Welcome To Websleuths # 4

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Manager Websleuths.com
Staff member
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Dear Websleuths Members and Guests,

Welcome to our new look everyone.

If you would like to go back and read threads 1,2, and 3 they are listed at the bottom of this post.

From now on anyone who is rude, demanding, makes snide comments or is overall being a jerk will be timed-out or banned. If you do not know what being a jerk entails then I don't know what to tell you.

I was sickened by how our tech guy Dave was treated on a previous thread by a group of posters. This thread is not for you to continually bi*** about Websleuths.

Bi*** about us BEHIND our backs like everyone else :p

We love what we do and we want to make the Websleuths experience as pleasant as possible but please remember how you feel when someone complains about you when you are doing the best you can.

OK so, below is the description of how to use our new version of private messages. This is a great way to discuss something off topic with a group of Websleuths posters without leaving the site.


The first thing you should try is our new way of sending Private Messages. PM's are now called "Conversations". You can invite up to 20 other people (with you equals 6 people on a conversation) and the conversation looks exactly like a thread on a public forum. However, it is not public, no one in management can see it, and the only people who can read the conversation are those who are actually participating.

About your timeouts;

Your timeouts are all done by a point system. This will take away any guesswork.

You are allowed up to 5 points in a 30 day period before you are timed out. The timeout length depends on the number of points you end up. Say you have 4 points and you do something really horrible like call someone stupid. Calling someone stupid could be worth 4 points. Now all of a sudden you have 8 points and that means you get a 5 day time out.

Please do not hold me to these exact numbers. I'm trying to remember and to be honest, my memory sucks more than a sucker fish in a sucking contest.

You will get warnings and your warning is assigned a point value. Let's say being snarky is two points. Those two points will stay on your username for 30 days then the points drop off.

No one should be getting any points right?

Please remember if you get 5 points or more in 30 days then you are timed out for three days. As the points against you go up so does the time you spend I timeout.
You can solve the problem of being timed out by behaving and reading our Terms of Service.

There is more to tell you and I'll be coming back and answering any questions you may have.

We ask for your patience as we are all on a learning curve here.

Finally, thanks to Dave our IT guy for doing such a good job and making sure everything runs smoothly!

OK fire away my true crime angels.

Welcome Thread # 1
Welcome Thread # 2
Welcome Thread #3
Let's bump this puppy up, shall we?

When I first started posting on forums and would every so often read the word "bump" in a post with nothing else written I was baffled. I started looking for something that looked like a bump or was bumpy. When someone finally explained it to me I was mortified that I couldn't figure it out. My mortification is something I laugh at now because I made so many goofy mistakes in the past!

In a live conversation online when someone wrote BRB I thought it meant they were announcing to the world they were burping. See why I laugh at myself?

This thread is to be used for comments about Websleuths and suggestions on things that are broken that we don't know about. Perhaps you have a recommendation that will make things easier for everyone you would like to share. Feel free to do so.

Thank you,
The owner with no life.
Hi, how do I post the old :gasp: emoji? Can anyone help please advise? Tia. (I need it ASAP in another thread lol)

PS: Loving the new forum!!! My favorite feature I think is this:
@perfectingpink (using pink as an example, I hope she doesn’t mind)

(Oh and I also love the alert when someone quotes you! Who knows how many replies to questions I’ve missed over the years!
Hi, how do I post the old :gasp: emoji? Can anyone help please advise? Tia. (I need it ASAP in another thread lol)

PS: Loving the new forum!!! My favorite feature I think is this:
@perfectingpink (using pink as an example, I hope she doesn’t mind)

(Oh and I also love the alert when someone quotes you! Who knows how many replies to questions I’ve missed over the years!

You can copy and paste one of these emojis.

smileys emoticons | Emoticoner.com
Hi, how do I post the old :gasp: emoji? Can anyone help please advise? Tia. (I need it ASAP in another thread lol)

PS: Loving the new forum!!! My favorite feature I think is this:
@perfectingpink (using pink as an example, I hope she doesn’t mind)

(Oh and I also love the alert when someone quotes you! Who knows how many replies to questions I’ve missed over the years!
Do you mean this? Or was it different?
Dear Websleuths Members and Guests,

Welcome to our new look everyone.

If you would like to go back and read threads 1,2, and 3 they are listed at the bottom of this post.

