What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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The car is still in the possession of the Orange County Sheriff's Office, which says the car can be picked up anytime by George and Cindy Anthony

There wasn't any proof it was part of a crime. It's not a true historic artifact, so its value should diminish in the wake of that," said museum CEO Janine Vaccarello.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/28672924/detail.html#ixzz1TLWmaODw
YEAH right and I bet it smells fresh as a daisy!
As long as the A's don't have to pay for it, they'll be picking it up shortly.
They have already said they want it. They aren't going to crush it!
They will sell it.
Here is the link to the article about the car, which I predicted a week ago.

I admire your faith in human decency as it applies to the Anthonys.
However, I am much more cynical and I believe that they will sell anything that will bring in bucks and funnel it into their Foundation so they can draw fat salaries from that. Helping other children will be strictly for appearance sake.
The other items from the crime scene and non evidence items related to Caylee/KC, still in the house , will go the same route. It all will be sold to avid collectors of such memorabilia. They are sitting on a gold mine and they know it.
Find me any other case where victim survivors sold such items closely associated with a loved one tragic unnatural death.

Bold by me... what have they sold?
Their lawyer represents them, he talks for them and can not say anything about them without their approval.

Where in the article does it say they are seeing bids for the car though? You're seeing something in the article that's not there.
These are conspiracy theories run amok. Run amok.

I disagree. If you would sell a car used in a murder that smells like death then you would sell a piece of carpet out of the car. No reason at all not to.
AMEN !! That just about sums it up ... And I would like to add that I don't very highly of the people who will pay for these morbid pieces of Caylee's demise ... they're just as bad as the grandparents who are trying to turn a profit on them ... IMO

And thank you for posting Lippman's quotes about the car ... this info came directly from the Anthonys and their attorney ... FPS !

Oh, do not be too harsh on avid fanatic collectors of such items. Many of them donate such stuff in their will to a museum of some kind. It will continue to keep the memory of Caylee alive and have future folks wonder why justice was not served.
Where in the article does it say they are seeing bids for the car though? You're seeing something in the article that's not there.

I don't think I said anything about bids but doesn't it say they are entertaining offers?
I disagree. If you would sell a car used in a murder that smells like death then you would sell a piece of carpet out of the car. No reason at all not to.

Please point me to the statement that the A's are going to sell the car. We can work off that.
Ok, I'm not understanding all the hate that is in this thread. We did what we set out to do. We were there for Caylee. She did NOT receive justice but that doesn't give us a free pass to hate and slander the A's. C'om guys, we are better than that. :( Channel that anger into helping me seek justice for my brother. I could use all of you when trial starts in October. I don't even have room in my heart to hate THIS man. Hate is a wasted emotion that can literally drain your soul. Group hugs. :)
Why aren't they able to work? Not trying to trivialize Caylee's murder, but they are not the only grandparents in the world to go through this, yet other grandparents can continue with their lives, including working. What did they spend "trying to help Casey"? All they did was to enable her lying and stealing until she got so bold she made her daughter disappear forever.

I'll go further than that, whiteangora, about why they can't work. Could it be Cindy's vitriolic appearances in the media from the very beginning? Did she ever have a kind word to say to any of those who searched for her granddaughter, including, most importantly, LE? Did she honestly assist those investigating the 'disappearance' of her granddaughter, or did she just spin more of Casey's lies. These people have shown themselves to be not fit for normal society, which includes working wherever you might have to come in contact with people.
I'm sure there have been many, many people who have had homicides occur involving family members. I'm sure most of them have been cooperative and thankful for whatever LE and their community did for them during this horrible time. And I'm sure there have been those in their community or elsewhere to offer jobs to them so they could try to go on with their lives.
Do you see any contrast here?????????
People cannot portray vileness, hatefulness, spitefullness, lying, haughtiness, and on and on, without reaping the consequences of those actions. MIO.
Sorry but I find some of the comments about the Anthony's selling ashes and pool water a bit much.

