WESH: Duct Tape Info in the Document Release

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Honestly, I am going to be really upset if there are no fingerprints on that tape.
Casey wasn't smart enough to put tape on Caylee without getting her prints somewhere, either in the bag, or on that tape!
I'm praying now..This really needs to be a slam dunk. I want her to be forced to understand that no matter what, she cannot be defended for what she done! I want her to confess and go ahead and be sentenced for what she done..
And I want it done today!!:mad:

:eek: Yes, Mam, right away!
I'm thinking this latest "source" was from inside the defense team..... My hinky meter went up when the article concluded with the quote from the defense spokesperson about LP.

:wave: Shaymus,

Actually I don't think WESH ever said "fingerprints".
They said duct tape evidence in coming doc dump,
looks bad for defense, etc... things went from there.
Now, from the article I just read on WESH, there is no direct yes or no on the fingerprints... just a comment that leads you to make your own conclusion, without them having to say yes or no... this form of answering questions is a sneaky little way of taking liability out of their hands for the answer:

When asked by WESH 2's Bob Kealing if Casey Anthony’s fingerprints were on the duct tape, a source with direct knowledge of the investigation said, "This is not going to be good news for the defense."
When I heard Lee's words my interpretation was that he was pleading for Casey to come clean.

I thought then and think now that the "unconditional love" words from the family were to pave the way for Casey to talk.

People have been saying for months that Casey is too afraid of losing Cindy's love to talk. I think the words from the family were to reassure Casey that they will love her no matter what...so...TALK.


I think this is an excellent point. I was thinking that too. I their hearts they don't want to believe she could EVER do this. However, they KNOW and in their heads they're sure she did. So, they're torn, trying to love unconditionally and doing as their support system , the church etc i telling them will help them get through this, that it's ok to love thier daughter and NOT love or even like what she did, but they are showing they love her no matter what and also, trying to convince her as such so she will know they'll support her even if she comes clean and tells the truth.
I'd like to think I could do that for one of my kids, no matter what they ever did, that I would never stop loving them and stand by them with unconditional love. I don't think that has to mean WE, as parents, agree with or support their bad behavior or horrendous action, in her case.
I watched Nancy's rerun tonight and caught something that I hadn't even noticed before. When Casey was talking about who she wanted to come visit her between her mom, dad, and Lee she said that she didn't want it to be Lee because all he does is ask her questions and she feels like he is interragating her! She didn't want to talk to anyone that would question her about Caylee and what happened to her. And she especially didn't want to talk to Lee because he was trying to get her to tell him what happened to Caylee. Lee knows the truth I think and he was trying to get her to be honest with him.

Take into account that video was made in August, prior to her getting bailed out and spending time at home spinnning her lies and explanations to her family.
i think you are wrong....premeditation is not based on circumstance (when you picked up the bottle) but on intent...what you intended and when you formed that intent.

if your drinking and holding a bottle and someone comes into view or something happens and you just lash out, maybe even in defense, but your intent is not to kill, but something else.....not premeditated murder. but if the same thing happens and you've had the bottle in your hand but this time you form the intent to kill...that meets the standard.

(I think).

I agree with you, The act of going over to pick up something (bottle, knife, gun) shows definite premeditation. If the object was already in your hand, I think there would be a strong argument against premeditation.
I hope they enclose the description of the iron on letters in the documents as well..
I think they are C M A..
Then I think I can tell what LEE's weird eulogy was all about!

mydailyopinions - I want the same thing in the doc dump! I also think that the letters will be 'CMA' letters. There should be some fingerprints on those. IMO.

AND I think that Lee was referring to them in his eulogy. I also think that the 'promise' was to Casey letting her know he would never tell LE what he knew.

In the 1,100 pages to be released in the doc dump, there will be some heartbreaking things revealed, IMO. I think we will be heartbroken as well as even more furious than we are now.
:wave: Shaymus,

Actually I don't think WESH ever said "fingerprints".
They said duct tape evidence in coming doc dump,
looks bad for defense, etc... things went from there.

I just said that :) lol
Well we have media outlets with conflicting stories. One states that the prints may be on the tape and Local 6 states that they were not. We should know by tomorrow unless they were able to seal part of the discovery. So frustrating! Either they did or didn't...If the Death Penalty comes back into play I will assume that they did find extremely incriminating evidence. http://www.clickorlando.com/news/18728295/detail.html

The heart sticker... So, if the prosecution feels that the defense will not be happy with the discovery it could be that the prints were on the sticker.....I was thrown for a loop when I read the article with two conflicting stories but this theory would make sense if they didn't find prints on the duct tape. Maybe it was prints on the sticker and decomposed body fluids that were found on Casey's clothe..
her DNA is all over the Tape

have no worries

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i will go take a nap

now that i have settled that

stick a devils pitch fork in her, she will soon be in prison with her other devil pals

i hate her guts

AND I think that Lee was referring to them in his eulogy. I also think that the 'promise' was to Casey letting her know he would never tell LE what he knew.

And if this is what he meant, his sorry a## needs to be hauled in and charged asap.
I am not a senior poster on the psychological thread, radio, but I don't know that Casey will do fine in prison. She is probably propped up against her pillow as we speak eating her pop tarts and licking her fingers. Then she will sleep some more and maybe read a bit. Then she has to have lunch - shrimp coctail - then another nap. (dreaming about getting her law degree and going into practice with Baez)

Then she starts to anticipate Baez' visit. She will try some new hairstyles, clean up a bit, and get her nice mattress pressed pants out from under the mattress to don. (yes, an inmates iron is folding clothing 'just so' under the mattress) She will decide what to have for dinner from her 'stash'.

