weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #155

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It's because every time she had any complications with anybody she always ran crying into a bathroom.
She has an obsession with bathrooms and toilet paper.
And now her life is in a toilet--kind of ironic me thinks.

And all because of camera karma, bah :drumroll:
I know the article says that the gun was found over a year ago......but exactly when did this turning it in transpire? Was it just this week or last.....

Was there not some hearing on Friday that no one seemed to know anything about? and something else scheduled for Monday? I know we don't have trail till Tuesday.....

What article? Can you link it???
Nice foreshadowing in her choice of a black and white striped sweater. lol

you would have no clue what she had just done.

that to me just goes to show she did not do it in self defence,because i imagine if i was in her shoes i would have been a wreck.

doesn't look like shes in too much pain from that busted shoulder either :jail:
I missed a bunch on Katie's "spanx problem but thought from what I did get that it might have been what happened to me at work once. Apparently went around all day with my dress tucked around inside the back of my panty house exposing my bare butt all day which no one bother to mention until the end of the day.

I really hope you quit that job.
JA at Othello a couple of days after slaughtering Travis


How 'bout the Curlie-Q Photobomber?
So Mrs G Norris and IB Sleuthin think that JA is not responsible for what she did to Travis? :facepalm:

Mrs. G has written many posts discussing JA's culpability. The fact that she is willing to consider possible abuse in JA's past does not have anything to do with whether she thinks JA killed Travis and is responsible for the act.

I believe her mom is living in denial and a loss for what to do with her, and has been for a long time. There's no way Jodi had a perfect or stable childhood, yet turned out like this. Before the murder she had a life of meaningless jobs, dabbling in dumb things, relationships that didn't pan out, she dropped out of school (her mom had to sign for that). She kicked her mom in anger. She kicked the dog in anger. She's a product of divorce. I just feel there's something that happened which caused her not to trust people and to have a fiery resent towards her mother. None of it is a excuse of course, but everyone owning up to the reality of things would give the psych community more insight to the "nature vrs nurture" argument.
I agree her mother is in denial but I also tend to believe that the family of someone disordered are very often also victims to them. Her parents, to my knowledge, have been married a long time. Her father was previously married though, before Sandy.

Lots of teens do a great many stupid and foolish things parents write off as them being a teen. Sometimes, they're right and other times the teen evolves into a very dangerous adult. At 16, I stole my sister's car, lifted money from my Dad's wallet constantly, was cutting, bulimic, sexually promiscuous, and dropped out of high-school a year later with a GPA of 3.8 (my parent's permission was not needed at the time and I am roughly Jodi's age). Lots of people may look at my teen history and see a 'budding borderline' but in reality I was internalizing a great deal of emotional trauma from living in a chaotic, dysfunctional home and seeking coping strategies. I hid a lot from my parents - cutting worked to alleviate emotional pain; bulimia gave me a sense of control; I didn't want my ways of dealing taken away. I was never physically nor sexually abused as a child though. Eventually, between maturing, therapy, and my parents realizing their own faults - I was able to heal many pains of my childhood before they passed away. A gift I'm very, very grateful for.

(Don't get me wrong, I do believe I desperately needed psych intervention as a teen. I still ended up in an abusive marriage that, had things been different, may not have been the case. But not all troubled teens are disordered just like not all those disordered will commit murder. Because of that I think its possible that parents will continue to disregard the severity of their children's 'issues' and when you add in the psychological manipulation and/or abuse sometimes found in a disordered relationship - I just can't lay the fault at her parents, either.)
Agree, not a sex worker.

I think she lied and said 'someone' had sent her an email about someone who was close to Travis and he was protecting them against her spreading vicious rumours based on lies. Like 'I got an email from <insert name here> and he told me <insert infraction here> about (say) Mimi', and she contacted Travis to tell him hoping to turn him off Mimi, but it backfires because he thinks it's a lie.

Makes sense to me.
Good morning peeps!
We all know that Jodi lies but I am fascinated by the lies that are told for no reason. I was struck by the lie she told Flores during the interrogation: my family will never come to Arizona to see me......she went on to say they never came to see her when she had a nice house and pool. Now look at her mother's statement....Jodi asked where we would stay if we came to visit her because the parents could not stay at Jodi's. Mother went on to explain that Jodi was afraid they would "snoop". Why did she bring this up while she's being questioned about a murder?
Love to hear your views.