These are people. They did lose their grandchild.

I know they are people that many love to hate, but where does it end?

They have not been charged with the crime. They are family members. I think they deserve a little respect.


I'm sorry, but I repectfully disagree. IMO, respect is something that one earns, not something that one 'deserves'.
Ok, I'm not understanding all the hate that is in this thread. We did what we set out to do. We were there for Caylee. She did NOT receive justice but that doesn't give us a free pass to hate and slander the A's. C'om guys, we are better than that. :( Channel that anger into helping me seek justice for my brother. I could use all of you when trial starts in October. I don't even have room in my heart to hate THIS man. Hate is a wasted emotion that can literally drain your soul. Group hugs. :)

Thanks for speaking up, Tulessa. Glad to know that your heart is in the right place, for the A's and even for your brother's aggressor. I will say a prayer.
Ok, I'm not understanding all the hate that is in this thread. We did what we set out to do. We were there for Caylee. She did NOT receive justice but that doesn't give us a free pass to hate and slander the A's. C'om guys, we are better than that. :( Channel that anger into helping me seek justice for my brother. I could use all of you when trial starts in October. I don't even have room in my heart to hate THIS man. Hate is a wasted emotion that can literally drain your soul. Group hugs. :)

This thread is about what is in the minds of these people.

Cindy and George are not talking and have hired a lawyer to speak for them.

I don't hate either of them because I do not know them, but I do not like their behavior which goes to their state of mind.
I personally dont dislike the CA and GA but someone had to tip on a story like this and I find it hard to believe the lawyer is the one that came up with it. Whether they believe Caylee was in the car or not which we know at least GA entertained the idea or he wouldn't of said it smelled like a decomposing body. To sell the car whether for profit or for donations is just plain sick if its true. The best thing the A's could do is have the car distroyed IMO.

I agree, the best thing is to destroy the car but we've all seen the greed in this family. If there is an easy buck to be made they'll make it. There is quite a murderbelia market out there. Someone could buy they car and people would pay for a whiff of the car and a picture taken with it.

Tourists actually went to the place OJ butchered two people and took pictures of themselves in front of the gate smiling as if there were at Disney. The new owners had to change the address to try and throw people off.

Originally Posted by Kimberlyd125 View Post
Sorry but I find some of the comments about the Anthony's selling ashes and pool water a bit much.

These are people. They did lose their grandchild.

I know they are people that many love to hate, but where does it end?

They have not been charged with the crime. They are family members. I think they deserve a little respect.


For crying out loud, no one said they love to hate.
What people hate is the injustice and disrespect shown to a murdered child.
Please point me to the statement that the A's are going to sell the car. We can work off that.

I came in here using this thread under what is in their minds. Not what have they said or what I can prove they are thinking. Just what is in their minds.
This thread is about what is in the minds of these people.

Cindy and George are not talking and have hired a lawyer to speak for them.

I don't hate either of them because I do not know them, but I do not like their behavior which goes to their state of mind.

Why do they need a lawyer? Unless I lost count this is their third lawyer. Can't the As just be quiet and enjoy their victory without having their lawyer announce their every move. They got what they lied for, FCA is free. It's never enough for these people.

Thank you!!

These people are NOT some kind of special!! Other grandparents have lost beloved grandchildren and just because the media wasn't interested doesn't mean they suffered less!! I'm starting to see the beginning of an Anthony fan club. Poor Caylee. Backseat once again. Or, trunk. :sick:

Out of sight, out of mind.....3 cheers for Cindy and George!! OH SNAP!! I bet they will sell little vials of pool water!! From the pool Caylee died in.....

Speak for yourself. To say anyone who has compassion for the A's are somehow compromising Caylee is out-of-this-world rude. Caylee loved her grandparents. All of this A's hate reminds me of the group-think that's been discussed about the jurors.
For crying out loud, no one said they love to hate.
What people hate is the injustice and disrespect shown to a murdered child.

What has been said about the A's in this thread, and some others, is far, far worse.
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