Where will the jury come from?

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It would be interesting to see how many Florida counties are represented here on Websleuths. If someone here from Florida learns that their county is the one where the jury will be selected from, it would be a great opportunity for that person to attend the hearings for the jury selection process. and get to see the principals in this case in person.
It would be interesting to see how many Florida counties are represented here on Websleuths. If someone here from Florida learns that their county is the one where the jury will be selected from, it would be a great opportunity for that person to attend the hearings for the jury selection process. and get to see the principals in this case in person.

I don't know that those hearings would be held anywhere else other than in Orange County. Don't they normally have the hearings in the same county where the trial will be held even if they have to pull potential jurors from other counties?
I've been checking my mailbox AND the mailboxes of all my neighbors to see if any Jury Summons come in. HaHa

Of course if they did...I'd have to keep it a secret.

IF for some reason they do choose a jury from Lee County (not likely) and I get a jury duty notice, I would also keep it a secret until the location is known and jury selection is under way.

I will say this... there is no way that I will make it past the first selection. I have dreamt about the answers I would give when filling out JB's little form. :floorlaugh:
i have attended some hearings. i do feel lake county or sumnter county will be a high chance of jury folks. older , many retired, lots older, are well educated, old money retirees. since i attended hearings, i doubt i would ever qualify , in fact .i bet anyone who ever posted on a site would be dismissed. we all know us websleuthers are opinionated -lol. i bet they think we all made up our minds-- but thats may not be true. i am open to being able to be fair .
I was thinking Jacksonville for jury selection, but now am wondering if St Johns has comparable demographics...
I don't really want them choosing from my county cause I do not want to serve on her jury. I have been called twice in 10 years (once in each county I have lived) and so has my husband. I know a lot of folks might want to serve on the jury for this case, but I am not one of them.

I'm with ya. I don't think any of us would get the opportunity even if we wanted to. They'll ask if we've ever blogged....and at that we'd be dismissed.

I agree with the West Coast predictions....and I think the Keys would be a good group to choose from.
I hoping somewhere in NW Florida. Largely rural, largely conservative, largely prone to dislike toddler killers. There are a few exceptions up there, but Escambia might not be terrible. Nice demographic of people. Largely intelligent, not a huge TV market, and there are no banjos dueling out in the open. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I think we'd want intelligent, logical, female jurors, right? Because anyone with an IQ north of a salt lick would grasp that KC's story is fail.

My dream would be that they select from Pinellas County. Unlikely due to proximity and market size. Plus I'd have to be ethical and tell the truth during voir dire. Oh, it would test every moral fiber of my soul, though, LOL.

I've served on two trials, one being a DP case. Even if I wasn't so focused on this case, I wonder if I'd be DQed because I was already a death-qualified juror once. Do they dismiss for that?
Long time reader but never really posted and just recently decided to register. Im in Broward County, and nothing on my end but I will say this much... This case happened so long ago a lot of people have forgotten about it. When I bring up the name Casey Anthony, they say "who"?. Its not until I remind them about the case that they all go... "Oh, yeah, I remember something about that". Totally unbelievable to me but its the reality.

I know they won't be pulling a jury from down here, too many tv stations, to big of an area.... I would expect it to be in the panhandle area somewhere or the southern west coast.
OK, I am back with Jacksonville for a jury pick location. I doubt the judge would give away any tips about jury location, like he did today (re:lack of news channels). Possibly the judge was throwing that out there to distract the media, etc...The county needs to have comparable demographics and any county that does, will (most likely) have a few news channels.
I've served on two trials, one being a DP case. Even if I wasn't so focused on this case, I wonder if I'd be DQed because I was already a death-qualified juror once. Do they dismiss for that?

Interesting question....I wonder if that would be an issue. I've only served on a civil case myself.
Can someone from Florida please describe in detail the process of being chosen for jury duty?

Someone posted about getting a notice in the mail and then having to call a phone number. And the lead time between the notice and having to make the phone call is 4-6 weeks?

So does this mean that potential jurors in this case have already received notice that they are being called for jury duty?
Can someone from Florida please describe in detail the process of being chosen for jury duty?

Someone posted about getting a notice in the mail and then having to call a phone number. And the lead time between the notice and having to make the phone call is 4-6 weeks?

So does this mean that potential jurors in this case have already received notice that they are being called for jury duty?

Ive only been called for civil and yes, there is a number on your summons. The night before, you call a phone number listed and it will tell you whether your number must show up. Ive had both, where I called and my number wasn't chosen so I did not have to appear but it counted as jury service.

