What is going on between Baez and Casey?

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and remember her daddy told her this when she first arrested ... they are her staff and she is the ceo !!!

and la is the middle fanger---dont fergit that---cant wait fer him throw it towards ica----lol
If he hasn't strongly advised her to plea out then I would think she has a good case of legal malpractice against him.
On Tuesday, the first day of trial, I remember looking at KC and thinking that was the first time that I ever saw her looking really scared, like she suddenly realized the gravity of the situation. I almost felt sorry for her. Until I saw her attorney throw her father and brother, probably 2 of the 3 only people in the world that have stood by her, under the bus.
I agree! Casey has always been able to manipulate the people around her in various ways in order to get her way. She is not in control anymore and it's getting to her. I think she is beginning to see the writing on the wall.

Casey also saw how many (?) young women walk into court with up to date hair styles, make up, nice clothes, they were well spoken, had decent jobs and good lives. She sits in a cell day after day. I think that got to her. She is used to being able to keep up with the competition so to speak and she could not even begin to try because of the constraints of her confinement. I'm not saying this to be snarky or to cut her down, but as an aspect of her personality and self esteem. The contrast was marked and vivid, at least to me.

These were my thoughts exactly, Lyra. ICA looking at all her "friends", each having gone on with their lives...begining to be established in their careers, living the "bella vita". It's getting to her. And nothing got to her more than seeing TL up there on the stand. Sure looked to me like she was able to grieve for the loss of him the other day. Despite the fact that she was, due to her history of sexual abuse, emotionally unable to grieve for the loss of her own daughter after she "accidentally drown".

Casey Anthony is a spoiled child who wants what she wants, and has no internal filters when it comes to her own personal desires. GA and CA should thank their lucky stars that ICA didn't already decide she had to have their house, or THEY might have wound up in the truck of her car too.

Casey fed Baez all these lies about sexual abuse and Caylee accidentally drowning in the pool and Baez is playing off of that. When will he realize he's also been dooped by ICA's lying ways?
Casey fed Baez all these lies about sexual abuse and Caylee accidentally drowning in the pool and Baez is playing off of that. When will he realize he's also been dooped by ICA's lying ways?

The woman is a known, vetted pathological liar. If he believed a word she said then he deserves the ridicule he gets.
I noticed today, while ICA and team were waiting for the jury...JB was sittng next to her on her right. His body language was pulling as far away from her as possible! He even rolled his chair back, and at first, I thought he was totally ignoring her, but, she was sweet talking with CM who was on JB's right side. I guess JB scooted back so he wouldn't block the coversation.. KC was giving CM smiles...
You think it had anything to with the judge reading the instant messages out loud? "Suck a D"? Ouch. :floorlaugh:

What is this about? I am listening while at work, but can't keep up with everything. Can some one elaborate on this? TIA!
I don't know if this counts as "heated," but it is certainly a revealing micro-expression.

Watch the parade of attorneys passing ICA at 8:36-8:29. I think it is JB who gets her exasperated expression.

Considering the defense argument, another interesting micro-expression is when CA says she has heard rumors Caylee died in the pool. CA drops her smile momentarily and recovers quickly.

[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii2Okf1xpwE[/ame] start at :24 and watch her mouth fall at "dead" at :26, then she regains control by :28.
I posted this in the media thread. Thought it was interesting.

In an email response to questions from Reuters, George and Cindy Anthony's attorney said he didn't know what Casey had in mind concerning her parents supposedly leaving their home.

"No they were not planning on moving out, and I have no idea about Casey's plans other than her psychological report demonstrates she is deeply disturbed," Mark Lippman wrote to Reuters.


So he's read her psychological report?
Isn't there anybody on here who knows lipreading? Occasionally they speak without covering their mouth.
I posted this in the media thread. Thought it was interesting.

In an email response to questions from Reuters, George and Cindy Anthony's attorney said he didn't know what Casey had in mind concerning her parents supposedly leaving their home.

"No they were not planning on moving out, and I have no idea about Casey's plans other than her psychological report demonstrates she is deeply disturbed," Mark Lippman wrote to Reuters.


So he's read her psychological report?

Underline - deeply disturbed!!! I wonder if this is the psych report from real early on - with Judge Strickland and he put it under seal - but he had made a few "cryptic" comments concerning this report.
One question I have is, why is she allowed to "linger" in the court room so long after a recess is called or court is adjourned? It seems to me, that other trials Ive watched, they take the defendants out quickly.
What is this about? I am listening while at work, but can't keep up with everything. Can some one elaborate on this? TIA!

LOL, that's the content of a text messaging between KC and Tony which SA wanted to enter into evidence but judge ridiculed it and denied.

Tony: Suck a
Tony: d
Tony: i
Tony: c
Tony: k
Underline - deeply disturbed!!! I wonder if this is the psych report from real early on - with Judge Strickland and he put it under seal - but he had made a few "cryptic" comments concerning this report.

Either that or maybe a new one he or the A's have gotten there hands on? Or did J. Barrett talk to them? or AF? I don't know the whole thing blows my mind. :banghead:
How do you blow through that much money on an accidental drowning defense?

I think he requested more money yet again the other day. for Investigation (I think). As if the last three years wasn't enough time/money to accomplish that? Someone please correct me if I am mistake on thus recent request for more.
I think he requested more money yet again the other day. for Investigation (I think). As if the last three years wasn't enough time/money to accomplish that? Someone please correct me if I am mistake on thus recent request for more.
All I caught was HHJP said that JB had submitted a bill fro 200 addilitonal hours and that he knocked it in half and was going to pay him for 100 hours. lol Didn't get what the hours were for.
For some reason I keep getting kicked out and have to sign back in??

Anyways, You're correct Owl. I think it was for J. Barrett. Agaaaaaaain!
I posted this in the media thread. Thought it was interesting.

In an email response to questions from Reuters, George and Cindy Anthony's attorney said he didn't know what Casey had in mind concerning her parents supposedly leaving their home.

"No they were not planning on moving out, and I have no idea about Casey's plans other than her psychological report demonstrates she is deeply disturbed," Mark Lippman wrote to Reuters.


So he's read her psychological report?

If they have a psych report saying she is 'deeply disturbed' wouldn't they want to use that diagnosis as a defense?
If they have a psych report saying she is 'deeply disturbed' wouldn't they want to use that diagnosis as a defense?
Not if it (the deeply disturbed part) is only attributable to a behavior disorder. IOW there is no mental illness. But, I'm not an expert though.
I think he requested more money yet again the other day. for Investigation (I think). As if the last three years wasn't enough time/money to accomplish that? Someone please correct me if I am mistake on thus recent request for more.

What!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What is there to investigate now? Nothing in their OS requires investigation. And when I say that, I say that as someone whose eyes glazed over and who's brain tuned out just about everything after GA molested her and showed up with a dead Caylee in his arms. Seriously. I am going to go try to watch it again because for the life of me, as long as I sat there, I don't remember a thing he said after that. It all went Peanuts Teacher "Wa won won won won won wa." So much so that when the media picked out things he said and I read them on the screen I was shocked and didn't hear JB say any of it.

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