What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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I don't think this is their site.

Domain Name.......... cayleesfund.com
Creation Date........ 2011-07-08
Registration Date.... 2011-07-08
Expiry Date.......... 2012-07-08
Organisation Name.... DesRae Strome
Organisation Address. Denver
Organisation Address. 80216
Organisation Address. CO
Organisation Address. UNITED STATES

**it's cayleesfund.org

I just checked sunbiz again and the complete name that Lippman has registered is caylee'sfund foundation inc

This Yahoo website appears to be a spoof.
I wish that was true but it is not. They may go after them if they don't file the proper tax forms,990as but the IRS does not normally scrutinized those forms. It falls to public watch dog groups like Guidestar. And there is no way to really prove on those forms where the money actually goes and the IRS does not check. Most non profits get into trouble with their tax exempt status becuase they violate the rules regarding lobbying, endorse a political candidate, fail to file a certificate of existence or not pay taxes on unrelated business income. And if you look at Guidestar for the A's first foundation no financial information is available nor is any on the website. Most likely scrutiny will begin if people complain to the Florida attoneys general's office if they think something is a miss.

They have a fraud line that you can call if you think a company is committing fraud. Here is a few people who thought they aren't watching.
Especially if you are in the public eye.

I believe she said that the picture was distracting her from testifying. If she didn't have pictures of Caylee all over the house then everyone would be saying, oh she couldn't wait to get rid of everything Caylee had. I was glad that she shared those videos with us. Seeing Caylee being sung to on her 2nd birthday was so adorable. Then to hear Caylee singing you are my sunshine, for the last time, priceless. That memorial was not your everyday memorial first of all it was televised, so you had hundreds to thousands of people watching, lights, cameras. They probably couldn't believe this was really happening. I find that we get bits and pieces of what is said and in what context, that's why there are hearsay rules in court. I guess because I have seen this behavior so much, in my line of work nothing ceases to amaze me. One of my first cases was a lady who was making her little daughter sick. If I could have thrown dagger with my eyes I would have. I was learning how to do intake and she was just so cold, but she had Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome, I can't even talk about the case that upset me so bad that I quit working with criminal cases and moved on to civil.

Please don't remind me of that garish memorial with the "DIS-INVITE" list.
What kind of people BAN others from attending a memorial that they are not even paying for? The Anthonys, that's who.
Working for a charity is a full time job. I have spent many hours as a volunteer both paid and unpaid. Both are exceptable. It costs a lot to run any charity. I think the Anthonys will be the face we need to pass Caylees law. These charities need so much help, especially one with the magnitude of the NCMEC. I remember when it was call the Adam Walsh foundation. With the face of John and Reve Walsh the foundation would not be what it is today.


As former CEO of a major non profit, I know that it is a lot of work. ANd if the A's are capable of runnning a non profit why are they are disability? But before anyone donates to any orgaization I would suggest they look at the board of directors. Unless it's a family foundation in which they are supplying the money, it's never a good sign when all you have on the board are family memebers. You also want to ask if there are other more established orgaizations already offering the same service.
They have a fraud line that you can call if you think a company is committing fraud. Here is a few people who thought they aren't watching.
Especially if you are in the public eye.


With small charities like the Anthonys there is NO way that the IRS can ever know for sure how much money is collected. They have to take the A's word for it, and we all know how good that is.
They could rake in 50,000 and claim 5,000 especially with the online donation option. No checks, no paper trails, very easy to cheat,
And, it's quite easy and inexpensive to form a foundation or charity, you'd be amazed. At the end of the year you file one sheet of paper to the IRS, donations, expenses. Period
Working for a charity is a full time job. I have spent many hours as a volunteer both paid and unpaid. Both are exceptable. It costs a lot to run any charity. I think the Anthonys will be the face we need to pass Caylees law. These charities need so much help, especially one with the magnitude of the NCMEC. I remember when it was call the Adam Walsh foundation. With the face of John and Reve Walsh the foundation would not be what it is today.

