Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #3

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Why am I under the impression her Drivers license was revoked due to her failure to pay the 69K in taxes owed?

I was sure I read that somewhere, a while ago. Would the IRS allow it to be reinstated without payment?

eta- http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/25405677/detail.html

Anthony’s driver’s license has officially been suspended for non-payment fines.

According to court records, Anthony owes $381 as a result of her guilty plea in January to theft charges. A court sent the amount this week again to a collection agency.

Ahhh ok, it's only 381$ not the 69K.. Perhaps she's paid her court fees.
Case No. 2008-CF-013331-A-O
The Check Fraud Case
07/21/2011 Request to Withdraw Notice to Suspend Driver's License

08/07/2010 Notice to Suspend Driving Privileges Done

Ah, so what this means is that Ms. Anthony's DL was suspended in 7 Aug '10, and a request to have it reinstated was filed on 21 Jul '11? So the reason that her DL number is not showing as currently valid, as said by krkrjx above, is that the reinstatement hasn't been approved yet? Or maybe the site's not immediately updated? Is there any other explanation?
My son took a lot of his state college classes online because of his work schedule. But at this college, in online statistics for example, you take the class online, but the FINAL is taken in person on campus. Cannot cheat that way.
Ah, so what this means is that Ms. Anthony's DL was suspended in 7 Aug '10, and a request to have it reinstated was filed on 21 Jul '11? So the reason that her DL number is not showing as currently valid, as said by krkrjx above, is that the reinstatement hasn't been approved yet? Or maybe the site's not immediately updated? Is there any other explanation?

So I assume she must have also bought a CAR!:banghead:
OR maybe neither is true and someone is driving her around?

that really burns my.......:banghead: In the TMZ article with JB blah blah blahing, he actually said she has a 24-hour security TEAM, he did not say SYSTEM...:sick: Where is all this MONEY COMING FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I completely agree with this, I cant imagine why they arent doing this kinda thing. OCA should be all up in the media, talking about caylee and how she's miserable without her, how the years in prison were nothing compared to a life without her daughter, even facing the DP was nothing because then she could be with her daughter, how terribly she regrets her bizarre reactions after the "accident" but she was desperate to deny the death, she should be at all the balloon releases, she should be all up in the media talking about how she will spend her life advocating for children in the name of her lovely daughter, she should be publicly loving up her parents, forgiving them for everything since their whole lives were all destroyed by the "accident" etc etc etc ad nauseum

I personally wouldnt fall for it, but plenty of people would....even if no one did, the over-saturation would cause everyone to lose interest superfast and she could then disappear.

this hiding and fanning the flames....well, it sure makes her look even more guilty, doesnt it? cant face the questions, knowing she would become enraged and slip at some point.

For the life of me, I can't figure it out either. I don't get them not trying to diffuse the situation either. But really, it just shows how evil she truly is, she just doesn't care.....
For the life of me, I can't figure it out either. I don't get them not trying to diffuse the situation either. But really, it just shows how evil she truly is, she just doesn't care.....

My opinion is they don't want to diffuse the situation. The more the public is irate, the more attention she gets and the more $$$ she's worth. Hurry up karma !
that really burns my.......:banghead: In the TMZ article with JB blah blah blahing, he actually said she has a 24-hour security TEAM, he did not say SYSTEM...:sick: Where is all this MONEY COMING FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think it's more about being able to read the hype, and recognize what he is actually saying. So my "translation" is - wherever FCA is - she is staying with two people, who are a "team". One of them will always be there with a cellphone close at hand, to call 911 whenever necessary.....:innocent:

Remember when Baez kept saying how hard the DT was working on her defense, putting in long hours blah blah blah, when in fact all he did was swann around for three years posing, and then came up with a stupid smalshie defense and eight year old could have put together. As they say - it's all in the way you "hold your mouth". When you see Baez, insert the words "Bullcarp walking".
I think it's more about being able to read the hype, and recognize what he is actually saying. So my "translation" is - wherever FCA is - she is staying with two people, who are a "team". One of them will always be there with a cellphone close at hand, to call 911 whenever necessary.....:innocent:

Remember when Baez kept saying how hard the DT was working on her defense, putting in long hours blah blah blah, when in fact all he did was swann around for three years posing, and then came up with a stupid smalshie defense and eight year old could have put together. As they say - it's all in the way you "hold your mouth". When you see Baez, insert the words "Bullcarp walking".

You make a great point about considering "the source behind the source" (in this case, Mr. Baez). But I think people would do well to also consider the source/publisher of the info. itself. I don't mean to offend anyone, but IMO, TMZ, NY Post, some HLN shows, some FOX shows, etc. are very much within the realm of tabloids, no better than the National Enquirer which, unfortunately have many fans that will believe whatever they see/hear from them. I guess they can't all be NY Times, Washington Posts, etc., but I sure wish they'd do 'due diligence' in the area of fact checking before they publish. What happened to the days of verifying info from sources, BEFORE printing/broadcasting? JMO.
that really burns my.......:banghead: In the TMZ article with JB blah blah blahing, he actually said she has a 24-hour security TEAM, he did not say SYSTEM...:sick: Where is all this MONEY COMING FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have a 24-hour security team, my two dogs. :loser:

Don't forget, semantics have been and still are a big part of the DT's game. And it IS a game to them. They've been gaming the system from Day 1.
You make a great point about considering "the source behind the source" (in this case, Mr. Baez). But I think people would do well to also consider the source/publisher of the info. itself. I don't mean to offend anyone, but IMO, TMZ, NY Post, some HLN shows, some FOX shows, etc. are very much within the realm of tabloids, no better than the National Enquirer which, unfortunately have many fans that will believe whatever they see/hear from them. I guess they can't all be NY Times, Washington Posts, etc., but I sure wish they'd do 'due diligence' in the area of fact checking before they publish. What happened to the days of verifying info from sources, BEFORE printing/broadcasting? JMO.