I thought initially that she thought this was all going to go away because she was sure she would be able to convince this nice Detective that this has all been a misunderstanding. Then there would be no need to tell her parents which could explain why they weren't there. And to begin that process of how neglected and sad and helpless and misunderstood she is. She was so coquettish with Det. Flores that I wanted to :puke: :sick:

Or she is just weird since she will craft and construct any story no matter how absurd at any time for any reason just because she can.
As I was going to sleep and had my TV on, that show Locked Up was on and just happened to be Maricopa County jail. And it was in the female section. All I saw was some pretty rough/tough looking women. There is apparently one woman in particular who rules everything and the guards were talking about how much power this woman has over the other women and that they couldn't really explain why. If this where JA is at the moment, it didn't look like a tea party or anything.
You make some good points, but do you think JA cares about any of that? IMO her only concern is herself and how she can use people.

I agree with the other poster that JA will not suffer in prison, unless she ends up on death row in a cell 23hrs day - that would be the best thing for her and it would also protect the other prisoners from her.

She exploits all those around her, other prisoners should be protected!

And all writing/drawing/reading/audio/video materials need to be withheld from her, and her hair should be cut off. Put her in solitary with nothing to do. Maybe her mind will eventually come to understand the gravity of what she has done. Probably not, though.
Good morning peeps!
We all know that Jodi lies but I am fascinated by the lies that are told for no reason. I was struck by the lie she told Flores during the interrogation: my family will never come to Arizona to see me......she went on to say they never came to see her when she had a nice house and pool. Now look at her mother's statement....Jodi asked where we would stay if we came to visit her because the parents could not stay at Jodi's. Mother went on to explain that Jodi was afraid they would "snoop". Why did she bring this up while she's being questioned about a murder?
Love to hear your views.

She's trying to play on his sympathy. She still thought she could talk her way out of it.
But wait when did she come out of her fauxg? Before or after she tossed the gun?

I also wonder if she could have had someone like that freaky Donovan go and do a little "gun plant" for her.

Anyone remember the Mike Peterson trial? The last minute "find" of the "fauxpoke" in his garage? Those jurors were insulted by that stunt!

OT, but I just cannot stand that that man is out of prison!!! Its so unjust! He's so damn guilty!
Interesting read in the Wendy Andriano case (prosecuted by Juan Martinez). A must read, most especially for the Juror input AND the mitigating factor weight. I have high hopes!


¶&#8201;76 Andriano also alleged as mitigating circumstances cooperation with law enforcement authorities, remorse, and age. &#8194; The evidence presented, however, contradicts Andriano's assertion that she cooperated in the investigation of Joe's murder.12 &#8194;Moreover, because Andriano continues to deny responsibility for her conduct, we reject her contention that she is remorseful. &#8194; See State v. Gulbrandson, 184 Ariz. 46, 70-71, 906 P.2d 579, 603-04 (1995) (noting that defendant continued to deny responsibility in finding that he had not proven remorse as a mitigating circumstance). &#8194; We likewise do not find her age-thirty at the time of the offense-to be mitigating, particularly in light of her above-average I.Q.

As far as her getting a spanking with a wooden spoon....when we were kids my mom carried a little paddle in her pocketbook and we would get spanked. It was not abuse. It was common for parents to spank in those days. Indeed even the school was allowed to give spankings.>snip<

When we were kids, we'd have to go pick our own hickory switch and they'd set our legs on fire. And not that long ago, either.

In fact, all of the neighbors on our street had all the authority of our parents to discipline. Not necessarily laying on of hands but the parents of our friends treated us exactly as they'd treat their own kids. If we got into trouble, moms of friends would send us to their versions of Time-Outs. lol

Teachers sending home notes about your behavior? Uh-huh. No stomping down to the school to confront the teacher. It was, "Please explain what prompted this note. And don't make me guess. Spit it all out."

Didn't consider any of that abuse but things are completely different now.
JA at Othello a couple of days after slaughtering Travis


That's an incredible pic. I hope it gets reposted throughout the day so no one misses it. There's Jodi, happy as a clam just days after butchering Travis, standing close to Peter Macon [Othello], the lead actor in this prestigious production. I guess Iago wasn't available, or she'd have been all over him since his character is most like her. She's really something, but we'll never know the evil depths of just what that is.
I think Jodi is going to be ok with whatever sentence she gets. If LWOP she will be able to have interaction with other inmates (manipulate them), the food in prison will likely be better tan Sheriff Joe's soy slop and peanut butter and oranges.

If Death, I think it'll be harder since she will be in a cell 23 hours a day. No chance to con others inside the jail. But she will focus on conning people outside the jail. She will comfort herself with her belief that her execution will ensure she is famous forever. :banghead:

This should be enough caramel pecan pie for breakfast

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