What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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IMO, this whole JB DT and the 'family' had a plan and the plan worked.
They were all buddies. Each one had a 'part' to play in this drama.
IMO this family feeds off each other and will never let go.
IMO, they are all as cozy (dysfunctional) as before like nothing ever happened.
Planning their next FAMILY cruise!
CAYLEE who????
She is forgotten by now , they will never talk about her to KC again.
All an act that worked for a jury.............JMOO

I totally agree! The play is still going on. They are instructed not to be together yet. It wouldn't look right to the "public". It's just a matter of time.
I agree with alot of what HisImage posted ^above^..

I definitely believe that as far as Cindy is concerned she isn't for even a minute gonna sit down, be thankful to have Casey off their hands, and move FORWARD in a positive direction actually for once in her life!!!!!

Nope, IMO it will be just the polar opposite and just as many have already predicted as what Cindy would choose to do with what's left of their lives after the explosions that Casey, herself not only created but detonated herself as well.. Destroying literally anything and everything that stood In Casey's way(including killing Caylee)..As Caylee stood in Casey's way and was seeen as nothing but an easily disposable obstacle in The way..

Cindy will not choose to pick up those pieces of what is infact still viable and use it to rebuild brick by brick each of their individual lives as well as any semblance whatsoever left of a family unit between them.. Cindy won't do this.. She won't take the "high road", she won't realize just what a damn BLESSING in disguise this is having Casey taken off of your family's hands.. And to take full advantage of this opportunity by uniting as a family unit with George, lee, and Mallory.. Look toward the future.. Move forward amd not let trauma of the past consume you, but rather use the second chance afforded you to right the wrong *and to find peace and happiness in your future grandchildren.. Take pride in the role as being a grandparent again.. I reiterate to right the wrongs.. Meaning we know Cindy has proven to be a wonderful grandparent in many ways.. Only this time with Lee's kids she can actually enjoy the grandparent role and not have to split it between also playing the role of mother and sole provider as she had to do with Caylee.. That role is no longer necessary..

My God can't this woman see?? Can she not see what has been laid upon her as a blessing from God???? She is at a crossroads and what she decides to do at this crossroads will determine not only Cindy's future but whether or not what is left of this shattered family unit even has the slightest chance of remaining and rebuilding itself..*

IMO Cindy at this point has been given a fresh, clean slate.. A second chance.. A chance to start from what is left and move this family for the first time in a positive and healthier emotionally family unit.. IMO this opportunity is presenting itself to Cindy as well as the rest if the family but i do feel as tho the control of making it happen lies with Cindy.. I think There is is a real opportunity of this family coming together MINUS CASEY!! A chance at a new beginning without Casey.. And IMO this family stands half a chance when taking Casey out of the equation.. There are viable parts that with time, counseling, healing, and working together towards their future they have a real chance at peace and happiness prevailing out of all this negative nightmare that they have been thru.. Lee having children, giving Cindy a second chance at finding happiness thru the eyes of her grandchildren.. As I said earlier now being able to focus on her role as grandma and nothing more:. Spoiling her grandkids and them sending them home to their mom and dad to do the tough part and the disciplining.:. George as well able to find joy and happiness again thru the love he has to give to his grandchildren.. I truly believe that with counseling and them all being on the same page of moving forward in a positive direction and MOST IMPORTANTLY THEY ALL MUST BE ON THE SAME PAGE CONCERNING CASEY!! And that means that 100% moving on WITHOUT CASEY!! in a way literally thinking of that part of the family having died and treating it as such.. This has to all be felt and kept in check.. Because IMO Casey is what will destroy in a heartbeat any hard work or
Progression made by this family..

I believe that everyone in time would come to the agreement with moving on positively without Casey.. Everyone EXCEPT CINDY!!

