Were TH and/or Kyron really at Skyline on Friday, June 4?

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I was struck by the fact that Mrs.Zimmerman's daughter has known Kyron for 3 years, since before all of the other kids in his class. Yet, we have never heard that she remembers seeing him anywhere near their classroom on that morning. We heard about what T. (supposedly ) saw,but not what she saw. Just seemed odd. And even more strange is the fact that now LE is ssaying that actually Kyron's SM was the last person to see him that morning. I don't see how LE could say that,if Kyron was really in school that morning. All of the kids in his class would have seen him,according to the timelines.KWIM ?

ITA with this.

If LE buys her story that she waved and left him walking down the hallway..then this statement would insinuate that there was not even ONE other person in that hallway. I find this quite unlikely.

Of course, there is always the possibility that LE just didn't choose the words carefully enough and really meant that she was the last person that talked to him/interacted with him.
Can we get a link to the one you're referring to? Just want to make sure it's the same one I think it is. Thanks!

Says emphasis on business law, among other things. I don't know they represent Intel. Could be the spouse of an intel employee for all we know :)

"Having my own children, including a 7-year-old boy, this especially resonates with me. Kryon Horman has been missing since Friday (6/4). He was last seen at Skyline Elementary School in Portland, Oregon. Please circulate and contact the authorities if you have any information. Below is an email from Kyron's father."

The email was a forward. So not sent directly from Kaine to the person who posted it on the law firm's blog ?
In the picture Terri took of Kyron and his project there is a little girl with
dark hair in the back of the room. Also it looks like an adult in a plaid shirt
could be standing next to her.
Do we know whether this child and adult have been questioned as to when the
picture was taken or what they may have noticed regarding Kyron?

When discussing pics, there needs to be a link to an allowable site. Link?
I didn't mean the text of the email was odd. I meant I don't understand why he sent it to Acker and Associates, a two-attorney-and-a-paralegal office. He mentioned Intel legal department, but that's not Acker and Associates. That's in-house and deals with all kinds of things, including international anti-trust cases, and I can't for the life of me think what Intel's in-house counsel would do for him. But it doesn't seem like Acker and Associates could represent him, if they're posting his email on their website. Mainly, I found it odd because there didn't seem to be any clear reason to send it.

I was under the impression that it was forwarded to them. The subject line says FW. Then it starts out saying something about an article similar to the one (name of person) forwarded.

Do we know for certain if the science fair was limited to Kyron's grade only or were others involved as well? I apologize if I missed the answer to this somewhere previously.

The reason I ask is because we need to remember that school opened earlier on this day than normal so I find it highly probable that there were NOT that many people around at that point in the day (8 AM - 9 AM conceivably).

Now, add to that the possibility that if the science fair was for one grade only or for even one class.....that would mean even FEWER people milling around at that point in the morning.
Do we know for certain if the science fair was limited to Kyron's grade only or were others involved as well? I apologize if I missed the answer to this somewhere previously.

The reason I ask is because we need to remember that school opened earlier on this day than normal so I find it highly probable that there were NOT that many people around at that point in the day (8 AM - 9 AM conceivably).

Now, add to that the possibility that if the science fair was for one grade only or for even one class.....that would mean even FEWER people milling around at that point in the morning.

Yes, it was for all grades.

Do we know for certain if the science fair was limited to Kyron's grade only or were others involved as well? I apologize if I missed the answer to this somewhere previously.

The reason I ask is because we need to remember that school opened earlier on this day than normal so I find it highly probable that there were NOT that many people around at that point in the day (8 AM - 9 AM conceivably).

Now, add to that the possibility that if the science fair was for one grade only or for even one class.....that would mean even FEWER people milling around at that point in the morning.

I took it to be school-wide because the classes broke into groups to go view the exhibits, and the school only has 9 classroom teachers for grades K-8. So if it was just for his grade, there'd be no need to go on a tour.
Parent Gina Zimmerman was at the school for the science fair, which she described as major academic and social event for the school where the day's events included an afternoon talent show.

She said Kyron is not the type of child to wander off. "He knows 'stranger danger," she said. "He's a really good kid."

Parents are shocked at the disappearance, she said, and have been calling to share concerns at "our little school where everyone knows everybody."

She last saw Kyron in the morning, when he posed in a classroom in front of his "red-eyed tree frog" science project. He was posing for a picture taken by his mother, whom he loves, Zimmerman said.

I'm really confused about something. Can someone tell me if I have this straight? ( In a nutshell......Kyron's teacher and/or sub noticed he was missing at roll call/when class started, teacher says maybe he's at the bathroom or getting a drink or something. Yet, he NEVER returns and she doesn't notice this? If she thought at that point that he was in the bathroom or the bubbler, he should have been back in 5 minutes or so.

Teacher didn't think he was going to an appt with SM, because she said he was probably in bathroom or bubbler.

Why didn't the teacher notice Kyron missing the entire rest of the day?
This is the link I've been talking about. Is there another one that's different?

Nope. Had someone ask me if there was more than one so I came in here to ask the experts. :woohoo:

Carry on! :D
ok i have a couple of questions

Do they serve breakfast at this school in the morning ?
If yes, I am not sure if all school do it this way
but my son has to punch his last four numbers of his ssn for lunch and breakfast
(this is the same weather you get free or paid lunch)
Did he eat breakfast ?

did the kids take there backpacks to there classrooms before the science fair
was his backpack found at school ?

