weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #155

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LOL...I hope you are right! There will be other prisoners in there who will have killed too. Hopefully there is at least one who is as manipulative and narcissistic as Jodi.

What are the odds there won't be?
Why on earth are ex prisoners allowed in a courtroom to watch the trial of someone they were in jail with in the first place? In Australia that would be consorting and they would be straight back in jail, also I was stunned to see two of them together in there last week near the end. What is up with that?

It's not illegal. That's the short answer.
Here you go, Syra....and I stand corrected; it was ElleElle that originally posted this text from TA to JA (in April, I believe):

"you have that information. its 15 minutes it would take to gt the info. But you won't take 15 minutes. Why because it is an Fing lie. So either text me you that you are ready
to tell the truth or give me your imaginary friend with
the worst BS story you have ever told or leave me alone.
Its a lie like no other. It is freaking foolish. There is no way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can't mend it. You are caught. When will you realize that. I do not know. You have til tomorrow. to have me this persons information before I tell all of the Hughes' Leslie Udy, the Freemans, your parents and anyone else that
matters about all the crazy things you have done. So
either fess up or feel the wrath. No matter how bad
the truth is I promise you the punishment will be
better than the lie. This is worse than your magical
email that a mysterious man you've never seen before
wrote for you. You insult me by thinking ill believe such
crap. nothing else from you til the truth. I already know
your lying so why continue. After tomorrow, its gonna
get real bad for you. Time to spit it out."

you:rocker:Thank you
All of the above? He was furious, it had to be more than one thing unless it was something big none of us has heard about.

JMO but I;ve always thought she was in the phone sex trade and TA found out.
How? Don't know. But she sure did a lot of traveling for someone who was a part time waitress. Where did
all the money come from for her life style? MOO
Why on earth are ex prisoners allowed in a courtroom to watch the trial of someone they were in jail with in the first place? In Australia that would be consorting and they would be straight back in jail, also I was stunned to see two of them together in there last week near the end. What is up with that?

I was very surprised about that too. Sure seems like a whole lot of extraordinary weirdness with this trial.
I honestly don't know where her mother stands in all this.She said Jodi never had a bad childhood,but she did think Jodi killed Travis.

Here I come, hanging from my limb again.

HEY there's a suggestion for a new smiley emoticon...a smiley hanging out on a limb!

I watched the interrogation/interview of the mother.

My personal opinion based on a lifetime of watching people's body language is that this woman knows how to put on a good show. Whenever people start with the cry/talk I sit up in my chair and listen very closely.

What JA did was horrific, inexcusable and very difficult to even comprehend BUT having said all of that, JA still is a human being with a past.

Watch the video of her as a bridesmaid and she simply has no self esteem in that video. I watched that several times and she's so uncomfortable I had to wonder why.

Then I found the photo of dear old daddy holding her when she was about 3? He's an old biker this guy. Don't know him, don't know if he was a wanna be or a bonafide but Mr. TOUGH liked to show off his arms in cutoff sleeveless shirts.

Don't be fooled by women who say.."Oh her childhood was all cookies and my pretty pony."

My GUESS is that Mr. tough liked to be tough at home, JA was born with a very susceptible personality to begin with and placed in this environment with a mom who perhaps?? has mental problems of her own? And a tough man for a daddy?

I think it's was a ripe garden for fertilizing a BPD with violent, seething problems.

I feel sorry for the JA BEFORE she slaughtered Travis. Not after. Barring complete psychosis we all make our own choices and she made hers.
I believe her mom is living in denial and a loss for what to do with her, and has been for a long time. There's no way Jodi had a perfect or stable childhood, yet turned out like this. Before the murder she had a life of meaningless jobs, dabbling in dumb things, relationships that didn't pan out, she dropped out of school (her mom had to sign for that). She kicked her mom in anger. She kicked the dog in anger. She's a product of divorce. I just feel there's something that happened which caused her not to trust people and to have a fiery resent towards her mother. None of it is a excuse of course, but everyone owning up to the reality of things would give the psych community more insight to the "nature vrs nurture" argument.

her parents are not divorced.
I thought at first that others should be protected from her in prison. And then I realized PRISON. She has to worry about the inmates.

My only concern with JA getting on Death Row... is the hardship that will be placed on the prison guards!

She will make it intolerable on the guards if she has no pens, pencils, and is not the center of attention!

I really land firmly on the DP for JA as I know it's what the family wants. She'll not be executed for decades if ever. She will get the best of the best legal help along the way and other amenities only reserved for death row celebrities. But it's the quality of life while she's there that will truly be punishment for her.

Personally knowing what the DP appeals process drags families thru and the taxpayer $ wasted on these demons, I wish there was a LWOP that included the death row lifestyle for lack of a better word.

Katiecoolady, I so agree. I don't care so very much about her death as long as it happens behind bars. But I want to see her locked in a box (smaller than Travis' closet), for the rest of her days. All alone, with nobody to manipulate or use for her own gain. LWOP under those conditions would be just fine with me. Too bad they don't offer that kind of punishment as an option. There should be a LWOP1 and a LWOP2. One puts you in general population based on the severity of your crime, and the other one puts you in a box all by yourself.....forever, because your crime was such that you don't deserve to be amongst other human beings.
I dunno on that one. I've never in my life seen ANYTHING...male or female...as effed up as JA!

