WHAT Has Been Said & By WHOM... That Baffles You? (aka Oh No They Didn't!)

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The State has that covered as well....Dr. Vass experimented with squirrels and rotting pizza...maggots will not form on pizza, raw meat, yes...pizza NO...no odor can compare to the odor of human decomp...burst that bubble...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Do you all think it would be relevant to bring in the rotting garbage in the bag and then bring in the carpet from the car the next day? Could the SAO do this? I know the DT would stroke, but it would work. I think it would be very relevant, since they are talking about the stench.
The biggest one to me: When JB had his former staffer on the stand recently and JB said something along the lines of "OK, tell me what we said to my client said when..." and just about every lawyer in the room jumped up. The witness started to say something like "I don't think I can tell you that" and Judge Perry intervened I even think the judge said "Oh no he didn't!" to himself at that one

Even I knew that was soooo stupid. I have never seen such an idiotic mistake by a lawyer in open court in my life.

Ah yes!! Smarter than a brain pie! That reminds me of the indigency hearing, where CM announced proudly that the whole DT had decided the BEST way to disclose their fees and what not was to place each other under oath.
and then did!
I get the giggles everytime I am reminded of this!!
Do you all think it would be relevant to bring in the rotting garbage in the bag and then bring in the carpet from the car the next day? Could the SAO do this? I know the DT would stroke, but it would work. I think it would be very relevant, since they are talking about the stench.

I think it is very relevant and given a chance I do think the SA should bring in the bag of trash, so the jurors can see the contents themselves. I would also think that the SA have contemplated at the very least, bringing in the carpet and let the jurors get a sniff for themselves. I guess we will have to wait and see.
This is hilarious....Greta asks CA if she ever had the chance to look KC in the eye and ask "did you do this?" CA responds that she only had about an hour with KC (at that moment someone added in the words, "so what did you do with the other 59 minutes?" ha ha ha ha)

I have been looking for this tape forever...does anyone know where I can find it? TIA!

I KNOW!! I had no idea there was already an "oh no they didn't just say that!" thread. I've spent the last hour cruising thru it....some very interesting stuff in there. This must have been when I took my self imposed break b/c my tush was getting hugh from being on the computer all day! Anyway, I wonder, since the trial is coming soon....should we think up a title for a separate thread for the incredible stuff that goes down in the courtroom? Any ideas for a name for it? I have to say I've smiled so much reading the stuff that has been posted. I want it to go on and on. :)

This statement alone sums up CA. Perrrrfect!


BBM/Red - I have looked as well. I have found that it was said by CA on 08/29/2008 at the candle light vigil in the A's front yard. I have not been able to locate video...still looking....
BBM/Red - I have looked as well. I have found that it was said by CA on 08/29/2008 at the candle light vigil in the A's front yard. I have not been able to locate video...still looking....

Here ya go-
I thought Casey claimed the stench in her car came from squirrels that had died in her engine. How come there is no more talk of that, instead we hear ROTTING garbage & pizza stories?

"During a police interview, Casey Anthony's friend Amy Huizenga said that Casey told friends her car smelled like something died, that her dad may have run over something. She told her brother Lee Anthony it was a squirrel that crawled up in the engine before telling Huizenga it was an animal stuck on the front of her car, according to the documents obtained by MyFOXOrlando.com."

BBM: Easy: One pizza box in rotting trash bag - two squirrels = stench in car. There was a pizza box found but no squirrels, or nuts even. jmo
This is hilarious....Greta asks CA if she ever had the chance to look KC in the eye and ask "did you do this?" CA responds that she only had about an hour with KC (at that moment someone added in the words, "so what did you do with the other 59 minutes?" ha ha ha ha)

I have been looking for this tape forever...does anyone know where I can find it? TIA!

I KNOW!! I had no idea there was already an "oh no they didn't just say that!" thread. I've spent the last hour cruising thru it....some very interesting stuff in there. This must have been when I took my self imposed break b/c my tush was getting hugh from being on the computer all day! Anyway, I wonder, since the trial is coming soon....should we think up a title for a separate thread for the incredible stuff that goes down in the courtroom? Any ideas for a name for it? I have to say I've smiled so much reading the stuff that has been posted. I want it to go on and on. :)

This statement alone sums up CA. Perrrrfect!


Great, I never once saw this thread and after just picking your post to read first, now I have to go to page one and start reading. See you in a few days I suppose.
GA is pretty volatile, so anything was possible that morning...
I don't remember the floor plan of the Anthony home, but I think she would have needed to come out of her room to use the bathroom, so I think it would be very odd for her to just come out of her bedroom and leave the house ' dressed and ready for work' as GA put it.

