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Dear Websleuths Members and Guests,

We have looked forward to this day for a long time.

We just delivered a brand new bouncing software platform with all kinds of cool things we could only dream about before.

Please do not get scared. Almost everything is the same and those things that have changed have changed for the better.

The first thing you should try is our new way of sending Private Messages. PM's are now called "Conversations". You can invite up to 5 other people (with you equals 6 people on a conversation) and the conversation looks exactly like a thread on a public forum. However, it is not public, no one in management can see it, and the only people who can read the conversation are those who are actually participating.

One of the biggest changes is going to be how we handle putting members on timeout.

Your timeouts are all done by a point system. This will take away any guesswork.

You are allowed up to 5 points in a 30 day period before you are timed out. The time out length depends on the amount of points you end up. Say you have 4 points and you do something really horrible like call someone stupid. Calling someone stupid could be worth 4 points. Now all of a sudden you have 8 points and that means you get a 5 day time out.

Please do not hold me to these exact numbers. I'm trying to remember and to be honest, my memory sucks more than a sucker fish in a sucking contest.

You will get warnings and your warning is assigned a point value. Let's say being snarky is two points. Those two points will stay on your user name for 30 days then the points drop off.

No one should be getting any points right?

Please remember if you get 5 points or more in 30 days then you are timed out for three days. As the points against you go up so does the time you spend I timeout.
You can solve the problem of being timed out by behaving and reading our Terms of Service.

There is more to tell you and I'll be coming back and answering any questions you may have.

We ask for your patience as we are all on a learning curve here.

Finally, thanks to Dave our IT guy for doing such a good job and making sure everything ran smoothly and he was able to get us up and running 24 hours earlier than expected.

OK fire awa y my true crime angels.

Please tell me there is a way to change the color settings. These are horrendous and bother my eyes. This is why I always used the WS2016 color scheme and never used tapa-whatever. HELP!
I apologize if these questions have been answered -- I can't find a way to search just this thread. :(:confused: So I guess that's my first question: how do I do that?

Question 2: Is there a way to unwatch threads without having to literally click on each thread and then click "unwatch"??? This could take me forever.

Search a thread? What does that mean? Could you please give an example. Then when your question is answered hopefully I get it lol.

As to question 2.....yes need answer to that one or would one want to delete that thread for easier retrieval. I have no idea what for sure I'm even asking. Whewie I feel like I'm back in school with the need to take lots of notes. I am determined to learn this software this time I guess.
Also this is basic but what does "Mark forums read" mean. Is there a way to see all new posts coming regardless of whether I am subscribed (watching) or not. I liked on taptalk how an image that was last posted in a thread was above each thread when they were listed. It helped me personalize the victim by seeing their face or for remembering which cases I follow as a visual image (a document or screenshot someone had uploaded) would be the image next to the case for awhile and I could say- oh yeah, that is the case about this or that. It was good for us who are visual learners. For example, I have an easier time remember a user when their avatar stays the same for some time- I remember their personality and type of posting in connection to that image. Rambling.
Search a thread? What does that mean? Could you please give an example. Then when your question is answered hopefully I get it lol.
For instance, you remember somebody mentioning cupcakes in this thread a couple of days ago (note: this may or may not have actually happened). On the previous site, you could search just this thread for the word "cupcakes" and find all the posts containing that word. ETA: To clarify, I can find a way to search ALL threads, but not just one.
Watched forums "you are not watching any". Huh? Right now I'm watching this one lol. So how do I add?

:) You have to choose “watch thread” in blue at the top right of the thread. A forum consists of several threads, so you would go to that forum (Teresa Sievers for example) and click “watch forum” the same way.
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Whoa! This is quite the change...but I am finding it all good so far and I think the softer colors will be better for reading late at night without making things worse for us insomniacs :)
One quick question: Is there still a "search this thread" function? It used to be on a thread's top bar...near where the "Watch thread" now is...
Thank you Tricia for giving us this great new platform. Still lots I don’t understand but it will be fun learning.

