WFTV - STRICKLAND filed complaint against Baez!

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Excuse my sideways train of thought, but I am a tad bewildered so I'll see if anyone can help me out.

For the purpose I am assuming that the complaint is regarding knowledge of the remains location.

Okay so Baez knows and tells DC, DC is off to search the location, Baez is aware of his actions (possibly even requested them) since he advises against calling LE.

So - WHY bother searching the location? If there is no intention to report, what is the point of the visit at all?
Oh, and since it was a full month later until the discovery of the remains occurred, could the reason for the 'don't report' instruction be to allow further degradation of evidence?

KC was already indicted on 1st degree murder charges before the remaiins were found and prior to the DC search of the area ------- sooooo, would knowledge of the remains location become part of the 'discovery' process, or maybe concealing evidence, or even obstruction of justice?

If Baez is requesting LE follow up leads of a live Caylee, whilst knowing she is already dead be perpetuating a known lie?

I much prefer the simpler - KC declaring her innocence on the affidavit and Baez submitting it whilst knowing it to be false.

My question exactly. Seriously, what in the world is wrong with our society if the defense can find a body and not report it? That is disgusting on so many levels.
Let's hope that the SA has kept meticulous logs of these pressers JBaez is so fond of giving (or checks here for the official transcripts/copies of videos) and attaches a nice sampling of same to their forthcoming opposition memorandum.

If they haven't WS can help em out...we have em all!
Excuse my sideways train of thought, but I am a tad bewildered so I'll see if anyone can help me out.

For the purpose I am assuming that the complaint is regarding knowledge of the remains location.

Okay so Baez knows and tells DC, DC is off to search the location, Baez is aware of his actions (possibly even requested them) since he advises against calling LE.

So - WHY bother searching the location? If there is no intention to report, what is the point of the visit at all?
Oh, and since it was a full month later until the discovery of the remains occurred, could the reason for the 'don't report' instruction be to allow further degradation of evidence?

KC was already indicted on 1st degree murder charges before the remaiins were found and prior to the DC search of the area ------- sooooo, would knowledge of the remains location become part of the 'discovery' process, or maybe concealing evidence, or even obstruction of justice?

If Baez is requesting LE follow up leads of a live Caylee, whilst knowing she is already dead be perpetuating a known lie?

I much prefer the simpler - KC declaring her innocence on the affidavit and Baez submitting it whilst knowing it to be false.

Could it be DC turned on Baez due to frustration over not getting paid? Perhaps he knew information and was willing to go along with it until he learned Baez was not going to pay him for his hard work after terminating use of his services.
For some reason I'm thinking this might have to do with the inappropriate relationship between KC and Baez. DC witnessed the supposed licorice incident and perhaps he had some other kind of proof (love letter, etc) that he brought to the judge to help prove that JB would tell him to not call 911 cause he was in love with KC and didn't want this to hurt not only his client, but "his girl". Wouldn't that be grounds for Strickland to file a complaint?

He is not in love with KC, he is in love with this case putting him on the map and giving him international attention. He barely got admitted to the bar by the skin of his teeth after years of their rejection, and now he sees this case as a career making case, that is going to eventually make a lot of money for him. In my opinion that is what Baez is in love with. Boating with Geraldo: Exhibit A (obviously his wife was so impressed by it she posted the photos on her Facebook) LOL!!! So much so that he may very well have done unethical things, a leopard doesn't change his spots.
He is not in love with KC, he is in love with this case putting him on the map and giving him international attention. He barely got admitted to the bar by the skin of his teeth after years of their rejection, and now he sees this case as a career making case, that is going to eventually make a lot of money for him. In my opinion that is what Baez is in love with. Boating with Geraldo: Exhibit A (obviously his wife was so impressed by it she posted the photos on her Facebook) LOL!!! So much so that he may very well have done unethical things, a leopard doesn't change his spots.

His wife posted pictures on Facebook???
What kind of pictures? :eek:
His wife posted pictures on Facebook???
What kind of pictures? :eek:

The shirtless part is not what I am getting at, it is the Baez with a celebrity that I am pointing out, he is in his glory. The reporters were asking him about these pictures his wife posted, yesterday after his depos. He claimed he had no idea his wife posted these. I thought it was hysterical and not at all in his clients best interest that his family is trying to publicize the mileage he is getting out of this gig. I laughed out loud when I saw that!
Doubt it. DC had multiple phones with him during the searches, one of which was most likely to have been a pre-paid cell. Quite possibly like the one JB allegedly provided Annie with.

