What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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I hope Cindy and George do work to change Grandparents rights.If they were to write a book and then lobby to change how badly the system fails children who need their Grandparents to step in to raise them when they have a mother like Casey. I have a grandson who has a horrible mother,let new boyfriend of 2 months move in with 2kids.Both of her children said they were abused,DYFS was called 20 times by multiple people.After reports of abuse she on purpose got pregnant.We spent over 20k figthing in court to get grandson.All that was accomplished was not being able to see him for over a year.Even the school system was told about abuse from his sister,they did NOTHING to help these kids. I would bet my house that Cindy would have gotten custody rather then to let Caylee be murdered but knew she did not stand a chance and then out of spite that thing would harm Caylee.There needs to be changes made.Caylee and the children who die everyday because of horrible parents and a system that wants to keep children with a mom at all costs. I really hope they honor Caylee by doing this.

I had a similar situation. (Not in FL). CPS left calling cards three times, to give notice so the parents could stick the fridge, clean up some, and coach kids. I did not see them for five years when they were almost killed by the father. CPS, arguably, is worthless.
I have had to look into custody of a grandchild in my state. I'm not sure how Florida is but the attorney told us the law sides with the mother. You can call someone unfit all you want but when it comes to custody you have to have documented evidence of something that makes her unfit. If KC had no history of anything Cindy would have no chance of getting custody. It seems Cindys worry of appearances might have been bigger than getting custody of Caylee. I'm not sure what kind of advocating they would do. IMO

Agreed. I am a FL resident and years ago, briefly looked into the possibility of assuming custody of my nieces. I was told by a lawyer that it would be virtually impossible, unless, as you say, we had or could get documented evidence that their mother was unfit. I asked him what evidence would qualify and he was very clear that it had to be something like, serious neglect (e.g., leaving the kids alone for days on end, not providing nourishment for them, etc.), serious abuse (especially physical abuse), documented by child welfare agencies, or evidence of serious law breaking, such as drug dealing or crimes more serious. Anything short of that wouldn't matter at all.

It's sad how 'unfit' is defined by the state, but it's such a subjective thing, I suppose the state has to draw the line somewhere.

I have had to look into custody of a grandchild in my state. I'm not sure how Florida is but the attorney told us the law sides with the mother. You can call someone unfit all you want but when it comes to custody you have to have documented evidence of something that makes her unfit. If KC had no history of anything Cindy would have no chance of getting custody. It seems Cindys worry of appearances might have been bigger than getting custody of Caylee. I'm not sure what kind of advocating they would do. IMO

Back to this. You know, how sad it is to think that Mrs. Anthony threatening her daughter with assuming custody of Caylee may have contributed to the child's death when, as we just discussed, both were apparently ignorant of the law. I mean, if Mrs. Anthony had been aware of the law, she would likely not have threatened her daughter with something that she couldn't accomplish (since there was no documented evidence). And had Ms. Anthony been aware of the law, she could have easily dismissed any threats her mother made on the issue, as long as she didn't break any serious laws, etc. Caylee could still be alive today. Sad.
I hope Cindy and George do work to change Grandparents rights.If they were to write a book and then lobby to change how badly the system fails children who need their Grandparents to step in to raise them when they have a mother like Casey. I have a grandson who has a horrible mother,let new boyfriend of 2 months move in with 2kids.Both of her children said they were abused,DYFS was called 20 times by multiple people.After reports of abuse she on purpose got pregnant.We spent over 20k figthing in court to get grandson.All that was accomplished was not being able to see him for over a year.Even the school system was told about abuse from his sister,they did NOTHING to help these kids. I would bet my house that Cindy would have gotten custody rather then to let Caylee be murdered but knew she did not stand a chance and then out of spite that thing would harm Caylee.There needs to be changes made.Caylee and the children who die everyday because of horrible parents and a system that wants to keep children with a mom at all costs. I really hope they honor Caylee by doing this.

Just wanted to say, I'm sorry your family has had to deal with such a sad thing. I also wish I could have confidence in your view that it would be great if the Anthonys did sincerely work for grandparents' rights. But considering all that they've said/done/shown, etc., I just can't get behind the idea that they'd ever be good spokespersons for such an important issue.

Again, I'm sorry for your family. :(
They need to be as far away from that as possible. They have no credibility and do not exactly come across as champions for grandparents. CA lied to help free Caylee's murderer, so I'm not sure they could rally people to a cause, no matter how good it is. Not sure grandparents should have any rights like that anyway moo.