Running a REAL charity might be a full time job but the Anthonys have not lifted a finger towards running their other charity in 3 years! The website has not been updated, they do no PR work for it, they just sit home and collect the donations, doesn't sound like much work to me.
How can it cost them anything? They have no office, no expenses whatsoever.
With small charities like the Anthonys there is NO way that the IRS can ever know for sure how much money is collected. They have to take the A's word for it, and we all know how good that is.
They could rake in 50,000 and claim 5,000 especially with the online donation option. No checks, no paper trails, very easy to cheat,
And, it's quite easy and inexpensive to form a foundation or charity, you'd be amazed. At the end of the year you file one sheet of paper to the IRS, donations, expenses. Period

ITA There has been a lot of criticism sine 9/11 becuase so many people started non profits and got approval and should not have. ANd you are absolutley right about how easy it is to manipulate . And there is not much scruting when non profits incorporate. What keeps most non profits honest is a good accounting firm and annual audits, public scrutiny, a diverse and ethical board and a professional ethical ceo.
With small charities like the Anthonys there is NO way that the IRS can ever know for sure how much money is collected. They have to take the A's word for it, and we all know how good that is.
They could rake in 50,000 and claim 5,000 especially with the online donation option. No checks, no paper trails, very easy to cheat,
And, it's quite easy and inexpensive to form a foundation or charity, you'd be amazed. At the end of the year you file one sheet of paper to the IRS, donations, expenses. Period

I always though that online donations would still be traceable since it will go from one account to another account via a bank, albeit electronically. Hard cash via snail mail would definitely not be traceable or a collection jar type of thingy like the Anthonys had at their command post.
The sad part is that many very worthy non profits are really hurting for donations these days and it irks me when folks donate their money to rather shady ones..
How is it her legal right? The state didn't say that she made the 84 searches for chloroform, the state's point was that she didn't make the searches on the computer (along with neck breaking, household weapons, shovels) because work records proved she was at work but that CFCA made the searches. I am not directing this at you - I am trying to understand what the law suit would be: "Cynthia Anthony v. The State of Florida - Defendant contends the State said that she wasn't home when 84 searches for chloroform were made but come to find out there weren't 84 searches made but the state said she wasn't at home and didn't make any of the searches for anything so "where's my check?" law suit

Everyone has a constitutional right to sue, being in the business for more years than I care to count. I saw a prisoner sue because he couldn't eat red jello. I have see it many ways the last name with just Florida or The State of Florida or maybe Orange County just don't have enough info. As far as I know it's just a rumor right now. They started a thread on it , so it's up to the Cindy what she wants and then there is Sovereign Immunity. I'm not sure how that will play into it.
I am realizing that I would never under any circumstances donate a penny to anything that involved GA and CA. But I would to other families who are victims. I don't trust either one of them. Financial problems in Ohio including a forclosed home, gambling, falling for a Nigerian scheme, Florida home was on the brink of forclosures Perjury, thier behavior during the Zanny deposition. They embrace confrontation..it's about winning. I know they lost their grandchild but CA appears so shallow, BPD and GA appears angry, passive agressive and just not a bright man... that it's hard to see them as victims. Maybe I have ice water in my veins at this point.
Apparently what's on the A's minds (Cindy and George's anyway) is "who can we sue to make a little money no matter how silly it seems to be?" They are thinking of suing the programmer who complained about the 84 searches and then retracted his statement. Everything else that happened and THIS is the best they can come up with? They must be desperate. There's a whole thread on this, by they way.
I always though that online donations would still be traceable since it will go from one account to another account via a bank, albeit electronically. Hard cash via snail mail would definitely not be traceable or a collection jar type of thingy like the Anthonys had at their command post.
The sad part is that many very worthy non profits are really hurting for donations these days and it irks me when folks donate their money to rather shady ones..

Ahh the problem is not tracking the income, it's tracking how they spend it.
Everyone has a constitutional right to sue, being in the business for more years than I care to count. I saw a prisoner sue because he couldn't eat red jello. I have see it many ways the last name with just Florida or The State of Florida or maybe Orange County just don't have enough info. As far as I know it's just a rumor right now. They started a thread on it , so it's up to the Cindy what she wants and then there is Sovereign Immunity. I'm not sure how that will play into it.

Please, please tell me the jello guy lost.
how much did this foundation take in so far this year?

I don't know how it will be tracked. It isn't even completely up yet. I suppose donations will roll in when the anthonys start their media bliss.

Concerning Caylee is missing, I have no idea. I am attempting to see if there was funding.

Non-profits do not have to report income to public...many don't.
Running a REAL charity might be a full time job but the Anthonys have not lifted a finger towards running their other charity in 3 years! The website has not been updated, they do no PR work for it, they just sit home and collect the donations, doesn't sound like much work to me.
How can it cost them anything? They have no office, no expenses whatsoever.

We just don't know if they get a couple of corporations behind them or the A.C.L.U. We just don't know what the future holds for this family.
I don't know how it will be tracked. It isn't even completely up yet. I suppose donations will roll in when the anthonys start their media bliss.

Concerning Caylee is missing, I have no idea. I am attempting to see if there was funding.

Non-profits do not have to report income to public...many don't.

But they do have to have a copy of the 990s on site and available to the public..no questions asked. They have to let you see them. Unfortunalely it is the tax form from hell.
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