As I said it all hinges on Cindy and what she chooses to do.. And without a doubt(just as we're already seeing) Cindy's mind is one track and she will be damned to admit defeat or a loss. That loss being Casey, not in a loving protective sense as one would expect with a mother but rather a twisted and narcissistic sense of win vs. Lose and Cindy will not lose to Baez and Mason.. I feel that this is exactly who and what she is presently battling with.. And she will fight to the bitter end just as we've already seen her do going as far as committing perjury on the stand for Casey.. Cindy cant let go!!!!! Cindy won't let go!!!

And that's why all of the wonderfully positive and healthy relationships and futures of these people that I just described ^above^ were indeed possible..Cindy will be the reason that literally none, nil, zero of it will ever come to fruition..*

Cindy will take the path at this crossroads that we are all predicting that she will take.. The take charge and fight, fight, fight mentality as she wrangles with Baez and Mason over Casey.. She will tear apart what very little is left of this shattered family unit and she will personally destroy what tiny viable parts or semblance of relationships that are left between her, George, Lee, and Mallory..

IMO this family will end up a literally heaping pile of rubbish, mangled parts, and destroyed lives.. Cindy and Casey will brung much more pain, anguish, and suffering on this family..
That is EXACTLY what will become of what is left at this point!!

My prayer then is that sooner rather than later(when more destruction has taken place).. That very soon George, Lee, and Mallory remove themselves from this shattered unit and draw strength from one another moving forward towards a positive and emotionally healthier future.. One where they can eventually find peace and love within themselves and each other....

This is how I personally see things going from here on out.. And that Cindy and Casey both have zero desire or plans to be an ounce healthier emotionally, nor an ounce less selfish and self serving.. They have no plans for that whatsoever and infact the only plans they have is just more of the same.. The very same that got them exactly where they are today(nowhere).. The very same that destroyed a family and killed a precious baby..

IMO some things just never ever change as do some people just never ever change.. Sad.. Sad.. Sad....
Still researching. All non-profits can get grants from the Government. They have to write a need and a plan on how they will operate. This is where attorneys come in...MO.

Everyone would be shocked if they knew about the money out there paid by Government for people doing this. I wish I could tell more but to do so would enable these people more ways to get thousand of dollars.

I was angry about the missing children one but people gave, and now I am enraged about the Grandparent one, and people or Gov. will give again. This is the way they operate. They are consistently rewarded for their bad behavior.

They received a 80% reduction in mortage; State disability/pension. Donations from public and now, perhaps, Government funding for non-profit..all tax freee. Seems to me much of their time is spent on various ways to gain income, none of which involve working for a living.

I doubt they are getting any gov grants and that is keeping me sane. Gov grants are somewhat complicated to aplly for and nowdays not only do you have to demonstrate the program and goals, but how success will be measured..and actually prove it. Also , there is a whole lot of infor that is standard, board of directors, finances, audits, program results. I doubt these two could bring it together. Also most grant funding organizations will require the same. What they may be get is the private citizen donation. This just pisses me off...
The Anthonys are scammers. They have found a way to tug your heart and wallet. They hide behind a lawyer who covers for them.

Fact is...I'm willing to be that these foundations are getting money not only from private contributions but from the government which may be the main portion of receipts.

It is a fact that many non-profits do much better and make more money than their equal For-Profit businesses.

I hope they're being investigated for fraud. At the very least.
OMG Whisperer ..isnt that something !
and the police still won't say if her death was a suicide or a murder ..and her hands and feet were bound ..
Ok sorry for being OT

Something stuck in my mind for years after a ME told me this- in his many years of experience- Women never commit suicide in the nude.
I really think that the Anthonys expected to be free of Casey for a few dozen years anyway...and are trying to figure out what comes next, now that she is out.
This family is middle range dysfunctional. I've heard much more hideous things regarding other families throughout my career thus the Anthony's are nothing in terms of sick families.

Big issue in the family was/is CA having a personality disorder. We don't know her diagnosis but she appears partially responsible for who her daughter became. If CA had married a man who had a different personality from GA then Casey might have at least had some boundaries and discipline.

