What Got/Keeps You Involved in Caylee's Case?

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Not much draws me into this case...Not anymore. I'm disgusted by the obvious miscarriage of justice here from beginning to end and am appauled that this whole fiasco has been allowed to go on as long as it has. I haven't "looked into" this case in several months and find myself here curiously looking to find out if ANYTHING has moved forward only to see that it's the same old bullchite as before. Florida should be outraged and rallying for changes to it's judicial rulings. This case and everything about it is deplorable! For crying out loud! A little girl has lost her life! Doesn't she deserve justice?

Good to see you again, Pink Panther! :)

With Budge Belvin Perry overseeing this case now, it seems to be on a faster track. I recommend watching a couple of the most recent hearings featuring him. It will give you a good idea of how it's going to go from now on.

I LOVE his immediate rulings. :dance:
Justice For our little Angel Caylee.

Now that HHJP is on board I'm feeling really good about how this trial will play out.

Caylee deserves this! :hug:
The friends I have met on WS's...
The continuous twists and turns in this case...
Naturally, a strong desire to see KC convicted and punished for her crimes...
An equally strong desire to see JB and co be forced to explain where they spent all of that money in defense of Casey...because it sure was not spent deposing any witnesses...
Finally, that a conviction in this case will lay to rest this notion that unless a murder is caught on video tape that the case against the defendent is largely circumstantial...
Oh...and maybe to see Andrea Lyons eat her words about ignorant jury members...
And to see JB finally held to task for his actions as lead counsel (that is vague on purpose)...

Justice for Caylee. And justice for all of the innocent people who have been harmed and/or had their lives ruined and reputations trashed all so Casey could thumb her nose at the truth...and refuse to accept her due punishment.
I only feel bad for the murdered child, that had the misfortune of being born to her.

Sometimes, in spite of how gracious the good Lord is, even He realizes he has made a mistake when gifting new life to undeserving people.

He corrects those mistakes by taking those gifts back within His fold.
At first, the 31 days caught my attention. Then, this so-called mother, who is a real life devil on this earth, killing that poor helpless beautiful little girl, and for what reason? Why? I read different reasons, jealousy, revenge, the child was never wanted, etc. To kill her, I still do not understand how a human being can do such a horrible thing to another, especially her own daughter. It is shocking and horrifying to say the least. I need to see this devil pay for what she did to poor sweet Caylee.:furious:
31 days drew me here. Wondering what KC/JB/CA/GA will do next, keeps me here. And of course, seeing final justice for Caylee.
31 days and Caseys lies kept me here. The fact that someone like her can
end this adorable little girl's life and then think she may even get away with it burns me.
The body laid wasteing away til nothing left but some hair and bones and Casey and "her boys" and another cpl. hefty ones on her Defense team are estatic because they can now
argue "what Homicide". So many months left watching the defendant primping and
pretending she's crying, writing notes to JB, and zooming in on her mother with her own show going on for the cameras. If in the end ICA is lead away for the rest of her life, it
will all be worth it. IMO
What keeps me involved in Caylee's case??? The same thing that kept me involved in Scott Peterson's case, not knowing how someone can snuff the life out of someone so innocent and undeserving.
It was my sweetie, in my signature line. I was walking by my TV one evening and I saw a picture of Caylee ( the one where she is on the couch with her little chin resting on her hand ). It stopped me dead in my tracks, she looked like her so very much!
Been thinking about this, and considering why I find Caylee's case so fascinating. I first heard about it by chance, flipping through channels at 1 am upon gettin ghome from work and landing on Nancy Grace, as she was playing the 911 calls. It was July, just as the story was gaining ground.
I work at night and spend my days with my 3 and 5 year olds, who were then just 1 and 3. Being a stay at home parent is rewarding but exhausting, and can fray one's nerves. My nerves were well frayed during the summer of 08.
I think that my fascination had to do with a) understanding, to a point, the difficulty involved in caring for toddlers and b) attempting to fathom how a parent of any age could "lose it" to such a degree, regardless of those difficulties.
Where I live it is very green, rainy and semi-rural, though nowhere near as hot as Fla. Here as there it would be easy to hide just about anything off of the road and in an overgrown ravine/ wooded area. I grew convinced that this is what had happened, that this young mother had smothered her child and simply tossed her(in a duffel bag, I believed) under some foliage somewhere.

