WHAT Has Been Said & By WHOM... That Baffles You? (aka Oh No They Didn't!)

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When was the last time you talked to your daughter?

"I got a call from her today, she said Hi Mommy". It was from an unknown number, but When I called back, it had been disconnected. (paraphrased).

KC would have been more believable telling us that aliens took Caylee (along with KC's soul).
George, before entering the grand jury, asking for prayers at 11:00 AM and 11:00 PM.
Could it be that his daughter is also his granddaughter and that is why he said it that way? Freudian slip.....who is Caylee's father again?

You mean Caylee as GA's daughter? Nah. IMO
I believe Lee was tested but I don't remember if GA was. I think that is all rumor stuff anyways.

I will say this tho. I wonder if Caylees father knows he is her daddy.
It is difficult to know that there is a dad, grandparents, maybe aunts and uncles of Caylee that don't know they are related to her. I find that so very sad.
George again, telling reporters he is all about his family now, while we now know he was all about taking a river cruise.
A topic came up several times during the jail house calls. The topic was, "who is their priority." I'd have to go back and listen to get some direct quotes but my ears and mind won't let me go there so I'll wing this one.

Casey said to CA/GA something like ... 'I've known what your priorities are since the day I got here' - My translation: All you care about is getting Caylee back while I'm rotting in jail.

George said they were both his priorities but Caylee had to come first.

Cindy said Caylee was a priority but don't worry Casey, when we find her, your problems will be taken car of.

I believe Lee chimed in on priorities too.

Discussions were also made about Baez' priorities.

Isn't it a given in a missing toddlers case that the missing toddler is the priority? Obivously she isn't a runaway and has no means to care of herself. We know Casey is alive and well.

CA claims she never spoke to ICA about the smell in the car.

CA claims she never spoke to ICA about how Caylee was kidnapped.

CA claims she never reads the discovery documents, yet she is well versed when Morgan deposed her...

CA claims she respects ICA....

CA claims there was some editing done in her depos...she can't remember things pertaining to the 911 calls, yet, she knows some conversations were left off the transcripts...

I find it hard to believe CA never asked ICA any questions pertaining to Caylee's demise. CA had to know everything, how does she think people will accept her BS nonsense...I just don't get this family...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

It's a disorder commonly found in Court Rooms, called Selective Amnesia.
Sittin' here watching and listening to Cindy's FBI interview!! Dear Lord the whole da^^n thing is baffling!! God bless LE and the FBI-I don't know how they did it-and I'm only on part 3 of 11 parts!!:banghead:
Cindy is saying she picked up "red flags" with Amy, Ricardo, LE...!! Hello, Cindy!!! And your daughter's lies aren't "red flags"???

Seriously! Her whole lack of logical thinking is baffling! It's not like she is sticking her head in the stand when it comes to 'excusing' KC from any wrongdoing, she's sticking her whole body in there..(if that makes any sense :crazy:)

I recently went back and watched these again as well and each time that I watch the interviews or the jailhouse visits, I can't help but just be dumbfounded at how Cindy (and George as well, but I believe he just goes along w/her in most cases) could be so gullible regarding their childs actions and statements up until and including that time..EVEN IF they were in some kind of denial at that point, she is the Queen of Denial as well as the Nurse of Decomposition! :innocent:

I will say this, listening to Cindy talk in circles, justify, excuse, blame, etc. everything KC has ever done, it did give me insight into how KC became the way she is. In no way do I blame Cindy for Caylee's death, nor does it excuse KC in any way, but in my mind she HAS to take some responsibility for the way KC turned out..imo KC learned what she lived. They are both a piece of work like nothing I had ever seen before or after...
In this interview, beginning around 2:30 min., George states:

"My wife had daily contact with our daughter either through voice mails, text messages, uh, even direct contact. Every once in awhile, I talked to my daughter."

I find it interesting that he states that Cindy had "direct contact" with Casey and states that "every once in awhile, I talked to my daughter." CA never admitted to seeing KC during this month and why didn't he include himself as having had direct contact with KC? The story flipped around later on. It became GA having direct contact (alleged gas can incident) and CA only having contact through phone, text messages. This is an early interview, July 26th, 2008... back before Geraldo became pro defense.

When was the last time you talked to your daughter?

"I got a call from her today, she said Hi Mommy". It was from an unknown number, but When I called back, it had been disconnected. (paraphrased).

