weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #155

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I found an amazing article that explains why ALV was so very offensive to many of us.
Transference and countertransference in communication between doctor and patient
authored by Patricia Hughes and Ian Kerr

'An understanding of transference and countertransference is essential to good practice in general psychiatry and may be helpful in general medical practice, especially general practice. Being aware of the hidden agenda in the clinical relationship will help the doctor recognise some of the patient's wishes and fears, which are not fully conscious and which can contribute to conflict or intense dependency. The doctor is then more likely to be able to stand back a little from the patient's emotional demands and avoid getting caught up in an agenda where he or she too reacts emotionally rather than thoughtfully. This is therapeutic both for the patient, whose clinical management will be informed by a greater understanding of his or her needs and motives, and for the doctor, who is less vulnerable to being exhausted by unrecognised and intrusive projections.'
Her ex did admit on the stand that Jodi said she was going to Utah and Arizona.

I re-watched the trial with Darryl Brewer on the stand. Darryl and Juan discussed the 2 phone calls between Darryl and Jodi prior to her visit to his house. She called twice about the gas cans. Juan asked Darryl why she wanted them and 3 seperate times while on the stand the line "because she was planning on going to MESA ARIZONA in both of those phone calls. That would mean Jodi was either still in Yreka or enroute to Darryls. Which also means Jodi had plans, according to Darryl to see Travis on her trip.

Now, Jodi on the stand stated that she had no idea she was going to Mesa Arizona to visit Travis. After Darryl Brewers she was headed to see Ryan Burns. But, while driving, Jodi and Travis spoke on the phone and Travis 'guilted' her into stopping by to see him before going to Utah. First she said no, then 'you know Travis is a hard person to say no to' and agreed to stop by. This was her testimony.

Hmm, quite a contradiction. Why would Darryl know Jodi was going to see Travis before Jodi did? LOL
I do hope the jurors remember that and see premeditation.
Wasn't that the play she left the message to Travis about, after she killed him? They should show it and connect it to that message. That is one creepy picture. I saw that somewhere and downloaded it, but it was so disturbing to see her smiling like that, I promptly forgot about that photo.

Yes, that's the play she told a dead Travis she was going to with "Heather" (whoever she is) and she invites him to "accompany them" knowing she'd just slaughtered him.

It's on her myspace page.
Some dude apparently found it a year ago and just is saying something now? :what:

I don't even think Jodi disposed of it where she says she did. That would be very stupid. So this gun is probably a plant and won't match ballistics and is just a feeble attempt by someone to exonerate her. Not going to happen.
I don't even think Jodi disposed of it where she says she did. That would be very stupid. So this gun is probably a plant and won't match ballistics and is just a feeble attempt by someone to exonerate her. Not going to happen.

It's a long, desolate, empty drive between Mesa and the Hoover Dam. It makes zero sense that the murderer would wait til she was near a patrolled area to toss a gun, passing up literally hundreds of places where she could dispose of it beyond the reach of any casual passerby.
You know... I just realized what's different in Jodi's photos. Look at her face in that photo. Yes she's smiling but it's not authentic. It's vacant. You can tell a real smile by covering from the eyes down and viewing the photograph. Her photos as a child looked alive but around age 15 it shifts and changes.

You know something just came together in my head.

I'll try and not make this a novel, but a couple of years ago I hung out quite a bit with this group of friends and I *thought* these two were just friends and found out WAY later that they had been a "secret" couple the whole time. Secret because, although he's my good friend, the male at that time was recently divorced and a total horn dog and always on the prowl. The girl knew about it but weirdly like Jodi pretended she was ok with the "friends with benefits" situation but finally crashed and burned and confessed to me all the crazy stalking behavior she'd been doing.

For example she said "there is not one drawer or pocket of any article of clothing I've not gone through in that house". She admitted she'd sneaky gotten all his passwords PIN numbers and garage code, key to his house. He trusted her to housesit for him..he really believed she was ok with this arrangement as she went to lengths to convince him. She got really psycho at the end and of course they parted ways permanently. She also "broke up" with me when I sort of warned him...ok not sort of...that he needed to change all his passwords, keys etc as she'd snuck all of them was cyberstalking him, deleting and writing emails as him. Sound familiar? She tried to "make up" with me the next day and i was like "let's just leave it at that ok?" totally relieved but honestly a little scared. Delicate as we were all part of the same group. So..that all fractured obviously.

