What is LP real role in this case

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It looks like Misty might have changed her mind about Leonard's offer, per her attorney...

Croslin’s attorney, Robert Fields, has written Padilla a letter to back off.

Fields said Padilla wants to question Croslin, then decide if he will arrange a bond.

“If he likes the answers, he will bail her out,” he said. “It’s a license to interrogate.”

In conversations with her parents, Croslin has asked that they maintain contact with Padilla, who came to southern Putnam County when Haleigh disappeared.

Fields said Croslin has changed her mind.

“Hearing his [Padilla’s] conditions she doesn’t want to do it
,” he said.

Fields said he would be willing to accept help with her bail if the offer came with no strings attached.

Padilla said he does not believe Croslin was asleep, as she said she was, when Haleigh disappeared.

More at link...

Fields said he would be willing to accept help with her bail if the offer came with no strings attached.

I hope I quoted that correctly...

I imagine that Fields will need extra help to answer the flurry of calls that will surely inundate his office in the AM. People will be lining up to mortgage their homes, sell their vehichles, and drain their kids college accounts to donate $135,000 so that Misty can indulge in honeybuns and chips in the comfort of her own home.

WHAT!? Is she still high? I don't know anything about Fields, but I hope, for the sake of his professional standing, he was being somewhat facetious.

Thank you so much for such an awesome welcome :) I was a bit nervous to jump in among such expeirenced sleuthers! I have been astonished by the amount of research, the critical analysis of the info, and the comprehensive discussions of the cases I have followed here. Above all else, the true dedication of the WS members. Again thank you for welcoming me!
I hope I quoted that correctly...

I imagine that Fields will need extra help to answer the flurry of calls that will surely inundate his office in the AM. People will be lining up to mortgage their homes, sell their vehichles, and drain their kids college accounts to donate $135,000 so that Misty can indulge in honeybuns and chips in the comfort of her own home.

WHAT!? Is she still high? I don't know anything about Fields, but I hope, for the sake of his professional standing, he was being somewhat facetious.

Thank you so much for such an awesome welcome :) I was a bit nervous to jump in among such expeirenced sleuthers! I have been astonished by the amount of research, the critical analysis of the info, and the comprehensive discussions of the cases I have followed here. Above all else, the true dedication of the WS members. Again thank you for welcoming me!
I am late to welcoming you Jay, but feel free to jump in, the waters fine (well, most of the time, that is). BTW, great post !

I have to agree with you and thank you for such a wonderful wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing and hope you will be back soon.

ETA The part about "the sign" makes it sound like it has been discussed, there is a plan and there is a "go word" that she is waiting to hear.

Absolutely! There is no doubt that she is recieving info/messages/signs from someone. I tend to think it is Ronald, but if that is the case, who is he getting info from?

Her statement makes it sound as if there is an on-going reciprical conversation and that last she heard Haliegh was still safe and would be coming home someday. If so, there are others involved, not just RC & MC, but who?

This could also be total BS-

3Jayhawk... I TOTALLY agree with every word you said, and I mean every word. I think Misty needs to know that she will be protected if she tells what she knows, but someone is going to have to gain her trust and IMO that is going to be hard, she hasn't had to many trust worthy people around.

Please do not lurk, come out and discuss you opinions are as important as the rest of ours.

I agree and I think LP can gain her trust- if LP, Fields, and LE would team up we could bring Haliegh home.

If Misty was not involved in harming Haliegh, .
I think Fields can negotiate a deal for total immunity if she can provide Halieghs location and identitfy "God".

I am guessing the players involved in this flawless cover-up are going to be far more critical than Misty.

Again, thank you for the warm welcome. This is so much fun! My husband is going to be pleased as punch for me to share my endless theories with you guys rather than him having to pretend to be listening. :)
I'd like to see that cease and desist letter from Fields to LP. IMO, while LP may need to stay away from Misty, he can do whatever he wants with/for her parents.
I hope LP watches the UC vids and makes like Forest Gump!
After just now seeing the video of tapes of Misty discussing LP, I kind of hope LP springs Tommy. Would that upset Misty's apple cart or what?

