Where will the jury come from?

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Nope, BOOYA seems to be a nationwide thing.

Patty G, re: the 2 hour drive... I still can't shake the feeling that CJBP might be planning for a longer drive and to start jury selection in the afternoon tomorrow.

But then, I also can't shake the feeling that CJBP is a very intelligent man with an impish sense of humor, and we might all end up somewhere totally unexpected tomorrow morning!
Have to say after seeing HHJP's angry demeanor at the last hearing during the media motion, I'd tread lightly if I were the media right now. Granted he left an open door (of sorts) hinting they could find out the jury location on their own. But clearly he is working very hard to ensure Casey gets a fair trial, against the obstacles he's been presented with by the DT, the media, the economy and the Anthony's. Can't imagine he'd be too pleased with anyone sabotaging that right now. :cow:
Just did a road trip over to the Pinellas Criminal Justice Center. The only news channel there is ABC Action news. They have a satellite truck and a van there. Didn't see anyone around the vehicles because I was going to ask if they knew if Casey had arrived yet.

Drove around the Marriott parking lot and didn't see anything interesting there. I did not drive over to the Hilton--I am thinking that, even though rooms at other places are cheap, Baez et al, probably would stay somewhere nicer and just pay the difference. There are quite a few hotel/motels in the area.

I, too, think it would be a nice joke on the media if the location were somewhere else. ABC Action News is out of Tampa and they were one of the news media that was originally protesting not releasing the location.
Thought for the day:
Between them LDB and JA have successfully prosecuted 30 capital cases and received the death penalty in 27.

That's an impressive record! Let's hope their rate of success continues!
Just did a road trip over to the Pinellas Criminal Justice Center. The only news channel there is ABC Action news. They have a satellite truck and a van there. Didn't see anyone around the vehicles because I was going to ask if they knew if Casey had arrived yet.

Drove around the Marriott parking lot and didn't see anything interesting there. I did not drive over to the Hilton--I am thinking that, even though rooms at other places are cheap, Baez et al, probably would stay somewhere nicer and just pay the difference. There are quite a few hotel/motels in the area.

I, too, think it would be a nice joke on the media if the location were somewhere else. ABC Action News is out of Tampa and they were one of the news media that was originally protesting not releasing the location.

They updated the article they had on their website saying jury selection had been moved up to 7:30 am instead of 8:30. How could you possibly notify all those people about a time change like that at the last minute?
I agree with your assessment. I know I couldn't survive on "jury pay" for two months, and many others wouldn't receive their paycheck from work either, let alone be able to be away from home that long. So single parents, those who would suffer a financial hardship, or anyone else who couldn't be sequestered are likely to not be serving on the jury, which leaves, as you suggest, those who are retired........or at least have a very generous employer. MOO

I agree...........it's the length of time a juror would have to devote to this trial that's more of an issue than finding jurors that are not biased.
Nope, BOOYA seems to be a nationwide thing.

Patty G, re: the 2 hour drive... I still can't shake the feeling that CJBP might be planning for a longer drive and to start jury selection in the afternoon tomorrow.

But then, I also can't shake the feeling that CJBP is a very intelligent man with an impish sense of humor, and we might all end up somewhere totally unexpected tomorrow morning!

I just can't get pass that Pinellas County is a 2 hour drive from Orlando, whereas, Judge Perry originally stated it was an hour's drive and the hotel rooms are $50.00. I believe in Monday's hearing, Judge Perry stated
1 1/2 hours, but I think that was the hour drive and a half-hour for the media to set up.

If it is at Pinnelas County then that is only 45 minutes from me and it just might be worth the trip. I will put in my leave of absence for sure! :)
I just can't get pass that Pinellas County is a 2 hour drive from Orlando, whereas, Judge Perry originally stated it was an hour's drive and the hotel rooms are $50.00. I believe in Monday's hearing, Judge Perry stated
1 1/2 hours, but I think that was the hour drive and a half-hour for the media to set up.

If it is at Pinnelas County then that is only 45 minutes from me and it just might be worth the trip. I will put in my leave of absence for sure! :)

IDK Patty, I'd hold off on that. I'm thinking that since it's being reported that there has been 'confirmation' from 3 separate sources within the Pinellas County Court system, surely wherever the site is has been briefed as to what to say or not say. I'm thinking it may not be Pinellas. But who knows? Gotta love this judge!
I agree...........it's the length of time a juror would have to devote to this trial that's more of an issue than finding jurors that are not biased.

Erm... Sorry, whatever the crime is and ESPECIALLY when are taken about the murder of an innocent girl and a Defendant on trial for her life, finding an unbiased jury must be more important than satisfying jurors desires, wants and conveniences.
Same here! :highfive: x 1,000!

I would hope that no one who truly wants justice served fairly would give the media any tips. Let them sleuth it out on their own. I'm damn sure not going to have any part of helping them make it even harder to seat jurors.

