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What evidence will convict Casey

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31 days. I can't get past that. As a parent, I can't imagine waiting 31 days to report a 2 year old child missing.

That one pretty much does it for me, too. I freak out if my cat is outside for more than a few hours and I can't find him. I'm knocking on neighbors doors all over the neighborhood looking for him. But a child missing 31 days and she doesn't report it? Unbelievable and highly suspect. To me, that alone points to her guilt. Put that with the decomp the cadaver dogs picked up on in the A's backyard and in KC's trunk and it's a just about a slam dunk for me.
One more thing I forgot to add to my post. If the duct tape on the gas can taken from the Anthony home back in July is found to have come from the same roll as the tape found on little Caylee's mouth - that will be a big one IMO.
KC's LIES about Zanny the Nanny
There is not one peice of evidence that supports there is a Zanny the nanny.....

1. no one who was involed in Caylee life has ever seen or talked to her
2. there is no phone number, no calls on cell phone
3. there is no pictures
4. there is no money trail
5. there are no myspace or facebook contacts between her and KC
6. there is no address

There is NO ZG=Zanny the Nanny.....none...zip....nada....

This is the ONE thing that the defense HAS to prove.....ZG=Nanny.......

That is it for me, too.

"The Nanny is not legit ... you MUST convict." :woohoo:
She not only loves and forgives her; she went on a vacation with her at the end of June. She also nursed ZG while she was in the hospital. Pretty darn nice of Casey, if you ask me!:rolleyes:

Casey was a promoter, a self-promoter that is.
Anything to look good....liar!
physical evidence the Decomp in KC's car ,the hair but what seals the deal in my eyes is the lying if you have nothing to hide why lie about having a job,Juliette Lewis Jeff Hopkins having a child... why wait 31 days to call police when your child was kidnapped but noone has contacted you for a ransom or threatened to harm you if you go to police..the partying when your child is missing not yelling from the rooftops to everyone you know that your baby has been kidnapped.
physical evidence the Decomp in KC's car ,the hair but what seals the deal in my eyes is the lying if you have nothing to hide why lie about having a job,Juliette Lewis Jeff Hopkins having a child... why wait 31 days to call police when your child was kidnapped but noone has contacted you for a ransom or threatened to harm you if you go to police..the partying when your child is missing not yelling from the rooftops to everyone you know that your baby has been kidnapped.

Evidence in its broadest sense includes everything that is used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an assertion. Giving or procuring evidence is the process of using those things that are either a) presumed to be true, or b) were themselves proven via evidence, to demonstrate an assertion's truth. Evidence is the currency by which one fulfills the burden of proof.

There are many issues that surround evidence, making it the subject of much discussion and disagreement. In addition to its subtle nature, evidence plays an important role in many academic disciplines, including science and law, adding to the discourse surrounding it.

An important distinction in the field of evidence is that between circumstantial evidence and direct evidence, or evidence that suggests truth as opposed to evidence that directly proves truth. Many have seen this line to be less-than-clear and significant arguments have arisen over the difference.

Circumstantial evidence is a collection of facts that, when considered together, can be used to infer a conclusion about something unknown. Circumstantial evidence is usually a theory, supported by a significant quantity of corroborating evidence. In law and criminal investigations, corroboration is normally supplied by one or more expert witnesses who provide forensic evidence.

Circumstantial evidence is used in criminal courts to establish guilt or innocence through reasoning.

The distinction between direct and circumstantial evidence is important because, with the obvious exceptions (the immature, incompetent, or mentally ill), nearly all criminals are careful to not generate direct evidence[clarification needed], and try to avoid demonstrating criminal intent. Therefore, to prove the mens rea levels of "purposely" or "knowingly," the prosecution must usually resort to circumstantial evidence. The same goes for tortfeasors in tort law, if one needs to prove a high level of mens rea to obtain punitive damages. In addition, circumstantial evidence -- such as fingerprint evidence -- is usually the best available evidence to support an inference as to the facts of the case.

One example of circumstantial evidence is the behavior of a person around the time of an alleged offense. If someone was charged with theft of money, and was then seen in a shopping spree purchasing expensive items, the shopping spree might be regarded as circumstantial evidence of the individuals guilt.

Direct evidence is testimony/other proof which expressly or straight-forwardly proves the existence of a fact. It is different from circumstantial evidence, which is evidence that, without going directly to prove the existence of a fact, gives rise to a logical inference that such fact does exist.