Geez, her brother has a wife and three children, yet Misty is saying GET ME OUT FIRST.
It looks like Misty might have changed her mind about Leonard's offer, per her attorney...

Croslin’s attorney, Robert Fields, has written Padilla a letter to back off.

Fields said Padilla wants to question Croslin, then decide if he will arrange a bond.

“If he likes the answers, he will bail her out,” he said. “It’s a license to interrogate.”

In conversations with her parents, Croslin has asked that they maintain contact with Padilla, who came to southern Putnam County when Haleigh disappeared.

Fields said Croslin has changed her mind.

“Hearing his [Padilla’s] conditions she doesn’t want to do it,” he said.

Fields said he would be willing to accept help with her bail if the offer came with no strings attached.

Padilla said he does not believe Croslin was asleep, as she said she was, when Haleigh disappeared.

More at link...


Seems obvious to me that Fields wants zero questions about Haleigh. One has to wonder why he is not willing to help assist in clearing his client from any wrong doing with regard to Haleigh. After all, that is why he took Misty on pro bono to begin with. Smoke and mirrors, a defense attorney's friends.
I'm trying to figure out what is going on with Fields and Padillo. Didn't Fields already say it wouldn't be in Misty's best interest to spill her guts? That tells me she is too involved in Haleigh's disappearance, she doesn't know enough or can't prove it. It might also mean that Fields is already working on a plea and doesn't want Padillo to muck up the deal.

I'm also thinking that Fields would have no problem walking away from this case. Since Misty's court date was approaching right after the conversation with her mother about Padillo, I can't help but think Fields asked her to make a choice. Going to court without a lawyer is pretty scary and I think Misty said, no, no, you have to be there!

I can see Fields walking before this case is over. Misty (seemingly) continually goes against his advice. We need to watch the dockets for a Motion to Withdraw Counsel. I see it coming.
Seems obvious to me that Fields wants zero questions about Haleigh. One has to wonder why he is not willing to help assist in clearing his client from any wrong doing with regard to Haleigh. After all, that is why he took Misty on pro bono to begin with. Smoke and mirrors, a defense attorney's friends.

I agree but really, he is just doing his job - to protect his client (much as I hate that). These charges are not about Haleigh that she needs bailed out on - :angel: We all know LP's game in this but Fields is protecting Misty.

PS I too think it would make Misty furious if Tommy got out via LP - but getting out may be the worst thing for Tommy's family.
I dont know where to put this but as I was originally dicussing it here I guess this is where it goes. (I'm trying to learn these ropes!) MC says she hasn't got the "sign", and I was thinking about that... RC & TN seemed to really think that CS would be moving soon and I wonder if thats what they are waiting on. Just a thought.
I see LP like a dog trainer with cash instead of chicken bits... ittybitty incentives that the Croslin clan like ALOT (cash, cars, commissary, phone minutes) in exchange for correct answers (tricks).

Misty...? SPEAK! Good girl.

Very simple programming, it might feasibly work.

as long as he keeps her in jail....away from her family and friends..........jail is not what she likes at all!!!

I have a quetion......Misty states that she will go home to ma & pa when she gets out. Parole not allowed to be with felons??? Ma and pa are felons???
I'd like to see that cease and desist letter from Fields to LP. IMO, while LP may need to stay away from Misty, he can do whatever he wants with/for her parents.
It's going to be VERY interesting to see Mistys reaction to LP bailing out Mom. :)
Fields is doing the same thing as Baez did. Baez used Padilla...big time. Casey enjoyed the whole thing too and never said a work and kicked padilla out of "her" house and she likes to call it. Cindy let her say and talk to him anyway she wanted.

