weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #155

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bbm - I have said it over and over again - THEY HAD SEX! He may have been scared of her, but she was also his drug. SEX was what they had between them.

I know they had sex, because in the picture of him on the bed with the bottle of KY next to him, look at his groin area.... its red.... due the the fact that he shaved his pubic area, they used lube and the friction of sex. It happens.

And, not that ANY ONE wants to remember, but the picture that was taken of her "behind" she is VERY dilated, which is due to recent penetration.

They had sex. Sorry to disappoint, but they did. I do NOT believe for a second that he would allow her to take the picture of him on the bed with the KY next to him unless it was a recent picture after sex. :twocents:

2nd bbm - there is no evidence of rope, because THERE WAS NO ROPE.... there would have been some sort of rope in any of those pictures she took.... there wasn't

But I do agree with you on 1 thing - is was PREMEDITATION! NO dobt

I'm quite sure I read--- the autopsy indicated he hadn't ejaculated prior to his death. But I've read so much, I'm not certain if that was someone's opinion or if it was indeed noted by the coroner.

Personally I don't believe for a minute he got off with Jodi that day.
Not. At. All.

The entire bed scene looked staged. Who keeps a bottle of KY on the bed when there were two night stands right there?
This chick contrived this entire killing. From the moment she stole the gun until she straddled Ryan. It was ALL pre-planned and premeditated.
OK...based on the number of people here and the lack of seal we aren't having trial today?

Or is it delayed? Because we are normally much higher in numbers at the start of trial!
OK...based on the number of people here and the lack of seal we aren't having trial today?

Or is it delayed? Because we are normally much higher in numbers at the start of trial!

No trial today. I think a juror had an outside obligation.
OK...based on the number of people here and the lack of seal we aren't having trial today?

Or is it delayed? Because we are normally much higher in numbers at the start of trial!

No trial

Tomorrow 9.30am AZ time

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I guess it is hard for me to believe he would have slept with her, when there last exchanges where so full of hate and anger. He stated that he hated her and no one ever hurt him like her and how evil she was and so on.
I guess the other thing that is hard for me to believe is after all that went on that he didn't tell someone she was there, that he didn't send anyone a text to say Holy Sheep ***** that crazy beep beep just showed up at my house.
All just my crazy opinion ;)

I agree with you. But, my husband says I only see it that way because I am a woman. He said, as upset as he has been and would ever get with me (why, I don't know - I'm an angel ;) ), if I tried to make nice and offered sex, he would give in.

I guess it's why some of us can't understand how JA could do what she did without remorse, and almost pride. It just doesn't make sense to us.

So, as much as I can't see Travis having sex with her that day, I have to admit it was possible.
I'm quite sure I read--- the autopsy indicated he hadn't ejaculated prior to his death. But I've read so much, I'm not certain if that was someone's opinion or if it was indeed noted by the coroner.

Personally I don't believe for a minute he got off with Jodi that day.
Not. At. All.

The entire bed scene looked staged. Who keeps a bottle of KY on the bed when there were two night stands right there?
This chick contrived this entire killing. From the moment she stole the gun until she straddled Ryan. It was ALL pre-planned and premeditated.

The timing of the photos actually show that he knew the photos were being taken. The full body shot of Travis shows the bottle of KY off to his side.

You don't keep the KY on/in the nightstand while using it. You use it and then toss it on the bed out of the way - just in case you need it again. I am NOT saying this from personal experience cause I have never used it, but that just makes sense to me! LOL!! Now, do I have personal experience with oils/edibles? I guess you will never know :blushing:
Thanks for the heads up about no trial today. DAMN! What am I going to do with myself? I have spent WAY too much time reading/hearing about the bombings! LOL!!
Interesting theory.
Not sure how it was possible not to leave any blood behind though especially climbing out the window ledge while holding items. But, it's possible. Hadn't thought about that. Thanks!

I know this is against popular belief but I really really have the feeling she had help at this point. I think she had a pre-paid disposal phone and perhaps called .....oh, let's say Matt for argument sake ......and he, for what ever reason or allegiance, helped her in the execution of Travis. Perhaps it was him who came through the window disguised as an intruder.

Here's a big "WTF" for me regarding Jodi's fable.
If Travis wanted to kill her (insert eye roll here) as Jodi stated after dropping his brand new camera that a 5-year old could handle better then why didn't he go get his own gun????? It was only several feet away at that point!
What? What's that? There WAS no gun? Oh I see! Moving on............

Good lord, there is something huge missing from this story (besides the truth). The facts presented just don't add up. Not logistically, sensibly or physically.

If I may ask what FACTS don't add up? The forensic facts adds up to me completely and leaves a clear picture.

What doesn't add up is what Jodi has said happened. She has been proven to be a liar a gazillion times over. I wouldn't believe her if I saw her own tongue being notarized right in front of my eyes. I take nothing she said as a fact except when she said she killed Travis and she was even cold when doing that and when she said he did not want his photos taken in the shower. Oh and one more when she said that Travis did not own a gun.

Travis never owned a gun and there is no evidence supporting that he did. Only the words of a notorious liar with a huge motive to lie because she is facing the death penalty.

LE does not go by feelings and imo they do not believe she had help. They would like nothing more than to arrest anyone that did this to Travis and ask for the harshest punishment allowable for them too. But there is absolutely no evidence that she had help or even needed help.

She is just another vile, disgusting,wicked female who has brutally murdered a male larger than them and then moved the body.

Sadly it is a very simple story and one that has happened so many times before Travis' murder and there will be more committed by other females and males.

This motive is old as time. The 'If I cant have him.......no one can' plus the threat he gave her that he was going to expose the REAL JA to her family and friends.

