonetheless."

IIRC the phone she was so "mortified" at losing was magically found by her aunt (during trial prep) while she was cleaning out gramps' truck.

IMO this May 22nd journal entry was concocted after the killing. It makes sense to me that from May 22 on the journal entries were fabricated post killing. Just speculation and sadly there is no way for JM to prove it. I wonderif he is allowed to mention that there is the possibility that these entries were made after the killing and pre-dated?
I think it's strange that neither side has mentioned the screen being removed from the back window. I also think it's strange that we've never heard from the roommates about whether they saw a strange car in the driveway. I remember one of the roommates said Travis told him he hadn't slept much the night before, but was he right about his dates? I wish somebody would mention these things. Did anybody see the rental car, and does anybody know why the screen was on the ground? Simple things, but could go a long way to explain whether Jodi was sneaking around, or if she there in plain sight.

I have always felt that she parked that rental car around the corner, or down the block, away from Travis' house. And since she supposedly got there before dawn, no one would have seen her walking to his house from a block away. Who knows if she really got there at 4:00 AM (ish), the time that she said she got there. I was not able to watch the trial on the day this was mentioned, so excuse me if I have this info twisted.
I'm watching the repeat of Dr. D's testimony (Re-direct) and seeing JA sit there muttering while she poses with her thoroughly useless glasses perched upon her head, occasionally pretending to casually look up, but going to great extremes to avoid looking in the direction of Dr. D. Wow, what a display of petulant narcissism. She is just seeeeeeething....

Yes, and, like KCL pointed out, trying to be Dr. D at the same time. She has her hair styled the same way, uses some of the same motions. She is jealous of Dr. D and wants to be like her, or be her.

What I find ... Is a man that doesn't get angry easily. I've known men that after doing something like that would stomp around like a child while yelling obscenities. We also heard about his reaction after Jodi totaled the BMW. He was understanding and terrific about it. Dropped camera he flips out? No frigging way. That's not how Travis rolled!

Seems to me he was pushed to the brink with Jodi's behavior. Who wouldn't be?

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Definitely all about her. I think when she finished telling Flores the Tale of Two Ninjas she was surprised Flores didn't give her a hug and say, "thank God you're ok!". Instead he says "I don't believe you".

In a post-murder journal entry, Jodi wrote that she'd gone with others to give dna samples to the Mesa PD and both the guy who took the samples and the detective (Flores) were LDS. She was wearing a BYU t-shirt, and one of them noticed and asked her if she'd gone to the "Y", so in her first sit-down with DT she may have intentionally played the Mormon card as manipulation.
From JA's May 22 journal entry:

"I am mortified that my phone was stolen. It had a hugely scandalous text message from him (10 pgs!) that he sent last week. It would make a steamy romance novel sound like a script from a G-rated Disney movie. I also had 1 or 2 recorded conversations that were equally as scandalous. I never did figure out how to play those back for him. Well they’re gone now and we won’t be making more. Well, actually I wouldn’t bet on it entirely, one of us will crack and call the other. It’s crazy, but what can you do?
Wherever my phone is now, I just hope text messages and conversations are never discovered. Yikes. It’s certainly not Pamela Anderson or Paris Hilton level scandal, there’s no videos but it would be embarrassing nonetheless."

IIRC the phone she was so "mortified" at losing was magically found by her aunt (during trial prep) while she was cleaning out gramps' truck.

I feel like I need to pull on some hip waders. What a steaming load of *#*%. As though anyone in their right mind is going to believe this fairytale. Suuuuure, Jodi. That's how people write when they're writing in a journal meant only for their own eyes. "Scandalous!" Heavens Forfend, woman! Oh, I do hope they shall never see the light of day! That Travis and his scandalous nature!

In regards to the camera, I'm sure I read that there were other pictures on the camera, that were not deleted, that Travis had taken when he first got it. I'm sure the main reason why that camera was taken out that day was so that she could snoop through those photos in the guise of wanting to see the new camera. And of course taking pictures of their "activities" that afternoon. Putting it in the washing machine would eliminate DNA in her mind. Perhaps she was going to take it out of the washer and replace it in the camera bag but ran out of time. Would it have played any part in anything if she had done that? They would have checked the camera and likely found a memory card with pictures that Travis had taken on it. Would they have gone the extra step to retrieve deleted images? Would they have even checked the camera to see if it was operable? If it wasn't found in the washing machine would it have even played any role in their investigation?

She also contradicted herself with the video. I believe she originally said a video was taken on his camera but probably knew an expert could testify that there was never a video on it so she changed that up to be her camera. What happened to that memory card? What happened to that camera? Looks like the prosecution is just ignoring most of the camera testimony because it's just another attempt to drag them into her lies. They need to stay focused on the big picture and not get caught up in the web of minute details that cannot be proven either way. They got the deleted photos of that day from the camera because it was in an odd place. Just another example of something regarding the clean up that she either forgot or ran out of time to do.


I am sure this has been mentioned 50 times in these threads, but pardon me for saying it again: If not for the camera being found, and her bloody handprint on the wall, I think she might have gotten away with this murder. Was there any other "evidence" linking her there? Supposedly no one saw her there, and she had taken fairly good precautions about not buying gas in AZ, etc., but I cringe when I think of how close she came to getting away with the murder. I would really like to know someday what she was thinking about that camera - if she had any sense at all, she should have taken that camera with her, set it on fire or threw it in a lake. I sound like I know how to get away with murder, but of course I do not.
When I first heard that Jodi purchased another gun, but went through the process of filing paper work, I didn't understand why she did that since it could be traced back to her. With all the guns at grandpa's house, why buy one? Once I heard her testify, it became crystal clear. She was trying to show that she wasn't smart enough to think about stealing a gun. If she wanted a gun she would have just bought one. She is sly like a fox! Just needed what she thought was a good excuse to acquire another gun, and claiming she was fearful of these men was a good reason. The guys on the camping trip were as much a threat to her as Travis was. It was all BS!

I'd bet if there was a camping trip even planned, she wasn't invited.

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