Then Baez' will come along and bring his computer, and tell her just to be patient because she is going to beat this charge. They have such a good visit, then back to her private bedroom (cell).

She grabs a romance novel (and her chocolates) and gets lost in it with stars in her eyes. Just before she goes to sleep, she thinks, "This is really not so bad..........."

Now I really do not think that she will do fine in prison because that will be her first big dose of reality. SHE will be truly frightened for the first time in her life because she knows there are inmates there who would love to kill her and make a name for themselves. AND she may lose her temper with the wrong inmate and she will either be killed or at least spend time in solitary confinement. Casey will get the attention she craves with some adoring inmates because of her celebrity status, but she will also attract those that will hate her. She will long for the good old days when she was in the county jail and had loving attention from her lawyer and her own private bedroom. (cell)

I just do not think Ms. Casey will do well in prison at all. I am also confident that even if there are no recoverable prints on that duct tape, there will be enough evidence to convict her in the totality of all of the evidence.

I agree with you on this. We all know how desperate she was to get out of jail before LP bailed her out. Nah, she won't do well at all. IMO
All I can say is this girl better not WALK- no way Wonder if any prints were found on duct tape if it comes down to they werent Caseys- then WHOS? Well maybe no prints or maybe prints, but something of hers may be on the tape- hair?
I've heard that said a few times tonight. What benefit to the prosecution would it be for her to plea and why would they even offer her one? In exchange for what? I'm not following it. :confused: Thanks

The benefit to the state is that they are saved the cost of a trial.
It seems like the duct tape evidence was just that it seemed similar to the tape that was on the gas can. I'm sure there's other evidence. Don't worry! She's going away forever!!! Poof!
I watched Nancy's rerun tonight and caught something that I hadn't even noticed before. When Casey was talking about who she wanted to come visit her between her mom, dad, and Lee she said that she didn't want it to be Lee because all he does is ask her questions and she feels like he is interragating her! She didn't want to talk to anyone that would question her about Caylee and what happened to her. And she especially didn't want to talk to Lee because he was trying to get her to tell him what happened to Caylee. Lee knows the truth I think and he was trying to get her to be honest with him.

I watched that, too. Maybe it's just that hindsight is 20/20, but reading btw the lines it seemed like Casey and Cindy were like people talking in different languages, with each not understanding a word the other says. Cindy still wants to believe that the baby can be found, but Casey seems to clearly know that "it's over, let's move on." George appears to be on the fence--not sure what to believe (back in August). And I think Casey chose George to talk to in private b/c she thought she could give him new marching orders, w/o being bothered for details of "help us find Caylee".
And of course, throughout, it seems like Cindy and Casey are both vying for the title of drama queen, with Cindy acting like a volcano about to erupt and Casey doing her pathetic tantrums.
Is it possible that at the time of that jail visit, maybe George already knew Caylee was dead, and Casey knew that he knew, or sensed that he knew? When George went to get the car, yes the guy at the tow lot removed that lightweight garbage bag with the papers in it, but at that time, no one dug deeper into the trunk, in the place for the spare tire, etc. Caylee was just a little 2-yr-old. Could Caylee's wrapped up body have been still in the car at that time? Could George have removed it in a panic, and maybe that is one reason for his feelings of hopelessness and depression?
I am not a senior poster on the psychological thread, radio, but I don't know that Casey will do fine in prison. She is probably propped up against her pillow as we speak eating her pop tarts and licking her fingers. Then she will sleep some more and maybe read a bit. Then she has to have lunch - shrimp coctail - then another nap. (dreaming about getting her law degree and going into practice with Baez)

Then she starts to anticipate Baez' visit. She will try some new hairstyles, clean up a bit, and get her nice mattress pressed pants out from under the mattress to don. (yes, an inmates iron is folding clothing 'just so' under the mattress) She will decide what to have for dinner from her 'stash'.

Then Baez' will come along and bring his computer, and tell her just to be patient because she is going to beat this charge. They have such a good visit, then back to her private bedroom (cell).

She grabs a romance novel (and her chocolates) and gets lost in it with stars in her eyes. Just before she goes to sleep, she thinks, "This is really not so bad..........."

Now I really do not think that she will do fine in prison because that will be her first big dose of reality. SHE will be truly frightened for the first time in her life because she knows there are inmates there who would love to kill her and make a name for themselves. AND she may lose her temper with the wrong inmate and she will either be killed or at least spend time in solitary confinement. Casey will get the attention she craves with some adoring inmates because of her celebrity status, but she will also attract those that will hate her. She will long for the good old days when she was in the county jail and had loving attention from her lawyer and her own private bedroom. (cell)

I just do not think Ms. Casey will do well in prison at all. I am also confident that even if there are no recoverable prints on that duct tape, there will be enough evidence to convict her in the totality of all of the evidence.

LaLaw do you think that when she is convicted and begins to serve her sentence that she will be housed as a protected inmate? (not sure what that's called). I was wondering because IIRC Susan Smith is housed that way to protect her.

But then again I think Dahmer was too and they got to him. (the inmates)

Another thing I was curious about because I don't know anything at all about the prison system. I've heard that in male populations of prisons that a child-killer is ranked right down there with a child-rapists.

What about women's prison? There are quite a few women serving time for killing their own children. I wonder what the pecking order is with a child-killer in a women's prison.

Sorry if this is OT let me know and I'll delete. TIA for any answers I am just curious:)
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