what is casey holding over her parents heads ?

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I think KC DID hold something over their heads. They're very LIFE! I (have always) belived that KC's original intended (death) victims were both CA & GA. This plan, laid out since March '08 or so, was railroaded by CA's insistance and PERsistance to get possession of Caylee on 6/15/08 for Father's Day. KC relented.
Again, Cindy tried to FORCE visitation on July 3rd, sending brother Lee out to search for KC. They wanted to have Caylee on July 4th. Understandable. It would be the first year that Caylee might "get" and enjoy a Fireworks show.

Unfortunatly, Caylee was already dead and KC very well knew this. Thus the avoidance!!!

When LE states that they have OVERWHELMING evidence of KC's guilt, I PRAY this includes evidence of her original plan to kill both her parents. I feel really sad and bad for them both, but , they NEED to know the real truth. And I do believe that truth is their planned murders.

PS. I truly believe killing Caylee was KC's "PLAN B".

I agree that she had/has murder in her heart for her parents.
I think at the point where the August 14th video of the parents visiting Casey in jail, Casey knew where Caylee's body was and the grandparents GA and CA did not know where Caylee was. I think that's what she always held over their head whether she was in jail or later on out on bail.

Now that Caylee's body has been found I think Casey is holding over the grandparents head the rights to Caylee's remains. When or if Casey has JB let GA and CA have the remains, then I think the power ends up shifting a bit back toward the grandparents.

I think for the sanity of the grandparents, it's better for them NOT to visit Casey anymore in jail. Why should they let Casey manipulate them anymore?
Actually, she did graduate high school. Not graduating is a myth from the beginning of the case. She was 1/2 or 1 credit short and so she was only unable to walk with her class. but like many kids, she completed the work and ultimately graduated and got a diploma. This was in the doc dumps.

Thanks JBean! I apologize for assuming (like many others) than Casey didn't finish high school.

I got my impression that she did not graduate from GA's FBI interview where he talked about his frustration about her high school fiasco (not graduating). I thought he even mentioned that they talked about her "getting a GED" and how she wouldn't etc.

I went to the doc dumps and saw the handwritten note about how the code shows she got the credit sometime after the rest of her class graduated.

Thanks for setting me straight. Still not sure if George is aware she graduated. lol.
Why does everyone think there some HUGE conspiracy? It's rather simple - Casey was a spoiled brat - the parents didn't parent - Casey killed Caylee because she hindered her lifestyle - parents still think the sun rises and sets on Casey no matter what

It's dysfunction at it's best - there is no conspiracy - no one is holding anything over anyone - it's plain and simple - Casey killed Caylee, had no help, no one knew about it, she's a liar and a manipulator and has been caught in her own web of lies

All this using neighbors names, mysterious language, etc. is ridiculous - she's a liar, and now is caught - albeit has been a good liar until she did the ultimate henious act and she can't lie her way out of it
Why does everyone think there some HUGE conspiracy? It's rather simple - Casey was a spoiled brat - the parents didn't parent - Casey killed Caylee because she hindered her lifestyle - parents still think the sun rises and sets on Casey no matter what

It's dysfunction at it's best - there is no conspiracy - no one is holding anything over anyone - it's plain and simple - Casey killed Caylee, had no help, no one knew about it, she's a liar and a manipulator and has been caught in her own web of lies

All this using neighbors names, mysterious language, etc. is ridiculous - she's a liar, and now is caught - albeit has been a good liar until she did the ultimate henious act and she can't lie her way out of it

Trac, I'm with you!

No code, no conspiracy ..
Nothing. She is just holding them emotionally hostage.
Exactly. I don't believe they have much that is unusually shameful in their past--certainly no more shameful than other people. They are human, they have had less-than-stellar moments.

Casey uses their vulnerabilities to hold them hostage. Whatever buttons she can push in order to maintain the upper hand, she uses.

But I don't think it amounts to much. We all have things that would embarrass us.
Why does everyone think there some HUGE conspiracy? It's rather simple - Casey was a spoiled brat - the parents didn't parent - Casey killed Caylee because she hindered her lifestyle - parents still think the sun rises and sets on Casey no matter what

It's dysfunction at it's best - there is no conspiracy - no one is holding anything over anyone - it's plain and simple - Casey killed Caylee, had no help, no one knew about it, she's a liar and a manipulator and has been caught in her own web of lies

All this using neighbors names, mysterious language, etc. is ridiculous - she's a liar, and now is caught - albeit has been a good liar until she did the ultimate henious act and she can't lie her way out of it

I don't feel that KC was holding anything over her parents head. The problem started when she was small and was allowed by her mother to be a spoiled brat, and her father was not allowed to correct her. I think CA kept a lot of problems from GA concerning KC. I think she covered for her, paid back money that she had stolen, and made excuses for her because CA wanted the "normal" family structure. When all of this hit the media CA had no idea to what extent it would become. So even now, she makes the same excuses, even to GA hoping for the best, but knowing the worst has happened. She knew that a long time ago, but thought she could cover KC's mistakes, just like always.

