WFTV - STRICKLAND filed complaint against Baez!

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JB = Tonya Harding. (She recently tried to pedal a book about her life and it totally tanked). No one is going to care about this smirky dude after about 2 years. It is doubtful that he can do anything to salvage his career now. He is sunk. Seriously sunk. I predict a bait shop in his future.

I don't care about him's hard to listen to him.....
So, if Baez has knowledge of nefarious things and is disbarred, can the prosecution subpeona him for a deposition? Heh.

I bet, in the privacy of his bedroom, Jose sometimes weeps. I bet he's starting to wish he never picked up the phone. Wishes he never heard the name Casey. Anthony or Dominic, really.

I'd almost feel bad for him if he hadn't been strutting through this whole thing. I just think he's only now realizing he's had a "Kick Me" sign on his back since day one. The funny thing is he wrote the sign! He just didn't know it'd get pinned on him.

Ole JB made the same mistake as the many who come close to the A's web...he listened to them and believed them like they were normal, moral, upright people. I mean they kinda look normal.
Ole JB made the same mistake as the many who come close to the A's web...he listened to them and believed them like they were normal, moral, upright people. I mean they kinda look normal.

And then they open their mouths....
What is puzzling to me, is why would JB send someone out to find Caylee's body? It certainly would not help KC's case. And if no individual is bound by law to report the discovery of a dead body, then how would JB telling DC to call him prior to calling 911 be in violation of anything? Work product or not, how is this a violation?

JB's representation of KC at times seems a bit dyslexic to me, but surely he would not want the discovery of Caylee's body prior to KC's trial.

It's all very confusing to me. Is there a way to find out what the actual charge against JB is with the State Bar? Where is that Sunshine Law when it comes to this? LOL
Thank you, but I mean Jose's legal trouble with the bar because it does somewhat relate to his defense of Casey. Sorry, if I don't make sense.

ETA I wonder if Jose will hire a newbie attorney like himself or will he get an experienced one.

IIRC jb already has an atty who covers the time thought hmmmmmmm----however, now I get it....

could any of these things relate to any of the co-mingling of counsel? They all seem like they are everywhere--I still remember that "meet&greet" atty thingy at the A's after the body was found....I know bc seems to be everywhere and anywhere--
What is puzzling to me, is why would JB send someone out to find Caylee's body? It certainly would not help KC's case. And if no individual is bound by law to report the discovery of a dead body, then how would JB telling DC to call him prior to calling 911 be in violation of anything?
Respectfully snipped. No, that's not a violation. No one is compelled to report a body. However, disturbing it in any way is a violation--which makes me wonder just what DC was instructed to do, should Caylee's body have been found.

Thank God that wasn't in the cards for them. I have no idea what led RK to the site--"daisy chain" or no--but it's sheer dumb luck that the PIs missed the spot and RK located the body first. While I think Casey would have been convicted without a body--the circumstantial evidence is so, so great---the remains, and the way they were treated, really galvanize the case.
Oh please no, not Weintraub...I can barely stand seeing her as a TH, let alone daily, all day, as KC's attorney! She is like a rabid dog with no one to bite! :eek::)
Have you ever seen her in action in the courtroom? She represented IIRC that Rabbi that had his wife killed some years back and I could hardly stand watching her work the courtroom. :rolleyes:
What is puzzling to me, is why would JB send someone out to find Caylee's body?

Maybe he didn't. Baez may not have known the body location before DC got ahold of that info. I think there are numerous lies in DC's official testimony. Baez may have first learned of the body location on Dec 11.

I am curious if DC ever did find the body back in November. He may have. He went back to that area alone a few more times after his initial visit with Hoover. He may have found it and reported that to others. He may have found it and decided to report that he didn't. IOW, he finds Caylee, but tells the Anthonys (and maybe Baez) that he didn't find her.

I believe that DC's story that the psychic provided the body location info is ultimately false. She may have been set up as a Patsy to transfer the information to DC. One thing is clear to me - DC did not want to go on the record providing the true origin of the body location information.
Have you ever seen her in action in the courtroom? She represented IIRC that Rabbi that had his wife killed some years back and I could hardly stand watching her work the courtroom. :rolleyes:

Gee...and I thought it was only me who has a serious dislike of that obnoxious twit. She just grates on my nerves....I have to leave the room when she's on JVM. I think she even comes before LKB in my book of irritating courtroom drama queens. JB comes in a close third.
Could this complaint by Judge S be about JB enabling communication between the A's and KC? Would the Judge be the one to make a complaint about this or would that be up to the jail. Maybe the second complaint came from jail officials?
Or, it could be that DCasey got his information from CINDY, who got it as a result of privileged communications between KC and JB. Notice Cindy and JB are awful chummy lately. And, CINDY said that she "had someone look at that area" already. I am thinking that the breach of privilege, if there is one, is actually JB giving the A's information. Even though they are her parents, they have no rights to KC's privileged communications with her attorney.