This case makes be not so annoyed with my son anymore that I Have to walk him to class and have breakfast with him every morning
next time a teacher or Principal tell me i need to make him walk by himself
I will remind them of this case
I'm really confused about something. Can someone tell me if I have this straight? ( In a nutshell......Kyron's teacher and/or sub noticed he was missing at roll call/when class started, teacher says maybe he's at the bathroom or getting a drink or something. Yet, he NEVER returns and she doesn't notice this? If she thought at that point that he was in the bathroom or the bubbler, he should have been back in 5 minutes or so.

Teacher didn't think he was going to an appt with SM, because she said he was probably in bathroom or bubbler.

Why didn't the teacher notice Kyron missing the entire rest of the day?

I imagine it might have gone something like this:

"Hey, where's Kyron?"
"Dunno, he was just there. Maybe he went to the bathroom or get a drink or something."
"Where could Kyron be, he oughta be back by now if he went for a potty break? What on earth can have happened to him? Wait, didn't his mom say something about a doctor's appointment yesterday. Was it supposed to be today?"
I'm really confused about something. Can someone tell me if I have this straight? ( In a nutshell......Kyron's teacher and/or sub noticed he was missing at roll call/when class started, teacher says maybe he's at the bathroom or getting a drink or something. Yet, he NEVER returns and she doesn't notice this? If she thought at that point that he was in the bathroom or the bubbler, he should have been back in 5 minutes or so.

Teacher didn't think he was going to an appt with SM, because she said he was probably in bathroom or bubbler.

Why didn't the teacher notice Kyron missing the entire rest of the day?

That info came from an article that attributed it to a child, and I guess that's what we know. We know nothing of what LE thinks of this information. It would seem an incredibly strange (at best) thing fora teacher to do, if true.
ok i have a couple of questions

Do they serve breakfast at this school in the morning ?
If yes, I am not sure if all school do it this way
but my son has to punch his last four numbers of his ssn for lunch and breakfast
(this is the same weather you get free or paid lunch)
Did he eat breakfast ?

did the kids take there backpacks to there classrooms before the science fair
was his backpack found at school ?

This case makes be not so annoyed with my son anymore that I Have to walk him to class and have breakfast with him every morning
next time a teacher or Principal tell me i need to make him walk by himself
I will remind them of this case

I'm not sure about breakfast, but found this-

Before and after school programs

  • Community recreational league soccer and baseball, Girl and Boy Scouts and an assortment of after school art, chess club and other parent/volunteer-run activities occur on a regular basis.
  • We have a before and after school care program that provides parents with the option of dropping students off as early as 7:00 AM and picking them up as late as 6:00 PM. This is a fee-for-service program that is well established and utilized by many Skyline families.
per the thread title: yes, I believe they were both there that morning as per the science fair picture and witness statements.
Originally Posted by rosetattoo
I agree that it's unlikely the child is lying. That, however, doesn't lead me to the conclusion that his statement is just as reliable as the teacher's. There's lots of room in a child's mind for things to be misperceived, misremembered, or misinterpreted. He may be taking bits and pieces of conversations he thought he heard and putting them together wrong.

Originally posted by Oxymoran
I also wonder the extent to which the SM had contact with the boy's gran or even the kid himself. T's comments are almost to good to be true from the perspective of a future suit against the school. Kids at that age can easily be coached what to say with minimal effort.

Talking of coaching/auto-suggestion...I noticed that "someone" who thought she had seen Kyron pose in front of his exhibit on Friday morning at 8.15 am made her comments to reporters on June 5 after she had spent a lot of time with the family on Saturday morning

Following on from my comment about "someone" who thought she had seen Kyron pose in front of his exhibit on Friday morning at 8.15 am made her comments to reporters on June 5 after she had spent a lot of time with the family on Saturday morning...I also notice she used the phrase THE STEP-MOTHER WHOM HE LOVES

How many people have now used that precise phrase:

Gina Zimmerman
Carol Moulton

and a few others whom I'm sure some of you can name

Seems there may well have been some significant coaching!
The law firm represents corporate interests, could be the attorney was on the list of company employees this was sent. As far as the timeline, he may have been going by reports of people seeing kyron early that morning (and what LE was telling us early on, too).
With the email coming out on Sunday morning, the 6th of June, after the search had been on for some time, I wonder how much information (true or not) Terri had shared with her husband regarding the entire day of Friday, June 4, 2010; and possibly June 3, 2010.

IF Terri committed the crime and IF she had told Kaine anything, then this email may be based on what Terri told Kaine. Or, it could be full of lies because, by Sunday morning Kaine COULD HAVE KNOWN what Teri had done to Kyron, IF TERRI HURT KYRON.

This is obviously speculation regarding what Terri possibly did to Kyron, what Terri possibly shared with Kaine, and what Kaine possibly did with that information.

I find it hard to believe that Kaine would cover for Terri, but then, if Terri did this, that is even harder to comprehend.


Breakfast is served at the school. At the link, look on the left and there are links for the breakfast and lunch menus.

So, that means that school was open and accessible - especially the cafeteria and earlier than 8 AM. Most custodians are usually the first ones at the school in the AM - them and the cafe ladies - especially when the school offers breakfast.

Wonder what time those school doors were actually unlocked that day?

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