What do you make of Terri never speaking to the media?

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Before she got her attorney I don't think she kept her mouth shut. She just never had anything to say. Now she is smart and listening to her attorney. There is nothing she could say in her defense and most already know what her story is so there is no point.
What I don't understand is how she could go without seeing her precious baby girl in order to save her own skin.
well, it shows right from the beginning that she was only thinking of herself IMO
I think it clearly shows she has something she doesn't want revealed...whether that be about the MFH or what she was doing that day or her possible involvement in the disappearance of her stepson...? There is no attorney on earth who would convince me to remain silent at the expense of my not being able to see my child. There is SOMETHING she does not want known IMO.
I think she is very smart not to speak to the media. That one thumbs up the day she was served still rings in my brain.
I had always wondered why on earth her high powered and very expensive attorney didn't issue "at the very least" a Statement from her. Something saying "my client is innocent and cares deeply for her missing stepson" Did he release something like that and I totally missed it? I know he's answered by way of the filings in some ways but a statement to the press early on would have been a wise move. Why didn't he do that?
I had always wondered why on earth her high powered and very expensive attorney didn't issue "at the very least" a Statement from her. Something saying "my client is innocent and cares deeply for her missing stepson" Did he release something like that and I totally missed it? I know he's answered by way of the filings in some ways but a statement to the press early on would have been a wise move. Why didn't he do that?

Because it would be a falsehood?
The same thing as Casey Anthony never speaking to the media...GUILTY, neither ever personally made a plea to the public to help find their missing child. Each 'mother' KNEW where the child was hidden and each 'mother' was the last known person to be with the child. jmo
I had always wondered why on earth her high powered and very expensive attorney didn't issue "at the very least" a Statement from her. Something saying "my client is innocent and cares deeply for her missing stepson" Did he release something like that and I totally missed it? I know he's answered by way of the filings in some ways but a statement to the press early on would have been a wise move. Why didn't he do that?

I know Houze has called the media frenzy surrounding this case a "witch hunt" before. I believe he also made some comments one of the first days they were in court about the domestic matters. I can't remember what he said but I think there is video of it somewhere.

Houze has made public statements in other cases but I think it's very interesting that a 2003 Portland Tribune story on Houze quoted a local deputy DA saying that he's "noticed over the years that (Houze) doesn’t say much when his client wouldn’t benefit from publicity". Obviously Houze thinks that staying silent is the best strategy and he's supposedly one of the best in the business in the Pacific Northwest.
Before she got her attorney I don't think she kept her mouth shut. She just never had anything to say. Now she is smart and listening to her attorney. There is nothing she could say in her defense and most already know what her story is so there is no point.
What I don't understand is how she could go without seeing her precious baby girl in order to save her own skin.

Hi there, ITA that after she hired Houze we heard nothing more.

But within 2 days of Kyron going missing {if my memory serves me correctly} she did write an email about what went on that day. That mail was picked up from a source by KOIN TV and made public. And we did learn many things from it, of course not knowing if all she said was the truth :banghead:

I know Houze has called the media frenzy surrounding this case a "witch hunt" before. I believe he also made some comments one of the first days they were in court about the domestic matters. I can't remember what he said but I think there is video of it somewhere.

Houze has made public statements in other cases but I think it's very interesting that a 2003 Portland Tribune story on Houze quoted a local deputy DA saying that he's "noticed over the years that (Houze) doesn’t say much when his client wouldn’t benefit from publicity". Obviously Houze thinks that staying silent is the best strategy and he's supposedly one of the best in the business in the Pacific Northwest.

Thanks for that link to the P Tribune story Chili Fries. It really told the tale about the quality and tone of the defense she has.
It's easy to sit here and say I would do this or I would do that but really until you have walked in someone else's shoes, you really don't know what you would do. I also think life experience has a lot to do with things. For example, god forbid I found myself in her situation and I knew I was 100% innocent, I still might not say anything even if it meant losing precious time from my child. Here is the reason, I have worked for lawyers for over 30 years and have witnessed a lot of things and I can tell you that just because you are innocent doesn't mean you will be found not guilty. I have seen prosecutors try to get defendants to plead to charges that had nothing to do with the original charge because they couldn't prove the original charge but wanted them to plead guilty for something. I have seen police and lawyers twist people's words and comments to suit their case and even though we are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty it does not always work that way. I would bet Terri is following her attorney's advice and I think it is very good advice. Of course, people would think bad of her if she talked or if she didn't. I don't know if she is guilty or not but either way, I can completely see and completely agree that she is extremely wise to keep her mouth shut. To me, she could be looking at it like be quiet now and possibly have a future with my daughter or speak and blow it and never see her again. It could be to her that the lesser of two evils not seeing her daughter sure beats life in prison. Again, I am not convinced she is guilty nor am I convinced she is innocent but I am convinced that keeping her mouth shut is a good thing. On the flip side, if I was Desiree or Kaine, and it was my child, of course, I would be infuriated and try to get her to talk but just coming from Terri's point of view this is my thought process. JMO
One thought I've had, given her past history and behavior, is that she interacted with wrong person or crowd, and that the answer in a word, is "fear".
Hiring an attorney and taking his advice, not speaking about the case, without an attorney present was the smartest thing Terri could do. She actually should have hired an attorney as soon as LE put her face on those fliers. I've always found it very interesting that she did not hire an attorney then, and that she went right along with the program.