Have to disagree with your last sentence. Have you looked up the statistics lately on how many grandparents are raising their grandchildren? As bad as so many situations are for children in this country, they would be much worse without the grandparents who have stepped up and taken responsibility. Just my :twocents:--proud grandmother raising two grandsons.!
They raised Caylee for almost 3 years and would still be raising her today if Casey would not have killed her.

They were wonderful grandparents who LIVED for that baby.
Back to this. You know, how sad it is to think that Mrs. Anthony threatening her daughter with assuming custody of Caylee may have contributed to the child's death when, as we just discussed, both were apparently ignorant of the law. I mean, if Mrs. Anthony had been aware of the law, she would likely not have threatened her daughter with something that she couldn't accomplish (since there was no documented evidence). And had Ms. Anthony been aware of the law, she could have easily dismissed any threats her mother made on the issue, as long as she didn't break any serious laws, etc. Caylee could still be alive today. Sad.

It seems she used those threats against KC to get her to straighten up. But when threats don't work, formal action needed to be taken. I remember reading early on that KC told a friend she thought she needed some mental health counseling, but then talked to her mom and all was good again. Because of appearances did Cindy frown on a cry for help? Obviously, something was going on with KC. That history alone would have helped them with custody. You can't turn a blind eye on what is going on in front of you because "what will the neighbors think".
It seems she used those threats against KC to get her to straighten up. But when threats don't work, formal action needed to be taken. I remember reading early on that KC told a friend she thought she needed some mental health counseling, but then talked to her mom and all was good again. Because of appearances did Cindy frown on a cry for help? Obviously, something was going on with KC. That history alone would have helped them with custody. You can't turn a blind eye on what is going on in front of you because "what will the neighbors think".

We don't KNOW what was happening in that house. It's not Cindy's fault that Casey killed Caylee. Cindy and George loved Caylee, provided for Caylee, and thank God Caylee had them.

Did Cindy handle everything right in Caylee's life since birth? Probably not. But is there ANYBODY that can say they are perfect parents or grandparents?

It's easy to think we know what we would have done or what Cindy should have done.

It's not that simple.

A lot of assumptions are being stated as fact.

I'm sure the A's cared a lot more for Caylee than they cared what the neighbors thought. They were in a very tough position trying to remain part of Caylee's life while dealing with Casey. You piss the mother off enough, they disappear with the child. In this case, Casey was pissed enough to kill her child to spite and hurt Cindy. Has any of us been in this situation?

I don't agree with a lot of what the A's have done. But I will not judge them for their actions or lack of action they took when they were raising Caylee. Simply because I have no clue what they had to deal with.

To say "if they" or "they should have" is implying that their actions or lack of action caused Caylee's death.
The A's DID NOT cause Caylee's death.

They raised Caylee for almost 3 years and would still be raising her today if Casey would not have killed her.

They were wonderful grandparents who LIVED for that baby.

I'm sure they were wonderful grandparents who doted on their granddaughter. But red flags were there. In our state we have what's called a "welfare check". Does Florida not have this? It is obvious by Cindys myspace page that something deep seeded was going on. A welfare check by the grandparents was definitely in order here. IMO

Grandparents rights? They had the right to call the cops on their daughter sooner then later.
I'm sure they were wonderful grandparents who doted on their granddaughter. But red flags were there. In our state we have what's called a "welfare check". Does Florida not have this? It is obvious by Cindys myspace page that something deep seeded was going on. A welfare check by the grandparents was definitely in order here. IMO

Grandparents rights? They had the right to call the cops on their daughter sooner then later.

There was an argument/fight before Casey left with Caylee.
I'm sure the A's thought she was keeping Caylee from them because she was mad.

Who would EVER think their daughter would kill their grand daughter over an argument.

Had they called before, they would have been told that if the child was with her mother, there was nothing they could do.

Casey had custody of Caylee. People leave with their children all the time over disagreements with their parents.

Would a "welfare check" have even been an option?

She was with her legal guardian.
It seems she used those threats against KC to get her to straighten up. But when threats don't work, formal action needed to be taken. I remember reading early on that KC told a friend she thought she needed some mental health counseling, but then talked to her mom and all was good again. Because of appearances did Cindy frown on a cry for help? Obviously, something was going on with KC. That history alone would have helped them with custody. You can't turn a blind eye on what is going on in front of you because "what will the neighbors think".

