WHAT Has Been Said & By WHOM... That Baffles You? (aka Oh No They Didn't!)

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When LA told KC he loved her, I got chills, the look on his face when he said "I love you" was scary, but what I thought was really weird was how he left the stand and just walked right pass KC without even looking at her. Why would he say I love you and then not even acknowledge her as he was leaving? Going off topic here but is the Complain About Nancy Grace thread still around? Thanks :)
I guess the BS George was trying to sell about the gas can and not putting duct tape over the blow hole. Even if he didn't use it again to mow the yard, SB mentioned that very can at the tow yard. I notice that all of mine are concerning George, but this whole family is fascinating, in a backwards, mishconschtrued train wreck sort of way...
When LA told KC he loved her, I got chills, the look on his face when he said "I love you" was scary, but what I thought was really weird was how he left the stand and just walked right pass KC without even looking at her. Why would he say I love you and then not even acknowledge her as he was leaving? Going off topic here but is the Complain About Nancy Grace thread still around? Thanks :)

I agree. That exchange bears re-watching. It flat creeped me out. And was almost funny.
Practically everything GA says in the jailhouse letters is creepy to me. My dad may tell me I looked beautiful or gorgeous if I was dressed-up to go somewhere or something like that.....but to call me that everytime he speaks to me.....NO! Just seems like weird "pet" names for a dad to have for his daughter. Also the part about ICA gaining weight & how she needs to be careful & maybe she should ask if she can exercise....my dad would NEVER say that to me either! It would be one thing if she'd gained enough weight to effect her health or something, but since that's not the case his concern would appear to be for her physical appearence only.

Just MO of course, weird & creepy.....he better watch it, kinda adds fuel to the daddy messed with me story.....
I will never ever, as long as I live, get over the fact that Casey initially admitted to the 31 days. I will never understand why she buried herself that way. Why on earth didn't she say "since yesterday".
I will never ever, as long as I live, get over the fact that Casey initially admitted to the 31 days. I will never understand why she buried herself that way. Why on earth didn't she say "since yesterday".

Wouldn't have helped IMO. Police would still say, "Who saw you with Caylee yesterday." She would not have been able to produce anyone who saw Caylee in 32 days... (As I do not believe GA saw her that last day.) IMO her best bet would have been to make it a pool "accident," stay home and cry for a month. After that, IMO, C&G would have been begging her to "go out and have some fun honey." But alas, KC has never been accused of being smart.
All of the times jb has spoken for her--that one time when he made the comment she wouldn't speak to LE due to it possibly hurting her in the legal sense--heck she was missng a child at that time....go figure! That was one of the most stupid things I heard---at that time...since then...I live in continue baffelment

Wouldn't have helped IMO. Police would still say, "Who saw you with Caylee yesterday." She would not have been able to produce anyone who saw Caylee in 32 days... (As I do not believe GA saw her that last day.) IMO her best bet would have been to make it a pool "accident," stay home and cry for a month. After that, IMO, C&G would have been begging her to "go out and have some fun honey." But alas, KC has never been accused of being smart.
I agree with you that George didn't see Caylee on that last day. But as far as claiming pool accident, now that the body has been recovered with duct tape over the mouth, it doesn't work! If it were an accidental drowning, you don't wait 31 days to call 911 either, and Casey never reported it, she only talked to 911 because she had to since Cindy called...
I will never ever, as long as I live, get over the fact that Casey initially admitted to the 31 days. I will never understand why she buried herself that way. Why on earth didn't she say "since yesterday".

Because in ICAville everyone believes her every fabrication, every mistruth, every damn lie! Had Caylee gone missing yesterday there was no reason for CA not to have spoken to her for a month, no reason for ICA to have spent a month searching -

You see this was supposed to be about poor ICA, who has not slept in a month, nor done a single thing that was not all about searching for Zany and Caylee. Including stealing money from her newest BFF.

See poor, broken ICA sitting there in her room, sad because she didn't find her daughter sleeping under some barstool? Even Lee said she produced some tears and we all know how much effort that takes!

This was never about Caylee, the only reason the A Team needed her back was to clear ICA. But even ICA admitted finding Zany would not help her situation. In the jail letters, when she said she doesn't blame Zany for not coming forward - only to be stuck sitting next to her in jail for something she didn't do! The true story of Caylee is there, it has come out in little tiny pieces at a time.
Practically everything GA says in the jailhouse letters is creepy to me. My dad may tell me I looked beautiful or gorgeous if I was dressed-up to go somewhere or something like that.....but to call me that everytime he speaks to me.....NO! Just seems like weird "pet" names for a dad to have for his daughter. Also the part about ICA gaining weight & how she needs to be careful & maybe she should ask if she can exercise....my dad would NEVER say that to me either! It would be one thing if she'd gained enough weight to effect her health or something, but since that's not the case his concern would appear to be for her physical appearence only.

Just MO of course, weird & creepy.....he better watch it, kinda adds fuel to the daddy messed with me story.....

