Where will the jury come from?

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The point being made with the quoted post is finding jurors who will be able to serve, sequestered, for approximately two months vs. a pool of potential jurors who aren't biased. In other words, we believe problems with jury selection won't be finding unbiased jurors but rather those who can actually be sequestered and sit in that courtroom for the anticipated period of time. :) MOO

LOL. Thanks. What does 'MOO' stand for BTW?
If its done like most juries are selected, the first day will be devoted at least in part to having the prospective jurors fill out questionaires. Some people will be eliminated immediately. Others will be held over for additional questioning. A lot of 'background' checking will be going on in the next few days. A lot checking out social networking sites.
I doubt the media will be allowed in the courtroom in these first few days. The seats will be needed for the prospective jurors.
JMHO,but the idea that the media is finding their info here ,instead of doing there own "sleuthing" is laughable.
HHJP said the media could use their own sources and even report it,if they found out any other way.
I don't understand what the big deal is about needing to know ahead of time.I'm happy to wait and find out when it's announced,but I'm not as creative or as savvy at sleuthing as some WSers,and frankly ,I'm envious and in awe ,of their talent.
Some sleuth,and others ,like me,commentate .It's who we are : )
I have a friend who moved to Tampa a year ago. She is always emailing me asking what is going on with the case because it is rarely mentioned on the news there and no one seems to know much about it!

I can't help wondering how many reporters are calling all the local hotels in the Clearwater area asking to speak to Mr. or Ms. (insert any attorney name here) to see if they are told they haven't checked in yet :) Clearwater is the County seat right? So if they are going to Pinellas it would be Clearwater. Sorry if that has been noted, I have not read all the posts from today.
I just can't get pass that Pinellas County is a 2 hour drive from Orlando, whereas, Judge Perry originally stated it was an hour's drive and the hotel rooms are $50.00. I believe in Monday's hearing, Judge Perry stated
1 1/2 hours, but I think that was the hour drive and a half-hour for the media to set up.

If it is at Pinnelas County then that is only 45 minutes from me and it just might be worth the trip. I will put in my leave of absence for sure! :)

But who would record the trial for us :waitasec:
I certainly hope it is a big ruse. I work 1 block away from the CJC and can't imagine the headache this will cause on the way to work tomorrow.

If it happens just remember IT'S FOR CAYLEE! :loveyou::heartbeat:

You will be one of the few WSers who actually gets to do something for her,even if it's just waiting in traffic. :woohoo:
Wouldn't it be funny if all the media set up at Pinellas and it turns out that was a set up? I've heard CCJP has a sense of humor!

THAT is my biggest wish! I would love to see him outsmart all of the media and leave them scrambling and falling all over each other! :great:

I don't doubt for a minute that HHJP is savvy enough to have devised a good decoy plan.

He seemed pretty dark at the media last week. We'll see who gets the last laugh soon enough
Asked a friend to do a drive by in Pinellas......said nothing out of the ordinary and no out of the norm # of trucks gathered outside despite reports to the contrary. FWIW

Me thinks some reports and tweets are fake.

Thank you so much for this! I just asked the question on the lawyer thread, because I didn't think the attorneys were allowed to do this. Great info!

This could take a long time. I'm thinking this is going to take alot longer than 5 or 6 days.

ETA: Or maybe not! :waitasec:

Social Media: A New Jury Selection Tool
More Web-savvy lawyers and legal consultants are investigating jurors' backgrounds and biases via Facebook, Twitter, and the like

I don't think the potential jurors will know which case they are assigned to until they get to that particular courtroom. I'm sure that won't be the only case going on tomorrow.
Might be funny to watch the ones who are all excited thinking they will get the chance to be on that jury, only to find out they are being sent to traffic court in another part of the county.
YAY! Pinellas it is! :great:...or maybe it's still a maybe...

Casey Anthony jury likely picked in Pinellas, sources in the courthouse confirm to ABC Action News
Anthony Jury to be picked in Pinellas, sources say


fixed link

Can anyone tell me about the demographics of Pinellas? Or of key venues we don't want the jury to be selected from and ones we do? Trends in political affiliations, ethnic makeup of the population, age, etc.?