To be specific, that friend was Annie Downing. KC asked AD to go to lunch with her one day, and spilled her guts that she felt like she was going crazy and was thinking about committing herself. AD was worried about her, but talked to her later that day or the next day and KC said everything was OK, "I talked to my mom". Whatever it was, CA was at the heart of it.
To be specific, that friend was Annie Downing. KC asked AD to go to lunch with her one day, and spilled her guts that she felt like she was going crazy and was thinking about committing herself. AD was worried about her, but talked to her later that day or the next day and KC said everything was OK, "I talked to my mom". Whatever it was, CA was at the heart of it.

And we all know what Casey says to her friends is ALWAYS the truth!
We don't KNOW what was happening in that house. It's not Cindy's fault that Casey killed Caylee. Cindy and George loved Caylee, provided for Caylee, and thank God Caylee had them.

Did Cindy handle everything right in Caylee's life since birth? Probably not. But is there ANYBODY that can say they are perfect parents or grandparents?

It's easy to think we know what we would have done or what Cindy should have done.

It's not that simple.

A lot of assumptions are being stated as fact.

I'm sure the A's cared a lot more for Caylee than they cared what the neighbors thought. They were in a very tough position trying to remain part of Caylee's life while dealing with Casey. You piss the mother off enough, they disappear with the child. In this case, Casey was pissed enough to kill her child to spite and hurt Cindy. Has any of us been in this situation?

I don't agree with a lot of what the A's have done. But I will not judge them for their actions or lack of action they took when they were raising Caylee. Simply because I have no clue what they had to deal with.

To say "if they" or "they should have" is implying that their actions or lack of action caused Caylee's death.
The A's DID NOT cause Caylee's death.


It is so refreshing to see this point of view. Not only do you have compassion for the A's, you also refrain from judging them. Keep on posting! :tyou:
First of all, I'm talking about the Anthonys fighting for grandparents rights. I don't understand what they are looking for. They needed documentation that would prove her to be unfit. They didn't act on anything as far as KC is concerned. How do you say someone is unfit in one breath and then say she was a wonderful mother in the next?

I have had to call in a welfare check on my granddaughter whos mother has custody. Yes, it is definitely an option where I live.

Furthermore, I practice tough love and have had to call the cops on one of my sons. Are we friends? He'll tell you the best of friends. Sometimes when reasoning gets you no where, action needs to be taken, not idle threats. IMO
I think it's a tough call, and I don't think the Anthonys saw signs of abuse of neglect of Caylee. JMO
I think it's a tough call, and I don't think the Anthonys saw signs of abuse of neglect of Caylee. JMO

I don't think so either.

Had they seen abuse or neglect they would have acted on it.

I think Casey knew she had parents who were always there for her child so she took major advantage of the free childcare, the free shelter, the free food...

I think Cindy really wanted Casey to take more day to day responsibility and I think the fact Casey didn't, really aggravated Cindy.

I think Cindy thought the way Casey lived was unfit. But not abusive or neglectful.

I think when Casey was with Caylee she was a "good mother". As in, she was good with her.

I don't think there was much CA and GA could have done besides kicking Casey out. And they would have lost Caylee.

IMO they were in a no win situation.
IMO they did the best they could.

If they would have ever thought Casey wouldve hurt Caylee, I think they would have moved heaven and earth to prevent it.

IMO they had no idea just how evil thier daughter is.
I don't think so either.

Had they seen abuse or neglect they would have acted on it.

I think Casey knew she had parents who were always there for her child so she took major advantage of the free childcare, the free shelter, the free food...

I think Cindy really wanted Casey to take more day to day responsibility and I think the fact Casey didn't, really aggravated Cindy.

I think Cindy thought the way Casey lived was unfit. But not abusive or neglectful.

I think when Casey was with Caylee she was a "good mother". As in, she was good with her.

I don't think there was much CA and GA could have done besides kicking Casey out. And they would have lost Caylee.

IMO they were in a no win situation.
IMO they did the best they could.

If they would have ever thought Casey wouldve hurt Caylee, I think they would have moved heaven and earth to prevent it.

IMO they had no idea just how evil thier daughter is.

Great post, ITA with all points.
Now that Miss Casey is presumably coming back to Orlando to serve probation, I think we will learn a great deal about what is in the minds of the parents and the brother.

Will they continue to let George be considered the horrible sexual pervert Casey's attorney accused him of being? Possibly complicit in the unlawful death of Caylee?

Will they continue to let Lee be considered an incestuous pervert that Casey's attorney accused him of being?

Will they continue to "cover" for Casey Anthony's misdeeds - even to the point of infanticide?

If they maintain their deafening silence on these matters (which are widely held and bandied about), it can reasonably be assumed that they have no serious problem with Casey's behavior.
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