WHAT Has Been Said & By WHOM... That Baffles You? (aka Oh No They Didn't!)

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That really creeped me out! It reminded me of a movie. I think a Twilight Zone movie. The kid could make people disappear so everyone was groveling and bending over backward to please him so he wouldn't 'disappear' them. Anyone else remember that movie?

Oh my! This is EXACTLY what this case has reminded me of! I have thought of this time-after-time........the Twilight Zone and The Omen...............
OT but hooray Gma Kat for hitting the 1,000 posts marker!

:clap::Banane23::Jumpie::thumb::balloons: :lamb:
I have been wondering that myself! He lost all credibility with me a long time ago................maybe he has with other people too.

I don't think a single one of his tall tales has ever panned out to be the real deal, nor has anything he has said or come up with been corroborated by other sources. Am I wring in thinking that LP is not on either sides witness list for trial?
One thing that has always stuck in my mind was, during a jail visit, Casey told her parents, I wonder what she was talking about?:waitasec: After all this time has gone by, I'm beginning to think she was telling them simply to not worry that she hasn't admitted to them anything. I now think that THEY are the ones that made sure that she does not admit anything, or give in to them pressuring her for the truth. And that they HAVE known from the very beginning that Caylee was dead and that Casey killed her. I could bet money that Casey has threatened them many times, that she will harm or kill the little girl. Or, that they will NEVER see Caylee again. I don't think that they accually thought that Casey would ever do such a thing. But that one statement that Casey made to her parents early on, stuck me as very odd.:lipssealed:

Here is what I think of Casey's reply. If you have ever listened to the Detectives interviewing Casey at Universal, she tries her usual bullchit and goes off in another direction but Allen brings her right back and says if you want us to help you, a good starting point would be to answer the question.

In the tape you reference, it is the first time Cindy has seen Casey and she says we forgive you for anything you have said OR DONE. I take this to mean we know you are responsible, but please give us the details. Please tell us what happened.

Casey knows what the mother is asking so she first pretends the sound is too loud and tries to evade the answer with getting that fixed, to no avail because Cindy is not going on to anything else and Casey answers I haven't said anything, don't worry - which has nothing at all to do with what Cindy is asking. And Cindy lets her off the hook by saying it is kind of loud and then lets the subject go.

Another time Cindy asks her about a picture of Caylee and what apartment it was taken in and Caylee tries to evade that by answering very broadly saying yes there were drums in that apartment, but Cindy persists and Casey tries to evade again and if you watch her body language and her facial expressions - it is obvious she is trying to lie, but STILL to no avail, Cindy persists but she adds "because I know whose apartment it is" and so Casey says it is Ricardo's. BUT if she could have, she would have said it is Zanaida's. But Cindy let Casey know she already knew the answer.
Here is what I think of Casey's reply. If you have ever listened to the Detectives interviewing Casey at Universal, she tries her usual bullchit and goes off in another direction but Allen brings her right back and says if you want us to help you, a good starting point would be to answer the question.

In the tape you reference, it is the first time Cindy has seen Casey and she says we forgive you for anything you have said OR DONE. I take this to mean we know you are responsible, but please give us the details. Please tell us what happened.

Casey knows what the mother is asking so she first pretends the sound is too loud and tries to evade the answer with getting that fixed, to no avail because Cindy is not going on to anything else and Casey answers I haven't said anything, don't worry - which has nothing at all to do with what Cindy is asking. And Cindy lets her off the hook by saying it is kind of loud and then lets the subject go.

Another time Cindy asks her about a picture of Caylee and what apartment it was taken in and Caylee tries to evade that by answering very broadly saying yes there were drums in that apartment, but Cindy persists and Casey tries to evade again and if you watch her body language and her facial expressions - it is obvious she is trying to lie, but STILL to no avail, Cindy persists but she adds "because I know whose apartment it is" and so Casey says it is Ricardo's. BUT if she could have, she would have said it is Zanaida's. But Cindy let Casey know she already knew the answer.

Respectfully BBM.

Do you remember which date this visit took place? I would like to watch it again..... especially after having read your comments....

KING: Where do you think she is, George?

GEORGE ANTHONY: Oh, Caylee? She's with hopefully a loving family that's taking care of her.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
(This was right after Cindy said):,

KING: So what do you make of it?

I mean, she's your daughter. You have to have some -- why wouldn't she not -- why would she tell you -- not tell you?

CINDY ANTHONY: I think she's -- I think she was frightened. I think, from what we understand, that, you know, there's been threats to not only Caylee's well-being, but also to our family's well-being.


CINDY ANTHONY: By the people that have Caylee.[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

This is from the A's appearance on Larry King, Dec.10.'08
Figure that one out!!


