WESH: Duct Tape Info in the Document Release

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I agree with everything you said, especially wanting to wring her neck. Love to see what she looks like in Gen. pop after a couple yrs. and a few missing teeth. :woohoo:
But I guess I'm dense tonight. The plea from her in exchange for what? Are you thinking they're going to put the DP back on the table? If not then what does she gain by admitting and what would the offer be to her? They can't bargain and promise her LWOP as that's most likely what she'll get, so well please explain. TIA

sorry, yes, I assumed the argument was with the DP back on the table...otherwise, no plea. i agree.
How could there not be fingerprints on the ductape? Someone would have had to use their hands to put the duct tape around Caylee so I would think there would have to be some prints somewhere,
I agree with everything you said, especially wanting to wring her neck. Love to see what she looks like in Gen. pop after a couple yrs. and a few missing teeth. :woohoo:
But I guess I'm dense tonight. The plea from her in exchange for what? Are you thinking they're going to put the DP back on the table? If not then what does she gain by admitting and what would the offer be to her? They can't bargain and promise her LWOP as that's most likely what she'll get, so well please explain. TIA

I think most of the senior posters in the psychological thread would tell you that Casey will do fine in prison. (i think lol)
No fingerprints on the tape: environment in which the tape was exposed to the elements... submerged in water and jostled around during the submersion, I imagine would be a huge factor in washing away prints on the tape.

LoL @ the defense statement on LP: while I have long felt that he has lied and needs to go home, believe it or not, I'll give LP a break on this... I want to see the docs first, because this is the defense we are talking about... it is in their best interest to try to play down evidence and divert attention to anyone else but their client. But if it is true that LP lied about the fingerprints, I have these 2 sentiments: #1 Duh... not surprised... and #2 the defense has no one but themselves to blame for him being in the middle of this... LP was brought in via defense connections. They made their bed and now they can wallow in the mess they helped to create.
They don't even need fingerprints on the duct tape, if you ask me.

The fact that the tape was over her mouth and tangled in her hair is pretty damning evidence all by itself.

The sticker still seems like the worst thing of all, because it was put on after the duct tape, but before Caylee was put in the trash bag. And those stickers lead right back to the Anthony house, and that's as bad as if there were fingerprints everywhere.

I'm not even going to speculate about what else is in this document dump, but I'm sure it's going to be shocking.
IMHO, this case is going to trial no matter how much is at stake. Prosecution knows that too and they are spending their time prepping for trial.

I agree. I don't think KC will accept or agree to any kind of plea bargain. Look how far she took the charade of working at Universal -- she only stopped when she was LITERALLY backed into a corner! She may think that even if she's convicted, she could get off later on a technicality.

Also, she's in protective custody right now. As long as she's going through the trial process, she'll continue to be in protective custody in JAIL, as opposed to PRISON. She may think jail sucks, but at this point she's probably heard enough about prison to be shaking in plastic sandals. She'll certainly want to delay going to the Big House even if she knows it's inevitable.

Besides, a trial will keep her in the limelight. People will be talking about her and taking her picture and watching her all the time. Famous defense experts will testify on her behalf and she has a famous lawyer on her team. Men will see her and write to her to tell her how pretty she is and want to be pen pals. She can con them into putting more money into her commissary account. She may not like having her every move criticized, but she LOVES having all the attention. She's a STAR!

Then there's that whole believing her own lies thing ...
I just listened to the Wesh report and I think they are jumping the gun

I reckon the Source could be Padilla ! hes close to the case is he not ? And all that the Source said was " this is not good news for the defence"

In response to wesh stating that there was something in the Documents about the Tape

And lets face it That could be ANYTHING !
I think most of the senior posters in the psychological thread would tell you that Casey will do fine in prison. (i think lol)

I'm of that thought... Casey melds to her situations... being a pathological liar she knows how to manipulate. She'll do fine in prison... heck, I wouldn't put it past her to take up a girlfriend for her own pleasures.

Loads of people rely on the thought that prison will be a horrible place and payback... when in reality, it is what a prisoner makes it to be. There is a subculture out there made of entities from the prison world... and it is one that will make you sick if you really delved into it to see what goes on inside prison walls and how people on the outside willingly try to make a prisoner's stay as comfortable as possible, even when the prisoner is extremely evil and deserves nothing but retribution. Just be thankful that Florida doesn't allow prisoners to have their own tv... they do in SC... and some state prisons, like in Oregon, let prisoners buy and play video games. Seriously... it's a subculture where what is suppose to be punishment, plays out to look like some kind of convoluted and perversed summer camp.
Also, I am in tears- if this is true, its beyond great. KC can explain away everything, but if her prints/DNA are on that tape- that is DIRECT evidence that puts her at the crime scene.

There is no way to explain your fingerprints on the sticky side of duct tape without being physically present when it was ripped off. If the evidence does put her at the scene of the crime, there is no way to explain it without putting KC on the stand.

