What small foreign faction?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
So, let me get this straight. The North Korean's, were ticked off because they were owed $100,000. The biggest thing they could think to do, was go to Boulder Colorado, and kidnap JR's daughter. So the North Korean's send a group of Asian men to set up surveillance. Now this group was around long enough to learn every detail of the R's lives and no one noticed them?

Now they pick one guy to go and take the child. maybe it was two guys and one of them was Scotty from the Starship Enterprise, cause someone had to beam her down to the basement. He decides he better only bring rope and tape because anything else would be suspicious and most likely everything else that he needs would be inside the house. Like a paint brush with the words Korea on it and a flashlight. Maybe these were Korean Ninja's and thats why no one heard them?

Imagine the surprise of the SFF, when they realized they had sent a pervert with no self control. So this pervert Korean, takes the victim to the farthest room from his escape/exit window (Oh thats right, Scotty is there or maybe its Mr Sulu?) and stages a loving scene for a child he doesn't even know...

Wow! these Korean's had a bad night. How could they have known they sent a perv, or that you couldn't beam up dead bodies and to make it worse they forgot to move the one and only thing JR's could remember, that DAMN suitcase, did't they know it wasn't normally where they kept it. Drat-Drat and double Drat!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I was asked what changed me from IDI.......
The only thing missing was the fortune cookie.. Hey IDI, you guys find that cookie you could crack this thing wide open....

Confucius say: Man who jumps off cliff, jumps to conclusion!
Its not possible that blood is the reason for the breakage. The bristle end was broken off and the reason wasn't blood because no blood was found on either piece. Try again.

I don't have to try. I am not the one who thinks there may have been blood on the paintbrush. When it was suggested by another poster, I said it was possible. I have never considered it, actually, though I suppose it could be possible. We don't know for sure if the remaining pieces were ever tested for blood. We don't even know if they were tested for evidence of Touch DNA or prints, which is amazing because someone obviously touched it.
DeeDee, couldn't the blood be on the missing piece?

I suppose, but if the perps' blood got there from BREAKING the brush it would likely be on both pieces. If the perp got cut after it was broken from just the missing piece, then, yes. But still, only JB's own blood was found when her thighs were swabbed.
Okay, I can't get over this whole Korean thing. I have tried. I've went to other posts, I've taken a shower, I've eaten a piece of cake and nothing has helped me move on, whiskey is next.

Now see what you have done? I have been rendered speechless and nothing does that. That idea is making me as crazy as it sounds. Thats your plan isn't it, weapons of mass ignorance and dumb idea's. The R machine will fire them at us until we are all driven into corners, where we will drool, and babble incoherently, while we smear pooh on the walls.

In all seriousness, wasn't it enough to ruin the lives of their friends, their workers, and people that they had never met before their daughter died, that now the machine wants to blame actual foreign countries. Is that how its going to work, you close your eyes spin the globe and point your finger? Hey maybe its Israel, they might have wanted their rare shirt back. Should we start wars and fight until no one is left except the R's and Worm Wood.

If you want to convert RDI or fence sitters please bring something better than that to the table or all your going to recruit are the guys that swear the Grey men are hiding out at the Boulder Airport. You know the ones, they were in Sixteen candles, the guys with antennas on there heads and night vision glasses...

Okay, I can't get over this whole Korean thing. I have tried. I've went to other posts, I've taken a shower, I've eaten a piece of cake and nothing has helped me move on, whiskey is next.

Now see what you have done? I have been rendered speechless and nothing does that. That idea is making me as crazy as it sounds. Thats your plan isn't it, weapons of mass ignorance and dumb idea's. The R machine will fire them at us until we are all driven into corners, where we will drool, and babble incoherently, while we smear pooh on the walls.

In all seriousness, wasn't it enough to ruin the lives of their friends, their workers, and people that they had never met before their daughter died, that now the machine wants to blame actual foreign countries. Is that how its going to work, you close your eyes spin the globe and point your finger? Hey maybe its Israel, they might have wanted their rare shirt back. Should we start wars and fight until no one is left except the R's and Worm Wood.

If you want to convert RDI or fence sitters please bring something better than that to the table or all your going to recruit are the guys that swear the Grey men are hiding out at the Boulder Airport. You know the ones, they were in Sixteen candles, the guys with antennas on there heads and night vision glasses...


my bold.

I find your childish attempt at ridicule to be trite and stale.

3. We are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction.
4. We respect your business but not the country that it serves.

OK well then lets proceed with the ransom note but ignore the 'foreign' and 'country' parts because everybody knows thats bogus, right? . I understand. Getting too hot for ya.

RDI: Ozzie and Harriet did it.

Are you kidding me? Dont you know a brutal child murder when you see one? Somebody bashed her over the head with the butt of a knife or a gun, according to another poster.

IDI: A monster did this and he's going to be monster-like.

But I understand the safety of suspecting Ozzie, a mild mannered CEO. And a passed on housewife. Not too threatening, eh?
I haven't tried breaking a similar paintbrush by hand yet but my guess is its not that easy or that quiet.

It isn't. Which raises an interesting question: why would someone use it if they were afraid of being heard?

However knowing if the handle was hardwood or standard soft wood might help. Probably it was soft wood.

I've heard it described as cellulose, whatever that does for you.

Anyway there's no RDI scenario that explains the advantage of selecting a paintbrush and then breaking it twice , over simply choosing an object of suitable diameter and length.

Who says there IS an advantage?

RDI should now explain why both ends were broken, the bristle-end discarded and the opposite end missing.

I'm game, brother.
I'm game, brother.