This interview bothered me alot. I remember watching it the first time and thinking that George looked like he wanted to tell thetruth... and my husbandand I were yelling at the TV: "Just say it!!" But he never did, and from that point we couldn't forgive him.
Here is what I think of Casey's reply. If you have ever listened to the Detectives interviewing Casey at Universal, she tries her usual bullchit and goes off in another direction but Allen brings her right back and says if you want us to help you, a good starting point would be to answer the question.

In the tape you reference, it is the first time Cindy has seen Casey and she says we forgive you for anything you have said OR DONE. I take this to mean we know you are responsible, but please give us the details. Please tell us what happened.

Casey knows what the mother is asking so she first pretends the sound is too loud and tries to evade the answer with getting that fixed, to no avail because Cindy is not going on to anything else and Casey answers I haven't said anything, don't worry - which has nothing at all to do with what Cindy is asking. And Cindy lets her off the hook by saying it is kind of loud and then lets the subject go.

Another time Cindy asks her about a picture of Caylee and what apartment it was taken in and Caylee tries to evade that by answering very broadly saying yes there were drums in that apartment, but Cindy persists and Casey tries to evade again and if you watch her body language and her facial expressions - it is obvious she is trying to lie, but STILL to no avail, Cindy persists but she adds "because I know whose apartment it is" and so Casey says it is Ricardo's. BUT if she could have, she would have said it is Zanaida's. But Cindy let Casey know she already knew the answer.

Yes, and that Ricardo's apartment story is typical of the dynamic between Cindy and Casey. Even with a little child missing and a foul odor of a dead body in Casey's car, Cindy will still not challenge Casey about her lies. She KNEW Casey was about to say it was ZFG's apartment, so CA inserted that 'And I know whose apartment it was' so they would not have a confrontation .. maybe she was thinking that Casey would suddenly grow a conscience and come clean, but she really knew better.
Snaz, here is that jail visit with her parents, part 1 of 4...


The way she smirks and laughs as she looks at her mother crying is unbelievable, none the less cruel. What a devil from hell.:devil:
Baffling for me is how Casey and Cindy and George initially told police the last time they saw Caylee was June 9th.
Here is what I think of Casey's reply. If you have ever listened to the Detectives interviewing Casey at Universal, she tries her usual bullchit and goes off in another direction but Allen brings her right back and says if you want us to help you, a good starting point would be to answer the question.

In the tape you reference, it is the first time Cindy has seen Casey and she says we forgive you for anything you have said OR DONE. I take this to mean we know you are responsible, but please give us the details. Please tell us what happened.

Casey knows what the mother is asking so she first pretends the sound is too loud and tries to evade the answer with getting that fixed, to no avail because Cindy is not going on to anything else and Casey answers I haven't said anything, don't worry - which has nothing at all to do with what Cindy is asking. And Cindy lets her off the hook by saying it is kind of loud and then lets the subject go.

Another time Cindy asks her about a picture of Caylee and what apartment it was taken in and Caylee tries to evade that by answering very broadly saying yes there were drums in that apartment, but Cindy persists and Casey tries to evade again and if you watch her body language and her facial expressions - it is obvious she is trying to lie, but STILL to no avail, Cindy persists but she adds "because I know whose apartment it is" and so Casey says it is Ricardo's. BUT if she could have, she would have said it is Zanaida's. But Cindy let Casey know she already knew the answer.

Sorry I bolded so much of this post.. but Solace.. you are spot on! For those of you who have often wondered why and how Casey lied so often and so badly to LE and expected to get away with it... Solace gives several perfect examples. Casey lied so often and so badly because it was ALWAYS accepted, even when not believed, by her parents. Bottom line is.. it was easier to believe her bullchit.. than to try and get her to tell the truth. George and Cindy set THAT particular family dynamic up.. long long ago.

Snaz, here is that jail visit with her parents, part 1 of 4...


The way she smirks and laughs as she looks at her mother crying is unbelievable, none the less cruel. What a devil from hell.:devil:

To me the "why is she crying already" was the most baffling in this video. A close second however, is GA's reply "because we haven't seen you." HUH? Immediately I thought, how about telling the truth: Because every single thing you have told us is a lie and it is dawning on her that you probably did something to Caylee and we love her more than life itself and we miss her and you won't cooperate and we are devastated by the loss of our darling granddaughter you &*(*&!:sick:
I've always been surprised by the way that she replies to the drowning in the swimming pool ~ so cool and cold, "Surprise, surprise"....it's almost as though she is ADMITTING that's what happend, as in, "no duh", or "no kidding".

If Caylee had gotton into the pool on her own, without anyone knowing, perhaps for hours even, then, yes, someone would be in trouble for neglect.
Casey then panics, makes up the Zanny story and the rest is history.

