Where are the 2 LITTLE GIRLS seen with PG?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think there will be more children unless lack of medical children caused infertility problems. He could have passed on an STD to Jaycee, this could lead to all types of infertility issues (for both him and her). 2 births in that filth could have also caused problems.
It's also possible that the multitude of illegal street drugs he allegedly consumed for so many years/decades finally rendered him sterile.

(I apologize if this has already been mentioned- I haven't had time to read the enitre thread).
If the stories of those parties are true, then Jaycee would have either been on birth control, or would have had a LOT more babies. Maybe PG was barely fertile, but whoever came to those parties certainly wouldn't be! And her daughters, if they were from the guys at the parties, would probably not be blonde. (assuming the ethnic attribution were true) Just one way of looking at it. Unlikely that the men would be using protection, so IF Jaycee were in that tent (ugh yuch blech nasty to even say) then she had to be either infertile or on some sort of protection. He could have taken her to a clinic to get an IUD or pills or something.

The blonde hair doesn't really mean a great deal. PG also had very dark hair when he was young (going by the photo's of him) but Jaycee is blonde. I have very dark hair but my 3 daughters had very blonde hair until they were in their teens, their father had blonde hair.

As for only 2 children, it has been suggested in other threads that it is possible that there may have been other children that were given, sold or what ever. Or maybe the men at the parties were made to use protection after the girls were born or the parties stopped.

Is still think it is possible that this creep may not be their father and I hope they do DNA tests.
The rapist's wife could have been the one going to clinics to get birth control pills and gave them to the girls. They could have probably hopped over to Mexico and gotten pills cheap with no questions asked.
The rapist's wife could have been the one going to clinics to get birth control pills and gave them to the girls. They could have probably hopped over to Mexico and gotten pills cheap with no questions asked.

Good point. I'm sure they wouldn't have wanted too many children to hide, it would have made it very hard.
The rapist's wife could have been the one going to clinics to get birth control pills and gave them to the girls. They could have probably hopped over to Mexico and gotten pills cheap with no questions asked.[/QUOTE

oral contraceptives are heavily sampled, so they probably wouldn't have had to go thru the trouble of leaving the U.S. unless he took her to a doc in Mexico. i cannot imagine that he would have taken her to a doctor (free clinic or private practice) in the U.S. for contraception. In order for her to get birth control, Jaycee would have had to have an exam. Providers would have instantly recognized that something wasn't right, between the evidence of 2 births in a backyard and Q&A time, I'm fairly postive that a doc/NP/PA etc... would have been seeing red flags everywhere. I'm not saying this b/c I think that doctors are Gods or anything like that. I've spent years in women's health, providers are usually pretty good at spotting abuse, from the controlling man who insists on being in the room during his wife's exam to the woman who comes in with evidence of sexual abuse (bite marks, scars, etc).

but, wouldn't a creep like him have wanted more victims? perhaps the thrill was in the abduction.

i just hope he wasn't selling or trading Jaycee's children.
STD'S can also cause fertility problems,and vaginal births with herpes can cause death in the neonate,if the lesions are shedding.Hope none of this is true---also PID-pelvic inflammatory disease,can also cause infertility.No medical care-sub standard births and exposure to God only knows what else---think about it---it hurts my heart.
I just can't believe that pot smoking lowers sperm that much or even other drugs. If so, then I , and other people would not be raising millions of kids born to dopeheads! The foster system is overleaded with kids born to such people as well. There must have been birth control used, periods of mental delusions when sexual abuse didn't happen, or the actual murder of babies. It's so horrible to think of, but two in 18 years is hard to believe. Even BTK laid off murders for so many years. Maybe this one laid off his abuses and crimes for a few years pretending that he was normal and raising a cute little baby. Who knows.
What about the little girls seen by the barber?

ANTIOCH (KRON) -- Antioch police now say they want to talk with Phillip Garrido's former barber about reports the accused rapist and kidnapper was seen with two unidentified younger children.

"He just came in for his haircut and he had two other little girls with him," Wayne Thompson told KRON 4's Maureen Kelly. "I would say maybe around six or seven years old, maybe a little younger. I don't know who they were. I thought they were neices or something like that. I thought they were family members. I didn't really think anything of it at that time. I thought he was just a family oriented guy."

Investigators now say they will ask Thompson for more details about these younger children and their possible connection to Garrido.

Stay tuned to KRON 4 and KRON4.com for the latest on the Garrido case.

(Copyright 2009, KRON 4, All rights reserved.)


He just came in for his haircut. Even if the guy isn't expert at telling ages, there's a big difference between 11 and 7 or 15 and 7 . . or younger.
Around the same time I was on here learning that the Molino's properties were raided today (a bit more than an hour ago), my sister called me to ask what I knew about "the twins that were taken to CPS today." She said she caught something on the news but doesn't remember what she was watching (I know, big help, lol).

According to the stories so far, two children were taken from the Bay Point rental property due to "squalid living conditions" but they were not identified as twins.

Just putting this out there so we can be more alert to the news reports.


excerpt: Two young children at that location were also taken into protective custody by Child Protective Services because deputies thought that home was too squalid for the kids to remain there.
source: http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local/east_bay&id=7007035
I just can't believe that pot smoking lowers sperm that much or even other drugs. If so, then I , and other people would not be raising millions of kids born to dopeheads! The foster system is overleaded with kids born to such people as well.

Wow, really? The foster system is overloaded with kids born to pot smokers [aka "dopeheads"]? I would love to see the statistics on that one if you've got any. Now if you'd said the foster system is filled with kids born to meth or heroine addicts or alcoholics, I'd be much more inclined to believe that without requesting supporting documentation. And for future reference, the term "such people," regardless of which "people" you are referring to, sounds kind of condescending and judgmental.