The plan began on May 28, 2008 and was completed 6 days later on June, 4, 2008.:(
She is unbelievable.

I agree that it would make it easier to understand the logistics if we assume that Jodi had an accomplice. What kills that theory for me is that I can't believe that Jodi would have kept quiet about it. Surely she would have given him/her up by now. Unless it was one of the ninjas who helped her and said that if she was caught and told about the help, that he would kill her family. :facepalm:

Or copping to an accomplice would be admitting to premeditation.
It's been rumored (or wishful thinking) JM might actually have the DVD player and using in rebuttal and closing.

I want to believe Juan is saving the best for last. Because so far with DeMarte he's coming through like a champ.

I just read an interesting statement that I hadn't thought about. If Jodi actually DID use Travis' gun, she would do ANYTHING to help locate it because it would nearly exonerate her.
But because she is sticking to her fog-induced lie and not willing to cooperate, that pretty much suggests, she used her grandfather's gun.

Why did she call Matt McCartney on June 5th? Why? Why? Why? She was en route to Utah. Why after 'finding her charger' was he the first one she called?

It's unnerving the string of ex's involved that day huh?
Darryl (check)
Matt (check)
Travis (check)
then.....a new future ex, Ryan (check)

GOOD POINT about the gun...and I don't think she's claiming "fog" for the disposal of the gun, right? I thought she came out of the "fog" once she got out of her car before the Hoover Dam. That means she would have to "remember" what she did with the gun.
I was re-watching testiimony where Juan was questioning her about Matt McCartney, she called him after the murder, he wasn't supposed to betray her, etc.. SHe called him, but I don't think she would have told him what happened...there was no way she had gone thru all that only to tell someone and have a chance of her whole plan being ruined. I think she called Matt just to "check in" with him for alibi purposes...the whole line of oh I got lost, etc. etc.. She had also used him to verify the story of her not being able to find her charger and general idea of where she was...so if she didn't call and tell him she had gotten lost, he would have no alibi for her being gone all those hours. I believe she began using him AFTER she got charged for the murder, he was her contact to the outside, and her only source of fake-corroboration for anything she said. She needed him at that point.
As for all the exes being involved, I think it's just 'cause she was basically an obsessive woman who didn't have any other real friends. Her exes were the only friends she had...they were the only people she deemed worthy of putting her time and effort into of being a friend to them. All others were unnecessary to her.


And the comments about "dialated" that proves she just had anal sex......trying to phrase this delicately, but every single one of us expel something about as large as a penis through our anus daily, do YOU look dialated?

That conclusion, that because of the way her anus looks mean she just had anal is just plain 100% wrong. If you don't believe me, ask any gay guy you know.

I too find the comments about the looks of Jodi's genitals offensive. And again, I'd ask anyone commenting about them to either submit a picture of their "perfect" labia (I have no idea what that is, so educate me) or stop this line of commenting now and forever. Thanks!
I had unhealthy relationship, although not as extreme and intense as Travis and Jodi's.

I met a guy (C) and we were immediately attracted to each other. Right off the bat the sex was phenomenal and the best i'd had. I was 36 at the time.

He pulled away, as I was needy and vulnerable at the time, as I was recently separated from a previous 6 year relationship.

So (C) and I decided it was not a good idea to pursue a relationship, because the only connection we had was the good sex.

We decided we would be "friends with benefits". However, the whole time I suspected he other other hook-ups. I did some pretty crazy things too. :blushing:

Anyways, as much as we knew it would not work long term, and argued, we always , always met up for just sex.

I guess it is hard for me to believe he would have slept with her, when there last exchanges where so full of hate and anger. He stated that he hated her and no one ever hurt him like her and how evil she was and so on.
I guess the other thing that is hard for me to believe is after all that went on that he didn't tell someone she was there, that he didn't send anyone a text to say Holy Sheep ***** that crazy beep beep just showed up at my house.
All just my crazy opinion ;)
The timing of the photos actually show that he knew the photos were being taken. The full body shot of Travis shows the bottle of KY off to his side.

You don't keep the KY on/in the nightstand while using it. You use it and then toss it on the bed out of the way - just in case you need it again. I am NOT saying this from personal experience cause I have never used it, but that just makes sense to me! LOL!! Now, do I have personal experience with oils/edibles? I guess you will never know :blushing:

I think she put the KY there, I think she did all this.
He was such a happy smiley guy, I believe she had the gun on him or him under control some how.He is not happy in any of the pic. Otherwise someone would have known she was there, he would have made sure of it.
I didn't know she actually went to this festival she said her and Travis were going to. (after she killed him)


Reminds me of that deplorable idiocy spouted by the non-expert Alyce...Jodi was trying to feel normal. Unbelievable that there are people like that in the world.
The timing of the photos actually show that he knew the photos were being taken. The full body shot of Travis shows the bottle of KY off to his side.

You don't keep the KY on/in the nightstand while using it. You use it and then toss it on the bed out of the way - just in case you need it again. I am NOT saying this from personal experience cause I have never used it, but that just makes sense to me! LOL!! Now, do I have personal experience with oils/edibles? I guess you will never know :blushing:

I'm not sure we will ever know the truth.

The naked pics of him are strange imo. For supposedly sex photos he wasn't in the mood iykwim.

He could have been napping on his made up bed and she simply crept in like she was known to do and laid the KY (her calling card) next to him and then stood back and took the pic. Its not right up at the bed and its at a weird angle. When he looks back in the photo he looks shocked to me as if "WTH...sheesh she's back.' The second one he is not even looking at her.

Then the other snapshot (2) it is like he threw the KY on the other side of him.
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