That is one reason I don't feel that the Anthonys would ever be able to make an immunity deal. For the simple reason...CA cannot tell the truth where her daughter is concerned...she never has, and she never will!
The gun belonged to George and was legally registered, and it was not actually IN the house, it was inside of his vehicle in the hatch/trunk in the garage. Technically it was IN the house, but not in point of fact.:)

I believe they were initially trying to stand by her to make her give them Caylee. Then, once they realized that she could not give them Caylee because Caylee was already dead, then they began to hope not to lose her as well. It is a big loss to lose ones only grandchild and ones only daughter in one fell swoop. I think Cindy especially is not handling it well in the least. Emotionally hostage is a good and apt description.

Exactly! In the beginning it was that they knew she was their last hope in finding Caylee. Then it turn to being emotionally hostage to Casey. From everyone I've read Casey always held her love over them. They enabled her because they didn't want to lose her love and Casey took advantage of it and is still doing so.
This thread has been so interesting to me. My brother's ex-wife is so much like KC, it's scary. We thought for a long time that she "had something" on my brother b/c he was just like how the A's are with KC. He totally coddled her. It turned out, she had nothing on him. He said it was just easier to placate her b/c if he didn't, she'd blow up and they'd have a huge fight, complete with cops coming to their home to break it up.

I think this is the case with the Anthony family. They let KC hold all the cards, treating her with kid gloves so she wouldn't explode at them.

I do wonder about the theory of her planning to murder her parents. That's very interesting. I hadn't considered that. It would make sense with the computer searches that she allegedly conducted.
My opinion on what Casey "has/had" over her parents:

1. Caylee;
2. Their "love" for Casey (which may or may not be a normal kind of love);
3. Enmeshment (CA enmeshed to Casey to the point that if Casey looks bad then CA may look bad too);
4. ...and any other allegations that we aren't supposed to discuss here...
imo, something happened back in ohio before she was born...........ca probably held it over ga, took away his manhood. Kc mirrored her mother. Both la/kc put ga on the bottom of the list........did not get along with ga..........look at how ga was treated on father's day! Ca ruled the roost. Kc still mirrored her mother, ca. Imo, kc was and is their little princess, if she got in trouble, ca got her out of it and kept everything private! Caylee came and then kc didn't matter anymore.........i irc kc saying ca called caylee.........kc's big mistake............kc was jealous and acted it out big time! Imo

this is exactly why kids should not be having kids, even if your 19 and over 18. Still a baby, i can say cause i was young having my first and can imagine the relation. But thank goodness i retain the lessons i see in front of me.
The tone of parents and children today is "I know my child and my child would not lie". If your child has a pulse .... . Schools are facing horrible problems dealing with this type of parents; parents now have defined "involvement" as "I know more than any educator ... because I went to school!"

I am telling you to get ready. Schools are seeing these enmeshed parents in multitudes. And they are afraid.

I posted something similar to this thought in the psychological thread last week. Teens and young adults KC's age are NOT being held accountable for their actions, for the most part. Whether its b/c of parents both working nowadays, or are just too tired and stressed w/ life to not uphold their rules, I see a lot of spoiled brats w/ big mouths running around. Again, not all young people are like this, but there's enough around that its quite noticable, and quite annoying to those of us that are from an older generation who were raised to respect our parents and authority figures.
I posted something similar to this thought in the psychological thread last week. Teens and young adults KC's age are NOT being held accountable for their actions, for the most part. Whether its b/c of parents both working nowadays, or are just too tired and stressed w/ life to not uphold their rules, I see a lot of spoiled brats w/ big mouths running around. Again, not all young people are like this, but there's enough around that its quite noticable, and quite annoying to those of us that are from an older generation who were raised to respect our parents and authority figures.

No consequences for inappropriate behavior. Without consequences in life there is no order, justice or peace.
I don't think Casey is holding anything over her parent's heads.
I think she learned at an early age how to fanangle, manipulate and get her way with them, and it's been allowed to go on and on and on into adulthood! Though it's really difficult believing she's an adult, as she acts like a 'spoiled brat' 10 year old!
Cindy and George have been abused by this little witch for a long long time! They are victims here also, of their own doings.
I'm not trying to be a smart alec, but it is obvious what KC is holding over their heads and has been since she left on June 16.

Secondly, I don't think a wholesale condemnation of kids KC's age is fair. The older generation has been saying that about the younger generation for thousands of years. Plato and Cicero complained heartily about the younger generation.
I'm not trying to be a smart alec, but it is obvious what KC is holding over their heads and has been since she left on June 16.

Secondly, I don't think a wholesale condemnation of kids KC's age is fair. The older generation has been saying that about the younger generation for thousands of years. Plato and Cicero complained heartily about the younger generation.

Um....first, I made it clear I wasn't speaking of ALL people around KC's age. Secondly, I'm of the generation that is 10-12 years older than KC, not from a generation that is old enough to be her parent/grandparent.

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