From now on anyone who is rude, demanding, makes snide comments or is overall being a jerk will be timed-out of banned. If you do not know what being a jerk entails then I don't know what to tell you.

I was sickened by how our tech guy Dave was treated on a previous thread by a group of posters. This thread is not for you to continually bi*** about Websleuths.

Bi*** about us BEHIND our backs like everyone else :p

We love what we do and we want to make the Websleuths experience as pleasant as possible but please remember how you feel when someone complains about you when you are doing the best you can.

OK so, below is the description of how to use our new version of private messages. This is a great way to discuss something off topic with a group of Websleuths posters without leaving the site.


The first thing you should try is our new way of sending Private Messages. PM's are now called "Conversations". You can invite up to 20 other people (with you equals 6 people on a conversation) and the conversation looks exactly like a thread on a public forum. However, it is not public, no one in management can see it, and the only people who can read the conversation are those who are actually participating.

About your timeouts;

Your timeouts are all done by a point system. This will take away any guesswork.

You are allowed up to 5 points in a 30 day period before you are timed out. The timeout length depends on the number of points you end up. Say you have 4 points and you do something really horrible like call someone stupid. Calling someone stupid could be worth 4 points. Now all of a sudden you have 8 points and that means you get a 5 day time out.

Please do not hold me to these exact numbers. I'm trying to remember and to be honest, my memory sucks more than a sucker fish in a sucking contest.

You will get warnings and your warning is assigned a point value. Let's say being snarky is two points. Those two points will stay on your username for 30 days then the points drop off.

No one should be getting any points right?

Please remember if you get 5 points or more in 30 days then you are timed out for three days. As the points against you go up so does the time you spend I timeout.
You can solve the problem of being timed out by behaving and reading our Terms of Service.

There is more to tell you and I'll be coming back and answering any questions you may have.

We ask for your patience as we are all on a learning curve here.

Finally, thanks to Dave our IT guy for doing such a good job and making sure everything runs smoothly!

OK fire away my true crime angels.

Welcome Thread # 1
Welcome Thread # 2
Welcome Thread #3
(Oh it was MUCH different. This was the big boy bad boy of all WS emojis. It was a BIG green head that moved back and forth with his eyes and tongue popping out. If it got busted out, it was maaajor lol. Thank you though anyway Flossy!!!!)

Katy might know:
Hi Tricia,
Thanks for the new thread and guidelines. This transition has clearly been a rough time for you, Dave and WSers. Here’s hoping for smooth sailing ahead.

I have a couple of questions about things I’m still not clear about. I realize you couldn’t cover all our repeated questions in this intro, so I hope it’s OK to ask again. :)

You said:

“This thread is to be used for comments about Websleuths and suggestions on things that are broken that we don't know about. Perhaps you have a recommendation that will make things easier for everyone you would like to share. Feel free to do so.”

Part of the impatience on both sides on the previous threads arose because we don’t know what Dave doesn’t know is broken and needs to know. It’s not always possible to go back and read pages and pages to figure it out. So things kept being repeated out of a desire to be helpful or because the situation wasn’t clear. Dave got frustrated and so did we. Someone brilliant suggested a banner to communicate what Dave is working on, so we don’t inadvertently tell him stuff he already knows. I’m not sure if it’s possible to implement that, but clear communication is the key to preventing frustration on both sides. I can assure you and Dave that people taking the time to post truly want the best for WS.

Next question: I’m still confused about time-outs. I’ve only had two in over 11,000 posts, so I’m not in the habit of breaking TOS. But you have said that 5 points in a month will get you a TO. As I’ve mentioned before, my only time out on this new system was for 4 points and I was not told I was on TO until I tried to post. It lasted 3 days. That doesn’t match with what you explained:

“Your timeouts are all done by a point system. This will take away any guesswork.

Please remember if you get 5 points or more in 30 days then you are timed out for three days. As the points against you go up so does the time you spend I timeout.
You can solve the problem of being timed out by behaving and reading our Terms of Service.”

Although I don’t plan to get a TO, I’m sure I’m not alone in wanting clarity. :)

That’s all for now. Thanks for being open to questions and comments.
It's not "broken" as such, but what @Lilibet suggested about having mods in other areas (not just the US) might stop people outside of the US from feeling like they cannot contribute as the only time they can get online is when the threads are closed while the US sleeps...