"An "accident" that got overblown", or however George stated it to River C.
Originally posted by Purple Iris...
I've always been surprised by the way that she replies to the drowning in the swimming pool ~ so cool and cold, "Surprise, surprise"....it's almost as though she is ADMITTING that's what happend, as in, "no duh", or "no kidding".

If Caylee had gotton into the pool on her own, without anyone knowing, perhaps for hours even, then, yes, someone would be in trouble for neglect.
Casey then panics, makes up the Zanny story and the rest is history.

"An "accident" that got overblown", or however George stated it to River C.

I thought it was really strange when I heard her say that also. I didn't give it too much thought at the time. But, now that you mention it, and put it that way, I think you are absolutely right on the money. It would be a remark that "Evil Witch" WOULD say.

Justice For Caylee!!!
Purple Iris,

Actually, I should say that I agree with you on the first part. But, if I am following you right, I think she had planned months, maybe even years in advance, to murder Caylee. And the nanny story was pre-planned and thought up ahead of time as well. She is sooooooooooo evil. It's crazy.
Here is what I think of Casey's reply. If you have ever listened to the Detectives interviewing Casey at Universal, she tries her usual bullchit and goes off in another direction but Allen brings her right back and says if you want us to help you, a good starting point would be to answer the question.

In the tape you reference, it is the first time Cindy has seen Casey and she says we forgive you for anything you have said OR DONE. I take this to mean we know you are responsible, but please give us the details. Please tell us what happened.

Casey knows what the mother is asking so she first pretends the sound is too loud and tries to evade the answer with getting that fixed, to no avail because Cindy is not going on to anything else and Casey answers I haven't said anything, don't worry - which has nothing at all to do with what Cindy is asking. And Cindy lets her off the hook by saying it is kind of loud and then lets the subject go.

Another time Cindy asks her about a picture of Caylee and what apartment it was taken in and Caylee tries to evade that by answering very broadly saying yes there were drums in that apartment, but Cindy persists and Casey tries to evade again and if you watch her body language and her facial expressions - it is obvious she is trying to lie, but STILL to no avail, Cindy persists but she adds "because I know whose apartment it is" and so Casey says it is Ricardo's. BUT if she could have, she would have said it is Zanaida's. But Cindy let Casey know she already knew the answer.

When ICA told ca that the apts were similar always struck me as odd...how many people do you know that decorate the same way???????:loser:
Most recently what amazed me was in one of CA's letters to KC http://www.clickorlando.com/download/2010/0805/24527641.pdf (PDF page 25)

Writing about what a "sleeze" and a "parasite" and a "troll" MN is and on and on about how horrible he is and that he'll get his "just desserts" and that God will "take care of" people him. And yet CA continues to put KC, the confirmed liar, manipulator, thief and suspected murderer up on a pedestal.

CA certainly applies different standards of decency to fit her needs. Like others have said - she appears to live in an alternate reality...
I am completely and utterly baffled by the email from GL to DC with the "hha hha" comment. From everything I have seen and read regarding this case, this takes the cake. There is nothing humorous about a precious baby girl being left in the woods like trash. I would love to see LDB inquire of GL as to what part of a missing/dead child she found amusing.
Most recently what amazed me was in one of CA's letters to KC http://www.clickorlando.com/download/2010/0805/24527641.pdf (PDF page 25)

Writing about what a "sleeze" and a "parasite" and a "troll" MN is and on and on about how horrible he is and that he'll get his "just desserts" and that God will "take care of" people him. And yet CA continues to put KC, the confirmed liar, manipulator, thief and suspected murderer up on a pedestal.

CA certainly applies different standards of decency to fit her needs. Like others have said - she appears to live in an alternate reality...


I hope and pray that MN will eventually mop the floor with CA. CA just keeps spouting lies but at least now she packages them with kindly Christian sentiments. Geez what a freaking hipocrite.
I have to find where it was that I read where Cheney (not sure of his spelling), Casey newest death penalty lawyer, was asked something by a reporter...and his actually said something to the effect...
I've been having a great time, or maybe it was, I've been having a lot of fun since I've been on this case. Also that he can't wait for the trial to be over because he will be walking out of that court room with Casey on his arm. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Whether he actually believes that or not...what a really stupid thing for him to say. Especially the first part where he says that he is having a great time (or something similar to that). Are there any competent lawyers in Florida, or reasonable sane ones. Unbelievable!!! I would like to know what part of this case on a poor little girl's death dose he think is fun? Or, where and when pray tell, is he having a good time. So inappropriate. I was so shocked, and horrified when I read this. What an idiot.

How many idiots does it take to defend Casey Anthony. As many as possible. She will get what she deserves.

*I am going to look for tha article and post it here for anyone who wants to read it.

Justice For Caylee!!!
When ICA told ca that the apts were similar always struck me as odd...how many people do you know that decorate the same way???????:loser:

Yes, even down to the same drum sets....

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