Who would "stash" Kyron for Terri...

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I found it interesting that Desiree used the word "stashed"

stash   /stæʃ/ Show Spelled[stash] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)

1. to put by or away as for safekeeping or future use, usually in a secret place (usually fol. by away ): The squirrel stashes away nuts for winter.
2. something put away or hidden: a stash of gold coins buried in the garden.
3. a place in which something is stored secretly; hiding place; cache.
4. Slang . a supply of hidden drugs.

Parental abduction. Has anyone thought about this? Is it not one of the most common reasons behind missing children?

Could it be that Terri planned this from the beginning because she wanted to get a divorce (for whatever reason, doesn't really matter) from Kaine and she would no longer have Kyron whom she raised since he was two? I brought a similar theory up before, but want to add a bit.

The disassembling and reassembling of a family:

Terri sends J to live with relatives, where's he safe but away from Kaine. Tells her friends K kicked him out. Terri hides Kyron with friends/relatives/whomever, someone she trusts. Everyone still looking for Kyron, everyone worried about Kyron, except Terri's getting her hair done.) Kaine goes to work out at the gym, leaves baby K with day care. Terri picks up baby K. She goes and gets J, goes and gets Kyron and it's adios..... off to Mexico or wherever, alone or with an accomplice.

Does anyone think this COULD have been her botched plan in the first place?

It would explain a lot of things. It would also explain why DY & KH think that Kyron may be stashed.

AND FOR THE RECORD, I am not condoning kidnapping/parental abduction, just wondering if it was Terri's failed plan.
I find it impossible to believe that Terri has anyone in her life who would be holding and caring for Kyron.

In Desiree's heart, she may know this too.
Until a body is found Desiree will hold on to the fact, no mater how minute it is, that Kyron is alive. There is no way in hell-o she is going to state in any interview that she feels in her heart that Kyron is deceased.
Parental abduction. Has anyone thought about this? Is it not one of the most common reasons behind missing children?

Could it be that Terri planned this from the beginning because she wanted to get a divorce (for whatever reason, doesn't really matter) from Kaine and she would no longer have Kyron whom she raised since he was two? I brought a similar theory up before, but want to add a bit.

The disassembling and reassembling of a family:

Terri sends J to live with relatives, where's he safe but away from Kaine. Tells her friends K kicked him out. Terri hides Kyron with friends/relatives/whomever, someone she trusts. Everyone still looking for Kyron, everyone worried about Kyron, except Terri's getting her hair done.) Kaine goes to work out at the gym, leaves baby K with day care. Terri picks up baby K. She goes and gets J, goes and gets Kyron and it's adios..... off to Mexico or wherever, alone or with an accomplice.

Does anyone think this COULD have been her botched plan in the first place?

It would explain a lot of things. It would also explain why DY & KH think that Kyron may be stashed.

AND FOR THE RECORD, I am not condoning kidnapping/parental abduction, just wondering if it was Terri's failed plan.

And how would she finance this plan? She has no job and if she ever applied for a teaching position anywhere, she'd be found.

I think she comes off as too narcissistic to have any great need for all of the children. I think she wanted rid of J so she sent him away, then blamed Kaine for it to anyone who would listen. Kyron, not even her blood child despite the fact that she raised him, she could have had completely different feelings for him in her heart than she did for baby K, who she seemed to adore. Her little "mini me", red hair and all. A narcissist would be so proud of a baby that looked like them, I bet. Maybe J had reached the age where he had Terri figured out, what a sneak and narcissistic liar she was, and she could no longer "get away" with whatever it was she was doing that she didn't want anyone in that household to know about. Affairs, questionable relationships with another woman, maybe drugs and/or alcohol who knows.

I think the only child she really gave a darn about was her precious baby K. JMO. I thionk she knew she was in so much trouble that when Kaine snatched K right our from under her, she didn;t fight it. She knew she would not win, and she was in enough trouble over Kyron as it was back then. But I think she wishes she had her baby now. Now that it's too late.
I find it impossible to believe that Terri has anyone in her life who would be holding and caring for Kyron.

In Desiree's heart, she may know this too.