BUT all of this is to say...one thing i always noticed about her was she looked exactly the same in every photo taken of her. Like the face never changed. Exact same look/smile/expression. It was almost eerie. Now it's even eerier. Hmmmm...making me think.
I think it's a miracle that she didn't plat child *advertiser censored* on his computer given her allegations. Obviously she was using his computer, and logging into his accounts. At least I think that's what most likely happened. She's a snooper so she probably went through his phones, computers and everything in between. I know people use the word hacked when someone uses their accounts because they didn't log out, so that could be it.

My best friend lived with a guy who is clinically diagnosed as a narcissist, and he's one of the wealthiest people in that major city - so he CAN make someone "disappear". He installed on his network a "keystroke" program. Anytime she did anything his network recorded it (passwords etc). Before he sent a mafia to her house to murder her (and they felt bad, warned her and gave her 4 hours to leave the country. She did and she's safe) he did all these awful things to ruin her - including calling cops and lying, posting videos of her online and even selling a home movie of them together in an act to a major *advertiser censored* distributer. This is the face of evil but he will always have women. Why? Because he's filthy rich and buys them everything. They just don't know that when they go to leave him, he will physically take everything he gave them including tampons. I've witnessed it and even felt his wrath (I was ONLY his friend and secretary).
You know... I just realized what's different in Jodi's photos. Look at her face in that photo. Yes she's smiling but it's not authentic. It's vacant. You can tell a real smile by covering from the eyes down and viewing the photograph. Her photos as a child looked alive but around age 15 it shifts and changes.

She has the eyes of a shark.
A reporter, who has been in the courtroom every day, has tweeted that he has heard a .25 caliber gun was found near Hoover Dam.

Since he has had the "in" with this case, it's not a far stretch to at least talk about it here. JMO
If the media had picked this story up during trial week, it would have been quashed straight away. However it will gain momentum simply because it's the weekend, they have nothing new to talk about and then come Tuesday at the latest they will say it was just a story based off the topix site. That Topix post couldn't be any less unreal and whoever posted it is just doing it for the attention and "entertainment."
Some dude apparently found it a year ago and just is saying something now? :what:

Kind of like the cell phone with the sex recording magically turning up two years later right around the time Jodi and her DT were perfecting their Travis was a monster story. Or the torn out journal pages with negative things written about Travis turning up on re-direct...
For anyone interested, here is a great detailing of the Mike Peterson "blowpoke" debacle. Prosecutors contended he beat her in the head violently to her death with a fireplace 'blowpoke" that went missing and had been gifted by her sister. They claimed throughout this was likely the murder weapon.

Then the day the defense CIC was to conclude, somehow one of his sons' miraculously found" this blowpoke hiding in plain sight in the garage although his house and grounds had been searched and searched specifically for this item.

I'm getting echoes of this ridiculous stunt now...



Do you know what's happening with his new trial? I have searched for a thread here to no avail .. Also there are new chapters to The Staircase apparently .. OT .. I know ..
I think it's a miracle that she didn't plan child *advertiser censored* on his computer given her allegations. Obviously she was using his computer, and logging into his accounts. At least I think that's what most likely happened. She's a snooper so she probably went through his phones, computers and everything in between. I know people use the word hacked when someone uses their accounts because they didn't log out, so that could be it.

My best friend lived with a guy who is clinically diagnosed as a narcissist, and he's one of the wealthiest people in that major city - so he CAN make someone "disappear". He installed on his network a "keystroke" program. Anytime she did anything his network recorded it (passwords etc). Before he sent a mafia to her house to murder her (and they felt bad, warned her and gave her 4 hours to leave the country. She did and she's safe) he did all these awful things to ruin her - including calling cops and lying, posting videos of her online and even selling a home movie of them together in an act to a major *advertiser censored* distributer. This is the face of evil but he will always have women. Why? Because he's filthy rich and buys them everything. They just don't know that when they go to leave him, he will physically take everything he gave them including tampons. I've witnessed it and even felt his wrath (I was ONLY his friend and secretary).

I think the only reason she didn't plant kiddie *advertiser censored* is that she cooked up that story long after she was incarcerated.
I never thought of it the way you just put it as a possibility KCL. Thank You for always keeping it real!:heartbeat:

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 11m @heathermfiorino Is everything a lie? She said she disposed of the gun near Hoover Dam and that's where this one was allegedly found.

Kiefer wrote that. Again he doesn't usually go in to theories that point to Jodi's guilt. Interesting...unless maybe he's believing her story that it WAS Travis' gun and this would exonerate her or support her story re: the gun.