KC would have been more believable telling us that aliens took Caylee (along with KC's soul).

it's the equivilent of "I know I mailed the payment, didn't you get it?" or "I forgot to sign the check? " or I called and left a message...didn't anyone tell you?"
In George's interview with LE, he stated he knew Casey had taken his gas cans before, that he had even advised her if she needed them to just let him know, yet, for some reason, on June 24th when the gas cans were returned to him by Casey, he had to go and sit down in the garage because he was stunned.
I think he knew in his heart it was Casey that broke into the shed and took the gas cans, even before he made a Police report. What burglar is going to break in, leave the tools and lawnmower and take two old gas cans? She just didn't dare call and ask for them.......
I think he knew in his heart it was Casey that broke into the shed and took the gas cans, even before he made a Police report. What burglar is going to break in, leave the tools and lawnmower and take two old gas cans? She just didn't dare call and ask for them.......

I agree. By the way he described the lock laying inside the shed, he knew. So now I just have to ponder why the police report, coz his story does not ring true for me, although I have no idea how to reconcile the facts given by him with the hinky feeling about that day.
The Police report.

Maybe the family was thinking if they showed a record of Casey stealing from them, they could use that to prove she was a unfit mother, and take Caylee away. But without actually taking her to court, and have a Judge rule her guilty of such acts.

IT's kinda like Cindy claiming that Casey stole the car. The one she had been given to drive and treat as her own. The family even called it Casey's car.
The Police report.

Maybe the family was thinking if they showed a record of Casey stealing from them, they could use that to prove she was a unfit mother, and take Caylee away. But without actually taking her to court, and have a Judge rule her guilty of such acts.

IT's kinda like Cindy claiming that Casey stole the car. The one she had been given to drive and treat as her own. The family even called it Casey's car.

CA and GA were basically trying to use the police as a parenting tool to threaten Casey with. They had no control over her for a long time. Calling the cops on her was a last ditch effort to make her listen to them. Even Cindy's first 911 call was all about that.

This first interview with Cindy and GVS.
This was so baffling that Greta and everyone watching smelled a rat...
After Jose...
my heartfelt thanks to Patty!
Love Cindy! She sings her favorite opera...Me, me,me,me,me,me,me,me!
Her hair is "did" and she rode in a limo, but if you ask me any stupid questions I don't like, you are spitting on Caylee. Greta smells a rat...
These people (KC's parents) "believed" that she was working for over two years without her ever bringing home a single paycheck. NOT. Don't believe it. Don't believe that they did either. Dispicable bunch of narcissistic sociopaths. All of them.


Why work when you can get away with being a money from the baby's piggy bank thief, not to mention forger, embezzler, larcenist, grand theft or whatever you call someone who gets away with stealing the family blind - right in your/their own home? One of many transgressions we have listened to.

Don't forget GA has told LE - ICA hadn't worked in over two years, (best he could tell) he just couldn't convince the high priestess CA - that their daughter was a liar, liar pants on fire - until things had gone way past simple mistruths about her lack of employment. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
This baffles me: Her granddaughter is 'missing' and while Cindy insists Caylee's alive, she refuses to cooperate with Tim Miller by providing him an article of Caylee's to aid in the search for her. Furthermore, Cindy jokes about giving LE the 'wrong' hairbrush (rather than the one used exclusively on Caylee) and says she should have given LE the dog's toothbrush. If she truly believed Caylee was alive and missing, why not cooperate with these professional efforts to locate her? And Cindy claims to STILL believe Caylee is alive, despite positive DNA testing on her remains, having a memorial for Caylee, and wearing her cremated ashes in jewelry. Makes no sense at all.
This baffles me: Her granddaughter is 'missing' and while Cindy insists Caylee's alive, she refuses to cooperate with Tim Miller by providing him an article of Caylee's to aid in the search for her. Furthermore, Cindy jokes about giving LE the 'wrong' hairbrush (rather than the one used exclusively on Caylee) and says she should have given LE the dog's toothbrush. If she truly believed Caylee was alive and missing, why not cooperate with these professional efforts to locate her? And Cindy claims to STILL believe Caylee is alive, despite positive DNA testing on her remains, having a memorial for Caylee, and wearing her cremated ashes in jewelry. Makes no sense at all.

As we have been commenting on things said; excellent point - actions speak louder than words!

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