I no longer have cable/watch TV but I will be keeping an eye on this until and maybe after it is played out, and justice has been done.

Thank God for love and patience, in so many ways.
What brought me to this case was when I saw KC being brought into court with that smirk on her face (and that shirt she was wearing). I noticed that shirt first thing...but then we all realized later..that she bought it with forged checks from her best friend. What was also shocking to me was that she never reported her child missing for 31 days. Then when I heard her first call home to her mom (wanting her boyfriend's number), and after hearing her best friend crying to KC over Caylee missing, KC telling her that "all they (her family) wanted was Caylee back", and that calling home was a 'huge waste'....I was SHOCKED over her callous, hard and cold behavior towards her missing daughter (IMO). I was hooked into having to know what was going to happen to this terrible mother (IMO). After that....events just snowballed.....

"The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is."

---Sir Winston Churchill
I was actually googling something else when I came across this case. I don't know if any one thing draws me to this case, the beautiful baby Caylee whos life was cut so very short or the lengths the people closest to Caylee will go to, to divert any blame from Casey or themselves.
What caught my attention was the body in the trunk, so I was a little late to the case What keeps me interested is to see KC convicted
This is a very interesting thread. I enjoy reading everyone's thoughts and reasoning. I really had to think. I think what drew me to the case was KC. Her attitude towards the police. Her ability to lie and think seasoned police officers were going to just believe her. I wanted to find out what made her tick. Then the A's. They were IMO odd from the very beginning. Their actions kept me interested on a nightly basis. And I honestly believe that is what keeps me, even know. I want KC and the A's to be held accountable for their actions. Yes, Caylee was a beautiful child who left this earth way too soon. But I have often wondered would people 'care' as much if she were not a beautiful little girl? Or if she was of a different race? Or really not a beautiful child? Would the focus have been as strong? Would Nancy Grace have covered her case night after night? What if there were no Leonard Padilla? Yes, I care about justice for Caylee. but I care about justice for any murder victim. But Caylee hasn't kept me here....not alone anyway. But all the nut cases that are part of her case, from her parents to her attorney, :loser: to LP, to Rev. Grund and son, Jesse. The kidfinders, the mistress, the nuts outside the A's home. The totality of all these people and their actions keep me here. Nothing I say or read is going to make a difference in the outcome of the case. The State Prosecutors are there to ensure justice for this little victim. As they are there for all victims....young, old, beautiful and the not so beautiful. I hope I do not have to run and hide for my honesty. :angel:
31 days AND she was the same age of my son when she died. That a mother could do this and the rest of the family covers for that mother horrifies me. It just breaks my heart. :(
i also remember seing the quote from the dispatcher the day they finally reported her missing 'why didnt you make this call 31 days ago?" i remember thinking 'that poor guy must feel like he's in the twighlight zone'. if i only knew how many other lives would be effected/changed/ruined because of this evil woman and her twisted parents over the next two years.
The intial HLN reports about a nearly 3 year old baby girl being reported missing 30 days after the fact...........that grabbed my attention and has NEVER let go.........
From the very beginning, I had Grandma (the 911 reporter) pegged as compliciant too.
After the Peterson case...The first I heard of Caylee's case was when the helicopter was flying over the backyard as the LE was checking out the playhouse in the back and moving things around....then the quick blurb about the Mom not reporting her missing for 31 days.....kinda makes you go hmmmmm....interesting. For me, I was hooked and knew to come straight back to WS watch the boards and and all the fantastic sleuthing and comments that were bing posted.

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