Fields wants to keep misty quiet. Makes me sick. I am tired of Defense Attorneys and their games. They tie up our courts and keep justice from being served and families in pain all for the sake of their client.

misty changes with the wind...she will want out. She will get LP in trouble...I'm waiting...just a matter of time. She loves to talk and be around people even if it is jail...darn shame she is not totally isolated...same with rc but for different reasons.
Why are Shoemaker and Fields doing this for free?....defending the people that could lead us to Haleigh....bull carp! This is insane.
I hear Misty still calling the shots. In talking to LC: "You tell him". She insists when he
(LP) gets her out, THEN she will talk to him, and only if he will sign an agreement not to rescind her bond. So, of course when she tells him the same crazy stories, he must accept it. What makes her think she is so entitled to any strangers money, attention, concern? Has anyone really explained to her what LP's conditions are and that he is the one holding her get out of jail card and it is NOT CHEAP. I say just leave her there and get TC out. That will give her a message.
I dont know where to put this but as I was originally dicussing it here I guess this is where it goes. (I'm trying to learn these ropes!) MC says she hasn't got the "sign", and I was thinking about that... RC & TN seemed to really think that CS would be moving soon and I wonder if thats what they are waiting on. Just a thought.

I really think that the "sign from God" was just something she tossed out there like "I don't know, I haven't gotten a sign from God or anything." I don't think there is a literal interpretation in what she said.
Seems obvious to me that Fields wants zero questions about Haleigh. One has to wonder why he is not willing to help assist in clearing his client from any wrong doing with regard to Haleigh. After all, that is why he took Misty on pro bono to begin with. Smoke and mirrors, a defense attorney's friends.

Oh, come on now, charlie! If you were an attorney charged with representing a client who had been called "The Key" to an investigation into the possible homicide of a child for over a year, no way would you be offering her up for the media pimps. [Well, at least I wouldn't. I hope.]

jmo & fwiw, I like LP & RF :)
From listening to Misty while talking to her mother she wants LP to bond her out, even if it means letting go of Fields and getting herself a new attorney.
:waitasec:I am confused how this will all play out. Fields sent LP a cease-and-desist letter Feb. 17, 2010 . In that letter it says, "Misty Croslin has made it clear that she does not desire LP assistance in this matter. However, that is not what she has been saying all along in her jail conversations. Misty wants out and dose not care who gets her out. I pray that LP will keep his word and makes sure that Misty will give him the information to bring Haleigh home.
:furious: If not, let her rot in jail!
Misty Croslin's Attorney Tells Bounty Hunter to Back Off
"Snip" Taren Reed Ann Butler Jessica Clark 2/18/2010

"Snip" http://www.thesky973.com/pages/6394553.php
Croslin's lawyer has sent a strong warning to Leonard Padilla.
The cease-and-desist letter dated Feb. 17, 2010 says, "We have been informed that you have purchased a vehicle, cellular phones and other items for Hank and Lisa Croslin. Misty considers this action an unwanted, third-party contact intended to influence her parents to convince her to work with you."
"Of course I'm trying to get to her. I want to get the truth from her. How else does he expect me to create goodwill between me and her?" said Padilla told FirstCoastNews.Com Thursday.
Padilla, who has not received the letter yet, confirmed that he had spent about $3,000 on a car for Hank Croslin Sr. and at least $200 on food and phone time for Misty or her family.
The letter went on to read: "Misty Croslin has made it clear to me that she does not desire your assistance in this matter. Therefore, she respectfully requests that you cease and desist any further attempts to contact her, either directly or by way of any third party."
I agree but really, he is just doing his job - to protect his client (much as I hate that). These charges are not about Haleigh that she needs bailed out on - :angel: We all know LP's game in this but Fields is protecting Misty.

PS I too think it would make Misty furious if Tommy got out via LP - but getting out may be the worst thing for Tommy's family.

Do you think Fields would turn Padilla away if Misty was jane blow and had zero connection whatsoever with Haleigh? Granted the current charges may be unreleated to Haleigh's disappearance - Misty however, is directly related to Haleigh's disappearance. Use of that fact comes into play on both sides of this coin, Fields and Padilla.

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