There's a reason that detectives haven't arranged any more interviews with Terri and her lawyer, ya' know what I mean?

Same with Dede Spicher (who also has an attorney), she said she told them everything she knew, but it was NOT what they (LE) wanted to hear.
It might be smart, but it certainly hasn't bought her parenting time with her child or aided her reputation.

In my opinion, her not speaking may be smart for keeping her out of jail, but it screams loudly.

I wish that she would say something. Tell the world that you care for your step son and are on your knees every night praying for his return. Something.
I think the window has long passed where she can come out and say anything at all and get anything but more grief for it. No one will believe her and it would just create a #$%^storm without moving the case along at all.
Hi there, ITA that after she hired Houze we heard nothing more.

But within 2 days of Kyron going missing {if my memory serves me correctly} she did write an email about what went on that day. That mail was picked up from a source by KOIN TV and made public. And we did learn many things from it, of course not knowing if all she said was the truth :banghead:


BBM: Yes, she did write an e-mail and it was published by one of the news soures.


I believe that TH's SILENCE SPEAKS VOLUMES -- even BEFORE she hired an attorney !

If your stepson or stepchild is MISSING, a "normal person" -- "innocent person" -- would be pleading for help to the media ... but NOT Terrie !

Instead, she sends out an e-mail about her missing stepson Kyron. ANYONE can "HIDE" behind an e-mail, but it's another thing to appear before those cameras !

So if she really loved and cared for her stepson, she would have been pleading for help ! And remember, she had NO problem in front of the cameras at the body building contest she entered -- so I do not for one minute believe she did not want to appear before the camera. To me it's crystal clear -- she had "something" to hide.

There is absolutely NOTHING Terrie could say now that would change "My Opinion" regarding her involvement as to what happened to Kyron ...

This coming Saturday June 4 will be ONE YEAR since this precious child has been missing ... it is HEARTBREAKING !

Prayers for Kyron and that he is found soon, and Prayers for Desiree, Tony and Kaine !
It might be smart, but it certainly hasn't bought her parenting time with her child or aided her reputation.

In my opinion, her not speaking may be smart for keeping her out of jail, but it screams loudly.

I wish that she would say something. Tell the world that you care for your step son and are on your knees every night praying for his return. Something.

IMO....As Terri is a huge C.S.I., etc. fan....She knows the signifigance of Voice Layering Analyization. Her silence speaks VOLUMES!!!!!!

(If Kyron were my son....I'd be screaming from the rooftops for answers!)

How long can she hide out at her parent's home?
IMO....As Terri is a huge C.S.I., etc. fan....She knows the signifigance of Voice Layering Analyization. Her silence speaks VOLUMES!!!!!!

(If Kyron were my son....I'd be screaming from the rooftops for answers!)

How long can she hide out at her parent's home?

You are completely right, Beatrice, MOO. Her moves are intentional, and what does her life hold now? What are her plans? Does she have long term goals? What is she waiting for?

And screaming from the rooftops- YES. Totally.
If she is guilty - it is just plain smart to keep her mouth shut in order not to incriminate herself.

If she is not - it is just plain smart to keep her mouth shut as the general consensus is that she is guilty and nothing she could say will change that consensus.
If she is guilty, she can't talk without risking her freedom. If she killed Kyron, anything she did after that would just be the actions of a child murderer trying to get away with a crime so if she talked or not--it wouldn't matter.

If she's innocent, she can't speak without risking her freedom and her chance at custody of her own child. If she is innocent, then whatever she told LE is likely true to the best of her knowledge and anything else she might say would not add to what LE knows about the case. If she is innocent, clearly Kaine, Desiree and likely LE officials do not believe she is innocent and so speaking would be stupid, just adding ammunition to the effort to convict her.

It's not like TH and her mouth are needed to keep the case in the media; Kyron's birth parents have been the most effective public advocates. Because TH is a suspect in the public's view (whether she is so named by LE or not), anything she would say would be suspect anyway. And personally, I still recall the creepy video of her clinging to Desiree at an early event and I'm glad I don't have to look at that again. For me. that was when I decided that she was "off," whether she
was guilty or not. While conventional wisdom is that publicity helps missing children and adult cases, there are sadly many missing people for whom publicity did nothing but help family and friends keep busy and keep hope alive--and if a suspect is involved in the PR effort, it just muddies the waters.

So I am glad TH is keepimg her trap shut.
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