What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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I saw the posts about how the A's could be paying Lippman. I think someone else is footing the bill for Lippman. I also wondered how they paid Brad Conway and then I read in an article that George once worked as a security guard at Brad's condo/apartment building and that he befriended Brad. I did wonder if Brad was doing pro-bono work for them.
So far it looks like the poor Anthonys, according to reports, spent more than they ever took in. Their expenses and administrative costs far exceeded donations...

And because they lost a lot of money in one Foundation, they want to start up another one, proving how much they're willing to sacrifice. My heart is all warm and fuzzy thinking of their contributions and time to locate the missing.

How's that boat working out for ya? How's the new car working out for ya? Not to mention retaining a family attorney that cost more than the boat and the car together.

I get it! ML is their "corporate lawyer?" Maybe he gets paid via the "charity funds", too?
So far it looks like the poor Anthonys, according to reports, spent more than they ever took in. Their expenses and administrative costs far exceeded donations...

And because they lost a lot of money in one Foundation, they want to start up another one, proving how much they're willing to sacrifice. My heart is all warm and fuzzy thinking of their contributions and time to locate the missing.

How's that boat working out for ya? How's the new car working out for ya? Not to mention retaining a family attorney that cost more than the boat and the car together.

Let’s go back a couple of years and look at some of what the Anthony’s had to say the last time they had a foundation to announce:

George and Cindy Anthony unveiled a new search boat named for Caylee. They also unveiled plans for a Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation they both will spearhead.



George Anthony said the boat is now his life's work.

I feel this is what I need to do. It's taken me 50 years to know what I should do with the rest of my life," George Anthony said.


A few months later, in August, 2009, the disappearance of 8-year-old Robert Manwill touched off one of the largest searches in Boise, Idaho, history. Was George there with this boat?


A body pulled from a canal south of Boise, Idaho, has been tentatively identified as little Robert Manwill, the 8-year-old boy with an impish grin who disappeared July 24, police said.


How about little Juliani Cardenas found earlier this year in a canal after days of intense searching? Did George take this boat with the “side scan sonar” to help find this child?


Authorities believe body found in California canal is abducted boy


I realize little Robert was in Idaho and Juliani was in California, but need I remind George Anthony of the organization and equipment Tim Miller and Equisearch brought from Texas to Florida to search for his granddaughter?

Perhaps George Anthony’s true intent is contained in these two statements:
He said the family is proud of the donations raised to fund the boat, but they hope they never have to use it.

"I never want to look for a child in the water or the woods and stuff...” said George Anthony


Looks like you got your wish, George, because you’ve apparently never used it, have you?

And now, you two are announcing ANOTHER foundation to support yourselves because you say you can’t work? Two years ago you told us you had FOUND your life’s work.

Let’s go back a couple of years and look at some of what the Anthony’s had to say the last time they had a foundation to announce


Let's all take a stroll down memory lane.

Let's all remember the pathway into those woods where little Caylee's body was left...
Let’s go back a couple of years and look at some of what the Anthony’s had to say the last time they had a foundation to announce:


A few months later, in August, 2009, the disappearance of 8-year-old Robert Manwill touched off one of the largest searches in Boise, Idaho, history. Was George there with this boat?

How about little Juliani Cardenas found earlier this year in a canal after days of intense searching? Did George take this boat with the “side scan sonar” to help find this child?

I realize little Robert was in Idaho and Juliani was in California, but need I remind George Anthony of the organization and equipment Tim Miller and Equisearch brought from Texas to Florida to search for his granddaughter?

Perhaps George Anthony’s true intent is contained in these two statements:

Looks like you got your wish, George, because you’ve apparently never used it, have you?

And now, you two are announcing ANOTHER foundation to support yourselves because you say you can’t work? Two years ago you told us you had FOUND your life’s work.


IIRC GA went up to see Hailey Cummings family to 'advise them how to deal with a missing child' :innocent: and according to newspapers offered his boat and was told to get off the premises PDQ.
IIRC GA went up to see Hailey Cummings family to 'advise them how to deal with a missing child' :innocent: and according to newspapers offered his boat and was told to get off the premises PDQ.

You're correct, he went, but I don't think he had the boat yet. IIRC, he was in Satsuma within a few days of Haleigh disappearing on February 9, 2009. He got the boat around the end of March.

He wasn't exactly received with open arms, was he? Maybe he thought the boat was the ticket he needed for acceptance, IDK, but according to his latest attorney it apparently wasn't the "purpose for being" or "life's work" that George told us it was.

"The Anthonys plan to be the nonprofit’s officers and draw salaries because they are unable to work."


Wonder if the real issue was some kind of problem with the DONATE button?

IMO, after all their performances on the witness stand the A.'s are not the people who need to be spokespeople for Caylee's law. I used to feel that they are victims and felt bad for Cindy until the day they were overheard saying how beautiful Casey looked, and how her hair had grown. They created confusion and drama while Caylee was missing, after her body was found, and during the trial. I read that they are also going to fight for Grandparent's rights, but they don't even relate to that. The easiest way to get custody of a grandkid is if the parent is in prison, and they didn't do that either. Casey stole from several people and a lot from them and they did nothing. I'm a grandma raising grandkids, and I sure don't want them fighting for any of my rights, because I would never take up for one of my daughters if they even did half of what Casey did.

