Where are the 2 LITTLE GIRLS seen with PG?

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Keep in mind that this was the same guy who supposedly confirmed to NE that the girl in the business card picture was Jaycee. At the time of that interview, he apparently made no mention of the two girls, that story appeared later.

Ref: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/crime/detail?&entry_id=48320

He was also aware that PG was a sex offender

Ref: http://cbs5.com/crime/fbi.agent.suspects.2.1155717.html

The ages of the girls he mentions match's the ages of the girls of the "source" in the later NE atricle, suggesting that he was the source of that information as well.

All of those things combined make it reasonable to question his credibility.
When the head of the agency is corrupt even if you are a good cop your hands are pretty tied.

How do you say to your boss the rapist, we have a pedophile on our hands? and hope it will matter? especially knowing he will ask does it have anything to do with a drug bust?
Especially in a town that seems to have a don't look, don't tell....kind of an unspoken agreement.
I would not trust the Police department there.
Obviously they have been called on this case and PG got an award from the PO for adjusting so nicely while JC was locked up in his back yard. :furious:

THEY NEED AN ENTIRE HALL OVER... That is what will find those two babies. :(

They do need an entire revamp of LE in the county!! I agree with your statements above with one exception. I can think of ways to get information out there and investigated, bypassing a corrupt boss. One would be media links. I've seen this happen before and it can be very effective. Another way would be to let information slip to another investigating agent in a different agency/town. Thank God there are still some good LE out there or there would be no safety for any of us.

Yes, drug busts garner publicity, but right now Antioch LE has egg on it's face and in the scramble to save face and cover their backsides, I believe this case will be investigated!!

I would still feel better if there were also outside investigators working with the LE in place. That was why I asked about the fbi.
im sure jaycee told them everything she knows.
confirmation by her would guarentee the police wouldnt sit on this.

I doubt that she told them everything she knows.
In order for her to survive much got suppressed, and the Horse riding Therapy will unlock a lot.
I am sure she told them a lot, but more is yet to come...
I am not that sure...I think people do know something, and are afraid to talk.
I think she did not pursue it because she may not have known how to.
This is not your average town, or your average case.

my point is if there really is someone on the inside of law enforcement making a statement like that, that means they arent looking for the girls, or they arleady knew what happened to them.
if so then this is a pointless exercise, unless we can bring in a federal investigatin.
I doubt that she told them everything she knows.
In order for her to survive much got suppressed, and the Horse riding Therapy will unlock a lot.
I am sure she told them a lot, but more is yet to come...

she must obviusly have told them something that confirmed other kids there, otherwise the police probably would try to sweep this under the rug.
Keep in mind that this was the same guy who supposedly confirmed to NE that the girl in the business card picture was Jaycee. At the time of that interview, he apparently made no mention of the two girls, that story appeared later.

Ref: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/crime/detail?&entry_id=48320

He was also aware that PG was a sex offender

Ref: http://cbs5.com/crime/fbi.agent.suspects.2.1155717.html

The ages of the girls he mentions match's the ages of the girls of the "source" in the later NE atricle, suggesting that he was the source of that information as well.

All of those things combined make it reasonable to question his credibility.

Natal, did you read his quote from the article you posted?

A caption in the Enquirer said the photo was from the back of one of Garrido's business cards. "The striking blonde pictured on the back of it was introduced to barber Thompson as Garrido's daughter Alissa," the caption says.

Thompson is Wayne Thompson, owner of Wayne's Barbershop in Pittsburg. Although the Enquirer has a policy of paying sources for stories, Thompson said he had given the card to the tabloid for free. He said he hadn't seen Dugard in recent years and had told the Enquirer as much.

"I was told it was her by Phillip," Thompson said. "He said he put his daughter's picture on the card to show what he could do with photos."

Doesn't sound the same as your paraphrase!!!!!
This is a great article about the neighborhood. Read page 2

phillip garridos neighbor repoted kids - Google Search
I may not be reading exactly what you want me to read.
Because in small towns that I know...Where my friends live. They all say hi to each other, they all go into each others yards for a BBQ, and they are all friendly.
The article I read made mention of someone thought Patricia lived alone, but had visiting family sometime, or stuff that does not sound like a small town...It sounds like the one I described Don't ask don't tell...
so if you do not mind get the exact link because you gave me a google page - lots to read....:)
Doesn't it seem like the neighbors were stopped from talking quickly after the first few interviews?

Awhile back I got an email from a person, I was later told was local LE, telling me that I would NEVER know the full extent of what happened and that I didn't want to know... that I couldn't handle the truth.

It may have been a hoax but I'm beginning to wonder!

IF you kept that E mail from local LE try to stay in touch with him - see if you can gently get more info.
I may not be reading exactly what you want me to read.
Because in small towns that I know...Where my friends live. They all say hi to each other, they all go into each others yards for a BBQ, and they are all friendly.
The article I read made mention of someone thought Patricia lived alone, but had visiting family sometime, or stuff that does not sound like a small town...It sounds like the one I described Don't ask don't tell...
so if you do not mind get the exact link because you gave me a google page - lots to read....:)

Sorry, this should be thhe correct link:


Quote from page 2:

Damon Robinson lives next-door to the Garrido home on Walnut Avenue. A ladyfriend of his, he said, called the sheriff's office to report young girls living in the backyard and men being back there.