From what I understand, marijuana use may have an impact on sperm counts. However, marijuana is not a reliable form of birth control. Tight underwear can have an impact on sperm counts. But I doubt even PG would rely on his tighty whities alone to prevent conception.
Around the same time I was on here learning that the Molino's properties were raided today (a bit more than an hour ago), my sister called me to ask what I knew about "the twins that were taken to CPS today." She said she caught something on the news but doesn't remember what she was watching (I know, big help, lol).

According to the stories so far, two children were taken from the Bay Point rental property due to "squalid living conditions" but they were not identified as twins.

Just putting this out there so we can be more alert to the news reports.


excerpt: Two young children at that location were also taken into protective custody by Child Protective Services because deputies thought that home was too squalid for the kids to remain there.
source: http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local/east_bay&id=7007035

Hopefully, if these two other girls belong to Jaycee or they are other kidnap victims who either Jaycee or her girls might have witnessed being kidnapped....then they will feel strong enough and comfortable to share any info that they have with authorities. I suspect that these girls might not actually be Jaycee's because one of the first things she told her mother is that she had "babies....two". I can't imagine she would mislead her mother like that if there were more children out there.

Unless, of course, they're children who Jaycee was led to believe were killed by Garrido and maybe he actually just kept them at this other rental. There's also the possibility that we talked about previously, the younger girls belonging to Jaycee's older daughter. Anyway, the whole situation just gets increasingly unbelievable everyday. Thanks all for the updates on this and the related Molino situation today.
Seems to me the simplest answer is that PG had a low sperm count, per ex-wife, IIRC. He failed to impregnate two wives....so I suspect he needed a super fertile female to compensate for his pathetic sperm. Maybe even Jaycee needed to be at exactly the right point in her cycle to get pregnant my GarridoMonster. That could account for the low number of live children, for me, if you add in the possibility that some could have died at birth due to the conditions. All MO, of course...I would think Jaycee would have said something if he sold her 4 yr old out from under her, unless her kept her in the house, separate from the other children, ala FritzleMonster in Austria. :confused:
Jaycee may have said plenty...I do not think they need to tell us everything.
Maybe they want to keep some of her life privet.
She still has to live in this world, the less people know the better for her.

I too am very curious as to how she ended up with 2 girls and not more....:confused:
But it is OK for me not to know....
I am kind of worried about the two 4 year olds that a neighbor reported...
I sure hope the found bones have nothing to do with any babies she had.
Just noting, the barber is listed as PG's "former" barber. How long ago I wonder did he see these young girls? I have been wondering all along, if this guy had other kidnap victims and was maybe "selling" them to someone else to finance his drug use, which could explain the backyard parties, which oddly, I never read anywhere included any women, just men. Drugs habits aren't cheap! I hope not, but I was sure wondering how a mediocre musician was financing his habit.
Its easy to let the mind wander into thinking other victims exist. That other babies were murdered.

I think its very possible, however, that the years of sexual abuse coupled with zero medical care, could render one infertile.

If this creepo didn't have an STD, then one of his low life backyard party buddies probably did.

Kind of makes me wish PG would purposely be given syphillis (sp?) or something fitting like that....and no medical care, of course.

That might be a start to justice served. As it is, I'm hoping as some point, he'll be released into the general prison population to enjoy someone elses sexual fantasies. :behindbar:blowkiss:

I apologize if I offend anyone. I just don't understand HOW a human with a brain can do such a horrible and unthinkable thing.

I'm starting to wonder if a conscience is something we are born with or something we learn about during upbringing. Regardless, PG, is the best free anti drug campaign for this country!
If this creepo didn't have an STD, then one of his low life backyard party buddies probably did.
If that's what was going on.....that has not been confirmed or denied yet.
Hi everyone....
I think we all agree that there are 2 little girls still out there
who were sighted with PG as recently as 6 months before his arrest. I have not stopped thinking of them at all.

We know JC and the girls are doing well for now.

We know the perps are in jail and Grandma perp should be too.

I Hope we can make a difference in their lives - they are just little girls.
Lets debate and keep a track here about everything related to them
Hi everyone....
I think we all agree that there are 2 little girls still out there
who were sighted with PG as recently as 6 months before his arrest. I have not stopped thinking of them at all.

We know JC and the girls are doing well for now.

We know the perps are in jail and Grandma perp should be too.

I Hope we can make a difference in their lives - they are just little girls.
Lets debate and keep a track here about everything related to them

any update on those two girls found at the molinos song?
they said they didnt belong to the parole guy, but i didnt hear anything about people being arrested for keeping them in squalor. so im thinking this is still a possibility
I am so happy that you started this thread as I truly believe this is the greatest piece of the puzzle left unsolved!!!

I agree that they exist. I wonder if in pg's continuing disclosures to LE (the manifesto, the meeting with campus police, hiring a pi that was a LE officer to study his claims concerning his "box"), if he placed the girls somewhere he knew they wouldn't be found, would be "safe" in pg's eyes, and away from LE?

Who are these girls???? Someone has to know?!
any update on those two girls found at the molinos song?
they said they didnt belong to the parole guy, but i didnt hear anything about people being arrested for keeping them in squalor. so im thinking this is still a possibility

I honestly believe that if these were the 2 girls, LE would not have made the announcement thaat they are seeking information about them.
I honestly believe that if these were the 2 girls, LE would not have made the announcement thaat they are seeking information about them.

i really woulldnt trust anything the police in that area say one way or the other.
its just curious.
we're all looking for 2 little girls.
here's 2 little girls lving in squalor on those scumbags rental property.
where are there parents? no words of arrests regarding there conditions.
allegedly the parole violater was not with them.
so what the hell is going on here?

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