Which opens her up to probably the most entertaining cross-examination we could possibly imagine. (Not that this is entertaining per se, but seeing a liar confronted with her lies is sweet justice.)
(Bold mine) You're right. If her fingerprints, epithelials or DNA are on the tape, they pretty much broadcast, "Casey Anthony killed her baby!"

BUT--there are alternate explanations. Some may be implausible, but others might be almost plausible enough to spark some hope for the defense.

Toss in the ubiquitous "Well, there could be another person who lived at some time during Earth's history, somewhere on this vast planet, who had DNA similar to Casey Anthony's" reasonable doubt nonsense.

Cindy Anthony wasn't that far off-base when she said that "Science is just science." Before anyone vomits, let me say I am a scientist to the core--BUT there are an awful lot of people who do not trust it. (All you have to do is sit in on a science text book adoption hearing if you need evidence of this; I write science texts, and you'd be appalled at the information ---basic, noncontroversial information---people try to bar.)

Thing is, Casey is NOT OJ Simpson. She doesn't have fans. (Well, aside from the pathetic souls sending her commissary money; apropos of nothing, does anyone else find it positively brilliant that NG publishes their names on her show?) The public didn't love her before her heinous crime. She wasn't a football hero, or Mr. Hertz-Rent-a-Car, or even Mr. Semi-Pathetic Music Has-Been a la Phil Spector or Yesterday's , a la Robert Blake. She was a nobody, and the public's knowledge of her is solely as a babykiller. She won't walk on celebrity.

You can bet that ol' Jose's reflux/angina/panic attack/whatever was spurred by an, "Oh, ! Now what?!" But I don't think, for even a second, he believed...well, I was going to say her protests of innocence, but now that I think about it, she's been too stony to even offer any of those. So let's just say, I don't believe he genuinely believed that she "is as much of a victim as everyone else" (words, I believe, he used, when discussing with Casey the impression he wanted to leave with the public--NOT that he wanted her to spout verbatim during a recorded phone call to be released per Florida Sunshine Laws).

We're not dealing with the sharpest tools in any bench, defense-wise. But there's plenty of obfuscation to be done, and you can bet the farm they'll be scurrying to kick up as much dust as they possibly can, to cloud the truth.

Still, I have NO doubt that Casey Anthony will be convicted of first-degree murder.

But I don't think the defense will come up empty in terms of alternative explanations. And I don't think she'll plead; she has shown nothing to indicate she'd be willing to even entertain the notion. She wants to walk, and fully expects to. She's Casey. She's special.

I completely agree that cross-examination would be entertaining--in a sort of perverse sense of the word. My wildest hopes have her on the stand, being subjected to just that; my most delusional fantasies have Casey firing her team, a la Ted Bundy, and representing herself. Now THAT would be justice.

Forgive my 4 a.m. rambling!
What struck me was how little discussion there is about Caylee. And how much rarer it is to even here the little girls name spoken in those jailhouse tapes. Once again it's all about KC.

That's what bothers me the most, the lack of discussion about Caylee, the defenseless 'missing' baby. What makes it worse is not, to me, so much KC's violent objection to any talk or questioning of what might have happened - she is a sociopath, and I wouldn't expect her reaction to be anything other than disinterest in her baby.

The worst part to me is Caylee's grandparents not only comfortable complicity in not discussing their 'missing' defenseless grandbaby, but that they, particularly Cindy, go to the extreme of coddling and babying the adult who has the information necessary to find out what happened to their grandbaby. Every 'baby', 'sweetheart', etc makes me, literally, nauseous.

KC threatens her parents with tastes of her vicious, explosive temper, and her parents cower and stroke her in an attempt to contain the beast. A question I have been unable to answer in my own heart and mind is why and how George and Cindy are able to pour all that energy into coddling and containing the monster, and not put any energy into seeking information on what happened to their 'beloved' grandbaby. And remember, all this is happening less than a month after confirmation that Caylee is 'missing'!!! I can not reconcile it.

Supposedly Caylee's mother and grandparents know they are being taped, and don't want to give appearances of guilt or responsibility on KC's part that LE could use against her, and don't want to give the media anything worth reporting. BUT... do they not realize that their lack of caring and interest in what happened to sweet little Caylee is exactly both of those? As I said, no matter which way I turn, I can not reconcile this, other than saying 'this family is extremely dysfunctional, these people way outside the psychological norms'. That does not help my heart, which focuses on how all this impacts Caylee.

Thank God for LE, thank God for SA, thank God for the FBI, thank God for the forensic scientists who have developed the tests, so that precious Caylee's story of what happened to her can be told. I pray with every ounce of strength I have that these good people and science will find Caylee's currently silenced voice, let her speak and tell her story, and the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth of what happened to Caylee will be told!

Caylee may never obtain the justice she deserves through the court system, but her story can be told. As with victims like Nicole Brown Simpson, sometimes THAT is how their justice is found - that we insist on knowing what happened to them, that we find out who harmed them and how they harmed them, that their story is told, that we listen, that we question, that we seek, that we hear, that we tell, and that we feel for them with true caring.