Direct evidence is evidence which, if believed, proves the existence of the fact in issue without inference or presumption. It is evidence which comes from one who speaks directly of his or her own knowledge on the main or ultimate fact to be proved, or who saw or heard the factual matters which are the subject of the testimony. It is not necessary that this direct knowledge be gained through the senses of sight and hearing alone, but it may be obtained from any of the senses through which outside knowledge is acquired, including the senses of touch or pain.

Reasonable doubt - The level of certainty a juror must have to find a defendant guilty of a crime. A real doubt, based upon reason and common sense after careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence, or lack of evidence, in a case.

Proof beyond a reasonable doubt, therefore, is proof of such a convincing character that you would be willing to rely and act upon it without hesitation in the most important of your own affairs. However, it does not mean an absolute certainty.

Beyond a reasonable doubt is the highest standard of proof that must be met in any trial. In civil litigation, the standard of proof is either proof by a preponderance of the evidence or proof by clear and convincing evidence. These are lower burdens of proof. A preponderance of the evidence simply means that one side has more evidence in its favor than the other, even by the smallest degree. Clear and Convincing Proof is evidence that establishes a high probability that the fact sought to be proved is true. The main reason that the high proof standard of reasonable doubt is used in criminal trials is that such proceedings can result in the deprivation of a defendant's liberty or even in his or her death. These outcomes are far more severe than in civil trials, in which money damages are the common remedy.

The burden of proof is the burden of providing sufficient evidence to shift a conclusion from an oppositional opinion. He who does not carry the burden of proof carries the benefit of assumption. He who bears the burden of proof must present sufficient evidence to move the conclusion to his own position. The burden of proof must be fulfilled both by establishing positive evidence and negating oppositional evidence.

There are two primary burden-of-proof considerations:
1) The question of on whom the burden rests.
2) The question of the degree of certitude the proof must support. This depends on both the quantity and quality of evidence and the nature of the point under contention. Some common degrees of certitude include the most probable event, reasonable doubt, and beyond the shadow of a doubt.

Conclusions (from evidence) may be subject to criticism from a perceived failure to fulfill the burden of proof.
I just hope someone on the jury has the definition of "reasonable"memorized so they can educate the rest of the jurors. Someone may forget that "reasonable" is part of the instruction.

Happens every day, people confuse "Reasonable doubt" with "Beyond the shadow of a doubt". Many jurors do not know they just fake it. This concept is difficult for some people to digest....look at the OJ trial!
I think there is so much circumstantial evidence, it would be hard to come up with any other person who COULD have done it.

Also, the hair with decomposition in the back of Casey's car.

I feel confident she'll be convicted, especially since LE came just out saying that they had overwheming evidence that Casey killed Caylee and that it was deliberate and not an accident.

I'm hoping this means that Casey's fingerprints are on the ductape they found on Caylee.
IMO, there is no evidence as yet that proves KC deliberately murdered her child. There is much evidence that very strongly suggests that she knew all along that Caylee was dead, actually hid her body and then covered up and lied to everyone, acting as if everything was fine and dandy. But nothing that I have seen yet proves how and why Caylee died, or whether it was a deliberate killing, the result of a sudden loss of control or the result of some form of negligence by KC - e.g. not watching Caylee properly around the home/yard, leaving her sleeping in an inadequately ventilated car or giving her too much medication to get her to sleep.

Her behaviour after the event appears to be that of someone who just doesn't give a damn, but it could just as easily be that of a cowardly, weak and immature girl, who believed that her lies would once again get her out of trouble. The reason that she isn't talking is because she knows it is her fault that Caylee is dead, but whether that 'fault' is actually a deliberate act or some degree of negligence remains to be seen. I think it's all the same to her - Caylee died through either her act or omission, and whichever it was, she would rather lie than tell the truth.

So, what evidence proves she intentionally murdered Caylee? IMO, if there is some, we haven't seen it yet. Even the duct tape proves nothing, unless it can be shown that it was applied whilst Caylee was alive, and that it contributed to her death.
1) How doesn't need to be proven to get a murder conviction. We never learned exactly how Laci Peterson was killed.
2) If Caylee's death was accidental, or due to negligence the charges would have been manslaughter or negligent homicide, not murder. LE says they have proof it was intentional. I think the internet searches prove that right there, plus duct tape says intentional, not accidental.
3) we know the why's- just look at the motive thread for Casey's motives.
I understand that, but it still doesn't prove anything. It's not a fingerprint, or blood, or bodily fluid. Changing a story doesn't prove anything either. She could change her story 50 times, but that doesn't put blood on her hands.
Inconsistencies in her story are consistent with a murderer. An honest criminal is a rarity.
Casey was a promoter, a self-promoter that is.
Anything to look good....liar!