CA is avoiding and denying that her precious baby was responsible for Caylee's death. I'm not even denying that the death could have been an accident but still, CA isn't seeing her daughter's level of emotional disturbance (the immaturity, troubling defense mechanisms, signs of psychological issues). CA wants to reuinite with her child. She loves her but isn't aware that parental love also includes boundaries and limits.

GA is a man who gave his wife all the power because it was easier for him somehow. I feel empathy for him. He likely doesn't want to ever see his daughter. He knows that she's responsible. GA is suppressing his rage b/c he's trying to keep his marriage at 'peace'.

LA was a bystander. He gave info to the cops and helped out tremendously. He gave as much as could given his role in the family (i.e. clean up man, ignored parentified child, mediator). I've read all his depositions. He did not lie on the stand. He presented his current feelings and I can't blame him. He was trapped and I completely understood why he didn't want to deal with the prosecutors before the trial. It was unfortunate that the SA was so clueless as to human nature as to not see LA's huge conflict. Even with it he gave damaging testimony to her case ('spiteful b', her purposely avoiding him, her demeanor during the 911 calls, etc).

LA probably lost his job b/c of this case. He's probably not happy that she got away scotfree. He likely was hoping for a 15year sentence or so. Even though LA sees her for what she is, b/c he sees his role as 'protective older brother' he's the one who'll likely fall into her trap in the future and give her another chance or not (GA had testified to FBI that LA's relationship with his sis soured b/c she lied about pregnancy). The one way she'll get LA back to a semblence of relationship is by telling him everything that happened with Caylee in the last few moments. LA likely won't 'forgive' but he'll give her a chance b/c of their former close bond. He's her bro, he loved her all his life, it's not a bond that will be easy to break (especially as he likely views CA as partially responsible for his disturbed sister's behavior along with considering FCA's immaturity and ability to be 'led' by others as part of her issues).

I've always wondered how CA became what she is. Her need to control and her lying is extreme. There's even a level of violence in CA that's hard to fathom. When protesters gathered outside her home, she didn't stay inside and call the police - she took a baseball bat and went outside, ready to do battle.

We've seen Cindy's mother, Shirley, and read the emails between Shirley and CA's brother, Rick, and Shirley's sister. We've read Shirley's interview with LE. Shirley has a totaly different personality than CA. From everything I've read and heard, Shirley seems like a nice person and totally different than Cindy. We know nothing of Cindy's father as he's had a stroke and is confined to an assisted living facility.

How did Cindy become the person she became?
Mark Lippman is the only one making public statements, and his main point is that the family wants to make sure that Casey's safe. I wonder if that's the truth or if that's just the message they want to send to Casey. Maybe they're hoping that if they come across as caring about nothing but her safety, she'll eventually get in touch and maybe they can get some answers out of her. That's all I want (or would want if I were them) out of her now. Answers.

IMO, it's just spin. The Anthonys (Mr. and Mrs., that is) have some image rehab to do, and feigning concern for Casey's safety is a step in that direction and a means to an end for them, as is the setting up of the second Caylee foundation/fund/whatever-it-is (not to mention that they plan on drawing salaries from it, because they 'can't work'. WHAT?!? :rolleyes: ).

Again, JMO.
ML said that CA/GA was setting up their new foundation and would draw salaries from it as they had no other way of earning an income. Now, the way I understand that, it would mean that they will take as a salary whatever it takes to make an income to support their living high on the hog.

Are there any regulations on how much salary can be taken from a non-profit?
Does anyone know if the salary is reportable and/or taxable to the government?
Still researching. All non-profits can get grants from the Government. They have to write a need and a plan on how they will operate. This is where attorneys come in...MO.

Everyone would be shocked if they knew about the money out there paid by Government for people doing this. I wish I could tell more but to do so would enable these people more ways to get thousand of dollars.

I was angry about the missing children one but people gave, and now I am enraged about the Grandparent one, and people or Gov. will give again. This is the way they operate. They are consistently rewarded for their bad behavior.

They received a 80% reduction in mortage; State disability/pension. Donations from public and now, perhaps, Government funding for non-profit..all tax freee. Seems to me much of their time is spent on various ways to gain income, none of which involve working for a living.

