Who would "stash" Kyron for Terri...

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One more thing...JMO..what if sm is a child abuser/molester? How can that be figured out?
I see a lot of male stuff about her actions, they way she walks, etc. Body Builder. married 3 times. not that any of these mean a darn thing. im just putting down thoughts. What do we know of her upbringing, life experiences beside the one time she was arrested for DUI with Kyron in the car. Oh yea, and the older boys, hers and biomoms son are out of the picture and have been. seems odd. There is a family photo somewhere, does anyone know how to read that photo? shows love? leaning away from another person. I also think a lot of Kyrons smiles do not meet his eyes. JMO.
One more thing...JMO..what if sm is a child abuser/molester? How can that be figured out?
I see a lot of male stuff about her actions, they way she walks, etc. Body Builder. married 3 times. not that any of these mean a darn thing. im just putting down thoughts. What do we know of her upbringing, life experiences beside the one time she was arrested for DUI with Kyron in the car. Oh yea, and the older boys, hers and biomoms son are out of the picture and have been. seems odd. There is a family photo somewhere, does anyone know how to read that photo? shows love? leaning away from another person. I also think a lot of Kyrons smiles do not meet his eyes. JMO.

oh, i so agree with you about kyron's smiles...didn't want to say it before but a lot of his beautiful smiles just smack of someone desperate for approval from someone- at least to me...i'd love to see a picture like that- not certified in this area but i have studied it a little in my clinical work...i'm sure others on here may be qualified to do this...

ETA:by picture like that, i mean family picture.
One more thing...JMO..what if sm is a child abuser/molester? How can that be figured out?
I see a lot of male stuff about her actions, they way she walks, etc. Body Builder. married 3 times. not that any of these mean a darn thing. im just putting down thoughts. What do we know of her upbringing, life experiences beside the one time she was arrested for DUI with Kyron in the car. Oh yea, and the older boys, hers and biomoms son are out of the picture and have been. seems odd. There is a family photo somewhere, does anyone know how to read that photo? shows love? leaning away from another person. I also think a lot of Kyrons smiles do not meet his eyes. JMO.

Just an FYI, It was her son from her first marriage that was in the car, Not Kyron:)
Can we have a discussion on why Desiree and others think Kyron could be stashed away. I don't understand that. Stashed away why? And if he were stashed away the intent would be that he WOULD return and then wouldn't Kyron say Terri stashed me? Thanks!!
Here is a thread along a similar vein:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=110398"]Desiree believes Kyron is "Stashed" Somewhere - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

This one might also be of interest:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=108435"]Who would "stash" Kyron for Terri... - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I want to believe Kyron is "Stashed somewhere"...I do so pray that. What I wonder is if he is, would he know how to call home, anyone's cell phone, or his mom at work, or his dad at work...if he had the ability or opportunity to do so...
Poor Desiree...the longer this goes on, the more outlandish it sounds...and it never sounded believable to me. I cannot believe that Terri was in a position to "stash" a child for months on end, especially one old enough to be aware of his surroundings, etc.

She has to know even as she says this that is sounds far-fetched, yet she has to say it.
Poor Desiree...the longer this goes on, the more outlandish it sounds...and it never sounded believable to me. I cannot believe that Terri was in a position to "stash" a child for months on end, especially one old enough to be aware of his surroundings, etc.

She has to know even as she says this that is sounds far-fetched, yet she has to say it.

" Yet she has to say it "... ITA, and I think it gives DY some comfort right now to think that.... So true that grieving is a process... Tragic situation, IMO

Only thing is that when people hear things like "handed off " and "stashed away ", IMO they tend to think this is all about some custody dispute within the family. They may also tend to tune out,just a little.... IMO this is not what has happened to Kyron....

" Yet she has to say it "... ITA, and I think it gives DY some comfort right now to think that.... So true that grieving is a process... Tragic situation, IMO

Only thing is that when people hear things like "handed off " and "stashed away ", IMO they tend to think this is all about some custody dispute within the family. They may also tend to tune out,just a little.... IMO this is not what has happened to Kyron....


I've said the same thing on this thread a few pages back...using that wording, it becomes, in some peoples' minds, a big, messy custodial thing that really has nothing to do with the public. I really wish they wouldn't say that, and just say instead that they believe he is alive and that someone knows where he is. If I just turned on this story last week and did not know about it before, I would think from what Desiree is saying that this is a family matter than got out of control.
I found this link on Aarons law.

that now make since LE saud something to the affect "a charge that was keeping Kyron from his parents.