She promoted herself to life in prison with those words. Zanny stole Caylee on the 9th, 16th whichever but kc partied with her and spent time with her in a hospital in Tampa two weeks later..:waitasec:
I am "on the fence" about the tape being applied before or after death.

I tend to think that the tape was applied post-mortem. My reasoning being that perhaps KC had the baby wrapped in a blanket then discovered the decomposition taking place and KC used the duct tape to keep Caylee's tongue in and her mouth closed.

I don't think KC was prepared for the decomp stage after the death. I don't think she had any plans of what she would do with the body and when she discovered what was happening she just quickly did what she had to do and dumped the body so as not to get caught.

But then again, I could be very, very wrong. I just can't bring myself to think anyone would put duct tape over the mouth of a loved one, especially a small child who is supposed to trust you. Just can't do it.
Yes, but you are a good person, not a murderer. I think the duct tape was applied while Caylee was alive to keep in place a rag she Chloroformed her with.:eek:
Lots of good posts. Lots of things will most likely convict. Seems to be an abundance.

What I want is something that can not be refuted. I want a big juicy one of these..... like on the duct tape -- (or ANYWHERE IT COUNTS)


Perfect Post radio !!!
Yes, but you are a good person, not a murderer. I think the duct tape was applied while Caylee was alive to keep in place a rag she Chloroformed her with.:eek:

That's what I've always thought since we heard about the ductape too. That way, Casey didn't have to "watch" Caylee die. She just closed the trunk and waited an hour or so knowing she'd be dead when she returned. :mad:
Fingerprints/dna/fibres on duct tape and/or sticker.
evidence of computer searches;
any evidence on her clothes, shoes or car that tie her to the dump site. (The smaller the better);
Any of her fibres/dna/hair/fingerprints on the inside of the trash bag;
Decomp in the car;
No earthly evidence of Zanni the nanny;
Her "search" for Zanni the nanny;
demeanor showing consciousness of guilt, if any;
Forensic evidence which LE has and we don't know about yet.
There is a great deal of circumstancial evidence and like all of the posts in this thread, I am hoping for fingerprints, or anything that proves association with the A's household (duct tape,blanket etc)
I do know that if I was on the jury, a few things would stand out.(besides the 30+ day wait to call LE)
One is the Caylee phone call which supposedly happened the day of the arrest. That is easy to prove that it did not happen, so why would a mother looking for her kidnapped daughter make this up?

Also the fact that NO ONE saw ZG. KC was always on the phone,computer,texting, posting pics etc yet not one person has saw or heard from a nanny or her pic.THAT in itself is unbelievable.

The third that cinches it for me at least is the squirrel story(or pizza)
KC was telling this story before anyone knew Caylee was missing.
I am sure LE can prove there was no dead animals in ,under her car.
WHY was she lying ? Why would anyone make up that story unless it was to cover up a real smell that KC could not remove .
Inconsistencies in her story are consistent with a murderer. An honest criminal is a rarity.

One thing I learned in grad school that stuck with me is that there is a world of difference between "being consistent with" and "proving", or "correlations between" and "proving". In fact, we could never say A proved B. We could say there was a high correlation between A and B.

Really, I can't think of anything that would prove KC murdered Caylee except videotape of KC murdering Caylee. That does not exist. So the jury will have to deal with strong evidence like fingerprints (hopefully), dirt from the Pontiac that matches the dirt from the crime scene (perhaps), and decomp in the car.

The behavioral inconsistencies are, IMO, weak on their own. The amount of behavioral inconsistencies, however, is strong. It's a quality vs. quantity thing.
This child was old enough to tell on her mother.

Is that not evidence enough that it was never intended to be removed?

well, kids are old enough to tell on people for things all the time, but lots of times they don't. i personally agree with you that the duct tape was put there to stay. but i'm just saying that in and of itself, the fact that she was old enough to tell on her mom doesn't prove anything. sadly, children are sexually abused every day and their abusers convince them to keep the secret :(

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