Okay, that's my ramble for today :) I'm so glad to have WS and all of you so I have a place to let out these things that weigh so heavily on my mind, with people who understand and share my sadness and caring for these victims. Bless you all for being here.
I wonder if they also found fingerprints on the heart sticker or sticker residue left on the duct tape. Probably fingerprints on the bags as well. Could be some on the toys, etc

The tape has the advantage of having a sticky side. I can see where the heart sticker would have a fingerprint, but perhaps not the bag because it's not adhesive and it sat in water for some time. Fingerprints on the toys, it could be argued, were from two years of handling by KC.
I completely agree that cross-examination would be entertaining--in a sort of perverse sense of the word. My wildest hopes have her on the stand, being subjected to just that; my most delusional fantasies have Casey firing her team, a la Ted Bundy, and representing herself. Now THAT would be justice.

Oh yeah... I would take a leave of absence from work to watch that.

apropos of nothing, does anyone else find it positively brilliant that NG publishes their names on her show?)

I have wondered about that! At first I thought, well, anyone who says SODDI would certainly not watch NG... if I thought she was innocent, that show would drive me right over the edge. Then I thought that was probably exactly what DID happen... :D Someone says, "OK, enough already, Nancy! I'm gonna send her some money so she can buy MORE chocolate and see how you like THAT!" :D
Oh yeah... I would take a leave of absence from work to watch that.

I have wondered about that! At first I thought, well, anyone who says SODDI would certainly not watch NG... if I thought she was innocent, that show would drive me right over the edge. Then I thought that was probably exactly what DID happen... :D Someone says, "OK, enough already, Nancy! I'm gonna send her some money so she can buy MORE chocolate and see how you like THAT!" :D

If I could send a case of pork rinds - I might!!! LMAO!!!
Pork Rinds drive NG cRaZy!!!!!
Fingerprints no finger prints ? I have heard both
when will we find out which one and what .
Honestly, I am going to be really upset if there are no fingerprints on that tape.
Casey wasn't smart enough to put tape on Caylee without getting her prints somewhere, either in the bag, or on that tape!
I'm praying now..This really needs to be a slam dunk. I want her to be forced to understand that no matter what, she cannot be defended for what she done! I want her to confess and go ahead and be sentenced for what she done..
And I want it done today!!:mad:
This is unbelievable to me! How can there not be fingerprints, were talking duct tape here.

Is this some sort of media mind game? Or, is there something WORSE than fingerprints, my head is spinning!! aaaaaarrrrrrrr, make the anthony madness stop!!

I'm thinking this latest "source" was from inside the defense team..... My hinky meter went up when the article concluded with the quote from the defense spokesperson about LP.
I think most of the senior posters in the psychological thread would tell you that Casey will do fine in prison. (i think lol)

I am not a senior poster on the psychological thread, radio, but I don't know that Casey will do fine in prison. She is probably propped up against her pillow as we speak eating her pop tarts and licking her fingers. Then she will sleep some more and maybe read a bit. Then she has to have lunch - shrimp coctail - then another nap. (dreaming about getting her law degree and going into practice with Baez)

Then she starts to anticipate Baez' visit. She will try some new hairstyles, clean up a bit, and get her nice mattress pressed pants out from under the mattress to don. (yes, an inmates iron is folding clothing 'just so' under the mattress) She will decide what to have for dinner from her 'stash'.

Then Baez' will come along and bring his computer, and tell her just to be patient because she is going to beat this charge. They have such a good visit, then back to her private bedroom (cell).

She grabs a romance novel (and her chocolates) and gets lost in it with stars in her eyes. Just before she goes to sleep, she thinks, "This is really not so bad..........."

Now I really do not think that she will do fine in prison because that will be her first big dose of reality. SHE will be truly frightened for the first time in her life because she knows there are inmates there who would love to kill her and make a name for themselves. AND she may lose her temper with the wrong inmate and she will either be killed or at least spend time in solitary confinement. Casey will get the attention she craves with some adoring inmates because of her celebrity status, but she will also attract those that will hate her. She will long for the good old days when she was in the county jail and had loving attention from her lawyer and her own private bedroom. (cell)

I just do not think Ms. Casey will do well in prison at all. I am also confident that even if there are no recoverable prints on that duct tape, there will be enough evidence to convict her in the totality of all of the evidence.
I'm thinking this latest "source" was from inside the defense team..... My hinky meter went up when the article concluded with the quote from the defense spokesperson about LP.

I agree. Odd on WESH it's fingerprints and docs not released to the public till Wednesday or later, then in this report no fingerprints, docs to be released Tuesday and go away LP, sounded a bit bitter there defense.
I'm thinking this latest "source" was from inside the defense team..... My hinky meter went up when the article concluded with the quote from the defense spokesperson about LP.

That is why I am not quick to jump on it, no matter how much I dislike the man... I want to see the documents myself, not hear from a defense team that has an agenda to thwart attention away from their jailed client.
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