WFTV - Some kind of protester tussle just happened?

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this is how i have felt about the protesters all along because some of them arnt protesting . they are mean and violent .and ive also said in a few of my posts sooner or later something like this would happen .. kids shouldnt be at this type of a protest because of how violent its getting . and they certainly shouldnt be allowed to cuss any older person out .. no way imho that is why kids act like they do now because they get away with sooo much more than we ever even thought of as kids .i wouldve been an imprint in a wall if i ever talked to anyone with that language older than me around my mom or to my mom for that matter .that kid shouldve been home in bed sleeping safe .. but no his mother is out there trying to make the headlines

And when the little boy said "and don't think I don't know what beer is 'cause I do." I didn't doubt him for a second.
IMO, this was the video definition of white trash. And mom thinks he learned it in school ? Because of the Anthony's ? OMG !!
I liked the way they zoomed in on the license plate, either the cops or child welfare will be showin' up on their door step soon, I bet.
"I know where my kid is." Yeah, right there getting his arm slammed in the door while you're cussin' up a storm.
Amity you have email!!!! lol
Maybe Granny is Zanny? Maybe Cindy is the real killer here?


Nope. Caylee is alive, remember? That would mean that Cindy has Caylee stashed somewhere to punish Casey. :waitasec:
CA ran toward the woman in the SUV.....I think she also accused channel (9) of paying the protester. As the woman left, she said she was on her way to the hosp. (for her son, I presume)

Noticed how the Anthonys have some fans, now. I guess I would ask, is the new high powered attorney paying them? And, how nice that LE has to be at the beck and call of she trashes them. Losers....all of them.

Poor Caylee....Bless her heart.

So true. If the Anthony family does any more to take up the time and resources of the authorities, I'm going to be paying the "Anthony surtax" on next years bill.

How freakin important can it possibly be to reinforce your yellow tape, around an area which is public anyway, at that hour???

If my dog were missing,
a lynch mob, the KKK marching, a nuclear transport, and knights on a crusade, all passing through my yard or in front of it....
could not distract me from looking for her!!!

Just watched the full-length video. Darn, the kid has a bigger mouth than the mom!

I said the same thing. I think that video is sad.

Even after the boy was hurt he had to still yell. Even yelled "I Hate You!"
now, now, now......can we say 'trailer' instead of 'white'. That's borderline racial. :eek:

Sorry, I hate when I discriminate against my own race, trailer was my first choice, but I have a friend that lives in a trailer and it didn't feel right.
Although one of my favorite sayings can take the girl out of the trailer park, but.......
I mean no offense against those that live in trailers, I did for awhile during my first marriage. I'm too afraid of tornadoes to live anywhere without a basement now.
And when the little boy said "and don't think I don't know what beer is 'cause I do." I didn't doubt him for a second.
IMO, this was the video definition of white trash. And mom thinks he learned it in school ? Because of the Anthony's ? OMG !!
I liked the way they zoomed in on the license plate, either the cops or child welfare will be showin' up on their door step soon, I bet.
"I know where my kid is." Yeah, right there getting his arm slammed in the door while you're cussin' up a storm.

ROTFLMAO! The irony!! :clap:
Cindy is furious because the woman called Casey a b**ch.....

She also called Casey a baby killer. Not as bad, I guess, in Cindys world.
I am able to put my arms around Cindy being involved in a cover up, I cannot believe that she harmed that child, JMHO, I have been wrong before
She said Kathi Belich from WFTV channel 9.

Channel 9 Reporter Kathi's bio.

More than likely, Kathi Belich probably got very close to the truth for Cindy - too close for comfort - and now Cindy thinks she is 'after' her.

I agree with what all of you have said on this thread - what happened should NOT have happened. But in a moment of rage, people don't seem to think logically and as a result, what you saw on video can be the result.

Though Cindy has every right to walk out in her own yard, she really should think twice about it (for safety reasons as well as health reasons) under the circumstances. My gut feeling tells me, however, that she likes to engage in conflict - she certainly does do it well - perhap she has had practice in the past. She really should GET OVER the caution tape and hammer though. She reminds me of the battery bunny that keeps hitting the wall over and over - Maybe it will click soon that doing the 'same-ole, same-ole' isn't working and maybe she will learn how to 'go around the wall' to see if that makes a difference. Meaning, maybe she will learn to leave the caution tape and hammer in the garage and also learn to stay in @ night considering emotions are running high. But, then again, my gut feeling is telling me that Cindy is clever and kinda knows the reaction it's gonna cause when she does make those late night appearances.

If you don't want to be in the limelight, then don't go putting yourself in it. I think the more conflict (drama) that is produced, the price of the story goes UP.

Also, church and cursing doesn't mix well either - she really should decide which one she wants the most. Putting on a show in front of the media is not cool - especially when you think you are going to gain from it.

I wonder what Casey thought about all of this? Think she laughed? Or gave one of her flashing smiles? Wonder if she felt anything? I doubt it.
Just watched the full-length video. Darn, the kid has a bigger mouth than the mom!

I just watched the whole thing too and am more appalled then I was when I watched the edited clip. I cannot believe the mouth on that child!! First those kids should NOT have even been there. Second, they should NOT have been allowed to speak like that! These people clearly started this confrontation, period. I noticed the news got the LP number. Sure hope someone calls DCF on her!
They do have the right to step out onto their own yard.. believe it or not. They also have the right to mow the grass and weed the flowerbeds, and other normal things. They SHOULD have the right to not be yelled and screamed at and listen to vile names being called them by these idiotic protestors. JMO.
The lady whose little boy was hurt during the altercation with Cindy is just as bad as Casey in my book. Poor little guy!
I think someone in authority needs to step in and stop these protests before someone actually gets killed.

Yes, I agree with you. CA and GA have the right to be in the front, back or side of the house... any time... day or night. We live in the USA after all.

This thing with the so called protesters , more like an ugly mob, makes me sick.
Some have been VERY peaceful and have the right to be called protesters, the others are just a hate-filled mob.

I hope that woman with the little boy gets called on bringing her kids out like that. Funny but the video I seen the camera came in close on her cars plates. If LE looks at that video they will know just who she is... She is one poor mother calling names at another poor mother... imo
I just watched the whole thing too and am more appalled then I was when I watched the edited clip. I cannot believe the mouth on that child!! First those kids should NOT have even been there. Second, they should NOT have been allowed to speak like that! These people clearly started this confrontation, period. I noticed the news got the LP number. Sure hope someone calls DCF on her!

Third, they should have noticed when they smashed their child's arm in the car door. Or at least when he was rolling on the ground in pain.
I can only imagine if it wasn't caught on tape that they'd be blaming his injury on CA. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried anyway.

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