Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

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I am LMAO wondering which if any of the DT or their staff lives in Orange Co and will have to have a new roomie soon!! :lol:
If KC has any advisors worth anything, this will never happen. Get the cases settled, the judgments entered, and then declare bankruptcy and poof! They go away.

KC won't have to even do that. Let's say Tim Miller sues her for $112k. All her lawyer has to do is say "tim, you can get your judgment, and she'll file BK. So how about you take 12 cents on the dollar and sign this release of all claims before we reduce the offer to 8 cents?"

What's he going to do? Same with Padilla, et al.

The IRS liens...I don't know how BK treats them...wouldn't surprise me if they survive bankruptcy - they probably survive alien colonization of Earth - but all the others can be wiped out. In practice, the IRS settles for less all the time.

So if KC has any advisors, they need to go to each claimant, negotiate low settlements, and get agreements signed. Then KC can go out, do her one interview and make enough money to pay them all off and start fresh. One poster on here is tracking the claims against KC; that total has no bearing whatsoever on what she will ultimately pay out.

I'm not rooting for her or anything; far from it - just explaining a likely course of action for her. Her second best alternative is to take any money she can get and leave the country. No one would complain; that might be a loss taxpayers could live with.

I don't know much about bankruptcy but couldn't it be considered fraud for her to file knowing she's about to get a huge pay day?

Also can a bankruptcy judge reject her claim?

So if that happens - what makes you think the courts wouldn't put liens on the source of the money? And when you declare bankruptcy, it doesn't just end there - there is a period of a number of months before you are released from your bankrupt state, when any monies earned are paid into the "estate". And what exactly is she living on during this period of time?

Have you seen the totals the SA have come up with? Getting very close to 500K...... And since Stan appears to have signed his order of probation today and forwarded to the OCSD....things will get a bit sticky for Miss FKC I think....

Oh he signed it??:great:
Number three will be interesting.

I think CM should give her a job cleaning up their table at all their hearings and trials! Or she could be their bookeeper..that sounds like a good job! Or she could plan their next champagne event! :floorlaugh:

I really hope Bob Kealing's sources are right and we see an order on Monday! I will send Stan a dozen purple roses!!
WESH is tweeting that their sources say the Clerk's office is preparing an order for her to serve probation. I hope its true!

This explains why the "State's Attorneys" aren't pursuing the probation aspect - wrong department! LDB picks up her cell - "Hello, Stan?"
So if that happens - what makes you think the courts wouldn't put liens on the source of the money? And when you declare bankruptcy, it doesn't just end there - there is a period of a number of months before you are released from your bankrupt state, when any monies earned are paid into the "estate". And what exactly is she living on during this period of time?

Have you seen the totals the SA have come up with? Getting very close to 500K...... And since Stan appears to have signed his order of probation today and forwarded to the OCSD....things will get a bit sticky for Miss FKC I think....

Good point. Also, there may be other stipulations for "priority debt" ... a la court costs, taxes, fines, restitution, etc. ... obligations bankruptcy would not discharge.

The difficulty in Florida is that it is an unlimited "homestead" state. I'm not sure how the law would be applied if the home was purchased in anticipation of bankruptcy (fraudulent asset protection).
sounds like it's a done deal!!!!!:woohoo:


can't get my hopes up:banghead:

Not getting my hopes up yet.... title of the article says she *could* be ordered back. But this sounds promising:

Strickland's office told WESH 2 News on Friday afternoon that it was his intent that Anthony serve a year of probation after her release from jail.
Not getting my hopes up yet.... title of the article says she *could* be ordered back. But this sounds promising:

bob kealing
Breaking: Source in Orange County Clerk's office says orders being drawn up for #CaseyAnthony probation on check fraud.

This was around 5:15 I believe
What kind of time limit does KC have to pay the fine that HHJP ordered? I know it mentioned if it was not paid, her license could be suspended.
Can contempt charges also be filed against her if she doesn't pay?

Are you referring to fines he imposed in July? If so, as best I recall, he said $20.00/month, beginning in Feb/2012...which, at that rate, will take a long time to pay. I have no clue about contempt charges, but seems reasonable to me. Anyone?
If she filed to be indigent wouldn't she have to stay here in the states? I have not been on here for awhile and read back through many post but did not find anything on this but my daughter said she has a friend living in Ohio and said there is a lot of talk that she is there in a small town. Since she originated from Ohio do you think this is true?

I can't answer your question in its entirety, but I do know that in order to establish permanent residence, some countries require one to, among other things, 1) bring and deposit a pre-determined amount of cash with them into the country or, 2) otherwise show proof that one can financially sustain themselves prior to entering the country (via bank statements, etc.). I wish I knew more about which countries have which requirements, but I do know that this is the case with at least one country in the EU which makes me think it may well apply to others in the EU as well. The point is, the new home country requires this proof in order to protect itself from granting residence status to someone who may at some point become a "burden on the state"....which would not bode well for Ms. Anthony. IMO. Hope this helps. :)
If KC has any advisors worth anything, this will never happen. Get the cases settled, the judgments entered, and then declare bankruptcy and poof! They go away.

KC won't have to even do that. Let's say Tim Miller sues her for $112k. All her lawyer has to do is say "tim, you can get your judgment, and she'll file BK. So how about you take 12 cents on the dollar and sign this release of all claims before we reduce the offer to 8 cents?"

What's he going to do? Same with Padilla, et al.

The IRS liens...I don't know how BK treats them...wouldn't surprise me if they survive bankruptcy - they probably survive alien colonization of Earth - but all the others can be wiped out. In practice, the IRS settles for less all the time.

So if KC has any advisors, they need to go to each claimant, negotiate low settlements, and get agreements signed. Then KC can go out, do her one interview and make enough money to pay them all off and start fresh. One poster on here is tracking the claims against KC; that total has no bearing whatsoever on what she will ultimately pay out.

I'm not rooting for her or anything; far from it - just explaining a likely course of action for her. Her second best alternative is to take any money she can get and leave the country. No one would complain; that might be a loss taxpayers could live with.

What you are saying is true, but you also have to add her legal fees for this work you are describing into the mix. That will add a lot to the final total.

Also, she cannot declare BKruptcy if she is going to accept half a million bucks from Hustler. So she has choices she has to make soon. Say no to any big offers, and declare BK, pushing back any money making deals for 6 months at least. OR accept some $ money deals and use them to pay off her mounting debts.
bob kealing
Breaking: Source in Orange County Clerk's office says orders being drawn up for #CaseyAnthony probation on check fraud.

This was around 5:15 I believe

Does this put a scretching halt to her photo spread in Hustler magazine?
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