I have to agree cluciano. The only thing I can even wrap my brain around is that TH might have paid some unsavory sort of criminal to disappear Kyron for her. The idea that an accomplice is holding Kyron somewhere for safekeeping is beyond the realm of possibility, IMO.

The only cases that I'm aware of where children were found alive, the children were abducted by strangers and terribly abused during their captivity.

Like so many other parents of abducted children, I believe that Kaine and Desiree have to believe that Kyron is still alive. Otherwise it would be too hard to get out of bed everyday. They must have hope until all hope is extinguished.

Heck, I still have hope that Kyron will be found alive and I don't even know him. I just fear this isn't going to be the case.
Speculation alert! I'm going to admit up front that this post is just my attempt to speculate...and make sense of several disconnected elements that have puzzled me. It may be that I am lacking information that some of you may provide...and then I can dismiss my theory altogether.

But, bear with me, I'm going to try to knit these "strange" elements together with a reasonable but purely speculative theory of explanation. Please tell me if you think this absolutely not a possibility.

1. Why do Kaine and Desiree keep demanding Terri "cooperate?" Couldn't she just say..."I've told them all I know; I have nothing more!" Has her attorney, on her behalf ever said this or something like it...ever told us that Terri has told LE all she knows?

2. Why do Kaine and Desiree think Kyron is "stashed" and alive? Is it just denial of a probable reality?

3. Why hasn't Terri fought for Baby K?

4. Why does it often sound when Kaine and Desiree address Terri in these public moments like there is an "elephant in the living room?" Why should Terri care "how she's remembered?" That sounds like Terri is going somewhere?

I think LE has discovered that Terri was involved with others in something illegal. I think Terri has clammed up since this discovery was made. This is why the parents keep asking her to inform on the others...tell everything.

I think Kyron saw something he shouldn't have. Maybe Kaine and Desiree truly believe Terri would not let anyone harm him...so therefore, she's "stashed" him. Maybe after the hand-off, Terri does not know what the others did with Kyron. But she and DeDe are involved with people they now fear more than LE.

I think Terri is scared to death now...and has not fought for Baby K because she fears for her. Even if they cannot prove she was involved with Kyron's disappearance, LE will in time charge her with the other criminal activity. She will be somewhere where Baby K will only be able to "remember her." "How do you want to be remembered," asks Desiree? Now it makes sense.

Even investigating the $350,000 fits in this scenario...did she "earn it" somehowin this illegal activity?

This, IMO, is why Desiree and Kaine seem strangely convinced Kyron is alive. I don't think this is parental abduction. I don't think anymore that Terri snapped. Or that she hated Kyron. She may have sent her other boy away to keep him from discovering what she and her friends were doing. She thought Kyron was too young...but he uncovered the secret. Her "friends" said they wouldn't harm him...but he had to go far away.

Kaine and Desiree think if Terri tells all...implicates everyone...they can get Kyron safely back.

Therefore he is "safe" but snatched.

Just my current lame musings. May be entirely off base.
St.MarysMead, I find your theory to be plausible. It makes sense on several levels. Especially when you pointed out that Desiree's remark about "how do you want to be remembered" could pertain to Baby K. I hadn't thought of that.

I just have one problem with this theory. Why wouldn't Kyron have told his father if something strange was going on? Or why would Kyron appear to be happy and engrossed in his science project, etc., if he knew something really "bad" about Terri...something he knew he was supposed to keep a secret?

And if Kaine did know, and it was something really bad or illegal, why wasn't he already taking steps to remove himself and Kyron and Baby K from Terri?
I have read somewhere there is a rumor that the reason we hear about all these landscapeing gardening type people is that there might be drug growing operations involved. But i dont think thats probable simply cause how would the MFH tie in. If there was a tie in with the MFH then i could buy that theory.
St.MarysMead, I find your theory to be plausible. It makes sense on several levels. Especially when you pointed out that Desiree's remark about "how do you want to be remembered" could pertain to Baby K. I hadn't thought of that.

respectfully snipped

I also find this thought provoking St.MarysMead. Desiree's wording is interesting. Remembered = legacy. Kaine has custody of baby K, and Kyron is baby K's sibling. It's almost as if Desiree is asking TH, "Do you want to be remembered as the person who didn't help bring your daughter's brother home?"

