Where is Haleigh

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves

Where is Haleigh

  • Alive and safe

    Votes: 26 11.4%
  • Alive but not safe

    Votes: 2 0.9%
  • In heaven

    Votes: 156 68.4%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 44 19.3%

  • Total voters
It really breaks my heart that this area isn't being searched now....today! I am also sad that LE hasn't done more for Haleigh and these two families. I am sorry, that is just how I feel. And the information in that article about the person breaking silence with the media because LE has been quiet too long, I have my ideas on who that might be.

Bern, I agree I don't think it is ever to late to organize a search and get TM in there. But, wasn't it LE who sent him away in the first place?

TES will come back if requested and if TM feels it is feasible. TES is in need of donations to operate... this is a charity. At this time, I read the TES website...Tim is in NJ working with LE for a missing woman. If it is meant for Tim to be here , it will happen, I do not mean to harp about donations, but every search cost money....this is coming out of TM's pocket since the economy has tanked. His heart is so HUGE.... he will do all he can to help anyway he can.

I am a member of the Florida Chapter of TES and when I searched for TO, I paid for my own hotel for a week and other expenses. I felt fortunate I was able to be in a position to help. Please send any amount to this wonderful organization to defray the travel expenses... Tim is not in this business to MAKE MONEY/GET RICH.... his heart and goodwill make him rich.
Well I think someone should break their silence at this point! It has been to long I would be at my wits end ready to kick some booty. I can only hope that LE silence is for the saftey of Haleigh, but I started to have my doubt's when the article came out that there was still evidence that needed to be analyzed after 4 months. How can you get any useful tips when you don't allow the public any info ?

I do have a concern about the cousin , his friend that came with him. Something from the get go has not sat right with me in regards to this. With the family coming out about him , I don't feel they are trying to throw any one under the bus. They know him far better then any of us and after having a look at his MS page and looking further into his friend's said alot to me. LE could be watching them, in fact if they are not I would be suprised. I could be totally wrong and if I am in the end I will gladly eat crow.

I do not think Ron or Misty harmed Haleigh in any way. There is nothing supporting it at least not at this time. Some one knew those kids where alone that is my belief. I think in part of Misty's inconsistencies Ron has something to do with that. Ron doesnt want any one to know anything in regards to what had been going on because it might "look" bad in regards to the custody of the kids or didnt want Crystal to know what was really going on. If Misty says " look I wasn't home" What is that going to say in regards to Ron's decesion's as a parent ? Oh I forgot he was at work, how would he know? Well HE SHOULD KNOW what the h**l is going on on regards to his children , and what the person is doing in regards to watching his children. Was Misty out getting high trying to find something to score? How would that look..the list could go on and on.

I dealt with a man for years that Ron reminds me of. The way Ron talks, body language etc..And let me tell you it was all about how it was percieved to everyone who might be looking , what someone might think. The lies that spewed from his mouth while we were in court would blow you away but some how everyone believed. He could pass his life off as the " Brady Bunch " family to anyone looking. But what was really going on was totally different.
I know alot of people want to give "Kudos" to Ron for stepping up as a father and taking in his kids and raising them, they are few and far between. He did not get the kids the way everyone would like to beleive IMO. He railroaded the kids mother and threatened her after taking them. I can see it all in my head.
He took the kids for visitation and never returned them, and then had the money to go to court. I could give a rats bu** what the judge ordered. They run domestic cases through the court just like you run cattle on a drive. They do not take out the time to really look into what is really going on or what is in the best interest of our children. DCF has not been called to that home for no reason.
I have been through our domestic courts for over 8 years and have I witnessed some carp. There are some Judges that do take the time but there are few. Our courts are on overload which does not allow time to be thorough. Enough of my rant..:eek: I just want to know where is Haleigh ? Ron and Misty need to step up and tell the truth about the things that are inconsistent, even if that means eating a little humble pie .Haleigh needs to come home and anybody and everyone should be talking. JMO as always. :)
If I may please say.I do feel MC is the key.The more I look into this I am actually starting to think MC did have something to do with Haleigh's disappearance and could maybe have harmed Haleigh or some one she knew did.Either way I do feel she deffinantly knows what happened.
TES will come back if requested and if TM feels it is feasible. TES is in need of donations to operate... this is a charity. At this time, I read the TES website...Tim is in NJ working with LE for a missing woman. If it is meant for Tim to be here , it will happen, I do not mean to harp about donations, but every search cost money....this is coming out of TM's pocket since the economy has tanked. His heart is so HUGE.... he will do all he can to help anyway he can.