Thought for the day:
Between them LDB and JA have successfully prosecuted 30 capital cases and received the death penalty in 27.

This is great to know. That's a lot of capital case trials. They are very experienced. Compare that with jose baez. And I know he will not do the smart thing and step back and not participate in questioning of witnesses or opening or closing statements. His lack of experience will be a detriment in those areas.

Is there Case law on that?

It seems weird because the OJ COV was nothing like the original (they changed from a White dominated venue to a Black dominated COV, or is race excluded from the analysis of the "demographics").


Well, I read a book once that stated the biggest mistake the prosecution made was not fighting the change of venue to that courthouse. So they didn't really try to argue against that venue based on a demographic that does not contain OJ's peers. But I don't do crim law and I don't know if there is some kind of statute of case law as to the demographics matching the defendant.

I guess I just don't "get" this massive interest in where the jury is coming from - while I do appreciate the other posters who do care very much. Let's just get 'er done!

We've talked a lot on the board about how lenient HHBP has been with Baez - and all I see is a river of denied motions - LOL

To me, between HHJP, JA and LDB, CM and JB - they are going to choose the best jury they can for this trial. I'm confident HHJP will stay true to his style and watch the questioning and choices like a hawk.

This ain't his first rodeo - unlike someone else in the group.....

The thing is, the judge doesn't have much more of a role in jury selection than watching unless attorneys make motions to exclude certain jurors. In other words, if he sees that the jury being selected may not be appropriate, I don't think he has much say. That's why jury selection can be very important. Just look at the OJ case. Jury selection caused a guilty man to walk free. Luckily, the state has a lot of experience in this. So does CM but I;m sure that the inexperienced JB will but in and make arrogant decisions without the experience to back them up.

I agree with your assessment. I know I couldn't survive on "jury pay" for two months, and many others wouldn't receive their paycheck from work either, let alone be able to be away from home that long. So single parents, those who would suffer a financial hardship, or anyone else who couldn't be sequestered are likely to not be serving on the jury, which leaves, as you suggest, those who are retired........or at least have a very generous employer. MOO

Or government workers. Teachers, firefighters, DMV workers, postal workers, etc. They get paid by their employer during jury duty.

There are also people on disability or unemployment who would be able to serve for two months and some welfare recipients. But I don't want a lot of young, single moms who receive welfare on the jury. Young moms of a higher economic status would be great but I wonder if there is a chance that less wealthy ones may have more sympathy for an unemployed, young mother whose parents won't let her have fun. It could go the other way though. They could feel disgust with a mom who used her parents and killed her kid rather than dealing with the system to make sure that kid is taken care of and that the child can stay with the mom. I don't know enough about jury selection. I don't have jury trials although I have helped my law partner with jury selection on a few of his crim. cases.

Yeah, he had a jury of the same skin color, but not the same socioeconomic status. He should have been tried in Santa Monica, where the crime was committed and by a jury of his rich peers. They did that in his civil trial, and they prevailed. The poor blacks who populated the downtown L.A./Inglewood area were star-struck by this black sports hero/multi-millionaire and refused to consider the evidence. They were in awe of his Italian designer suits, and none of them wanted to be the one to convict him!!!

Not only that, but the poor disenfranchised minorities out here in LA have a lot of experience getting unfairly harassed by the police, DWB, convicted mostly due to their skin color, etc., and a long memory of a history belonging to all Blacks in this country of young men being accused and getting lynched for whistling at a white woman, or whatever. So, this was the worst demographic for a guilty verdict for OJ. This was the one population who actually could conceive of a biased police investigation, crooked cops and a frame up of a fellow black man for a crime he did not commit. When it was determined that whats his face used the "N" word and participated in black face skits, that was all she wrote.