In today's economy, with so many people out of work (9%), what's to stop anyone from forming a non-profit foundations and getting government grants and benefits?
From AZLawyer on the attorney's thread

Originally Posted by crimesnooper View Post
It has been reported that C and GA want to or have started a foundation. I know the rules regarding 501 c3 non profits..but I know foundation are somehwat different. They want to draw salaries becuase they can not work. Can they do this? Can CA write a book and funnel it through the foundation an d avoid taxes. What kind of oversight is there, as in board members ect, that could srcutinize how they spend donations. Thanks

AZLawyer answered
Yes, they will be able to draw salaries and IMO could also funnel book profits toward the foundation.

my banghead, not AZ's

I've always wondered how CA became what she is. Her need to control and her lying is extreme. There's even a level of violence in CA that's hard to fathom. When protesters gathered outside her home, she didn't stay inside and call the police - she took a baseball bat and went outside, ready to do battle.

We've seen Cindy's mother, Shirley, and read the emails between Shirley and CA's brother, Rick, and Shirley's sister. We've read Shirley's interview with LE. Shirley has a totaly different personality than CA. From everything I've read and heard, Shirley seems like a nice person and totally different than Cindy. We know nothing of Cindy's father as he's had a stroke and is confined to an assisted living facility.

How did Cindy become the person she became?

I do know she is the youngest and only girl in her family and from what I read in "Mommy's Little Girl" she was rather indulged as a child and a teen. And seemingly brought Casey up much the same way. I kind of wonder what Caylee would have been like, raised by those two women.
I do know she is the youngest and only girl in her family and from what I read in "Mommy's Little Girl" she was rather indulged as a child and a teen. And seemingly brought Casey up much the same way. I kind of wonder what Caylee would have been like, raised by those two women.

Thanks! I knew that CA has three brothers, but only one lives nearby in Florida. Rick and the other brother both live out of state. But I didn't know that CA was the youngest and indulged.
What I think is going on in the minds of CA and GA is that they feel like they have been victims of media sensationalism. Regarding their thoughts on FCA, I think CA has STILL not confronted the truth. GA, on the other hand, has, but only in his own mind, not to CA.

Granted, they have been through HELL and I sympathize with what they have had to endure. But I also would point out their responsibility for creating the monster that is FCA.

The anti-social personality disorder that FCA has was fostered and enriched by the actions of these parents. FCA walked all over them, and was not made to EXCHANGE, ie. work and CONTRIBUTE to the household to any real degree. FCA wrote A LOT of unauthorized checks from her mother's checking acct, stole from family and "friends", and essentially no one said "NO!" until it was much too late. The monster had been created. And in fact, when CA made the attempt to say no, the response was to be a "spiteful *****" and take Caylee away.

This family is middle range dysfunctional. I've heard much more hideous things regarding other families throughout my career thus the Anthony's are nothing in terms of sick families.

Big issue in the family was/is CA having a personality disorder. We don't know her diagnosis but she appears partially responsible for who her daughter became. If CA had married a man who had a different personality from GA then Casey might have at least had some boundaries and discipline.

CA is avoiding and denying that her precious baby was responsible for Caylee's death. I'm not even denying that the death could have been an accident but still, CA isn't seeing her daughter's level of emotional disturbance (the immaturity, troubling defense mechanisms, signs of psychological issues). CA wants to reuinite with her child. She loves her but isn't aware that parental love also includes boundaries and limits.

GA is a man who gave his wife all the power because it was easier for him somehow. I feel empathy for him. He likely doesn't want to ever see his daughter. He knows that she's responsible. GA is suppressing his rage b/c he's trying to keep his marriage at 'peace'.