I wonder if that is what caused the abuse story to take shape in her mind? GA says "Hi Beautiful" every time he sees ICA and some friend after hearing it over and over asks ICA "Isn't it creepy the way your dad always calls you "Gorgeous" to which ICA replies "Oh he wants me, he's always wanted me."

I have a friend who is a "habitual liar" to put it nicely and every guy she ever met hit on her. Married teachers, bosses, the guy at McD's. They all wanted her.
I will never ever, as long as I live, get over the fact that Casey initially admitted to the 31 days. I will never understand why she buried herself that way. Why on earth didn't she say "since yesterday".

ITA Gnatcatcher, and to go one further......why 31 days? There are 30 days in June, if Caylee went missing 31 days (according to KC's statement on the 911 tape) that would be June 15th. That is counting July 15th. We have 3 out of 4 Anthony's confirming that they last saw Caylee on the evening of June 15th, the night of the infamous argument between CA and KC. So the 31st day would have been July 16th (oddly enough, if CA would have given KC "one more day" as she had asked....it would have been 31-days). With all the reference to the dates and number of days in this case, I find that this was the first and most glaring mis-statement or half-truth. As you posted Gnat, KC locked herself into the 31 days.

Conversation between KC and 911 operator:

911 Operator: "And you last saw her a month ago?"
KC: "Thirty-one days, been thirty-one days"

First this family can't get the date correct (they all went with June 9th at first) then they can't get the number of days she's been missing correct.....

How do you not have this down precisely to the minute? How? This statement baffles me and was what told me KC was lying right-away. This is the statement that drew me to this case.
I think he knew in his heart it was Casey that broke into the shed and took the gas cans, even before he made a Police report. What burglar is going to break in, leave the tools and lawnmower and take two old gas cans? She just didn't dare call and ask for them.......

Why bother reporting the break in for two missing cans at ALL.. unless he DID know it was Casey and was pi**ed at her and wanted to use/hold it against her for reasons of his own.
Definitely all the times when George has told Casey: "You're the boss."

Huh?? "Boss?"

If anyone is the "boss" in a parent-child relationship, it's obviously the parent!

It's just so utterly bizarre...

That really creeped me out! It reminded me of a movie. I think a Twilight Zone movie. The kid could make people disappear so everyone was groveling and bending over backward to please him so he wouldn't 'disappear' them. Anyone else remember that movie?
That really creeped me out! It reminded me of a movie. I think a Twilight Zone movie. The kid could make people disappear so everyone was groveling and bending over backward to please him so he wouldn't 'disappear' them. Anyone else remember that movie?

If this is it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_a_Good_Life_(The_Twilight_Zone) you're not going to believe it, the boy's name is, you guessed it, Anthony!

Closing narration - “No comment here, no comment at all. We only wanted to introduce you to one of our very special citizens, little Anthony Fremont, age 6, who lives in a village called Peaksville in a place that used to be Ohio. And if by some strange chance you should run across him, you had best think only good thoughts. Anything less than that is handled at your own risk, because if you do meet Anthony you can be sure of one thing: you have entered the Twilight Zone."
Closing narration - “No comment here, no comment at all. We only wanted to introduce you to one of our very special citizens, little Anthony Fremont, age 6, who lives in a village called Peaksville in a place that used to be Ohio. And if by some strange chance you should run across him, you had best think only good thoughts. Anything less than that is handled at your own risk, because if you do meet Anthony you can be sure of one thing: you have entered the Twilight Zone."

LOL!!! However, that show still freaks me out...still haunted by some of the shows they did when I was a kid and well that was a long time ago...my dad loved that show and to prove I could be brave (or perhaps bored at the time--who knows!)---I watched....between that one and Alfred Hitchcock I'm scared of basements, sunflowers and a few other odd little things....that guy who did all the intos still freaks me out!:blushing:
Definitely all the times when George has told Casey: "You're the boss."

Huh?? "Boss?"

If anyone is the "boss" in a parent-child relationship, it's obviously the parent!

It's just so utterly bizarre...
I always thought he was speaking in respect to JB. If you hire a lawyer or if you hire a doctor, you're the boss because you're paying them....
When LA told KC he loved her, I got chills, the look on his face when he said "I love you" was scary, but what I thought was really weird was how he left the stand and just walked right pass KC without even looking at her. Why would he say I love you and then not even acknowledge her as he was leaving? Going off topic here but is the Complain About Nancy Grace thread still around? Thanks :)

Because Cindy ordered him to set the stage so that Casey's sexual abuse statements would be believable. Unfortunately he forgot to continue his charade as he was leaving. How Mallory puts up with him I do not understand. Mallory, run now before you are married to this idiot and your children inherit the weird Anthony genes.
Thanks to Seagull for bringing this up in a different thread. Lee destroys, or "takes care of" Amy's extra car key:

If this question has been asked and
answered,please forgive.

In the beginning of this case all I
saw was Leonard Padilla,making bond
giving interviews etc. Nowadays there is
no LP to be found. What ever happen
to LP?

With the new info coming out about
the investigation of GA,could the defense
have investigated and scared LP off?

I don't know just wondering.

I have been wondering that myself! He lost all credibility with me a long time ago................maybe he has with other people too.

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