Oregon's "Aaron's Law"--new strategy in parental abduction laws!
But it seems that Aaraon's Law is about civil/financial ramifications of keeping a child from his/her parents, not the felony aspect of it. It is another way to hopefully prevent these abductions, from what I read...a kind of added deterrent. I imagine D&K could use this law at some point to file civil charges, but the court probably wouldn't do it.
After hearing the TV videos yesterday,
I feel that Kaine and Desiree still feel that Kyron is safe
and just being held by some people for TH.
and that TH did have help and this had been planned for a long time.
I sure hope this is true.
I found it interesting that Desiree used the word "stashed"

stash   /stæʃ/ Show Spelled[stash] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)

1. to put by or away as for safekeeping or future use, usually in a secret place (usually fol. by away ): The squirrel stashes away nuts for winter.
2. something put away or hidden: a stash of gold coins buried in the garden.
3. a place in which something is stored secretly; hiding place; cache.
4. Slang . a supply of hidden drugs.
One more thing...JMO..what if sm is a child abuser/molester? How can that be figured out?
I see a lot of male stuff about her actions, they way she walks, etc. Body Builder. married 3 times. not that any of these mean a darn thing. im just putting down thoughts. What do we know of her upbringing, life experiences beside the one time she was arrested for DUI with Kyron in the car. Oh yea, and the older boys, hers and biomoms son are out of the picture and have been. seems odd. There is a family photo somewhere, does anyone know how to read that photo? shows love? leaning away from another person. I also think a lot of Kyrons smiles do not meet his eyes. JMO.

WADR this is really a little bit ridiculous, IMHO. A woman being "masculine" has nothing at all to do with if she is a child abuser or not. Nothing at all. There are reasons to be suspicious of TMH, but her being "mannish" isn't one at all. I'm trying not to be offended by this but I sorta am. Ugh.
oh, i so agree with you about kyron's smiles...didn't want to say it before but a lot of his beautiful smiles just smack of someone desperate for approval from someone- at least to me...i'd love to see a picture like that- not certified in this area but i have studied it a little in my clinical work...i'm sure others on here may be qualified to do this...

ETA:by picture like that, i mean family picture.

Do you have a link to the family picture ? It would be helpful if there is a gallery of candid, staged, and formal photos.
IMHO Desiree is a woman who is grieving and desperate, as is absolutely appropriate given the circumstances. Her belief that Kyron is "stashed" does not indicate anything more than that she is a mother clinging to the last little shred of hope that she has. I don't think she has any inside knowledge or evidence that might prove he is hidden somewhere. I also think that, COMPLETELY UNDERSTANDABLY, it is probably very easy for her to believe that the woman who took her husband when she was 8 months pregnant and has been a thorn in her side ever since might be the one who "disappeared" her child. But I don't think that she has any inside info against TMH other than the same circumstantial stuff and innuendo we've all been hearing over and over again.
Do you have a link to the family picture ? It would be helpful if there is a gallery of candid, staged, and formal photos.

Cranky is the bomb-diggity with case photos. There is a great family photo of Terri and Kaine on the couch with all three kids.
IIRC, DY has stated in several interview/pressers that she has no information from LE that supports her feeling that Kyron is alive/stashed somewhere.

IMO she's a mother who has to believe the improbable as the alternative is too horrible for her to accept right now.
I wonder why they aren't appealing directly to the person who has Kyron.
I am reminded of the Dru Sjodin family. Dru was kidnapped from a mall parking lot after finishing her shift there (she was 22). She went missing in November and wasn't found until April. In interviews during those five months, her parents and family said they all wanted Dru "home." They never talked about her being dead, but kept using the word "home."

After her body was found, her family talked about not knowing for five months if she was alive or dead, but they knew the odds of her being found alive were not good. They just couldn't bring themselves to say "We think she's dead," especially in the small chance she still could be alive. Hundreds showed up to her funeral and Dru's family said that Dru was now "home."

I think Kyron's family is in a similar situation. They know the possibility of him being found alive is very small. I hate to write that and I have hope for a happy outcome.

I agree Tony knows, he's LE himself and knows the statistics and also am sure he's been kept abreast by LE on whats going on. Thats why he gets that loo on his face when Desiree says she believes hes alive out there somewhere. I know that some kids have been found alive some time later, but that is so rare.

I don't blame Desiree and Kaine for saying they think he's still alive and they want to being him home. But in their heart of hearts, I suspect they know the odds he is alive and being held by some nefarious person are about nil. But to believe otherwise is to admit their child is dead, and that's just somewhere they cannot go in their minds. They want him brought home, they keep repeating. To me, that means they want him returned alive to them or they want his body so they can lay him to rest. JMO. I feel for them and pray Kyron is still alive.

Who would be foolish enough to be keeping this boy feeding him. etc, for Terri and WHY? If someone was keeping him, they realize I am sure that they are in as much doo doo do as Terri and all others involved. Why would someone do that? Terri has no money so it couldn't be for financial gain.
IMO anyone crooked enough to agree to hold a child captive, even for a little while, would get scared after all this time and Terri has not talked, or DeDe, and here is this mystery person left holding the bag, which is Kyron. I think someone like that wold have no problem eliminating Kyron and getting the heck out of dodge.

So anyway I sadly believe that Kyron is deceased, and that Terri was very clever where she put his body. I wish LEE would really pressure her, as long as she can sit up at her parents house and keep her mouth shut, she will. Is this supposed to go on- forever? Even if they can't arrest her, can't they interrogate the crap out of her? Aren't they allowed to question her with her atty present, or is her atty allowed to say "my client will answer NO questions, period."

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