Where will the jury come from?

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Direct Message us if you spot defense attorneys, prosecutors, or Judge Perry. #caseyanthony -Longo

Ummmmm sure......let me put that at the top of my list!!


Same here! :highfive: x 1,000!

I would hope that no one who truly wants justice served fairly would give the media any tips. Let them sleuth it out on their own. I'm damn sure not going to have any part of helping them make it even harder to seat jurors.

All so they can scoop the competition? No, no thank you. Won't help. :snooty:
I guess I just don't "get" this massive interest in where the jury is coming from - while I do appreciate the other posters who do care very much. Let's just get 'er done!

We've talked a lot on the board about how lenient HHBP has been with Baez - and all I see is a river of denied motions - LOL

To me, between HHJP, JA and LDB, CM and JB - they are going to choose the best jury they can for this trial. I'm confident HHJP will stay true to his style and watch the questioning and choices like a hawk.

This ain't his first rodeo - unlike someone else in the group.....

Agreed. But just for grins, does anybody else hope this whole Pinellas thing is just a magnificent ruse and they actually head to DeLand, Bartow, or Bushnell? I guess that'd be hard on those places...

Direct Message us if you spot defense attorneys, prosecutors, or Judge Perry. #caseyanthony -Longo

Ummmmm sure......let me put that at the top of my list!!


Can you just imagine how much fun a Judge Perry look-a-like could be having today?

If I used Twitter, it might even be fun to send them the uh....... Wild goose chase comes to mind!

Thought for the day:
Between them LDB and JA have successfully prosecuted 30 capital cases and received the death penalty in 27.

I heard that too during the WFTV special last night. Amazing track record! That sheds further light on the :panic: the DT has been displaying lately. Justice for Caylee is so close I can almost taste it!
If Pinellas is really the location, I feel disappointed in the person who gave away the location. To me, that indicates something significant about him or her. I mean, we're talking about justice for a murdered baby!
Wouldn't it be funny if all the media set up at Pinellas and it turns out that was a set up? I've heard CCJP has a sense of humor!
Wouldn't it be funny if all the media set up at Pinella's and it turns out that was a set up? I've heard CCJP has a sense of humor!

THAT is my biggest wish! I would love to see him outsmart all of the media and leave them scrambling and falling all over each other! :great:

I don't doubt for a minute that HHJP is savvy enough to have devised a good decoy plan.
Therein lies the problem. I don't think it would be difficult to seat a jury that's able to be unbiased in this case, especially if the news coverage in the county of jury selection hasn't been as saturated as it has been in Orange County. At that point only the people who have an interest in the case and watch the national news programs like Nancy Grace or InSessions, or join an online forum on the case, would be considered biased.

The real problem is going to be able to find 12 jurors and 8 alternates that will be able to take two months out of their life to serve on this jury. Anyone with children is going to have a problem being away from them for that length of time, unless the court allows for family visits on the weekends. Can a working person, especially if they're the breadwinner in the family, afford to be away from work for that long? Retired people are the most likely to be able to serve on this jury.
I agree with your assessment. I know I couldn't survive on "jury pay" for two months, and many others wouldn't receive their paycheck from work either, let alone be able to be away from home that long. So single parents, those who would suffer a financial hardship, or anyone else who couldn't be sequestered are likely to not be serving on the jury, which leaves, as you suggest, those who are retired........or at least have a very generous employer. MOO
THAT is my biggest wish! I would love to see him outsmart all of the media and leave them scrambling and falling all over each other! :great:

I don't doubt for a minute that HHJP is savvy enough to have devised a good decoy plan.

What would be great is if he started selection in Orange County!! Almost three years later, I really don't think finding an impartial jury would be that difficult. MOO
Jurors whose Reporting Number appears on this list must report to the Jury Assembly Room, located on the first floor of the Ninth Judicial Circuit-Osceola Co., by 8:00 AM on the date listed above. Your Reporting Number is listed on your Juror Summons in the Reporting Information section (right side of the form -- shown under the report date/time). Failure to appear as directed can result in a fine for Contempt of Court, Chapter 40, Florida Statutes.

There are about 200 jurors scheduled to report for Jury Duty for Osceola County

There are ~900 jurors scheduled to report for Jury Duty for Orange County.

Jurors whose Reporting Number appears on this list must report to the Jury Assembly Room, located on the first floor of the Orange Co. Jury Services, by 8:00 am on the date listed above. Your Reporting Number is listed on your Juror Summons in the Reporting Information section (right side of the form -- shown under the report date/time). Failure to appear as directed can result in a fine for Contempt of Court, Chapter 40, Florida Statutes.

Note the difference in wording with regards to where the jurors have to report. In Osceola County is clearly states the "Ninth Judicial Circuit-Osceola Co" HOWEVER, for Orange County jurors it only states "Orange Co. Jury Services". HMMMMMMMM!!!!!
Very interesting, PattyG! 900 potential jurors scheduled to report for Orange Co.........I'm curious how many are the "norm"?
I am not sure if this has been posted here or not, but I found a link to where jurors can look to see what they have to report for Jury Duty for Orange County and Osceola County.

NOW, it is not going to give us any names, but it will show approximatly how many people will be reporting for Jury Duty for both counties.

Orange County


Osceola County


There are nearly 640 people that will show up for Jury Duty Wed., 4/20/11 for Orange County.

There are nearly 109 people that will show up for Jury Duty Wed., 4/20/11 for Osceola County.

If anything, it will be interesting to watch EACH day to see how many expected jurors will be going to either county.

Mark your calenders for May 6, 2011 after 5:00 PM EDT as I believe this is when the jurors will be able to see when they have to appear.

Bumping my post to show the amount of Jurors that were scheduled for Jury Duty on April 20, 2011 as a comparison to May 9, 2011.
Bumping my post to show the amount of Jurors that were scheduled for Jury Duty on April 20, 2011 as a comparison to May 9, 2011.

Thank you for reposting that - the huge increase is interesting indeed!
It seems weird because the OJ COV was nothing like the original (they changed from a White dominated venue to a Black dominated COV, or is race excluded from the analysis of the "demographics").

Yeah, he had a jury of the same skin color, but not the same socioeconomic status. He should have been tried in Santa Monica, where the crime was committed and by a jury of his rich peers. They did that in his civil trial, and they prevailed. The poor blacks who populated the downtown L.A./Inglewood area were star-struck by this black sports hero/multi-millionaire and refused to consider the evidence. They were in awe of his Italian designer suits, and none of them wanted to be the one to convict him!!!
If Pinellas is really the location, I feel disappointed in the person who gave away the location. To me, that indicates something significant about him or her. I mean, we're talking about justice for a murdered baby!
What happens if the media starts setting up camp there today? Will that cause problems based on this leaked information???
An aside.....Encore Mystery is airing "Illegally Yours" today. That is the movie with Rob Lowe playing a juror infatuated with an accused murderer.

What timing.
What happens if the media starts setting up camp there today? Will that cause problems based on this leaked information???

Don't know what protocol is, LinasK, but if I were HHJP, I'd say "BOOYA" to 'em! lol
Don't know what protocol is, LinasK, but if I were HHJP, I'd say "BOOYA" to 'em! lol
For those of us not from the South, what exactly does "Booya" mean???:waitasec:

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