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What evidence will convict Casey

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If I merge it might be confusing to those who've posted over there since it contains a poll.

Ok give it some more time and then lock it if you wish, Im curious to know what others think, TIA
I think forensics will go a long way, once it all comes out in trial.
her mouth will convict her
A workable prosecution timeline that fits all the parameters and the forensics to back it up.
I believe her behavior will help, but it will not convict alone. Forensics will convict her (hopefully).

If there was NO forensic evidence in this case, I would have an extremely hard time convicting her of first degree murder, now matter how much of a liar she is.
The fact that she never did call to report her daughter missing, CA did it and forced KC to get on the phone. Any parent who has ever looked for their child and couldn't find them, even if it was only seconds, that parent knows the PANIC and FEAR and the complete feeling of "HAYWIRE" during the SECONDS they couldn't locate their child.

KC will never be able to come up with an explaination for her lack of concern regarding Caylee being missing/abducted/kidnapped whatever and not reporting it right away, that any normal parent will be able to buy. moo
I don't see that KC has a chance in this case. There is so much against her and nothing for her. JB doesn't even have any witnesses on his list that can tell a story that would sway a jury in her direction. All he has are these experts to try and cast doubt on the evidence. Well the prosecution will have great experts too. Between the prosecution experts on the forensics and KC's behavior I don't see how JB can present anything in court to sway a jury in his direction. He can't even tell a different story. He can't explain her actions because he has no one to testify on her behalf and she surely won't testify. His yakking doesn't mean a thing. His making up some story in opening statements isn't evidence of any type. Just what evidence can he present that there was a kidnapper of any type? He has no phone number, address, she lied about all her friends knowing or seeing this nanny. I just don't see that she has ANY chance at all to prevail and the jury can see thru these experts trying to cast aspersions on the forensic evidence. JB's only chance is to produce this kidnapper and he can't. This 'some other dude did it' isn't going to work in this case.
I think there would have to be forensic proof that Caylee was alive when the tape was applied, or else a story could be pretty easily concocted that this was a desperate attempt to cover up an accidental death. From KC's first statements of "my mother will never forgive me" it's pretty obvious that CA's reaction was her main concern. Caylee could have died in all the accidental death scenarios already suggested. Casey has a confirmed history of avoiding consequences by lying and making up dramafied stories. While I see her behaviour as solidly incriminating, there could be a case made for post traumatic denial or something equally ridiculous. I'm certain the prosecution has a lot more in their basket than what has been released so far, because even if evidence is solid that KC disposed of the body, not knowing the COD seems to be a pretty big hurdle to prove intentional murder.
I don't see that KC has a chance in this case. There is so much against her and nothing for her. JB doesn't even have any witnesses on his list that can tell a story that would sway a jury in her direction. All he has are these experts to try and cast doubt on the evidence. Well the prosecution will have great experts too. Between the prosecution experts on the forensics and KC's behavior I don't see how JB can present anything in court to sway a jury in his direction. He can't even tell a different story. He can't explain her actions because he has no one to testify on her behalf and she surely won't testify. His yakking doesn't mean a thing. His making up some story in opening statements isn't evidence of any type. Just what evidence can he present that there was a kidnapper of any type? He has no phone number, address, she lied about all her friends knowing or seeing this nanny. I just don't see that she has ANY chance at all to prevail and the jury can see thru these experts trying to cast aspersions on the forensic evidence. JB's only chance is to produce this kidnapper and he can't. This 'some other dude did it' isn't going to work in this case.

I have no idea what plausible scenario JB and friends will come up with... they've got their work cut out for them if they use the Zani theory.. but I'm worried certain things are working in KC's favor. The fact that LE still didn't find the body after three 911 calls from RK, KC's friends saying she always seemed to be a good mom, no one saw this coming, etc.
Well I guess that pretty much eliminates everything except the decomp in the car, but I'm sure Zanni had a key to the car too:rolleyes:

Is that all? Just a key to the car?

Let's not forget the key to the house, the knife, the heart sticker, duct tape, blanket.....

I mean, after all, Zanni has been the go-to-girl throughout this whole thing! What with her unwaivering devotion to Caylee and KC, that girl should at the VERY least be presented with a key to the city! After all, she seems to have a key to everything else. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

I voted for all the above.
IMO, there is no evidence as yet that proves KC deliberately murdered her child. There is much evidence that very strongly suggests that she knew all along that Caylee was dead, actually hid her body and then covered up and lied to everyone, acting as if everything was fine and dandy. But nothing that I have seen yet proves how and why Caylee died, or whether it was a deliberate killing, the result of a sudden loss of control or the result of some form of negligence by KC - e.g. not watching Caylee properly around the home/yard, leaving her sleeping in an inadequately ventilated car or giving her too much medication to get her to sleep.