I apologize if this question has already been asked:

When I copy and post a link to an article the url doesn’t post. Instead, the title of the article posts. Is this the way the platform works or is there something I’m doing wrong?
Please tell me there is a way to change the color settings. These are horrendous and bother my eyes. This is why I always used the WS2016 color scheme and never used tapa-whatever. HELP!
I find that interesting- how many people hate the color on here and how it bothers there eyes. I loved how clean taptalk was with its color, which is why I think I am responding this redesign. I wonder if this has to do with our eye register contrast over time. Personally, I never like using "night more" aka when the background goes dark. But, I know for some people this is much easier for them. I wonder if it has to do with ones ability to perceive a wide color spectrum, the brightness of the tablet or computer they are using, age, and vision (near or far sighted). I do believe on your computer you can change the contrast and brightness (as well as on other devices), so this might be useful, although it may be problematic if you are clicking back and forth from various sites.
I apologize if these questions have been answered -- I can't find a way to search just this thread. :(:confused: So I guess that's my first question: how do I do that?

Question 2: Is there a way to unwatch threads without having to literally click on each thread and then click "unwatch"??? This could take me forever.

1) In the upper right hand corner under "your name" "inbox" and "alerts" is a search box. If you click on that a dropdown will appear with options-- one of them is "search this thread only"

2) In the upper left hand corner it says "Mark all forums as read" this will clear all your watched threads out so you only see new posts in the watched threads without having to click on every single old one to unwatch.
Prefixes are being fixed as we speak. I also agree with all of the comments regarding orange on orange. That WILL be changed but it will not be for probably a few days. Sorry, A change as big as this creates lots of issues and they must be prioritized but I promise that color issue is near the top.

Not just the orange on orange. Also the black on grey just doesn't work, at least not on my screen.
ETA: To clarify, I can find a way to search ALL threads, but not just one.

I just searched this thread for the term “missing.” It worked, but you have to specify it is this thread only. Here is a screenshot.


  • B643F106-55A9-4D9B-817A-C69154594690.jpeg
    82.5 KB · Views: 13
I apologize if this question has already been asked:

When I copy and post a link to an article the url doesn’t post. Instead, the title of the article posts. Is this the way the platform works or is there something I’m doing wrong?

It is posting both the link AND the title of the article. The title is the link. Just hover over the blue title text and click. How cool is that? I like it. I was always copying the title of articles in my posts and now I don't have to-- one copy brings over the title as a handy link. :cool:
Great job. One ? There used to be a button at top of thread to go to end of thread and a drop down box to insert a page number to go to. That was how I could go to the end and figure where I left off in a fast moving thread like poor Lucas.

I am on an Android phone always.

Any hints or tips?

Thank you.
I guess I should have been a beta tester and I’d know the answer, :) but how do I edit a post and how long do I have to do so. I don’t see and “edit” button. Thanks!

It's below your post (after it is posted) ], in blue. On the left
Edit Delete Report
For instance, you remember somebody mentioning cupcakes in this thread a couple of days ago (note: this may or may not have actually happened). On the previous site, you could search just this thread for the word "cupcakes" and find all the posts containing that word. ETA: To clarify, I can find a way to search ALL threads, but not just one.

Wow! I'm surprised you would recall the discussion of cupcakes (aware that's an example) on that particular individual thread. Thank you didn't know could do that on prior, good feature. (I think my brain is fried lol).
You have the same time as you did at Websleuths which is one hour. Let me log in as my alter ego and I can tell you where to look to edit your post. BRB

Is there a reason for the time-limit? If not, can Edit just be indefinite .... so when we find horrible typos the next day we can edit ourselves; it would save asking a mod to fix a broken link or other piddly errors,

And why did this post of mine not come up at the end of the thread ? it is currently on Page 3 of 11 ... ???
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