His personal phone will probably on have records for the psychic and calls with his sick daughter. :rolleyes:

Where did you get that? If it is true, this is very interesting indeed. I always thought she lied in her depo that she never asked KC what really happened and even the night that George and Cindy picked her up and brought her to KC to spend the night, they spoke nothing of it. Her photos show a very, very close relationship and she knows a lot more than she admitted to.
Could it be DC turned on Baez due to frustration over not getting paid? Perhaps he knew information and was willing to go along with it until he learned Baez was not going to pay him for his hard work after terminating use of his services.

Makes perfect sense, given what we now know about JB not paying the people who work for him, ie the expert witness doctor and the court reporter. IMO this is how he affords to defend KC with a "dream team" -- with promises to pay. Good luck on collecting on those promises!

I really hope DC has a little more conscience that JB and that he tells the whole truth about what he knows. If just one of these people would tell all they know, it could blow this case wide open.
I doubt that JB admits he is at fault for any of it. And it again leaves it all in Strickland's lap to clean up. Either Strickland does it for the clean justice of the case, or ignores it and leaves it open for appeal. Which seems to be the way JB is playing this. And it's got to be getting old with the Judge. Does the Judge have to take this? Does he have to keep babying JB?

To answer your questions, judges do typically allow attorneys some rope and do try to help them whenever possible. Why? As you say, it's because judges are interested in seeing justice prevail and that litigants get a fair trials. They don't have to do this though.

That being said, there's only so much patience one can have and the real question that I cannot answer, as I don't practice before Judge Strickland, is whether or not he has any patience left.

It has been my experience that once a judge begins making comments on the record exhibiting his/her frustration, such as the "this is getting old" comment Judge Strickland made during the last motion hearing, said judge is nearing the end of his/her patience level.
There are quite a few issues it seems to me, JB's possible involvement w/ instructing DC to not call LE if remains were found, JB's website which could be more of a problem than we know, JB's current judgments (owes $10,000 currently to a Dr. that I believe testified in his last trial). There are also the little tidbits of speculation that may be closer to truth than we know, a money conflict between JB and Casey (even though he denied this in court, I don't believe him). Given JB's past history with financial trouble, and his current behavior, I really doubt he will be a licensed attorney much longer.
There are quite a few issues it seems to me, JB's possible involvement w/ instructing DC to not call LE if remains were found, JB's website which could be more of a problem than we know, JB's current judgments (owes $10,000 currently to a Dr. that I believe testified in his last trial). There are also the little tidbits of speculation that may be closer to truth than we know, a money conflict between JB and Casey (even though he denied this in court, I don't believe him). Given JB's past history with financial trouble, and his current behavior, I really doubt he will be a licensed attorney much longer.

bold is mine

ITA! I believe a Haiku is in order...

The con man exposed
Justice will not tolerate
this fool J.A.B.

Since everything is out in the sunshine in Fla.. why do we have to guess why the Judge is ticked off? I mean really, what is he charging Baez with and how can we find out?
I have a question. Somewhere, it was mentioned that JB told one (or more) of KC's friends to either buy a prepaid cell phone, or, he gave them one to use to talk to her during the time she was out on bond (presumably so that the calls wouldn't be traceable). If he did either, told or gave, would this not be illegal - the attorney is making an effort to obstruct LE's investigation?
Makes perfect sense, given what we now know about JB not paying the people who work for him, ie the expert witness doctor and the court reporter. IMO this is how he affords to defend KC with a "dream team" -- with promises to pay. Good luck on collecting on those promises!

I really hope DC has a little more conscience that JB and that he tells the whole truth about what he knows. If just one of these people would tell all they know, it could blow this case wide open.

If the experts and other lawyers are 'dumb' enough not to receive a large retainer prior to coming into this case, then it's their own fault if they don't get paid.