When the tape stopped rolling in DC's interview, he may have said "CINDY" told him not to call 911 (after her bad experience with that :p) and the reason he was worried that it might be privileged info is because she got it from Jose. I think if DC got it from Jose directly, he wouldn't "wonder" if it was privileged, rather he would know for a fact that it was.
Bold is mine.
But, immediately prior to going off record, detectives asked DC if the instruction not to call 911 came from anyone in the A household. DC replied "No". Then he said "I'll tell you, I'll tell you just who said it" (paraphrased) That's when they went off record.

I think he was wondering if he could disclose the information that Baez knew where the body was (priviledged because he was working for him when he found out) while divulging the instruction/communication he had with Baez in November (not priviledged because he no longer worked for Baez).
Wouldn't it stop or no longer be considered "work product" if he wasn't employed by Baez? The thing that sticks out to me now is how someone, and I can't remember who (may have been BC), threw Casey A.'s name into the mix. First he worked for JB...then he worked for the As...and Casey. Oh, I'm so confused!!

It was Hoover that stated in his interview with LE, that DC also worked for Casey along with the A's. He said he saw an agreement (although he didn't read it), signed by Casey.
I keep wondering if the charges have to do with obstuction of the investigation.. as in that the whole DC visit to the site was to set up a see the body wasnt there defence..
Knowing the body was near they sent him to a site that similar and close and not find the body.. so when and if the remains were found they could come back and say.. We searched that area and nothing was there.. .. They just didnt plan on it being videoed where it could be said see its not the right location..

They could have set up Hoover as the witness to the remains not being there.. and just didnt plan on him videoing the search..that way DC would have a witness to the remains not being at the site..

If they planned to set it up that way couldnt it have been seen as obstructing the investigation..??????
What is puzzling to me, is why would JB send someone out to find Caylee's body? It certainly would not help KC's case. And if no individual is bound by law to report the discovery of a dead body, then how would JB telling DC to call him prior to calling 911 be in violation of anything? Work product or not, how is this a violation?

JB's representation of KC at times seems a bit dyslexic to me, but surely he would not want the discovery of Caylee's body prior to KC's trial.

It's all very confusing to me. Is there a way to find out what the actual charge against JB is with the State Bar? Where is that Sunshine Law when it comes to this? LOL

Exactly. I strongly believe they want to win this case so badly that they would tamper with evidence. I do NOT believe CA wanted the body for a private memorial - it was no longer Caylee at this point. It was evidence against her daughter and I am most certain now more than ever that they were going to take that body and make sure no one else ever found it. The cojones of this group of people is beyond the pale.

KC told someone where Caylee was and before anyone else could find her, they went to investigate not really believing KC. When they didn't find her they maybe thought KC was lying, but surprise surprise good will win, not EVIL.
I am wondering if all the drama about the body finding (by KC) was not at least in part caused by her thinking the matter had already been dealt with.. she may have been led to believe it had been moved and hidden elsewhere, or destroyed. Then finding out it had not been .. no wonder she wanted to speak to JB promptly, if that were the case.
That could be why she reacted that way besides knowing it was her daughters remains she probably thought the evidence was destroyed
That could be why she reacted that way besides knowing it was her daughters remains she probably thought the evidence was destroyed

or perhaps due to the storms gone away forever.....since no one located it during any of the searches.....since she was in a body of water does the water flow anywhere or is it just a retention pond thing? :confused::waitasec:
But, if Casey DIDN'T tell her parents or brother and IF DCasey told the family and brought Hoover out to the body location, hasn't DCasey jeopardized Casey's case?.

If DCasey was the information source as a result of his loose lipes, Hoover tried to sell a video of DCasey poking and digging close to Caylee's body location.

What can an attorney do if his "agent" passes "privileged" information on to people who end up making his client look guiltier?

Nothing I know of points to any connection between RoyK and DCasey. So as of now the body evidence isn't in jeopardy.

Shouldn't Baez have made sure a P.I. that had privileged information about the body location was still his employee when the P.I. went out looking for the body? Whether Baez sent DCasey on that mission or Cindy did, Baez knew it was going to happen.

The answer is no, if the situation you describe in the first paragraph, above, is what happened, the court is not going to let DCasey's screw ups harm Casey's rights.

Though not directly on point per the facts we're discussing, my post here , and MiraclesHappen's follow-up post to mine, here, do explain the general theory I'm relying upon, which is that although DCasey AND JBaez, if he had any part in what happened, might have to face some very real legal problems of their own (calling malpractice carriers, anyone?) the court will not allow that to jeopardize Casey's rights.

FWIW (which is a grain of salt, if you read my signature's disclaimer,) it is my personal opinion that the court will ultimately rule that DCasey was no longer working for Casey's defense team as of the Suburban search in November. Call it a gut feeling. ;)
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