But who would record the trial for us :waitasec:

This guy: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/user/S0meRand0mName#p/a/u/0/nYkZ_WR6PC4"]YouTube - S0meRand0mName's Channel[/ame]

I don't love SOmeRandOmeName like I love our dear, sweet Patty G who works her tail off for justice, but he or she is going to try to post the whole dang thing, although it does take a long time to upload the videos.
Can someone explain to me why it's so important where the jury will come from? I don't live in the USA so I don't know anything about jury selection/jury duty and all that stuff. We don't have that over here. Maybe a very stupid question but are they gonna stream it live? And why are they trying to keep it a secret? I would really like to know so I can understand what you and the media are talking about :)
Just traveled on the road that goes by the Orange County Jail on the way to take my mother out for dinner. There is only one lone media truck there waiting to see if KC is being transported. Channel 35 is out there with a camera set up facing the "garage door" where prisoners come out of when being transported from the jail. I really thought we'd see all the local channels out there so tell me, what does 13, 9 and 6 know that 35 doesn't... or vice versa? :waitasec: I know that doesn't answer any questions we've all got but thought I'd let you know what I saw anyway. :innocent: Will have to keep an eye on reports from Fox 35 and see if they ever did see her leave.
Didn't think about that before now.

Ohh my. Voir dire could be come interesting...


Can someone explain to me why it's so important where the jury will come from? I don't live in the USA so I don't know anything about jury selection/jury duty and all that stuff. We don't have that over here. Maybe a very stupid question but are they gonna stream it live? And why are they trying to keep it a secret? I would really like to know so I can understand what you and the media are talking about :)

While there are many reasons that a jury location must be chosen carefully.....the current interest in location is due to the Court wishing to preserve the rights of the accused.

As indicated by HHJP, the last thing he wants to see is excessive media coverage and "man on the street" interviews prior to and during jury selection. The entire reason for a change of venue is oversaturation of case coverage. For the same to occur during jury selection, would hamper seating a jury that could be fair and impartial.

In a change of venue the demographics must be similar or comparable to the county in which the crime occurred. It is a Constitutional right to be tried in the same County where charged. In a case like this.....the publicity has negatively impacted the assumption that a fair jury can be seated in Orange County. It is not impossible, it just may take more time.

The media are chasing "the get"...the exclusive...the story....in an effort to increase ratings.

The DT wishes to know the location with enough advance notice to analyze the demographics in order to best attempt to seat a favorable jury.

Can someone explain to me why it's so important where the jury will come from? I don't live in the USA so I don't know anything about jury selection/jury duty and all that stuff. We don't have that over here. Maybe a very stupid question but are they gonna stream it live? And why are they trying to keep it a secret? I would really like to know so I can understand what you and the media are talking about :)

Hi md. :seeya: I can't answer for everyone else and for the media but I'm just plain old curious since these folks will hold the fate of the whole case in their hands. After all this time waiting for Caylee's justice, I just wonder who these folks will be.
While there are many reasons that a jury location must be chosen carefully.....the current interest in location is due to the Court wishing to preserve the rights of the accused.

As indicated by HHJP, the last thing he wants to see is excessive media coverage and "man on the street" interviews prior to and during jury selection. The entire reason for a change of venue is oversaturation of case coverage. For the same to occur during jury selection, would hamper seating a jury that could be fair and impartial.

In a change of venue the demographics must be similar or comparable to the county in which the crime occurred. It is a Constitutional right to be tried in the same County where charged. In a case like this.....the publicity has negatively impacted the assumption that a fair jury can be seated in Orange County. It is not impossible, it just may take more time.

The media are chasing "the get"...the exclusive...the story....in an effort to increase ratings.

The DT wishes to know the location with enough advance notice to analyze the demographics in order to best attempt to seat a favorable jury.


Thank you for the great explanation! I'm learning new things here everyday :)
An aside.......having friends and family in the Orlando area....I can tell you that it would not not be impossible to seat an impartial jury locally. I happen to be interested in the case....friends and family.....NOT SO MUCH.

The early coverage of the case really wore out the locals. In fact...anymore I don't ask about their opinion because they have long since "tuned out".

Expanding on what HHJP said about a "cooling off period"....IMO Orange County has already had one. Despite local continuous coverage, anyone I have spoken to has indicated they "tune it out".

I know it seems unlikely that locals could be impartial....but one has to accept that media coverage went in one ear and out the other for many folks that were smart enough to realize that coverage was nothing more than an attempt to bolster ratings.

I can not speak for orlando residents at large...I can only share that locals can and have tuned out for quite some time.

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