I so agree with you. My opinion of the media has changed so much since following the A case in the media and also the aftermath of same on WS. They (the media) apparently do NOT do any followup on the facts they report. I have seen so many discrepancies reported by them as fact in this case, no wonder the general public is so confused. Thanks for your post LBD!
Granted I had never heard of TMZ until recently and had assumed it was a National Enquirer type magazine, but wasn't it TMZ that released the Ohio video that turned out to be her?
Somehow, they may have an inside track or they are paying money under the table.
You make a great point about considering "the source behind the source" (in this case, Mr. Baez). But I think people would do well to also consider the source/publisher of the info. itself. I don't mean to offend anyone, but IMO, TMZ, NY Post, some HLN shows, some FOX shows, etc. are very much within the realm of tabloids, no better than the National Enquirer which, unfortunately have many fans that will believe whatever they see/hear from them. I guess they can't all be NY Times, Washington Posts, etc., but I sure wish they'd do 'due diligence' in the area of fact checking before they publish. What happened to the days of verifying info from sources, BEFORE printing/broadcasting? JMO.

You make a very good point - all true. I remember how horrified I was to read an article on CNN during the trial, that was repeated with exact wording on Fox, Reuters, on HLN, and many other websites.

Since it was all rubbish and didn't even come close to what had happened, I traced the link back to find it originated from one single article written by a couple of folks from In Sessions, who hadn't even watched the trial. It is an absolute disgrace what "news reporting" passes for today - one write by an idiot and repeat everywhere. And we are seeing the same thing happen with the Baez probation story. The media at work, dumbing down the masses..:banghead: (LG screams in frustration!!!!)
Granted I had never heard of TMZ until recently and had assumed it was a National Enquirer type magazine, but wasn't it TMZ that released the Ohio video that turned out to be her?
Somehow, they may have an inside track or they are paying money under the table.

TMZ published the photos of Casey in Columbus, but they aren't the ones who found her or who took the photos. Who did is an unknown, but they were sold to Splash who resold them to TMZ apparently.
OR maybe neither is true and someone is driving her around?

IMO she is being driven around, I don't think her "handler's" would trust her to drive around by herself, I can see her taking off and going places she is not allowed or should not be going, parking and walking around and being spotted somewhere by someone, who would get that Big$$ pick, and then JB would be thwarted for the Big$$ pic, not happening.

After the NG verdict, she probably thinks she is invincible and can do whatever she wants and never get caught, and think that she is slick enough to fool everyone and no one will spot her. I don't think her "handlers" would let her drive around all by herself. If she is driving, someone is with her, in my opinion.

IMO, MOO, etc.
TMZ published the photos of Casey in Columbus, but they aren't the ones who found her or who took the photos. Who did is an unknown, but they were sold to Splash who resold them to TMZ apparently.

some other website (cant for the life of me remember which) was saying casey made big money off those photos and paid off her IRS debt. do you believe that? i sure hope not.
Granted I had never heard of TMZ until recently and had assumed it was a National Enquirer type magazine, but wasn't it TMZ that released the Ohio video that turned out to be her?
Somehow, they may have an inside track or they are paying money under the table.
Yes, it was, but the National Enquirer gets lucky too, sometimes....especially when it comes to buying photos from the papparazzi, which is not so different, when you think about it, to the info. they appear to have bought from, what was the name of that company? Started with an "S"? JMO.

One has to wonder why Baez and Co. seem to have a relationship with TMZ in the first place. Probably because the major players (CNN, etc.) wouldn't play ball with them. It's just an extra benefit for them that TMZ won't 'fact-check' AND can be counted on to provide the 'spin' that they (Baez and Co.) want spun. ;)


ETA: Yes, it was Splash...thanks to Chilly for jogging my memory. :)
some other website (cant for the life of me remember which) was saying casey made big money off those photos and paid off her IRS debt. do you believe that? i sure hope not.

This case has taught me to believe nothing until I see it in writing from an actual document or an original source. So if someone publishes a document saying this IRS debt had been paid, I will believe it. And if she has paid this debt, the State will know about it, it will come up in the case next week, and the State will demand to know how it got paid, and if FCA can pay that debt, she can pay what she owes in investigative costs also. All IMO of course, but these things are all linked and interdependent these days.

She and the DT can't have one without the other. :innocent:
Yes, it was, but the National Enquirer gets lucky too, sometimes....especially when it comes to buying photos from the papparazzi, which is not so different, when you think about it, to the info. they appear to have bought from, what was the name of that company? Started with an "S"? JMO.

One has to wonder why Baez and Co. seem to have a relationship with TMZ in the first place. Probably because the major players (CNN, etc.) wouldn't play ball with them. It's just an extra benefit for them that TMZ won't 'fact-check' AND can be counted on to provide the 'spin' that they (Baez and Co.) want spun. ;)


ETA: Yes, it was Splash...thanks to Chilly for jogging my memory. :)

Oh yeah, Baez is showing up in all the best, upscale places - like TMZ - Geraldo...you name it, he's there! :woot:
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