RDI: the paintbrush was selected because it was handy.
RDI: the paintbrush was broken at BOTH ends so one end could be used to injure JBR during a sexual assault. Dont know why the other end was broken. First end missing to remove evidence.

IDI: there are no injuries consistent with that type of assault described on the autopsy report. There were no lacerations or bleeding scratches reported.

IDI: the paintbrush was selected as a symbol of Korea.
IDI: the paintbrush was broken at both ends because it was used as a crude pointed weapon. The pointed ends prevents someone from grabbing and getting a hold of it. The first end taken as a souvenir.

ETA I looked at the photo of the paint tote, and can see brushes that are similar diameter but shorter. There are two of those and either one could be used as a garrote handle, without breaking.
RDI: Ozzie and Harriet did it.

No, John and Patsy did it. I have no idea what you're trying to say with this "Ozzie and Harriet" stuff.

Are you kidding me?


Dont you know a brutal child murder when you see one?

Even if I don't, the FBI sure as he** does! Would you like me to tell you what they said about it, because I WILL!

IDI: A monster did this and he's going to be monster-like.

Of course. A simple good-and-evil story. Much less disturbing than the alternative.

But I understand the safety of suspecting Ozzie, a mild mannered CEO. And a passed on housewife. Not too threatening, eh?

Brother, there are so many problems with that statement, I'd need a separate THREAD to address them all fully!
RDI: the paintbrush was selected because it was handy.
RDI: the paintbrush was broken at BOTH ends so one end could be used to injure JBR during a sexual assault. Dont know why the other end was broken. First end missing to remove evidence.

Something like that.
Something like that.

Its one thing if there's irrefutable evidence that the handle was used for such a purpose. Used to abrade JBR in a sexual assault? Nah. Dr. Meyer described no such injury.

Its just someone's imagination running away with them.
my bold.

I find your childish attempt at ridicule to be trite and stale.

3. We are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction.
4. We respect your business but not the country that it serves.

OK well then lets proceed with the ransom note but ignore the 'foreign' and 'country' parts because everybody knows thats bogus, right? . I understand. Getting to hot for ya.

RDI: Ozzie and Harriet did it.

Are you kidding me? Dont you know a brutal child murder when you see one? Somebody bashed her over the head with the butt of a knife or a gun, according to another poster.

IDI: A monster did this and he's going to be monster-like.

But I understand the safety of suspecting Ozzie, a mild mannered CEO. And a passed on housewife. Not too threatening, eh?

HOTYH, you are childish and trite in the fake RDI conversation posts that you make on a regular basis. Ozzie and Harriet did it? Try looking at the facts of the case, base your arguments on those instead of RDI bashing. Address the questions that people ask you, back up your statements with reputable sources.

I am sure that if any RDI made the above comment, you have taken it out of context and attempted to change the meaning.

Full copied quote please.
HOTYH, you are childish and trite in the fake RDI conversation posts that you make on a regular basis. Ozzie and Harriet did it? Try looking at the facts of the case, base your arguments on those instead of RDI bashing. Address the questions that people ask you, back up your statements with reputable sources.

I am sure that if any RDI made the above comment, you have taken it out of context and attempted to change the meaning.

Full copied quote please.

Hey aren't you the one who keeps posting over and over the falsehood misinformation that the touch DNA is degraded? And then you want me to prove to you things that are openly available in the news or at the Bode website? Why dont you prove it to yourself?
Is that how its going to work, you close your eyes spin the globe and point your finger? Hey maybe its Israel, they might have wanted their rare shirt back.

I reread the autopsy report and didn't find any references to Israel. The autopsy report for Jonbenet Ramsey does reference KOREA, therefore its not exactly 'spinning the globe', is it. Maybe you've never heard of criminals leaving cards, notes, or objects as deliberate clues? Do I have to dig up some examples? I'm surprised you didn't know that already. The autopsy report reference to KOREA is part of the permanent record for this murder, therefore its not random pointing of fingers as you erroneously claimed.

Further, RDI has no explanation for the selection of the paintbrush over other objects. A choice was made to grab THAT paintbrush and break it twice, even though other paintbrushes and other objects would've worked without breaking it twice.

There's more to it than just spinning the globe and pointing, thats for sure. Unless you're simply not interested in the evidence.

I wasn't ridiculing you, I was making a ridiculous joke out of a ridiculous idea... I respect much of what you say, even if I don't agree. You pooh pooh plausible ideas and then throw something like Korea did it out there? You actually buy that this was an act of a SFF and that the RN, was real? And I am the one called childish?

By the way HOTYH, there was no SFF!

I wasn't ridiculing you,I was making a ridiculous joke out of a ridiculous idea... I respect much of what you say, even if I don't agree. You pooh pooh plausible ideas and then throw something like Korea did it out there? You actually buy that this was an act of a SFF and that the RN, was real? And I am the one called childish?

By the way HOTYH, there was no SFF!

my bold

Then maybe this thread is not for you? Because this is where we discuss "What small foreign faction". Thats the topic.

You just made this personal.. I have in fact seen a brutal child murder and worse, I've had to fix those that survived. I've looked into the face of women and men, mothers and fathers that can do the most heinous of things. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! I live my life cleaning up after Ozzie and Harriet. Do me a favor, donate your time at childrens hospital or a child advocacy center and then talk to me about what parents are capable of. When a child looks into your eyes and wants to know how his/her Ozzie and Harriet could do this too me, then you talk to me about child issues.

Abuse, molestation and child murder are like any other plague they do not discriminate against race, religion, economic background, or creed...... Don't go here with me HOTYH.

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