I am a member of the Florida Chapter of TES and when I searched for TO, I paid for my own hotel for a week and other expenses. I felt fortunate I was able to be in a position to help. Please send any amount to this wonderful organization to defray the travel expenses... Tim is not in this business to MAKE MONEY/GET RICH.... his heart and goodwill make him rich.

Thank you chester, I donated to TES when they were looking for Caylee but how silly of me to assume that they might not need ongoing support. And you are 100% correct TM has a heart of GOLD, I believe his true riches lie in wait for him in another place!
So if Misty does know something or left the trailer that night; even for an hour, if she comes forward and says that, does she face charges? Could they offer limited immunity for anyone knowing something to get them to talk?
What ever happened to the guy that Cobra took down? He was supposed to have had a friendship with Misty. He tried to donate to the HaLeigh Bug center. He was to go to trial for molesting 2 little girls. We don't know if LE ever confirmed he knew Misty or that Misty took the kids there. That is what I mean when I say they need to look at this circle again.
So if Misty does know something or left the trailer that night; even for an hour, if she comes forward and says that, does she face charges? Could they offer limited immunity for anyone knowing something to get them to talk?

Quite honestly I think that Misty has already told the truth to authorities Bern....I really do. As far as charges go.....I guess we will just have to wait and see how things play out. Personally, I don't think that Misty's intentions were to neglect Haleigh. I go through periods of time where I actually feel sorry for her because she was the last one to see Haleigh and it would be so difficult to deal with that.
What ever happened to the guy that Cobra took down? He was supposed to have had a friendship with Misty. He tried to donate to the HaLeigh Bug center. He was to go to trial for molesting 2 little girls. We don't know if LE ever confirmed he knew Misty or that Misty took the kids there. That is what I mean when I say they need to look at this circle again.

I had forgotten that little tid bit, I did not know Misty knew this person though. Horrible, do we know for sure Misty knew him???
So if Misty does know something or left the trailer that night; even for an hour, if she comes forward and says that, does she face charges? Could they offer limited immunity for anyone knowing something to get them to talk?

I think they would offer it up , and they should be announcing it to the public that it would be offered. I also am wondering if all the silence from LE is due to something bigger that is looming in the shadows. Like if they have been watching something for awhile , and letting info out on Haleigh would hamper a bigger bust to something worse they may not talk. Maybe the bigger bust will lead to Haleigh along with other children, or a large amount of drugs.. I just have a hard time understanding the silence. Where is Haleigh LE ?!
I think they would offer it up , and they should be announcing it to the public that it would be offered. I also am wondering if all the silence from LE is due to something bigger that is looming in the shadows. Like if they have been watching something for awhile , and letting info out on Haleigh would hamper a bigger bust to something worse they may not talk. Maybe the bigger bust will lead to Haleigh along with other children, or a large amount of drugs.. I just have a hard time understanding the silence. Where is Haleigh LE ?!

You could be right. I have seen a few of the SO rings get busted in the papers and the sites lead to children being rescued. This could be what they are after.
I had forgotten that little tid bit, I did not know Misty knew this person though. Horrible, do we know for sure Misty knew him???

No, that was my question. Did LE confirm there was a connection? Misty never commented on it one way or the other.
No, that was my question. Did LE confirm there was a connection? Misty never commented on it one way or the other.

