Where will the jury come from?

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HHJP said a while back (IIRC) that he was looking for a county "similar" in population size and makeup to OC. Why would he be doing this though?

In the US, the demographics have to be similar to the county in which she would have been tried if there had been no need for a change of venue.
HHJP said a while back (IIRC) that he was looking for a county "similar" in population size and makeup to OC. Why would he be doing this though?
My educated guess is that for 2 reasons: 1) OC is where the crime was commited, and 2) a jury made up of her peers- Hispanics are not her peers, especially considering she accused one!
Wow. I have ABC action news on now. Just a minute ago they were talking about the trial but never mentioned the jury selection site. I'll keep listening.
so now the media is gonna pop over there tomorrow and start their carry on well done ABC....... NOT

hope theyre being "THWARTED"
If it is Pinallas, do we have any sleuthers in that area that plan on going to watch the jury selection?
Thanks! All I know is I'd dread being one of those people in any county holding a jury summons for Monday unless they're ready to spend weeks in a courtroom.

Therein lies the problem. I don't think it would be difficult to seat a jury that's able to be unbiased in this case, especially if the news coverage in the county of jury selection hasn't been as saturated as it has been in Orange County. At that point only the people who have an interest in the case and watch the national news programs like Nancy Grace or InSessions, or join an online forum on the case, would be considered biased.

The real problem is going to be able to find 12 jurors and 8 alternates that will be able to take two months out of their life to serve on this jury. Anyone with children is going to have a problem being away from them for that length of time, unless the court allows for family visits on the weekends. Can a working person, especially if they're the breadwinner in the family, afford to be away from work for that long? Retired people are the most likely to be able to serve on this jury.
Casey’s Jury Likely From Pinellas County

Posted: 11:24 pm EDT May 7, 2011

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Everyone is still waiting to find out where jury selection will be held for Casey Anthony’s trial.

According to our sister station in Tampa, WFTS, jury selection will likely happen in Pinellas County. WFTS says three independent sources are all confirming that information. The St. Petersburg Times is also reporting a lot of unusual activity at the county's courthouse. However, Orange County court officials are refusing to confirm a location until Monday morning.

source: http://www.wftv.com/caseyanthony/27815293/detail.html
Am I the only person who thinks that as soon as the Jurors find out which case they are up for they will go home and Google it?
The real problem for the Defense will be finding 12 people anywhere who will believe ICA.
Am I the only person who thinks that as soon as the Jurors find out which case they are up for they will go home and Google it?
The real problem for the Defense will be finding 12 people anywhere who will believe ICA.

Thought for the day:
Between them LDB and JA have successfully prosecuted 30 capital cases and received the death penalty in 27.
I have relatives in the Clearwater area. In a few weeks they will be here visiting. The week the trial begins. I don't know how closely they follow the news about KC but they have heard of the case. I will ask them questions when they arrive to see if the have input or how much talk of this is going on there. Could be interesting.
Thought for the day:
Between them LDB and JA have successfully prosecuted 30 capital cases and received the death penalty in 27.

Thank you for saying that. I've known all along Caylee had an awesome team in her corner. :tyou:
In the US, the demographics have to be similar to the county in which she would have been tried if there had been no need for a change of venue.

Is there Case law on that?

It seems weird because the OJ COV was nothing like the original (they changed from a White dominated venue to a Black dominated COV, or is race excluded from the analysis of the "demographics").

I had a condo on Redington Beach for a few years, thank god I left, I would not want to be on this jury. Spent a bit of time at the courthouse there attempting to get a RO on a stalker. Finally just moved 1200 miles back to San Antonio...of course it did no good.
Casey’s Jury Likely From Pinellas County

Posted: 11:24 pm EDT May 7, 2011

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Everyone is still waiting to find out where jury selection will be held for Casey Anthony’s trial.

According to our sister station in Tampa, WFTS, jury selection will likely happen in Pinellas County. WFTS says three independent sources are all confirming that information. The St. Petersburg Times is also reporting a lot of unusual activity at the county's courthouse. However, Orange County court officials are refusing to confirm a location until Monday morning.

source: http://www.wftv.com/caseyanthony/27815293/detail.html

Pinellas County Courthouse is ~2 hours away (~100 miles) from Orlando Courthouse. That's a stretch for sure to travel.

Direct Message us if you spot defense attorneys, prosecutors, or Judge Perry. #caseyanthony -Longo

Ummmmm sure......let me put that at the top of my list!!

I guess I just don't "get" this massive interest in where the jury is coming from - while I do appreciate the other posters who do care very much. Let's just get 'er done!

We've talked a lot on the board about how lenient HHBP has been with Baez - and all I see is a river of denied motions - LOL

To me, between HHJP, JA and LDB, CM and JB - they are going to choose the best jury they can for this trial. I'm confident HHJP will stay true to his style and watch the questioning and choices like a hawk.

This ain't his first rodeo - unlike someone else in the group.....

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