What Kind Of Defense for Casey in a trial?

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The dog at my homework. She has absolutely no logical defense, the only one's that will make sense of it will be Cindy,George,and Lee.
I haven't had time to read this thread yet, so I apologize if something similar has already been posted.

If I were advising the defense on a strategy to avoid the death penalty, one that that at least one or more members of a jury would buy, I would have Casey have a series of different types of brain scans and find an expert witness to testify that at least one of them indicated damage/underdevelopment of the prefrontal cortex, or at least that such damage could not be ruled-out. The expert would testify that such damage would be consistent with the cognitive-behavioral characteristics of the DSM Cluster B personality disorders (Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic, and Antisocial). Given the mere POSSIBILITY of such an underlying physical rationale related to Casey’s lack of a moral compass, the jury may still find her guilty, but is not likely to sentence her to death. Of course, the defense expert witness would cite tons of research about how the prefrontal cortex relates to judgment and impulse control, particularly including substance abuse and sexual acting-out.

Just my opinions.

She may be a socipath but she still knows right from wrong..
I haven't had time to read this thread yet, so I apologize if something similar has already been posted.

If I were advising the defense on a strategy to avoid the death penalty, one that that at least one or more members of a jury would buy, I would have Casey have a series of different types of brain scans and find an expert witness to testify that at least one of them indicated damage/underdevelopment of the prefrontal cortex, or at least that such damage could not be ruled-out. The expert would testify that such damage would be consistent with the cognitive-behavioral characteristics of the DSM Cluster B personality disorders (Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic, and Antisocial). Given the mere POSSIBILITY of such an underlying physical rationale related to Casey’s lack of a moral compass, the jury may still find her guilty, but is not likely to sentence her to death. Of course, the defense expert witness would cite tons of research about how the prefrontal cortex relates to judgment and impulse control, particularly including substance abuse and sexual acting-out.

Just my opinions.

She may be a socipath but she still knows right from wrong..

Actually, I do not believe she is a sociopath (at least not based on the DSM Antisocial Personality Disorder). I do think she has characteristics consistent with Histrionic, Narcissistic and Borderline personality disorders ... and she also correlates well with a prototypical Hare PCL-R ... psychopath. She certainly knows right from wrong, but I would still use the above strategy related to the jury.

My defense would be that Caylee is somewhere safe because she was being molested by the same person that molested KC when she was growing up and didn't want the same thing to happen to her and that she was afraid because of her being young and partying that she would lose custody and no control of where Caylee was at all times. She was lying about work because she didn't want to leave Caylee with the person that molested her as a child. I don't believe this defense to be true, but I can't think of anything else that she could use as an excuse not to tell.
My defense would be that Caylee is somewhere safe because she was being molested by the same person that molested KC when she was growing up and didn't want the same thing to happen to her and that she was afraid because of her being young and partying that she would lose custody and no control of where Caylee was at all times. She was lying about work because she didn't want to leave Caylee with the person that molested her as a child. I don't believe this defense to be true, but I can't think of anything else that she could use as an excuse not to tell.
And all Casey would have to do is produce Caylee for the court and then the jury would believe her.
And all Casey would have to do is produce Caylee for the court and then the jury would believe her.

But her reasoning could be that if she produced her and has no proof of the molestation, then her family (including the molester) would get custody and she is doing this to save Caylee. Remember...I don't believe this...this is just the kind of defense that I expect. I hope it doesn't work. It just takes one juror to believe that it is a possibility.
I haven't had time to read this thread yet, so I apologize if something similar has already been posted.

If I were advising the defense on a strategy to avoid the death penalty, one that that at least one or more members of a jury would buy, I would have Casey have a series of different types of brain scans and find an expert witness to testify that at least one of them indicated damage/underdevelopment of the prefrontal cortex, or at least that such damage could not be ruled-out. The expert would testify that such damage would be consistent with the cognitive-behavioral characteristics of the DSM Cluster B personality disorders (Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic, and Antisocial). Given the mere POSSIBILITY of such an underlying physical rationale related to Casey’s lack of a moral compass, the jury may still find her guilty, but is not likely to sentence her to death. Of course, the defense expert witness would cite tons of research about how the prefrontal cortex relates to judgment and impulse control, particularly including substance abuse and sexual acting-out.

Just my opinions.
It'll only work if they can actually find anything on the scans. They'll have to produce the pics. I've also heard about the "imaging" done on sociopaths (I lean that way). But, it'll be interesting to see if they will use "science" to save her life when a good part of the trial will be their attempt to refute it.
But her reasoning could be that if she produced her and has no proof of the molestation, then her family (including the molester) would get custody and she is doing this to save Caylee. Remember...I don't believe this...this is just the kind of defense that I expect. I hope it doesn't work. It just takes one juror to believe that it is a possibility.

In order to get this story to the jury, Casey would have to testify. She's not going to do that. I really can't see anyone believing it anyway. Casey left Caylee home with George and Cindy most of the time while she was out 'working'. Why would she suddenly, on June 16th, start worrying about Caylee being molested when she had no concerns prior to that?