In 2006, a deputy came and investigated. But nothing came of it.

Robinson said he didn't push it because he didn't want to question how a deputy did his job. "I live here by myself. I might need to make a call for me. This is sheriff territory," he said.

"I don't feel no guilt. I was on it," Robinson said. "Whoever the cop was, he didn't look at it thoughtfully. This was a case that cost innocent people."

But Robinson said he made sure his own children were never left alone at home. "I did not trust this guy. The neighbors would tell me he was weird."
They do need an entire revamp of LE in the county!! I agree with your statements above with one exception. I can think of ways to get information out there and investigated, bypassing a corrupt boss. One would be media links. I've seen this happen before and it can be very effective. Another way would be to let information slip to another investigating agent in a different agency/town. Thank God there are still some good LE out there or there would be no safety for any of us.

Yes, drug busts garner publicity, but right now Antioch LE has egg on it's face and in the scramble to save face and cover their backsides, I believe this case will be investigated!!
I would still feel better if there were also outside investigators working with the LE in place. That was why I asked about the fbi.
You bet this case will be investigated it got international write ups.
WHY did it have to Waite for them to get egg on their face ????????????????????
What are they doing to find the 2 girls? If you can get an article written about that that would be nice...
You bet this case will be investigated it got international write ups.
WHY did it have to waite for them to get egg on their face ????????????????????
What are they doing to find the 2 girls?

if these girls are still out there and this town cant or wont find them, the fbi has to be called in
It's not Antioch LE, it's the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department jurisdiction, under Sheriff Rupf.
Looks like our thinking is right on!

"Janice Gomes, who runs a child safety network near San Francisco and has known Garrido for 15 years, passed along to police the name of a Garrido friend she thinks was involved with him in the kidnapping of young girls."

Is that the woman who was in the news/video link you posted - the guy who had a business and acted just like Garrido, secretive?
It's not Antioch LE, it's the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department jurisdiction, under Sheriff Rupf.

That was the reason for my post stating that LE in the county needed a revamp and that Antioch LE has egg on it's face and in the scramble to save face and cover their backsides, I believe this case will be investigated. Un incorporated Antioch is still Antioch and the Sheriffs that work there are still Antioch LE personnel. If I remember accurately, Antioch police dept did investigate when Jack made his swindling charges against pg?

Anyway, not trying to split hairs or argue My2sisters, I just want you to know I recognize that the sheriffs dept and the Antioch PD are 2 sep. departments.
Sorry, this should be thhe correct link:


Quote from page 2:

Damon Robinson lives next-door to the Garrido home on Walnut Avenue. A ladyfriend of his, he said, called the sheriff's office to report young girls living in the backyard and men being back there.

In 2006, a deputy came and investigated. But nothing came of it.

Robinson said he didn't push it because he didn't want to question how a deputy did his job. "I live here by myself. I might need to make a call for me. This is sheriff territory," he said.

"I don't feel no guilt. I was on it," Robinson said. "Whoever the cop was, he didn't look at it thoughtfully. This was a case that cost innocent people."

But Robinson said he made sure his own children were never left alone at home. "I did not trust this guy. The neighbors would tell me he was weird."

This I believe is a relative of the 9 year old boy who saw PG with 2 little girls in most recent years
The lady said "why dont you come to play with my grandson one day".........
and by the time he saw PG again he was 27 he was 9 when he met JC first time..
So this sighting had to be as recent as about a year ago.

There is one more sighting Where a neighbor saw 2 little girls 4&5 years old in his back yard.
This I believe is a relative of the 9 year old boy who saw PG with 2 little girls in most recent years and by then he was 27 he was 9 when he met JC first time..So this sighting had to be as recent as about a year ago.

There is one more sighting Where a neighbor saw 2 little 4&5 year old in his back yard.

Can you please post a link to this article? I remember reading a 9 year old boy said he asked Jaycee who she was or something through the fence, but I don't remember the mention of him sayng there were any other children. (?)
Can you please post a link to this article? I remember reading a 9 year old boy said he asked Jaycee who she was or something through the fence, but I don't remember the mention of him sayng there were any other children. (?)

Marked in wine color on top...
We have 2 sightings both marked in wine color on top.
We are looking for the 3rd sighting by a neighbor.
IF you find mark it 3rd sighting in Wine color on the top.
this is why i think the raid on molinos property came from a tip from jaycee. and why i cant rule out those kids are at least 2 of the ones there looking for. but since police wont release details or confirm or deny anything, we dont know.

One of Patricia Garrido's properties appears to be in Bay Point, the rental (or was - I don't know if she sold it or not).... I guess the properties in W. Pittsburg are often listen as either Pittsburg or Bay Point? Anyway, I did try searching the Molinos on criis, but I came up empty handed (could be because of the weird glitch were I sometimes get properties under someone's name and sometimes don't), but their rental property was said to be in Bay Point. Perhaps it's a thin chance of being the same house, but who knows. And, from there, I'm not sure these would be the same kids anyway...but

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