Another time, when I made the call to the recorded number, I did have to appear.

I wish I could remember how far ahead of time I got my summons but I would venture to say each county is different and handles their jury calls differently.
Found an excellent, easy to read article on jury selection. Here's a small excerpt (much, much more at link provided at bottom):

"A venue study entails researching the demographics, media coverage (print and television) in the nearby counties, and community attitude surveys conducted in those areas. First, contact the chamber of commerce in the county to research the general demographics of the area (i.e. how many women, how many Hispanics, the mean age, etc). In order to measure the extent of knowledge the surrounding counties have of the specific case, visit a library in the county and read back issues of newspapers dating back to when the-case actually occurred. The community's attitude can be measured by calling people in the area or going to a local mall and asking them questions about a "hypothetical case." Ask people if they knew about the case, how much they remembered, where they learned it from, how much, how they felt about it, and general demographic questions (i.e. age, income, status, occupation, and what newspapers they read). "Even if the court denies a motion for a change of venue, evidence of potential prejudice may persuade the court to expand the questioning of prospective jurors during the voir dire, may convince the court that individual as opposed to group questioning is appropriate, and may increase the willingness of the court to grant challenges for cause when a juror gives some sign of predisposition in the case." [45]"

Can someone from Florida please describe in detail the process of being chosen for jury duty?

Someone posted about getting a notice in the mail and then having to call a phone number. And the lead time between the notice and having to make the phone call is 4-6 weeks?

So does this mean that potential jurors in this case have already received notice that they are being called for jury duty?

I believe that was my post. I'm in Brevard County so if they are selecting from here, then yes, they've probably already been noticed for that week. We only "have" to report one day, call the number the night before. It tells you if your number reports or not. If not, you're done for the week. If you have to report, depends on what happens after that how long you have to show up and/or serve.
i have attended some hearings. i do feel lake county or sumnter county will be a high chance of jury folks. older , many retired, lots older, are well educated, old money retirees. since i attended hearings, i doubt i would ever qualify , in fact .i bet anyone who ever posted on a site would be dismissed. we all know us websleuthers are opinionated -lol. i bet they think we all made up our minds-- but thats may not be true. i am open to being able to be fair .

I live in The Villages, Sumter/Lake/Marion Counties. Lots of retired, educated, middle class types with nothing else to do. Although we're in the Orlando news market with the growth we have here a good percentage of the people probably didn't even live here 3 years ago.

I really hope they go somewhere else-LOL.
Ive only been called for civil and yes, there is a number on your summons. The night before, you call a phone number listed and it will tell you whether your number must show up. Ive had both, where I called and my number wasn't chosen so I did not have to appear but it counted as jury service.

Another time, when I made the call to the recorded number, I did have to appear.

I wish I could remember how far ahead of time I got my summons but I would venture to say each county is different and handles their jury calls differently.

Mine was the same, itsjustme, and came just a month in advance in the form of a post card. When I made the call, the night before, I was instructed to show up. I waited, with a large group, as they called potential jurors in and interviewed them. By the end of the morning all jurors had been selected. I was never called in to be questioned.
Can someone from Florida please describe in detail the process of being chosen for jury duty?

Someone posted about getting a notice in the mail and then having to call a phone number. And the lead time between the notice and having to make the phone call is 4-6 weeks?

So does this mean that potential jurors in this case have already received notice that they are being called for jury duty?

You get a letter it says you have been called for jury duty such and such a date you dont know what case it is you have to call the evening before to see if you have to show up.
I live in The Villages, Sumter/Lake/Marion Counties. Lots of retired, educated, middle class types with nothing else to do. Although we're in the Orlando news market with the growth we have here a good percentage of the people probably didn't even live here 3 years ago.

I really hope they go somewhere else-LOL.

LOl im in the sarasota Port carlotte area..

And are they not going to bring Jurors in from like miami or someplace else instead of moving the trial just bring in impartial jurors it s tooo expensive to move this trial.
I was thinking Jacksonville for jury selection, but now am wondering if St Johns has comparable demographics...

I know that the city of Jacksonville has the largest population in Florida

Principal Cities

1 Jacksonville 821,784
2 Miami 399,457
3 Tampa 335,709
4 St. Petersburg 244,769
5 Orlando 238,300
6 Hialeah 224,669
7 Tallahassee 181,376
8 Fort Lauderdale 165,521
9 Port St. Lucie 164,603
10 Pembroke Pines 154,750
11 Cape Coral 154,305

Is Judge Perry looking at a single City or a County? I thought he was looking at a County..

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