Casey was an adult person, she could have simply taken Caylee from the Anthony home and kept her away from the molester. There was no reason to ship her off to strangers without a single item of clothing or even Caylee's favorite doll.
It'll only work if they can actually find anything on the scans. They'll have to produce the pics. I've also heard about the "imaging" done on sociopaths (I lean that way). But, it'll be interesting to see if they will use "science" to save her life when a good part of the trial will be their attempt to refute it.

Not necessarily. All they need is an expert witness who can not testify that s/he is not able to rule out such damage. The pics will be beyond the expertise anyone on the jury and no one will be able to refute the POSSIBILITY. We are talking legal defense here ... not necessarily reality. The ambiguity will make OJ's glove look like a good fit. Add enough confusion with the jury and the death penalty disappears.

Just my opinions,
Not necessarily. All they need is an expert witness who can not testify that s/he is not able to rule out such damage. The pics will be beyond the expertise anyone on the jury and no one will be able to refute the POSSIBILITY. We are talking legal defense here ... not necessarily reality. The ambiguity will make OJ's glove look like a good fit. Add enough confusion with the jury and the death penalty disappears.

Just my opinions,

In light of KC being so petrified of her own mother, it could be as simple as another child (Caylee) having expired in the back seat (in her car seat) after she had fallen asleep in the hot car. If she didn't know how to get herself out of the car seat, it could have gone down that way. By the time KC remembered Caylee was in the back seat, it could have been too late and all the covering up could be to keep it from everyone but especially her mother. So she took the 31 days to cook up her story. I'm not saying I believe it happened that way necessarily but it could be their plan of defense. Possible? Would like to hear other views.
That sounds like a great title for Country westen song.. "Zanny the nanny and her sister Sam..picked up the baby and went on the lam"

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

I just spit my drink all over!
there is NO reasonable defense

lying crazy defense - yes

stupid defense - yes

reasonable - no - not even close

If she had hired a private detective from the get go ( from day one )
well well well, see that would work in her favor because she could say she was afraid to go to the police but was interested in finding the babysitter

if she had searched on the internet and actually searched for the babysitter by trying to contact any of the "supposed babysitters friends" that would work in her defense.

if she had not been partying like it was 1999 then that would go in her defense......

nawwwwwwwwwwwwww nothing like that happend

she is toast no matter how many lies her family tells for her

the horse left the barn months ago..

stick a fork in her, she is done
I haven't read this whole thread....so many posts! This is a defense I have thought might be possible in order to get a lighter sentence.

If the father still remains to be unknown, and knowing Casey has visited post traumatic stress groups on facebook, I'm thinking of a defense of Caylee being conceived through rape. She never told anyone, but one day snapped.
I haven't read this whole thread....so many posts! This is a defense I have thought might be possible in order to get a lighter sentence.

If the father still remains to be unknown, and knowing Casey has visited post traumatic stress groups on facebook, I'm thinking of a defense of Caylee being conceived through rape. She never told anyone, but one day snapped.

well yes, that may explain something but wont get her out of prison

In light of KC being so petrified of her own mother, it could be as simple as another child (Caylee) having expired in the back seat (in her car seat) after she had fallen asleep in the hot car. If she didn't know how to get herself out of the car seat, it could have gone down that way. By the time KC remembered Caylee was in the back seat, it could have been too late and all the covering up could be to keep it from everyone but especially her mother. So she took the 31 days to cook up her story. I'm not saying I believe it happened that way necessarily but it could be their plan of defense. Possible? Would like to hear other views.

I don't think KC will get the death penalty. I don't think Caylee's death was accidental, but I agree that JB will probably use that as the plan of defense.
I think he will have a difficult time getting the jurors to sympathize with KC in light of the fact she didn't report her daughter missing for 31 days. Nor did she act like a grieving mother and the prosecution has surveillance tapes to prove that.
Not necessarily. All they need is an expert witness who can not testify that s/he is not able to rule out such damage. The pics will be beyond the expertise anyone on the jury and no one will be able to refute the POSSIBILITY. We are talking legal defense here ... not necessarily reality. The ambiguity will make OJ's glove look like a good fit. Add enough confusion with the jury and the death penalty disappears.

Just my opinions,
Ya know, I have thought about that glove a lot lately. And I've been waiting for just what you argued. Especially today...even before I read your post. I was thinking of a case that hit close to home. A baby had been tossed into a dumpster shortly after birth. The parents were charged. They claimed the baby had died prior to discarding him. An expert brought in by the defense found a slight abnormality in the child's brain. It was enough- there was no way (but enough doubt for the jury) to conclusively prove what had killed the baby. They did serve time in prison. But, it could have been a whole lot worse if they were found culpable for the baby's death.
Weird that your post appeared today...even weirder that I think about this case so often during the day.
there is NO reasonable defense

lying crazy defense - yes

stupid defense - yes

reasonable - no - not even close

If she had hired a private detective from the get go ( from day one )
well well well, see that would work in her favor because she could say she was afraid to go to the police but was interested in finding the babysitter

if she had searched on the internet and actually searched for the babysitter by trying to contact any of the "supposed babysitters friends" that would work in her defense.

if she had not been partying like it was 1999 then that would go in her defense......

nawwwwwwwwwwwwww nothing like that happend

she is toast no matter how many lies her family tells for her

the horse left the barn months ago..

stick a fork in her, she is done
I love your common sense robotdog!
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