All so they can scoop the competition? No, no thank you. Won't help. :snooty:

I thought that too. BUT saying that it's going to be much harder with this thread going and all these WSers trying to work it out and posting there guesses.
Has anyone here said 'it's definitely here' or 'it's definitely not there?' I haven't heard that at all. We are simply discussing the possible locations the media has put out there. It could be in any or none of those discussed. Bottom line is: No one knows for certain just now. :cow:
Has anyone here said 'it's definitely here' or 'it's definitely not there?' I haven't heard that at all. We are simply discussing the possible locations the media has put out there. It could be in any or none of those discussed. Bottom line is: No one knows for certain just now. :cow:

Absolutely. But the thing is that WSers seem to be pretty brilliant at uncovering things (especially doing so without going out :) ). I think that most members of the press reading this thread would have a better idea where Jury Selection will take place than they would from their own endeavours.
Absolutely. But the thing is that WSers seem to be pretty brilliant at uncovering things (especially doing so without going out :) ). I think that most members of the press reading this thread would have a better idea where Jury Selection will take place than they would from their own endeavours.

Thank you for the kind compliment, uklaw. WS's truly are a rather brilliant group to hang with. I feel privileged in that regard. Some people, though, have opined that we are just 'idiot bloggers.' How flattering to think the media would make their decision based on what they read here. But again, I haven't seen one location in particular that's been flagged here as 'the place' or 'not the place' jury selection will be held. I would think the media has much more important things to do at this moment in time than checking out popular opinion here at WS's. Maybe I'm being naive though. :waitasec:

ETA: Just realized you stated in your post your belief that the press would have a better idea where jury selection will take place than folks that post here. Don't know that I necessarily agree with that.
Absolutely. But the thing is that WSers seem to be pretty brilliant at uncovering things (especially doing so without going out :) ). I think that most members of the press reading this thread would have a better idea where Jury Selection will take place than they would from their own endeavours.

Judge Perry dropped a hint that it would cost some 300K. I don't know how that figure came to be or what he is basing that figure on.
I thought that too. BUT saying that it's going to be much harder with this thread going and all these WSers trying to work it out and posting there guesses.

Guessing. That is the key word. No one at this forum has said with 100% accuracy where the jury is coming from... because none of us know? We are in the same boat with the media. We will not know for sure until the early morning hours... Even if the location comes out at midnight... how many people in that area are going to be awake on a late Sunday night/early morning?

As a Florida resident, I think people really are shocked to know that a lot of people do not follow this case... at all! I have no friends or family who follow this case. No one talks to me about this case except people here at Webslueths! Not to say that a lot of people don't care, but people in different areas have their own "high profile" cases... their own crime. They're not worried about what happens in Orlando. Here in Fort Myers, Florida (Lee County) we have so many other cases and crimes going on... that is what people are talking about because it effects their community... so it effects them personally. They're not following something that happened in Orlando, Florida three years ago.

How many children have been murdered by their own parents in Florida in the past three years?? Two many for me to count! Casey's trial is only as big as it is because her parents and her defense made it that way.

I'm not worried if the location is leaked a few hours before jury selection. I think if we can make it to midnight without the location being officially leaked... we are good. In the meantime... any kind of guessing is just that? I don't think it does any harm.
Earlier today, I believe it was the noon news WFTV stated some comments about the location question and mentioned Pinellas Co. as a possibility and then said something to the effect that we would all know the location after midnight tonight. Did anyone else catch that or know if it will be announced at midnight tonight?
Judge Perry dropped a hint that it would cost some 300K. I don't know how that figure came to be or what he is basing that figure on.

Hi Legal...

Here is a link to the OS article that broke the figures down.


A breakdown provided by Ninth Judicial Circuit Court administrators shows a plan to house 20 jurors for an estimated eight weeks at $112 per day. That $125,440 hotel bill is the largest single item on the expense breakdown provided to the Orlando Sentinel
Agreed. But just for grins, does anybody else hope this whole Pinellas thing is just a magnificent ruse and they actually head to DeLand, Bartow, or Bushnell? I guess that'd be hard on those places...

I certainly hope it is a big ruse. I work 1 block away from the CJC and can't imagine the headache this will cause on the way to work tomorrow.
Erm... Sorry, whatever the crime is and ESPECIALLY when are taken about the murder of an innocent girl and a Defendant on trial for her life, finding an unbiased jury must be more important than satisfying jurors desires, wants and conveniences.

The point being made with the quoted post is finding jurors who will be able to serve, sequestered, for approximately two months vs. a pool of potential jurors who aren't biased. In other words, we believe problems with jury selection won't be finding unbiased jurors but rather those who can actually be sequestered and sit in that courtroom for the anticipated period of time. :) MOO

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