When will Casey be Arrested?

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When will Casey be arrested on charges for Caylee's death ?

  • Tue. Oct. 14th

    Votes: 53 20.5%
  • Wed. Oct. 15th

    Votes: 85 32.9%
  • Thurs. Oct. 16th

    Votes: 40 15.5%
  • Fri. Oct. 17th

    Votes: 37 14.3%
  • Following Week or longer

    Votes: 43 16.7%

  • Total voters
The last part of the last sentence just shocks me to the core. They did NOT dig up that yard?

quote: "they believe it was unnecessary to dig there."

OMG, they feel they've done a thorough search but did not actually dig for Caylee? How can they know 1000% that she is still not there?

Well, I was a little surprised at that also but we know they did dig where the dogs hit on specific areas. They feel the baby was there but was moved. In thinking about it, they have sophisticated equipment that can detect remains underground both on soil and water. So, we have to trust that they know what they are doing.
Long time lurker (since case inception) - first time poster..(still can't figure out how to change avitar, even). I'm here in a strange capacity...I've been a criminal defense paralegal for the past 9 years BUT strangely enough, usually get caught up in cases where I believe the accused is NOT innocent.
I know that (in my state), the public and most definitely the accused and attorney, do NOT know about an indictment until it's handed down by the grand jury. ESPECIALLY in major felony/murder cases. Here's how it works (if I sound presumptively "know it all", I don't mean to, but thought I could share some inside perspective in the world of criminal justice).

First, the State gathers all evidence they can (i.e., the slew of interviews done in the past 2 months). Once they feel like they have it all (or at least all they will likely get), they file their charges in the circuit court...and in murder cases, a lot of times, it's sealed. WHICH MEANS that the discovery documents that are filed are public record (i.e., the interviews, the texts, pc forensics, etc....) BUT the indictment is SEALED completely and unaccessible to ANYONE except the Judge, the State and the Grand Jury until they return their bill. Grand Juries can take hours, days, weeks and even MONTHS to convene depending on amount of evidence. Just like in a jury trial, they then return a verdict (called a "bill"). If they find there is enough evidence to indict, they return with a TRUE BILL. If they find insufficient evidence to indict, they reutrn with a NOT TRUE BILL. If they send back a TRUE BILL, the indictment REMAINS SEALED until the indictment is served upon the accused. Also, in my state, if the accused is in jail, they have to serve the indictment on them w/in 60 days of the indictment. If they are NOT in jail, they have a full year to serve it (no idea why they'd wait that long, but I've seen it).

So, to sum up this rant, I do believe it is POSSIBLE that the State is in the process of presenting the evidence against her...we just dont know it yet. It MAY even be that they are convening or HAVE ALREADY convened a grand jury. Simply because that information is sealed in many cases (not all cases, though). I just started to notice this slew of documents being filed by the State...they are likely filing it because they have done all of their interviews, got all the evidence they can get (short of the body) and now they have filed the discovery because it has to be filed in order to be viewed by grand jury.

just my newbie thoughts...
Long time lurker (since case inception) - first time poster..(still can't figure out how to change avitar, even). I'm here in a strange capacity...I've been a criminal defense paralegal for the past 9 years BUT strangely enough, usually get caught up in cases where I believe the accused is NOT innocent.
I know that (in my state), the public and most definitely the accused and attorney, do NOT know about an indictment until it's handed down by the grand jury. ESPECIALLY in major felony/murder cases. Here's how it works (if I sound presumptively "know it all", I don't mean to, but thought I could share some inside perspective in the world of criminal justice).

First, the State gathers all evidence they can (i.e., the slew of interviews done in the past 2 months). Once they feel like they have it all (or at least all they will likely get), they file their charges in the circuit court...and in murder cases, a lot of times, it's sealed. WHICH MEANS that the discovery documents that are filed are public record (i.e., the interviews, the texts, pc forensics, etc....) BUT the indictment is SEALED completely and unaccessible to ANYONE except the Judge, the State and the Grand Jury until they return their bill. Grand Juries can take hours, days, weeks and even MONTHS to convene depending on amount of evidence. Just like in a jury trial, they then return a verdict (called a "bill"). If they find there is enough evidence to indict, they return with a TRUE BILL. If they find insufficient evidence to indict, they reutrn with a NOT TRUE BILL. If they send back a TRUE BILL, the indictment REMAINS SEALED until the indictment is served upon the accused.

So, to sum up this rant, I do believe it is POSSIBLE that the State is in the process of presenting the evidence against her...we just dont know it yet. It MAY even be that they are convening or HAVE ALREADY convened a grand jury. Simply because that information is sealed in many cases (not all cases, though). I just started to notice this slew of documents being filed by the State...they are likely filing it because they have done all of their interviews, got all the evidence they can get (short of the body) and now they have filed the discovery because it has to be filed in order to be viewed by grand jury.

just my newbie thoughts...

Wow......thanks Parabeagle!! So you think they are likely filing now?
Long time lurker (since case inception) - first time poster..(still can't figure out how to change avitar, even). I'm here in a strange capacity...I've been a criminal defense paralegal for the past 9 years BUT strangely enough, usually get caught up in cases where I believe the accused is NOT innocent.
I know that (in my state), the public and most definitely the accused and attorney, do NOT know about an indictment until it's handed down by the grand jury. ESPECIALLY in major felony/murder cases. Here's how it works (if I sound presumptively "know it all", I don't mean to, but thought I could share some inside perspective in the world of criminal justice).

