What was found with the remains? THEORIES HERE

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Dog hair stuck to duct tape
A Pullup
possibly a reciept
blanket or towel

This is gross, but when someone dies...don't all of their "excrections" come out? I'm thinking a pull up (diaper), so KC didn't get "fluids" in her car. She would keep something like that on.
The thing that has always bothered me though, is...if she came up with the kidnapping story on the spur of the moment when she was confronted about Caylee being missing, what about the name and the fact that a person with that name was at the Sawgrass apartments just 2 days after Caylee went missing? Was it a coincidence? I am inclined to think that KC actually planned this out. Especially because of the searches on the computer that were done early on, long before Caylee was missing. I don't know...this whole thing is mind boggling to me. I'll just be glad when we finally have some solid answers. :(

Im with you on this thought. How was it she was searching for a Zanny on the Computer and then 2 days after Caylee goes missing a Zanny goes and looks at an apartment...What date where the computer searches done.
I was hoping for a thread like this but as someone who rarely posts, I didn't want to start a new one.....

I keep going over Sherriff Beary saying there was something that "absolutely" tied the remains to the A's house specifically. IMO, there was far more than duct tape and a trash bag that they found because that could be found in nearly every home in America. IMO, there had to have been something that they had previously seen in the A's home that matched whatever it was that they found among the remains to obtain another search warrant to the A's.

This whole next section is based on the fact that I don't know criminal law. Wouldn't there have to be something quite substantial to obtain a warrant? Also, they declared the A's a crime scene..does that mean that they believe the crime took place there? Why not the car as the "crime scene" or JUST the specific area in which she was found? What did they find that established the home, itself, as a crime scene? I am inclined to believe it was FAR more than duct tape and a trash bag.


Maybe a Shamrock (Casey) or a little Panda (Cindy)?

Could they be trying to match soil from the body site to the contents of the vaccuum cleaner? Soil from the A's own back yard is bound to be in there - but not soil from the body sight.
Probably they are looking for fibers to match the duct tape, and perhaps some clothing/fabric was found in the bag that might also contain chloroform.
In the jail visit videos CA asks KC is someone had been in the home. I wonder if CA noticed something missing such as a blanket, throw or pillow. She may have told this to LE as "proof" of Zanni's existence. ( She came in and stole it, dontcha know). I would think this would be info. LE would want to keep quiet and so didn't release it with the document dumps. Once LE saw it with the remains, they knew they had Caylee and the Ant. home became a crime scene.

Good thinking Phumi. And welcome to ws.
What about the missing Tiffany ring that Jeff supposedly gave Casey? Who knows if there even is a ring or who gave it to her, but it was brought up by Cindy in the jailhouse tapes. That makes me think that Cindy has seen the actual ring.
IMO, i think this time it has to be something different than "ordinary" things you'd take from a crime scene - like not just duct tape, bags. Since LE searched the house before (with those blacklights to check for blood), I think they'd have to have something they didn't think of earlier for a judge to give a search warrant that quickly - for someone's home who isn't a person of interest.

I'd think it would have to be either a bath-towel (to find the match), a letter/note (to match paper reams against), a toy of caylees (especially if it was one of a set).

I really don't think a judge would give a search warrant so quickly to tear apart the outside AND INSIDE of the A house without specific evidence - more than sand, fiber, etc. IF LE was wrong (even say the murder took place in the backyard and never in the house), its risky to give a broad search warrant to tear up grandparents house 10 minutes after their granddaughters body is found... (even if GA/CA are not our model grandparents, it just isn't good form)
Is this reporter, who claims there were clothes in the bag, incorrect?:


Also, they could be taking the vacuum cleaners to see if the soil where she was found was vacuumed up and in the vacuum, presumably AFTER Casey was arrested. In other words...if someone in the Anthony family MOVED the remains, they would have tracked the soil back into the house and, in the process of vacuuming, the matching soil would be in the vacuum.

I would think that over the course of 6 months, any paper in the bag, subjected to water, would be disintegrated.

By the way, there MUST have been something weighing the bag down or it would have floated to the top of the water and there would have been no indentation in the bottom of the ravine when it was found. Certainly, the weight of the corpse would have left an indentation of some sort, but if the area filled with water later, the body would have floated up to the top.
I haven't found a thread solely discussing this topic and I think it's a good one... I did read someone thought maybe KC's blackberry was with the remains. I think that's very possible, and maybe some empty pesticide containers or cleaning containers?

