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Thank you moderator for the edit. I don’t really know exactly about those kind of things. Thank you for the protection. I’m trying to help but don’t always succeed.
Is it not about 8:15am Mountain Time? Wondering why Shanann's thread is still closed when @Tricia said it would open at about 7:15am MT. I've been waiting all day here in Europe for you all to wake up so I post on that thread! :) Not complaining, just wanting to know when it might open......
Niner and everyone I am so sorry. I thought I set my alarm but actually didn't. I made the alarm in my phone and forgot to hit "save". I am a walking mess of mistakes I swear. LOL.
Won't happen again. Please accept my apology. :)
Niner and everyone I am so sorry. I thought I set my alarm but actually didn't. I made the alarm in my phone and forgot to hit "save". I am a walking mess of mistakes I swear. LOL.
Won't happen again. Please accept my apology. :)
Tricia, this may not be the place or time. Feel free to delete. But I really gotta give it up to you. Your sometimes divisive personality always rings you as a true caring, loving individual when you speak out. You keep it real! I like that. The crazy thing about it is: we’re all so different. We all hold different aspirations, goals, dreams, and wants. Yet, every time we’re together, it’s like we’re all on the same page. In regards to our differences, there’s always been an old saying, “opposites attract.” Apology accepted.
Niner and everyone I am so sorry. I thought I set my alarm but actually didn't. I made the alarm in my phone and forgot to hit "save". I am a walking mess of mistakes I swear. LOL.
Won't happen again. Please accept my apology. :)

Apology accepted! :D And you don't need to really apologize! I figured you were busy somewhere else that needed your attention! :)
I am aware of issues this morning. Currently traffic records set just yesterday are being shattered. Since true errors are very very rare at this time I am going to leave it alone. I will be monitoring the speeds and the errors. and will make adjustments when required. I want to avoid shutting the site down for reboots while so many are online. If the need arises I WILL NOT BE GIVING ADVANCED NOTICE.

Thank you for the response, Dave. I can't recall if/when we had 3,000 at one time before. It has to have been a long time. Ir is this a new record fro WS? Just curious what the most has ever been. I don't think it shows on this new setup, but it was on the old.
Thank you for the response, Dave. I can't recall if/when we had 3,000 at one time before. It has to have been a long time. Ir is this a new record fro WS? Just curious what the most has ever been. I don't think it shows on this new setup, but it was on the old.
Where did it show up on the old?
I do not pay too much attention to those numbers, for myself they are not important. I can tell you that when I first started about 4 years ago taking care of WS it was not uncommon to see over 4000, but that was when WS was under "attack" from bots and bot traffic is not as server hungry as real traffic.

To put things in proper perspective, page views (real traffic) today are 10 times what they were in early to mid July
I do not pay too much attention to those numbers, for myself they are not important. I can tell you that when I first started about 4 years ago taking care of WS it was not uncommon to see over 4000, but that was when WS was under "attack" from bots and bot traffic is not as server hungry as real traffic.

To put things in proper perspective, page views (real traffic) today are 10 times what they were in early to mid July

Thank you! That's very interesting. (It's hard to remember back that far. ) page views 10x what they were a month ago! That's amazing. Kind of nice to see the numbers like this. Puts things in a new perspective for me. Thanks Dave.
Sorry to just barge my way in:
TN - TN - Kailaigh Roerdink, 17, Knoxville, TN, 30 July 2018

Bumping. I know we’re all probably a little overloaded and weary from the news today. But...this poor mother needs our help. If anyone can’t sleep, can you drop by and offer a word of support? This is one that we might be able to work together to help to make a difference. She needs help sharing posters. Someone that knows Facebook. The mother is verified and sharing every little minute detail she can to find her daughter.
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Question - @Tricia - re Mollie & Shanann's threads.

Was wondering "when" in the mornings these 2 threads will be opening up?

It seems kind of unfair for us in Europe & beyond to be locked out of these threads. I know "why" they are closed - too much TOS being done - ??

I wouldn't complain if I still lived in California.... :(
Question - @Tricia - re Mollie & Shanann's threads.

Was wondering "when" in the mornings these 2 threads will be opening up?

It seems kind of unfair for us in Europe & beyond to be locked out of these threads. I know "why" they are closed - too much TOS being done - ??

I wouldn't complain if I still lived in California.... :(
It does seem kinda unfair to our intercontinental loyal faithful WS friends and members. The compassionate investment of these faraway members knows no boundaries and extends across the world. I wish there was a way to accommodate them. They are integral to complete this forum.
It does seem kinda unfair to our intercontinental loyal faithful WS friends and members. The compassionate investment of these faraway members knows no boundaries and extends across the world. I wish there was a way to accommodate them. They are integral to complete this forum.

YEA! What she said! :D Must be a way to accommodate us too.... ;)
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