Bern I don't recall it ever being confirmed. There was some speculation about it because she was known to visit him..let me see if I can find where that is if I can link it I will..:)
Him trying to donate to the center was another big red flag. It makes me think of an arsonist that comes to watch the fire they started, or a person who helps to search for a missing person that they help go missing. Why do that? I would think you would want to keep a low profile if you are going to court for such a thing....:confused: I just wonder if he ever got charged? He made unicycles or something like that and trained kids to ride them or something that would let him be around kids. I don't know where he lived or what business he would have with Misty, but all he would have to do, is have KNOWLEDGE of Misty having these kids and the situation of being alone.
I had forgotten that little tid bit, I did not know Misty knew this person though. Horrible, do we know for sure Misty knew him???


It is very interesting to go back and watch the videos after all these months. Re read some of the articles and I bet you see some things in a new light....
Him trying to donate to the center was another big red flag. It makes me think of an arsonist that comes to watch the fire they started, or a person who helps to search for a missing person that they help go missing. Why do that? I would think you would want to keep a low profile if you are going to court for such a thing....:confused: I just wonder if he ever got charged? He made unicycles or something like that and trained kids to ride them or something that would let him be around kids. I don't know where he lived or what business he would have with Misty, but all he would have to do, is have KNOWLEDGE of Misty having these kids and the situation of being alone.

Agree Bern, as far as asking why do that? For the thrill. Experiencing the excitement over and over every time this p*g remembers what he did. Not specifically this guy....but you know what I mean, it is done all the time, returning to the scene of the crime or retaining something from the crime scene to remind the perp of his action. Sick and sad but done all the time.

It is very interesting to go back and watch the videos after all these months. Re read some of the articles and I bet you see some things in a new light....

Boy if that isnt the truth ! I have been going back through alot of stuff , alot of posts , and I see alot that sticks out to me now that did not before..I am almost on overload...can you see the smoke... :crazy: lol

It is very interesting to go back and watch the videos after all these months. Re read some of the articles and I bet you see some things in a new light....

LOl...tell me about it, I did all that two weeks ago, it's crazy the stuff I read. Back then I got sidetracked by all the drama in this case. After re-reading all this stuff and re-reading all the transcripts from JVM and NG and Greta....then re-reading all the threads in this forum, even the ones that were just Haleigh threads where all info went in the same one, back when we were begging for a forum for Haleigh, remember? I re-read it all. I can't believe the things I never paid any attention to because of all the drama. Like for instance, The Bards.....all the property they own, Ronalds trailer being one of them. The history of renting to sex offenders. It is shocking to me and I hope police didn't dismiss stuff as easily as I did. The tracking dogs and the track they followed, it is all very telling when you look at it in a different light.
LOl...tell me about it, I did all that two weeks ago, it's crazy the stuff I read. Back then I got sidetracked by all the drama in this case. After re-reading all this stuff and re-reading all the transcripts from JVM and NG and Greta....then re-reading all the threads in this forum, even the ones that were just Haleigh threads where all info went in the same one, back when we were begging for a forum for Haleigh, remember? I re-read it all. I can't believe the things I never paid any attention to because of all the drama. Like for instance, The Bards.....all the property they own, Ronalds trailer being one of them. The history of renting to sex offenders. It is shocking to me and I hope police didn't dismiss stuff as easily as I did. The tracking dogs and the track they followed, it is all very telling when you look at it in a different light.

I think this is part of the 4,000 leads that they refer too. There are so many ways to go in this case. That is why Misty's confusion added to the confusion and made it so hard to know where to go or what direction. Just an observation not an accusation. If she could have given a better time line or what ever it was LE was asking for, they maybe could have narrowed down the search. But there was all this drama and Haleigh was gone.

I know you think that Haleigh wandered off that night, but did you know she only had one pair of shoes and they were in the MH? It was Feb and the grass was wet with dew and cold at night. The roads were not all paved, some of them are gravel and just dirt or sand in and around the MH parks. Just some thing else to consider.

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