Do you know what's happening with his new trial? I have searched for a thread here to no avail .. Also there are new chapters to The Staircase apparently .. OT .. I know ..

Wow, i didn't know about the new chapters (you mean the film right?). That was a fascinating documentary that I think posters here would like...behind the scenes prepping for a murder trial Unfortunately the filmmakers were totally biased to the defendant/murderer. No idea what's going on with a retrial...last I heard he was still on house arrest!
IF a gun was found and IF it was tested and IF the ballistics don't match the slug that was taken from Travis, then Jodi can claim that since it wasn't her grandparents' gun it has to be Travis' gun. She can testify that she remembers wrapping the gun in the paper she obtained from where Travis kept his giftwrap and she wrapped the gun in the same giftwrap that Travis wrapped her Valentine's Day shirt and shorts and pedophile panties and then wrapped it in the toilet paper that she remembers Travis purchasing at the Walgreen's just down the street where they had a BOGO sale and where he also purchased some dog food for Napolean during the same shopping trip and he paid with his credit card and then they went out for a strawberry frappacino. And that she remembers tossing the gun in the desert near a cactus where if a $20 bill was floating around just right it would descend in that chaotic way paper does and land right near the cactus.
JA at Othello a couple of days after slaughtering Travis


A great addition to the aggravating factor slideshow. She hasn't a care in the world. :banghead:
I think it's a miracle that she didn't plan child *advertiser censored* on his computer given her allegations. Obviously she was using his computer, and logging into his accounts.

Respectfully snipped by me

JA wouldn't have planted *advertiser censored* on TA's computer since that thought hadn't occurred to her until years in jail and a good defense was made. Remember, her first defense was I wasn't there, her second was ninjas THEN the self defense claim.
I was just on the Arizona Department of Corrections website looking at conditions for Death Row inmates, agree it's the best choice for lifestyle reasons, no contact, she can read and write (I know) but books are from the prison library which is not doubt c***, two 10 min phone calls a week and some non contact visitation, also good .. anyway, strangely they have a list up of executed people and their last meals .. I don't know about you guys but if I was having a last meal it would be a lot more extravagant than these guys chose....

http://www.azcorrections.gov/inmate...=Executed&SearchDescLabel=Executed Since 1992

This person, Mrs G. Norris, always has interesting posts.
You know something just came together in my head.

I'll try and not make this a novel, but a couple of years ago I hung out quite a bit with this group of friends and I *thought* these two were just friends and found out WAY later that they had been a "secret" couple the whole time. Secret because, although he's my good friend, the male at that time was recently divorced and a total horn dog and always on the prowl. The girl knew about it but weirdly like Jodi pretended she was ok with the "friends with benefits" situation but finally crashed and burned and confessed to me all the crazy stalking behavior she'd been doing.

For example she said "there is not one drawer or pocket of any article of clothing I've not gone through in that house". She admitted she'd sneaky gotten all his passwords PIN numbers and garage code, key to his house. He trusted her to housesit for him..he really believed she was ok with this arrangement as she went to lengths to convince him. She got really psycho at the end and of course they parted ways permanently. She also "broke up" with me when I sort of warned him...ok not sort of...that he needed to change all his passwords, keys etc as she'd snuck all of them was cyberstalking him, deleting and writing emails as him. Sound familiar? She tried to "make up" with me the next day and i was like "let's just leave it at that ok?" totally relieved but honestly a little scared. Delicate as we were all part of the same group. So..that all fractured obviously.

BUT all of this is to say...one thing i always noticed about her was she looked exactly the same in every photo taken of her. Like the face never changed. Exact same look/smile/expression. It was almost eerie. Now it's even eerier. Hmmmm...making me think.
Thank you for sharing this! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. :( The fbi person that taught the class on learning how to detect a dishonest person (it was a course on body language and things of that nature), he explained that in his opinion a sociopath has the dead eyes. And he said "A person with a vacant set of eyes has caused murder". I swear he's correct.

It's very common for a person to start exhibiting signs of mental illness at the onset of puberty or mid 20's. Jodi has a shift in character or facial expression in her photos at around 8th grade (based on the photos her friend shared). Now, whether this was when things fell apart or when an illness blossomed - we will likely never know. Jodi won't admit to an illness, she's far too prideful. I know she seems to want pity (it's ALWAYS someone else's fault) but she doesn't want to appear defective. She needs approval and acceptance. She wants to be a leader and regarded or feared.
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