What would tie the remains to the Anthony house "absolutely" as the sheriff put it?

One of my first thoughts was a bed sheet. If Casey used a bed sheet from the linen closet to wrap Caylee's body in before placing it in the trash bag, and if that sheet belonged to a set, there's a sheet missing.

Let's say it was the bottom (fitted sheet) from a set of blue floral sheets. When detectives searched the house they would find a top sheet and two pillow cases, but the bottom fitted sheet missing from the set.

Or, a piece of luggage. The Anthony's garage might have a set of luggage with various pieces to the set. A duffle-type bag could be missing from the set, used to put Caylee's body into. Did Casey have a few pieces of luggage stored in her closet for overnight or weekend trips?

I also thought of the J.C. Penney's receipt that Cindy was so reluctant to turn over to LE. Was there a purchase on that receipt for something that was found with the remains?

Not to get too graphic, but was there an item with the remains that could be a weapon? Does Cindy have a wooden knife block in her kitchen with a knife missing?

I'm trying to think of things that could be specific to the Anthony home.
It's luminal that they use to see if there's blood on walls/floors, etc. The containers we saw come 'out' of the A home - could they have been brought in earlier and filled with Luminol. Maybe they're not filled with pesticides but Luminol. If they were pesticides wouldn't they have bagged them like they bag other evidence to hide them from pictures, etc.
Why would Casey ride around for 2.6 days with Caylee in the car? There was a so-called flurry of cell phone calls to Cindy while she was on vacation; why didn't Cindy return the calls or 'did she'?

I think it may have been luminal also. I'm wondering if the skull showed signs of trauma and they went back into the Anthony house looking for signs of blood. That could explain the carpeting and drywall missing. That piece of drywall missing is really intriguing. I can only think that Caylee may have been thrown up against a wall or something (wow, it hurts to type that). If that occured however, the GA and CA would have been home to hear it. Still speculating.
Here's some more thought about a paver. Whatever was found that connected the home was very immediately visible. LE was at the A home literally within an hour or so of discovery - no time for forensic testing for fibers, hairs, prints, etc. No, it was something immediately visible and identifiable.

Another poster added the pesticide sprayers could be used to tie the paver to the others in the A's yard. Good thinking.

IMO KC used the shovel to pry up a paver (to put in the bag). That would have left an empty spot (probably a corner - but definitely in an outside row).

Now, remember way back - GA and CA had gone into the backyard even before the canines were brought in. What if that empty spot was noticed and GA replaced it with an extra? Now we're getting into the area of obstruction charges for GA.

I honestly believe it will come out that a paver was in that bag and that's what sent LE running to rope off that house.

The shovel to pry up the paver!!! You are a genius!
I'm with everyone else who thinks that it had to have been something immediately recognizable. I do think they are doing fiber tests, hair tests (pet hair?), dirt/soil/sand tests, but those are not immediately reactionable items (I think I just made up a new term...).

The pillow sticking out of the top of the evidence bag is curious to me. Makes me think there was a matching item in the bag with the remains. And that is something that would be immediately recognizable and be definite cause for a search warrant.

Another option is that paver concept. I'm not ruling that one out...I think it definitely has merit.

Those cross necklaces have always bothered me. Why buy two? Where are they?

The infamous Blackberry. Does it even exist? Also a possibility.

But, my gut is saying it was a bedding item.

As an aside... Yeah! This is my 100th post! :)
What about the missing Tiffany ring that Jeff supposedly gave Casey? Who knows if there even is a ring or who gave it to her, but it was brought up by Cindy in the jailhouse tapes. That makes me think that Cindy has seen the actual ring.

I forgot about that ring. When Cindy brought it up it was the first time I had ever heard of it. Has it been discussed before? I'm curious what its all about.
Maybe, but how would that tie to the home? I could see if they wanted to obtain a photo from the home that had a particular blanket in it or a doll, but that wouldn't warrant them rushing to the home to secure it ASAP, would it?

There's been a lot of pictures of Caylee released to the media and some posted on various websites like MySpace.