Anyone with a toddler in the house will know that a nearly three yr old child will not sit quietly in their room all morning waiting for mom to get dressed for 'work.' It is common sense that tells us that Caylee would have been up and around wanting cheerios or juice and wanting to watch cartoons. Why hasn't George discussed getting her breakfast or giving her a good morning hug?

Awfully strange that his only interaction with a bubbly 3 yr old is seeing her leave at mid morning. Did she eat?
OMG....I was rewatching the 4/15/11 hearing and came across this minute (almost-just short of) and got so tickled. In part 2 around the 8:20 mark, JB is at the podium, I was trying so hard to listen to what he was saying but got distracted by the court security guard that is in the background. Around 8:20 he puts his head down and it went on for so long that I got a kick out of it b/c it seemed like JB had "bored him to death" or "lulled him into a coma" --:giggle: I swear he doesn't move for almost a minute. I'm sorry but it's just one of those silly things that strike you as funny. Had to share as we all need a chuckle here and there to get through this.


It really bugs me that Caylee's face on her t-shirt is covered by what ever she has around her neck in this photo. Wouldn't the point of wearing this shirt be to get Caylee's face out there for everyone to see!?
So right, Luv. A perfect illustration of The Casey Show. The purpose of the shirts was to get Caylee's face seen, so that she could be recognized and found. Instead we see Casey' s gewgaws, and a rosary that she wears like one.
I am gonna try and sneak this in.

essies you found that "CA: get off your azzes and look for my g/daughter" tape so quickly,:applause: :bow: I am hoping you can point me to one of my favorite JB videos. I am pretty sure it is the afternoon of the day they found Caylee's body or it's the day of the memorial, but JB is coming out from visiting KC, and there is high wind & rain, and he has this umbrella that is torn to shreads but he is still trying to use it....cameramen/reporter's are hot on his heels and he is getting irritated. Any way you can magically make that one appear? :crossfingers:

I wonder if in the state of Florida when they put someone to death, do they use 3 pieces of duct tape over the person's mouth and nose? :waitasec: :saythat:
Doogiegirl, Funny position for that guard to keep as you mentioned in your 751 post. I reran it again and it looks to me that he is texting but has his phone out of sight in he lap. Just a thought.
Anyone with a toddler in the house will know that a nearly three yr old child will not sit quietly in their room all morning waiting for mom to get dressed for 'work.' It is common sense that tells us that Caylee would have been up and around wanting cheerios or juice and wanting to watch cartoons. Why hasn't George discussed getting her breakfast or giving her a good morning hug?

Awfully strange that his only interaction with a bubbly 3 yr old is seeing her leave at mid morning. Did she eat?
..by the time his state depo rolled around, he had suddenly recalled that he did all sorts of things with caylee that morning after all.

LDB:[Pause] Let's go back to the 16th. We got
through the morning, talked about giving Caylee
breakfast. Just take me through the rest of the events
on that morning.

A Oh, just having her being on our one lounge
chair. She'd be watching -- I can't remember which
video exactly she was watching that morning. I know
was sitting on the couch, which is really close to the
lounge chair, having some coffee and a bagel.I
remember her getting up and coming over and taking a
bite of my bagel and, you know, just spending a routine
morning with her, you know, playing with her, coloring,
just doing a bunch of little things.
I -- anything specific just stick out between
the time that she woke up and I gave her breakfast and
we talked and we laughed and acting like a silly
grandfather around with her.

Q Okay. So you told us about your -- what you
and Caylee did that morning. At some point I'm
assuming Casey made an appearance that morning?
A Yes.
Q Do you know approximately what time she got
A I can't remember exactly what time she up. No.
Q Do you have an impression of, you know,
whether you were with Caylee for five or ten
minutes, an hour?
A Oh, I was with Caylee at least a good hour or better.
Q Okay.
A At least that.
Q And when Casey got, up, anything -- did you
have conversations with her? Anything out of the
A Oh, you know, just good morning; how doing, stuff like that. Let her know that I had gave Casey -- I mean, Caylee some breakfast and that was pretty much it.

---george state depo---august 5/2009---
It really bugs me that Caylee's face on her t-shirt is covered by what ever she has around her neck in this photo. Wouldn't the point of wearing this shirt be to get Caylee's face out there for everyone to see!?

In the top picture JB is holding KC's hand and she is pretty close to him so I don't think she was worried about anyone seeing Caylee's picture. At first I thought she was walking a bit behind him but I see her thumb over his hand and his arm is overtop of her shirt so it appears he's in "protective" mode here. jmo

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