First, the State gathers all evidence they can (i.e., the slew of interviews done in the past 2 months). Once they feel like they have it all (or at least all they will likely get), they file their charges in the circuit court...and in murder cases, a lot of times, it's sealed. WHICH MEANS that the discovery documents that are filed are public record (i.e., the interviews, the texts, pc forensics, etc....) BUT the indictment is SEALED completely and unaccessible to ANYONE except the Judge, the State and the Grand Jury until they return their bill. Grand Juries can take hours, days, weeks and even MONTHS to convene depending on amount of evidence. Just like in a jury trial, they then return a verdict (called a "bill"). If they find there is enough evidence to indict, they return with a TRUE BILL. If they find insufficient evidence to indict, they reutrn with a NOT TRUE BILL. If they send back a TRUE BILL, the indictment REMAINS SEALED until the indictment is served upon the accused. Also, in my state, if the accused is in jail, they have to serve the indictment on them w/in 60 days of the indictment. If they are NOT in jail, they have a full year to serve it (no idea why they'd wait that long, but I've seen it).

So, to sum up this rant, I do believe it is POSSIBLE that the State is in the process of presenting the evidence against her...we just dont know it yet. It MAY even be that they are convening or HAVE ALREADY convened a grand jury. Simply because that information is sealed in many cases (not all cases, though). I just started to notice this slew of documents being filed by the State...they are likely filing it because they have done all of their interviews, got all the evidence they can get (short of the body) and now they have filed the discovery because it has to be filed in order to be viewed by grand jury.

just my newbie thoughts...

Thank you so much and WELCOME!!!
I have a much better understanding of the process now!
Wow......thanks Parabeagle!! So you think they are likely filing now?

I dunno, but I think that just some of the things I've seen the past week, led me to believe that they've finished their investigation. They've done no more interviews lately, got all the dumps from the cell & computer, unfortunately, God knows they'll never find that baby (just my opinion). The massive filings 2/3 days in a row by the state, tend to suggest that's what they're doing. My guess?....they've already requested a grand jury be convened.

Everyone keeps saying WHY HAVEN'T THEY CHARGED HER? I thought the same thing, but now I think it's in the works...who knows, I could be proven wrong.
It's my understanding the dA is taking the case to the grand jury. That's why she hasn't been arrested. Smart move.
I dunno, but I think that just some of the things I've seen the past week, led me to believe that they've finished their investigation. They've done no more interviews lately, got all the dumps from the cell & computer, unfortunately, God knows they'll never find that baby (just my opinion). The massive filings 2/3 days in a row by the state, tend to suggest that's what they're doing. My guess?....they've already requested a grand jury be convened.

Everyone keeps saying WHY HAVEN'T THEY CHARGED HER? I thought the same thing, but now I think it's in the works...who knows, I could be proven wrong.

Well, it's pretty darn great having a person in the profession read it as such. Would be nice if to see something substantial happen beside bad check charges after all these weeks.
Thank you so much and WELCOME!!!
I have a much better understanding of the process now!

No prob, but again, I should say that things are different state to state, but I do think that the grand jury process is generally boiler plate. I don't want to come off as the "newbie know-it-all", but I would be glad to explain what parts I do know anytime.
It's my understanding the dA is taking the case to the grand jury. That's why she hasn't been arrested. Smart move.

Now it's easier to understand. They will arrest AFTER it has been deemed "iron clad".
Hey veterans...is there a thread I can go to to get help w/ setting up my profile (my avitar shows in my profile but not when I post) and I have noticed we're not supposed to get off topic...

I dont have a link either but it was also written.I read it, I cant get videos on webtv..I am thinking it could have been on one of the pages for Cindys transcript.There were a lot of links listed.Take care.IMO

I think this has the info that posters are discussing. I also posted this link on page 1 of this thread:

I totally disagree with this. You don't know what LE is holding in their hand. My guess is Oct. 1st to the 7th, we'll see the arrest.

Caylee's whole body will not make or break this case. They already know that parts of it were left in that trunk and it was not alive.

Maybe LE is not releasing info like what was in the trash bag in the back of the car, or just what that stain was, for a reason.
That wouldnt be right, especially since this is about an innocent little girl.
I believe they have a lot more scientific evidence that they are not sharing with the public.
Hey veterans...is there a thread I can go to to get help w/ setting up my profile (my avitar shows in my profile but not when I post) and I have noticed we're not supposed to get off topic...

Hi parabeagle, welcome and thank you for all the great "behind the scenes" information.

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I hope that Casey is arrested soon.
However, what is being done right now is pure profiling at work. They are using proactive techniques to try to lure her out. The document dumps, the very specific statements by LE all says to me that they know they will not get a conviction without a confession. Look into behavioral science. This is LE trying to get a conviction. IT's basic level proactive profiling.
I don't think there will be much of anything unless Casey opens her mouth.
LE turns up the heat week by week, as she refuses to talk. They have no reason to do this except that they are being told to by the experts at the FBI. JMO
Based on upcoming neglect trial in November, and recent "in a few weeks" comment by LE, I think we can pinpoint it fairly accurately to the last week of October. JMO. Make no mistake, Casey's going down on murder charges...
I think that LE has the evidence they need to convict. I think while we sit here the GJ has been meeting or is about to meet. GJ's usually only meet once a week and are closed ..meaning reporters, defense attorneys, etc are barred. Gj's can take as long as they like to come to a verdict for charging.. the GJ jury is also sworn to not release what they are hearing in the GJ.
So patience my friends..patience..Casey's days at home are limited..because once the GJ indicts in a case like this..it is usually for a capitol crime..like murder in the first degree. She will be re-arrested for first degree murder..remember she is still under arrest for the other charges. The state will keep the other charges in place also...because they gave her opportunity, per her lawyer's request, to plea bargain those and she didn't.

This young women will be on death row soon enough..most likely her new pen pal will be Scott Peterson.
Thank you Parabeagle!

Now if I could just figure out why your post #s and your actual posts do not match:waitasec:

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