What else could Desiree have meant by "how do you want to be remembered?" Very interesting observation.

ETA: When I initially heard Desiree ask TH this, I assumed she was appealing to TH's ego.
St.MarysMead, I find your theory to be plausible. It makes sense on several levels. Especially when you pointed out that Desiree's remark about "how do you want to be remembered" could pertain to Baby K. I hadn't thought of that.

I just have one problem with this theory. Why wouldn't Kyron have told his father if something strange was going on? Or why would Kyron appear to be happy and engrossed in his science project, etc., if he knew something really "bad" about Terri...something he knew he was supposed to keep a secret?

And if Kaine did know, and it was something really bad or illegal, why wasn't he already taking steps to remove himself and Kyron and Baby K from Terri?

Excellent point.

Well, here's more speculation...Maybe Kyron saw or overheard something just a day or so before he disappeared. Terri was able to give him an answer. that satisfied him but she was afraid he might say something to his LE stepfather on his weekend visit that was coming up...or eventually to Kaine. "That Landscaper came to the house and gave Terri a big, big bag of cash."

Terri told the others...and they agreed something had to be done.

Maybe they were selling some illegal body-building drug.

I don't think Kaine knew...till after the investigation really heated up.
Excellent point.

Well, here's more speculation...Maybe Kyron saw or overheard something just a day or so before he disappeared. Terri was able to give him an answer. that satisfied him but she was afraid he might say something to his LE stepfather on his weekend visit that was coming up...or eventually to Kaine. "That Landscaper came to the house and gave Terri a big, big bag of cash."

Terri told the others...and they agreed something had to be done.

Maybe they were selling some illegal body-building drug.

I don't think Kaine knew...till after the investigation really heated up.

Kyron disappeard on a Friday. I'm assuming he was in school the entire week and that Kaine was home in the evenings. Doesn't leave a huge window of time for TH to do or say nefarious things in front of Kyron and another conspirator. TH doesn't strike me as an unitelligent type of criminal if she is indeed a criminal. Otherwise, we would have seen an arrest by now.

Great speculation, though. I really like to think outside the box. I actually think that's the only way this case is ever going to be solved. Good work, SMM.
My heart goes out to these devestated parents. I realize I may sound harsh with my opinion. I havent followed this case like most of you have.

Wasn't it in June she stated she thought Terri stashed him somewhere?

Does she still feel this way?

I think that this is the only way her mind can protect her right now. I believe this is denial in the purest form. I'm sure it makes sense to her. She just cannot let her mind go there. Does that make sense?

I mean look at that statement. I know kids get kidnapped for various reasons. (Elizebeth Smart, Jacie Duggard ect, ect) The Hormans dont seem wealthy at all.

I just don't see her stashing Kyron anywhere. Especially at the loss of her own daughter.

Honestly...kids are a pain! I mean we love them dearly, they are precious and they make life worth living, but man, who wants to hold a kid just out of vengance? They're honestly a pain in the butt at times.

Also, Its hard to stash a kid for, what now...90 days?

Terri just grosses me out a little and I can't put my finger on it. Is she really that powerful and popular? Would someone really take the chance of life in prison...just for her bitterness, resentment and jealousy ?

Not saying she's innocent. I think she snapped out of anger rage and jealousy and Kyron is no longer with us in this life. I hope I'm wrong.

I am a step-parent. It's one of the hardest things my husband and I have ever attempted. You would not believe the amount of anger that can be involved when it doesn't go well. It can be a absolute nightmare when a parent doesn't play right. Even when you vow to treat them all the same and love them all equally, there can be a tremendous amount of jealousy issues to deal with. It takes much work and sometimes years to see the fruit.

And how would she finance this plan? She has no job and if she ever applied for a teaching position anywhere, she'd be found.

respectfully snipped:

She would pay for the plan with the same money she is now having to use to pay Houze?
I don't think you sound harsh at all shivs. I got all my grey hairs from my bio teens and I didn't even have custody of them. Blended families are a very difficult task. No ifs ands or buts about it. Lots of work, patience, tolerance, love and frustrations. But well worth the labor.