I've said for weeks now, Baez KNOWS his gravy trail is soon to be closed because he can no longer be 1st chair in the DP case. There will be a different lawyer stepping up to the plate soon and Baez is trying to get all the media time he can, milking it for all its worth because his big payday is over -
that is unless he actually does decide to write his own book about this crime & the experience. But then KC should sue his hiney if he does because he should not be able to utter a word about anything without her approval 1st.

As mentioned on JVM Monday night - KC has hired the 3 stooges. And if Baez wants to line his pockets off a big case like this and money is his God, it'll eventually catch up to him. Clearly he enjoys the position he's in and seems to be unwilling to step aside and allow a "real lawyer" to handle this case>
If the experts and other lawyers are 'dumb' enough not to receive a large retainer prior to coming into this case, then it's their own fault if they don't get paid.

I've said for weeks now, Baez KNOWS his gravy trail is soon to be closed because he can no longer be 1st chair in the DP case. There will be a different lawyer stepping up to the plate soon and Baez is trying to get all the media time he can, milking it for all its worth because his big payday is over -
that is unless he actually does decide to write his own book about this crime & the experience. But then KC should sue his hiney if he does because he should not be able to utter a word about anything without her approval 1st.

As mentioned on JVM Monday night - KC has hired the 3 stooges. And if Baez wants to line his pockets off a big case like this and money is his God, it'll eventually catch up to him. Clearly he enjoys the position he's in and seems to be unwilling to step aside and allow a "real lawyer" to handle this case>

Bolded by me: I have asked this question before but never got a response.
The DP has been on the table for awhile when will a DP qualified lawyer need to be named as lead attorney. It seems to me since JB is not qualified to handle this case that there is no one in charge.........who does the court communicate with if no qualified atty is on board for the accused? Help.........pls..............
It may not happen until the actual trial, I'm not sure. What I do understand is that Baez cannot be 1st chair. Florida law does not allow him to be as he is unqualified under the laws & rules set out by Florida.

It is a matter of WHEN Baez steps down, not if. That much I'm sure of.
(cool avatar)
Bolded by me: I have asked this question before but never got a response.
The DP has been on the table for awhile when will a DP qualified lawyer need to be named as lead attorney. It seems to me since JB is not qualified to handle this case that there is no one in charge.........who does the court communicate with if no qualified atty is on board for the accused? Help.........pls..............

It is my understanding that JB can still handle the guilt/innocence phase of the trial, and will need a DP attorney to handle the sentencing phase of the trial.
It is my understanding that JB can still handle the guilt/innocence phase of the trial, and will need a DP attorney to handle the sentencing phase of the trial.

Well, that sucks. Sounds like he will still be in charge? I hoped he would back his mug up some. Just figured the "Showboating" would calm down.
It is my understanding that JB can still handle the guilt/innocence phase of the trial, and will need a DP attorney to handle the sentencing phase of the trial.

Actually there is some vigorous conversation going on right now as to whether or not JB can even be co counsel under FL Statutes, I will try and find the post (maybe it was muziman??) where the statutes for co counsel are listed out...and it is open to interpretation if JB makes it.
Since everything is out in the sunshine in Fla.. why do we have to guess why the Judge is ticked off? I mean really, what is he charging Baez with and how can we find out?

Call The Florida Bar. Seriously. They will tell you how many cases are opened on any attorney, the date of the complaint/s and the disposition of the complaint. As of yesterday according to The Florida Bar, J.A.B. has had three complaints opened in the past year. Allegedly, two were "closed" in 2008 and will be open for public viewing for one year past the closed date. Supposedly, these files can be emailed upon request.

Allegedly, the third complaint is "open" and I quote "going to diversion". Supposedly this third complaint can also be emailed to those who inquire about it.

You can call either the branch office or Tallahassee. You may get quicker turn-around in Tallahassee but I'm sure the branch office still has the file and will try and push you off onto Tally but they have the ability to do it as well. Supposedly they do the inquiries in the order they are it may take awhile to get your email.

Here is their website:

[Also wanted to note, this is THEIR JOB to govern the ethics of attorneys and to be honest and forthcoming with the public who inquire about Florida attorneys. Don't feel like you are putting them out with your requests.]

Another side note: If there is only one open complaint which may allegedly be "going to diversion" this does not sound too incredibly serious.
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