LA was a bystander. He gave info to the cops and helped out tremendously. He gave as much as could given his role in the family (i.e. clean up man, ignored parentified child, mediator). I've read all his depositions. He did not lie on the stand. He presented his current feelings and I can't blame him. He was trapped and I completely understood why he didn't want to deal with the prosecutors before the trial. It was unfortunate that the SA was so clueless as to human nature as to not see LA's huge conflict. Even with it he gave damaging testimony to her case ('spiteful b', her purposely avoiding him, her demeanor during the 911 calls, etc).

LA probably lost his job b/c of this case. He's probably not happy that she got away scotfree. He likely was hoping for a 15year sentence or so. Even though LA sees her for what she is, b/c he sees his role as 'protective older brother' he's the one who'll likely fall into her trap in the future and give her another chance or not (GA had testified to FBI that LA's relationship with his sis soured b/c she lied about pregnancy). The one way she'll get LA back to a semblence of relationship is by telling him everything that happened with Caylee in the last few moments. LA likely won't 'forgive' but he'll give her a chance b/c of their former close bond. He's her bro, he loved her all his life, it's not a bond that will be easy to break (especially as he likely views CA as partially responsible for his disturbed sister's behavior along with considering FCA's immaturity and ability to be 'led' by others as part of her issues).

Personally, I don't see her ever really admitting the truth of what happened to Caylee, even to Lee, and even if it's the only way to ever regain his trust. Sorry, but I just don't see it happening. I think she's so "dug in" to the whole drowning thing (after all, it IS the thing that set her free), and I think that her propensity for lying is so pathological, that she's gonna continue to, as we say here in the South, "lie even if they have pictures", and never, ever reveal what she really did to her daughter....not even to Lee. JMO.

And while I agree that what they had was "not a bond that (is) easy to break", I do think it is now broken and likely permanently. I think that Lee is the only one in the family who maintains any sense of rationality and that as the trial wore on, it became ever more clear to him (and no longer deniable) that his own sister did indeed kill her child, no matter how much he had previously not wanted to believe it. I don't see him ever getting to the point where he can 'give her another chance', based on this new-found realization, and based on the fact that she betrayed him on a more sinister level than she did her parents (because Casey's relationship with Lee was fairly genuine, whereas her relationship with her parents was manipulative).

But if you're right, and he does consider giving her 'another chance' at some point, I seriously hope that Mallory (who will likely be his wife before any attempt at reconciliation with Casey occurs) will be the voice of reason and be able to dissuade him, as the only chance he has at some semblance of a 'normal' life from this point on would seem to be contingent upon NOT having Casey in it.

Again, JMO. :)
The Anthonys are planning a Wedding.

(respectfully snipped)

You know, I know this thread questions what the Anthonys must be thinking these days, but honestly, I've been wondering for weeks what Mallory's parents must be thinking. I have no reason to doubt that what she and Lee have is genuine, but as the mom of daughters, I can tell you that I would have some SERIOUS um...."reservations" about having one of mine marry into that family.

Just sayin'.
I know what it is like (except for the baby killing part...) - but the whole family, even if they weren't sick before Casey became the center of everything, are sick now, and in my amateur opinion (though with much personal experience, see below) they might miss her... She has ruined their lives, but they might still miss her, and want to get in her good graces. I know what it is like (obviously on a different scale) what it is like for a sick/evil person to ruin many lives. My brother is a bad man and yet people can't let him go... I think the same may be true with the Anthonys - it is a very sad, pathetic situation

(I have a dysfunctional family. My mother has been emotionally ill to the point of physical danger to others my whole life (she neglected my dad and he was within hours of death for one example). I also have two other brothers who are extremely sick too, one who is a pathological liar, and at times violent, and a white collar criminal. He stole most of my mom's money... )
To the original question of what's in the minds of her father, mother & brother... two words... WHO CARES?!?!

I surely don't! Their entire demeanor and testimony during the trial helped set the baby killer free. I really don't care what they think at this point forward until the end of the lives. They have blood on their hands, just as ex-ICA does. The Caylee Marie foundation is an complete joke... Caylee was NEVER missing! And now they are trying to start another foundation. Their foundations are only about lining their pockets... nothing else! It's time for the entire A clan to fade away into obscurity!
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