We know that Caylee's "mama" doll was found in the car. But, there may be pictures of Caylee holding another doll or stuffed animal, or even something in the background of a picture, that's been missing from the Anthony home and found with the remains.
If they could tell by looking at the remains, perhaps they could tell it was a violent death and that there would be bloodspatter and the like at the crime scene. We all know how hard it is to completely remove blood. The A's house was the last KNOWN location of Caylee so they would have a reason to suspect that was the crime scene.

I think that is it. I believe the body showed signs of extreme head and neck trauma and they cut out those pieces of sheet rock where blood had splattered. They sure found something.

I found it interesting they fingerprinted the Anthonys as they got off the plane.
Is this reporter, who claims there were clothes in the bag, incorrect?:


Also, they could be taking the vacuum cleaners to see if the soil where she was found was vacuumed up and in the vacuum, presumably AFTER Casey was arrested. In other words...if someone in the Anthony family MOVED the remains, they would have tracked the soil back into the house and, in the process of vacuuming, the matching soil would be in the vacuum.

I would think that over the course of 6 months, any paper in the bag, subjected to water, would be disintegrated.

By the way, there MUST have been something weighing the bag down or it would have floated to the top of the water and there would have been no indentation in the bottom of the ravine when it was found. Certainly, the weight of the corpse would have left an indentation of some sort, but if the area filled with water later, the body would have floated up to the top.

I hadn't seen that video. I keep hearing no clothes were in the bag; clothes were found nearby; there were no clothes at all; clothes were in the bag.
Casey is a little thief. I highly doubt she would throw out anything of value. If the Tiffany ring is missing she probably sold it at the pawn shop for money.
It's luminal that they use to see if there's blood on walls/floors, etc. The containers we saw come 'out' of the A home - could they have been brought in earlier and filled with Luminol. Maybe they're not filled with pesticides but Luminol. If they were pesticides wouldn't they have bagged them like they bag other evidence to hide them from pictures, etc.

Respectfully snipped
You make a good point about those containers. I wonder how luminol is 'packaged' for LE? At university, I always have just seen the mixed solutions in a smallish spray mist bottle, but then again, that was for classroom purposes only..
Does anyone know if Forensic teams would carry Luminol in the big cannister type things?
IMO, i think this time it has to be something different than "ordinary" things you'd take from a crime scene - like not just duct tape, bags. Since LE searched the house before (with those blacklights to check for blood), I think they'd have to have something they didn't think of earlier for a judge to give a search warrant that quickly - for someone's home who isn't a person of interest.

I'd think it would have to be either a bath-towel (to find the match), a letter/note (to match paper reams against), a toy of caylees (especially if it was one of a set).
I really don't think a judge would give a search warrant so quickly to tear apart the outside AND INSIDE of the A house without specific evidence - more than sand, fiber, etc. IF LE was wrong (even say the murder took place in the backyard and never in the house), its risky to give a broad search warrant to tear up grandparents house 10 minutes after their granddaughters body is found... (even if GA/CA are not our model grandparents, it just isn't good form)

This is what I am thinking....something blatantly obvious seen by the naked eye....If Caylee was in the trunk in a "makeshift bed" and had decomp fluids on that bed, wouldn't it make sense that KC would just scoop it all up and put it in the bag? This also leads me back to her comment about not finding the clothes yet....She assumed the animals had taken care of Caylee for her and all that would be left is clothes IMO. The other thing to think about here, sort of off topic, Cindy stated KC hadn't taken any of Caylee's things from the house....was she covering up in the event that Caylee was found or was it because KC left the house with nothing for Caylee, other than a small backpack because she KNEW Caylee wasn't going to need anything because she had a plan to get rid of her?

I keep thinking horrible thoughts about ALL of this....the chloroform sticks in my head (a cloth that she used to administer the chloroform) as well as the skull falling off...If in fact there was trama to the neck (ie neck breaking), that area would decompose quicker....I keep asking myself, is this why the A's house was considered a crime scene? Does LE believe KC broke Caylees neck in the home? I am just beside myself with all of this!!! Poor Caylee...they never gave her a chance!!!
I'm going to guess plastic/rubber gloves PPOF used to move the body of Caylee.

Maybe she threw them into the bag before she taped it up and disposed of her daughter.

Perhaps a pair from a type of hair-color box used frequently in the Anthony family...?
Or the type used to do dishes or household cleaning....?

Hopefully (if that is the 'find') Casey left her fingerprints inside the gloves....

Can't blame Zanny then! Key or no key.
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