ITA - the Ants knew Casey was a thief and a liar of the first degree.
In answer to the question "what's in the minds of her parents and brother now", I would imagine probably they just still want to know what happened to Caylee and who was responsible but don't have the means to pursue it. I bet they are deeply bitter toward the media that maligned them so much and law enforcement. I would think Lee and Cindy are beyond devastated by it. They must be concerned about Casey's safety, while also being deeply angry about what happened to Caylee and the fact she's still never answered their questions. I would imagine that they are beyond broken hearted, and exhausted, grieving for Caylee plus the trauma of not knowing what happened, plus all the other trauma that was heaped on them throughout this entire case. Lee and Cindy at least. I wonder if there has ever been any discussion at all within the family regarding the defense's allegations of sex abuse of Casey as a child by George, the defense's claim that George was present when Caylee was found and basically that he disposed of Caylee's body, the testimony of Krystal H regarding infidelity, etc. It didn't look like Cindy ever batted an eye, she still hung on his arm the entire time throughout all that. So maybe it just all went in the same mental file that Cindy puts things in she doesn't want to know about, like she did with Casey's pregnancy? Or did Cindy just know that Casey has some disorder where she believes imaginary things or mixes up untruths with real memory or says untrue things, that she can't control it, so the defense allegations about George didn't change her views of George... But still there was the testimony by Krystal H, too. Which directly contradicted what George stated. So you would think it might raise some kind of questions/doubts in Cindy's mind.
I would honestly think that at least Lee and Cindy, maybe also George, would have PTSD after what they've been through. I can't even imagine going through what they've been through.
IMO, this and the "Who will make the most money" thread could be combined.
I am curious as to how they are going to spin the "Caylee's Fund or more correctly IMO the "CA & GA Financial Support Fund". I have some ideas how they are going to drum up initial foundation money for this.
They have asked the State to return all the personal evidence to them, since they are afraid that somebody could sell it on Ebay and heaven forbid, makes a profit of Caylee's death. Only the Anthonys are allowed to do that..
They could funnel/sell this stuff plus other still at home stuff thru their new foundation. The Sunfire alone really could bring in big bucks. All under the blessing/disguise of course for starting up the Caylee's Fund and for a "good" cause. Will make it look less distasteful/mercenary. I just hope, I am wrong or am I?

I am quoting my own post from 7/21/2011, never done that before.
Since it looks I was right :maddening:. They ,the Anthonys are going to sell lots of other stuff too including items still in the house that belonged to Caylee and/or KC IMO. They are sitting on a collectors gold mine.
Who knows , KC might have a seizure when she sees this and could sue her parents for wrongful death of Caylee.
I am quoting my own post from 7/21/2011, never done that before.
Since it looks I was right :maddening:. They ,the Anthonys are going to sell lots of other stuff too including items still in the house that belonged to Caylee and/or KC IMO. They are sitting on a collectors gold mine.
Who knows , KC might have a seizure when she sees this and could sue her parents for wrongful death of Caylee.

Again, I am surprised when I thought nothing more could surprise me from these people.

It is disgusting to even consider for a moment selling that car. Disgusting.
Again, I am surprised when I thought nothing more could surprise me from these people.

It is disgusting to even consider for a moment selling that car. Disgusting.

At least , they are getting predictable.
CA and FCA both consider this their song according to Tracy Maclaughlin. FCA listened to it 13 times in a row one time.


"The Past"
(feat. Chris Daughtry)

Beneath the water
that's falling from my eyes
lays a soul I've left behind
the edge of sorrow was reached but now I'm fine
I've filled the hole I had inside

I'll pray it doesn't scream my name
so I light a flame and let it breathe
the air that kills the shame

I'm up
I'm down
like a rollercoaster racing through my life
I've erased the past again

a risky morning
I feel like I'm alive
I can't believe I've made it through this time
the edge of sorrow I lived in for some time
(lived in for some time)
has left the hole I have inside

The burden is I try my hate
was the last thing I ever felt
or thought I could escape

I'm up
I'm down
like a rollercoaster racing through my life
I've erased the past again

You let me in then broke me down
the difference is this time around
I will not let you see me try

I'm up
I'm down
like a rollercoaster racing through my life
I've erased the past again

Erased the past again now
Erased the past again

Beneath the water
that has fallen from my eyes
I would honestly think that at least Lee and Cindy, maybe also George, would have PTSD after what they've been through. I can't even imagine going through what they've been through.

ITA with this. 3 more that should sue KC for all the h*ll she put them through.
Maybe they can play this song while they are dancing on Caylees grave, God,where is their soul?
I am quoting my own post from 7/21/2011, never done that before.
Since it looks I was right :maddening:. They ,the Anthonys are going to sell lots of other stuff too including items still in the house that belonged to Caylee and/or KC IMO. They are sitting on a collectors gold mine.
Who knows , KC might have a seizure when she sees this and could sue her parents for wrongful death of Caylee.

I bet KC is seething. This is going to start WW3 between Cindy & KC.
If KC isn't getting any offers & has no income coming in, this will knock her off the deep end.
One thing is for sure - someone may start singing like a bird in that rotton group over all this money.
Maybe they can play this song while they are dancing on Caylees grave, God,where is their soul?

Interestingly, they appear to be wondering the same thing from these lyrics. I think this song is the closest thing to a confession we will ever hear from them. They know they sold their souls and erased the truth.
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