Are you SURE about that? I thought the guy in Austria,what's his name Fritz who had his daughter prisoner under the house and forced her to have his kids was pretty freaking effed up. I'm always wondering how they are doing and recovering from that horrific thing.
Time to retire, sleuthers. Be kind to one another. Don't give Katie any more drinks or chocolate-covered caramel corn. Somebody check her on the way out to make sure there are no spanx problems. :seeya:
Here you go, Syra....and I stand corrected; it was ElleElle that originally posted this text from TA to JA (in April, I believe):

"you have that information. its 15 minutes it would take to gt the info. But you won't take 15 minutes. Why because it is an Fing lie. So either text me you that you are ready
to tell the truth or give me your imaginary friend with
the worst BS story you have ever told or leave me alone.
Its a lie like no other. It is freaking foolish. There is no way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can't mend it. You are caught. When will you realize that. I do not know. You have til tomorrow. to have me this persons information before I tell all of the Hughes' Leslie Udy, the Freemans, your parents and anyone else that
matters about all the crazy things you have done. So
either fess up or feel the wrath. No matter how bad
the truth is I promise you the punishment will be
better than the lie. This is worse than your magical
email that a mysterious man you've never seen before
wrote for you. You insult me by thinking ill believe such
crap. nothing else from you til the truth. I already know
your lying so why continue. After tomorrow, its gonna
get real bad for you. Time to spit it out."

But...according to ALV if you toss a "haa ahahahaaa" in there somewhere then there is no evidence of fear.

I am watching Nancy Grace's rerun tonight and heard something that reminded me - DrD said that she testified the day earlier that she was NOT an "expert" as a Domestic Violence Expert because there is no Licensure for that. Therefore, ALV is NOT an expert because there is no licensure for that.....ALV never got a PHD like DrD, therefore, ALV is not an expert at ANYTHING.

Just another derp moment for JW..she left herself open for that one and strut right on in! :facepalm:
Rewatched an episode of The First 48 earlier. One incredible homicide Detective said that early in his career, a Chief of D's told him, "You need to stop wondering why." He said at the time it seemed like a really off the wall thing to tell him. Now, years into his career, he gets it.
Normal minds will never be able to comprehend what people like JA have done. But we'll keep trying anyway :) Because we just feel that if we dig deep enough, or look under enough rocks, it will somehow make sense enough for us to at least come to grips with it.
We're pretty hard-headed :) That, and we have a sense of good in us.

Love this!!! Thank u for sharing! :)

I find myself constantly trying to understand why people do horrible things...it's like I just have to know why...I have to know there's a reason. But I never find a good enough reason as to why they do such atrocious acts to other human beings. I just find myself constantly wanting & needing to understand...but w/ these sorts...there is no understanding...& it's so very frustrating.

Thank u again for this! :)
I vacillate between hoping for LWOP, and hoping for the DP.

If she gets LWOP, for sure she will forge some kind of life for herself in prison. She will likely spend a couple years in admin seg due to her high profile, but I think she would eventually win a ticket to gen pop. She will survive, and even thrive (after a limited fashion) in prison. But eventually she will be disregarded, and mostly forgotten by the media, as well as the average citizen. Her groupies and advocates will be far and few between after 5-8 years or so. She will age, while she wins a job years pushing a broom, scrubbing something, or passing out library books. She will find her "hook ups" once in gen pop. And she will have her enemies who want to do her harm for their own notoriety.

If she gets the DP, it will severely restrict her movements and who she will have contact with. But realistically, it will be 15+ years before she even gets close to a real date with a gurney and a needle. In that time, she will become even more of a "notorious celebrity", while in lock down 23 hours a day on death row. Anti-DP advocates will make her into a pseudo-celebrity for why the DP should be abolished, because she was a "battered woman defending herself". Travis' name will be lost in the hype and celebrity of a condemned JA, or his name will continue to be sullied with allegations of battering and abuse and pedophilia. She will have groupies and websites and marriage proposals, etc. She will have YEARS or DECADES of appeals on little technicalities. She will relish all of the attention her appeals command. She will have a team of anti-DP attorneys. Law students will salivate to be part of her attorney team. Books will be written about her. But she will experience prison each and every day as a condemned inmate in lockdown 23 hours a day-- unless and until she is granted LWOP or a final date with the needle.

I honestly don't know which to hope for.

Travis' family (reportedly) wants the DP. And I'm supportive of that. But I just wonder if they have weighed the emotional toll that a DP verdict will weigh on them in the decades to come. That's when I swing back to LWOP-- let her age and rot for 60 years or so eating prison food, sleeping on a thin pad, and using the cold metal potty in full view of the guards every day. Scheming about how to one up another inmate for hot chocolate packets and ramen noodles.

Which outcome is "justice?" The answer is "both", but we each favor one or the other for our own reasons.

How can you be undecided about her punishment for what she has done? She must get the DP to take away her manipulation of people and to prevent her from receiving any more satisfaction with LIFE. You did hear Dr. Demarte testify. This murderer will continue to control people and get satisfaction from it as long as she is allowed to write, sing for the crowd, and whatever else it is that people with Borderline Personality Disorder do. I respectfully disagree. JA deserves the DP.
Katiecoolady, I so agree. I don't care so very much about her death as long as it happens behind bars. But I want to see her locked in a box (smaller than Travis' closet), for the rest of her days. All alone, with nobody to manipulate or use for her own gain. LWOP under those conditions would be just fine with me. Too bad they don't offer that kind of punishment as an option. There should be a LWOP1 and a LWOP2. One puts you in general population based on the severity of your crime, and the other one puts you in a box all by yourself.....forever, because your crime was such that you don't deserve to be amongst other human beings.

My thought is that if she does end up with LWOP, given JA can't seem to stay out of trouble ie, stealing, a fight ect, she's up against some serious business type of gals. When JA gets in trouble in prison, it'll be lockdown and that thought makes me happy. But I'd rather see her get the DP.
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