Her behaviour after the event appears to be that of someone who just doesn't give a damn, but it could just as easily be that of a cowardly, weak and immature girl, who believed that her lies would once again get her out of trouble. The reason that she isn't talking is because she knows it is her fault that Caylee is dead, but whether that 'fault' is actually a deliberate act or some degree of negligence remains to be seen. I think it's all the same to her - Caylee died through either her act or omission, and whichever it was, she would rather lie than tell the truth.

So, what evidence proves she intentionally murdered Caylee? IMO, if there is some, we haven't seen it yet. Even the duct tape proves nothing, unless it can be shown that it was applied whilst Caylee was alive, and that it contributed to her death.
Once again, a great post, Devon. I do think that the duct tape, if embellished with KC's fingerprint, can establish murder in the first degree. I do not agree with those who believe it was added after death to stop "leakage". IMO, it was put on to forestall a sleeping and/or drugged child from crying out when awake. I think she put a sleeping Caylee in the trunk. The child may well have choked to death or suffocated because she couldn't open her mouth. For all we know, (and what I seriously think), the tape covered her nose as well. In that case, it's first degree murder.
I do think that the duct tape, if embellished with KC's fingerprint, can establish murder in the first degree. I do not agree with those who believe it was added after death to stop "leakage". IMO, it was put on to forestall a sleeping and/or drugged child from crying out when awake. I think she put a sleeping Caylee in the trunk. The child may well have choked to death or suffocated because she couldn't open her mouth. For all we know, (and what I seriously think), the tape covered her nose as well. In that case, it's first degree murder.
I think so too.
I voted 'all of the above' because I believe that the totality of the evidence is what will convict Casey.

This evidence will be shown in court. We have been made aware of the evidence a little at a time over a period of months. The jury will hear it from the Prosecutors at trial and put into context. It will unfold blow by blow. It will all make sense then. I just do not see anyone other than Casey as having murdered Caylee and then the family closed ranks and began a cover up.

I voted 'all of the above' because I believe that the totality of the evidence is what will convict Casey.

This evidence will be shown in court. We have been made aware of the evidence a little at a time over a period of months. The jury will hear it from the Prosecutors at trial and put into context. It will unfold blow by blow. It will all make sense then. I just do not see anyone other than Casey as having murdered Caylee and then the family closed ranks and began a cover up.


LA LAW I agree with your last sentence (all of your post in fact) I think KC was responsible for the death of Caylee. Then the cover up began. For the A's it was 'us against the world. when do we attack'. I find all the claims of long lasting denial very hard to believe. I think they had a clear grasp of the situation very early on.
LA LAW I agree with your last sentence (all of your post in fact) I think KC was responsible for the death of Caylee. Then the cover up began. For the A's it was 'us against the world. when do we attack'. I find all the claims of long lasting denial very hard to believe. I think they had a clear grasp of the situation very early on.

Yes, the Anthony's had to know what the smell was immediately. I do not think they were ever in denial.
Casey has hung herself..the 31 days that she never mentioned that "her child was taken".
The testimony from TL will be enough to convict her. She lived with him, she made up stories where Caylee was while she was sleeping there.The constant lying to LE. The invisible Nanny, dropping Caylee off at a stairwell(at age 2),noone ever saw, spoke or know of her existance..if Zanny was watch Caylee WHERE was she watching her at? Casey has no explination that anyone could believe.
She is convicted unless Baez continues to mess up and she gets another trial, because he is incapable of staying out of the media.
I have never heard, or saw lawyers, like any of these. If it were me sitting in the position of any of these people are sitting..My lawyer better not be holding press conferences about anything that isn't spinning me in the best light. I would not want him on TV either.
Absence of evidence is just as damning as direct evidence - e.g. no record of a phone call from the so-called nanny to Casey on July 15 to support Casey's claim that she talked to Caylee on this day.

Yes, no phone record of the call AND the forensic evidence from Caylees skeletal remains that proves she had been deceased long before this alleged "call."
I think there would have to be forensic proof that Caylee was alive when the tape was applied, or else a story could be pretty easily concocted that this was a desperate attempt to cover up an accidental death. From KC's first statements of "my mother will never forgive me" it's pretty obvious that CA's reaction was her main concern. Caylee could have died in all the accidental death scenarios already suggested. Casey has a confirmed history of avoiding consequences by lying and making up dramafied stories. While I see her behaviour as solidly incriminating, there could be a case made for post traumatic denial or something equally ridiculous. I'm certain the prosecution has a lot more in their basket than what has been released so far, because even if evidence is solid that KC disposed of the body, not knowing the COD seems to be a pretty big hurdle to prove intentional murder.

I think you are right on the money with this one!

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