You said it brilliantly! IMO
Desiree's message to Terri was something like, "We don't always like what life has to give us, but we don't have a choice in that. The one thing we have a choice in is the way we handle these moments," and then, "She will go to jail if she doesn't do the right thing."

It sounds more like she thinks Terri got caught up in something bad than masterminded it.
Maybe we haven't seen an arrest right now...because finding Kyron is the priority. I don't think Terri is unintelligent but I don't see her as the Mastermind. There are others out there much more sophisticated and frightening and they have Kyron.

I might imagine there are parallel investigations going on right now. Concerning the illegal activity, and the disappearance.

It would also explain why she sent the older son away.

Has her attorney ever stated that Terri has told all she knows?

This crazy theory has me thinking differently about the MFH plot. Do we know this is the entirety of what this Landscaper told LE? Maybe he was the first link to break...maybe he gave them emails etc and maybe this MFH thing was based on getting Kaine out of the way for "business" purposes.

Kaine only put one part of it...the MFH part in the court filing...because they don't want to tip their hand to whomever has Kyron.

Oh well, I had a tree-frog theory last month that collapsed on me...but I'll work on this a bit more until something else comes along. Vivid imagination, if nothing else. :)
IMO, Terri's attorney is SMART not to tip his hand and say anything to the media. His client hasn't been formally charged with anything yet. I have numerous attorneys and LE officers in my extended family. Neither profession would recommend talking to the media.

Only common tater (heh!) lawyers blab to the media. The only other exception I'm aware of is Jose Baez. LOL
I have read somewhere there is a rumor that the reason we hear about all these landscapeing gardening type people is that there might be drug growing operations involved. But i dont think thats probable simply cause how would the MFH tie in. If there was a tie in with the MFH then i could buy that theory.

I did read not to long ago that a couple of people who live in the area of Terri & Kaine did not want to talk to LE because tey had pot growing on their property or nearby.
The cops told these people that they didn't care about the drugs being grown.
They (the LE) had bigger concerns...
Like a few others, I'm sure that Desiree can only believe that Kyron is alive, stashed somewhere and not being harmed. The althernatives are unthinkable.
But I also agree that IF this was some kind of trick that Terri played... it's gone on too long, enough is enough... it's time to bring him home.
I do not blame them for holding out hope.. all parents of missing kids would. There are a few who did come home, but sadly.... a lot who didn't.
Desiree's message to Terri was something like, "We don't always like what life has to give us, but we don't have a choice in that. The one thing we have a choice in is the way we handle these moments," and then, "She will go to jail if she doesn't do the right thing."

It sounds more like she thinks Terri got caught up in something bad than masterminded it.

That's an interesting thought, for sure....since this is a "Stashed" thread (versus murdered or otherwise), my two cents is, as I've said before, she could have met someone capable and willing to do this downtown. We have a large homeless population, most on drugs, alcohol or mentally ill or a combination of the above. She could have convinced one of them (or a couple like ES's captors) that Kaine was mistreating Kyron, that she (TH) was desperate to 'save him' and needed someone to take him and never look back.

People like this don't typically watch the news, have phones, etc., and if they did they may very well have agreed wholeheartedly to take Kyron because they are SOs and now have their permanent play thing. Sick but not beyond possibility.

So then it becomes, how, when and where would she meet these people (or person?). Well, as I've said before, our Saturday market is filled with 'colorful' people, or volunteering at a shelter, or just driving around near the shelters or 'bad' parts of town. Wouldn't be too tough. However, then she would be risking this person being caught and her being found out - a huge risk...but she took a huge risk in asking a landscaper to kill her husband as well.

I am very interested if there truly was a second person with her that day, and if so his role (I'm thinking it was a guy) - the hand off person? The SO that wanted Kyron and promised not to come forward no matter what?

I do think when all is said and done it will be a very matter of fact way she took Kyron -- that she told him to run around to the truck as she was pulling it around to the access road, made sure no one saw him get in, then went/did whatever she was going to do very quickly. However, I also think that there will be huge drama to come about lifestyles and bizarreness, especially if TH is cornered. We'll hear all about how she claims KH is abusive, makes her wear high heels (J/K), but you get the point. She'll say and do anything to manipulate but in the end she is going down - forever I hope.

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