I'm not sure if it's ok to suggest that here, @Tricia?
The support ticket system introduced in the beta version seemed to function well as a trouble shooting method allowing users and tech staff to singularly focus on featured issue. Once malfunction is reported, the support ticket is automatically assigned. Tech confirms acknowledgement and members feel heard. Once resolution or professional advisement is determined and posted, effective communication continues.
The support ticket system introduced in the beta version seemed to function well as a trouble shooting method allowing users and tech staff to singularly focus on featured issue. Once malfunction is reported, the support ticket is automatically assigned. Tech confirms acknowledgement and members feel heard. Once resolution or professional advisement is determined and posted, effective communication continues.

Yes! I remember it took us a while to get used to "no discussion" there, but ince we got the hang of it I thought it was working well.

@WS Admin, and @Tricia, could we consider having a thread like the "Support Ticket" that we had with Beta? It seems that could help with tech issues and you wouldn't have to wade through the chatter when we try to share our issues here. I think Imstilla has hit on a useful tool for everyone. What do you think?
The support ticket system introduced in the beta version seemed to function well as a trouble shooting method allowing users and tech staff to singularly focus on featured issue. Once malfunction is reported, the support ticket is automatically assigned. Tech confirms acknowledgement and members feel heard. Once resolution or professional advisement is determined and posted, effective communication continues.

What a great idea! Communication is the key, which involves people being heard. This sounds way more organized than a discussion thread.

I didn’t do beta testing so I didn’t know about “support tickets.” That would be much more helpful than an information banner (which could still be used to inform about big issues.)

One questions though: Did those support tickets go to Dave or the software tech staff? There’s a big difference between one person and a staff. There would still be redundancy, but for just one person to handle. It seems that Dave would need someone to sift through tickets, record them and communicate while he does the tech work. Maybe I don’t quite understand how it worked.
At the time of Beta testing the facilitator was identified as WSAdmin which I’ve always assumed (I think correctly) was/is Dave. The support ticket system communication had no dissention involved. It was factual interaction which resulted in progress. There were no interruptions of non-applicable comments or those made for audience affect. Perhaps some indicator of status or chain of priority could be categorized.

While awaiting responses, most users suddenly discovered the conversation addition. This mechanism brought members together in related experiences. The most important aspect of the replies back and forth usually brought the comradery in helping one another. We usually solved our own problems, leaving Dave to solve the most crucial problems. I also don’t remember a lot of whining or b******* between us. Frustration was involved, for sure and it was nice to blow off a little steam. What I do remember is the laughter and the focus of the convos. We found a way to help ourselves and the site as a whole entity. It’s worth a try. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
At the time of Beta testing the facilitator was identified as WSAdmin which I’ve always assumed (I think correctly) was/is Dave. The support ticket system communication had no dissention involved. It was factual interaction which resulted in progress. There were no interruptions of non-applicable comments or those made for audience affect. Perhaps some indicator of status or chain of priority could be categorized.

While awaiting responses, most users suddenly discovered the conversation addition. This mechanism brought members together in related experiences. The most important aspect of the replies back and forth usually brought the comradery in helping one another. We usually solved our own problems, leaving Dave to solve the most crucial problems. I also don’t remember a lot of whining or b******* between us. Frustration was involved, for sure and it was nice to blow off a little steam. What I do remember is the laughter and the focus of the convos. We found a way to help ourselves and the site as a whole entity. It’s worth a try. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Sounds perfect! Yes, that was Dave. So if the ticket system can be done once beta testing is over, it seems like a great solution.
What a great idea! Communication is the key, which involves people being heard. This sounds way more organized than a discussion thread.

I didn’t do beta testing so I didn’t know about “support tickets.” That would be much more helpful than an information banner (which could still be used to inform about big issues.)

One questions though: Did those support tickets go to Dave or the software tech staff? There’s a big difference between one person and a staff. There would still be redundancy, but for just one person to handle. It seems that Dave would need someone to sift through tickets, record them and communicate while he does the tech work. Maybe I don’t quite understand how it worked.
Just another note. Duplicates were quickly combined or noted. I agree it would entail dedicated staff or moderators to assist. I really think the foundation is readily available. It’s the complicated logistics that the system would have to build upon.
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