Whoa! a new 48 Hours (April 16) Check out the trailer!

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Why do I think that this 48H program is less than what we think it is and more about what we actually know. Could they be presenting the defense side first to these people on the mock jury, polling them to see how they would vote? Then the second half they present the State's side and then poll their mock jury and see how they would vote finally. That would make sense. If only one side is presented, of course they will vote not guilty of murder because it's an unknown without all the factors, without the evidence from the State.
Well, if it's "inside the defense" then I'm not sure. Ya think CBS got their own people together to take a vote?
I still wonder why JL is no longer sitting with CA. Isn't he part of the CBS machine?
Curious that they say it's being aired on Saturday the 26th...the 26th isn't a Saturday...so is it the 16th...as I assumed...or is it the 23rd?

I only hope they don't change the date (26th) on their website, then no one will be watching.....haha. I believe it is actually going to be shown on the 16th.
Liking it. Maybe I will drop Cass a note and see if she can find me some blades. thanks Ducky.

It was considered a creepy signature back in the day before they let us have avatars here and apparently it remains creepy.
I do have my Charger eyeball that doesn't make anyone happy. I may change to that.

but enough about me. If we can figure out a topic in here, I guess we best get back to it.

NOOOooooooo! Not that dreaded eyeball! Anything is better than that! I'll support you to skate, dance - anything!
Why do I think that this 48H program is less than what we think it is and more about what we actually know. Could they be presenting the defense side first to these people on the mock jury, polling them to see how they would vote? Then the second half they present the State's side and then poll their mock jury and see how they would vote finally. That would make sense. If only one side is presented, of course they will vote not guilty of murder because it's an unknown without all the factors, without the evidence from the State.

What side to they have?
JBean...g-d bless...and where the heck have you been? Sorely missed, JBean...sorely missed.

JBean, have you found your comfy chair and are you ready to settle in with us for the trial? I hope so!:cheer:
I am appalled. This close to trial this is disgusting on the part of CBS. Totally irresponsible. I won't be watching it. Or this show EVER again. I have heard the defense shoot crap before.... I'll wait to hear it in the real courtroom in front of a real jury, if they can find one after this.
I don't wish the Death Penalty on my brother's murderer either. On the other hand, my wonderful hubby says he would gladly inject him. You truly never know until you stand in those shoes. BUT!! I am NO FAN of the A's. I think Justice for Caylee should come first.

Edited to add, I didn't mean to quote you Solace. Over look me. A lot of this brings sharp focus to what I will be dealing with in the up coming months. :(

ITA, you never know what it feels like until it hits close to home.
What are you going to do when you the trial starts. They have reserved a field across from the courthouse.

Look, no one should be able to make money off a dead child and I agree wholeheartedly.

What I am saying is that Cindy and George, however much you may dislike them, have pretty much lost everything. They are not getting rich off this and if someone asked them if they wanted the money or Caylee, they would say Caylee.

We are not going to agree on this. But I think that as this trial nears and shows like 48 come out, there is more hatred for Cindy and Geoge and they don't deserve it. They did not murder the child. They are not working. Who is going to hire them with the cameras. No one that I can think of.

$20,000 for two shows. WE all watched right? It nothing in the scheme of things. I was shocked they did it for that amount.

BBM-Of course they would want Caylee back. I haven't read anyone say they believe the As are glad she's dead so they can get money, freebies, travel, etc. They saw an opportunity to make quick cash and they took it. They saw a way to dupe good hearted people out of money and they did (RC, tip jars, etc). They made up a foundation and took 80% for themselves. Lee set up a paypal account to make it easier for people to send him money. They all took a cruise and Cindy yelled at the reporter they paid for it.

BBM-Just to clarify, they have received more money than the 20k you keep posting but if you choose to ignore the rest, it's your right.

You are right, they didn't murder Caylee but they tried to pin the crime on innocent people. Imagine if their little scheme had worked and Casey walked while someone else payed for her crime.

For all the complaining DT, namely JB has gone on about all the media on this case..guess it's the media that isn't supported by his slant. imo This 48hrs should not be aired just prior to Jury selection.

Having just listened to the Levi show where its mentioned that JB has hired the best Jury consultant and they don't know how he's paying for it. If this is true.. I guess this is their test run.
For all the complaining DT, namely JB has gone on about all the media on this case..guess it's the media that isn't supported by his slant. imo This 48hrs should not be aired just prior to Jury selection.

Having just listened to the Levi show where its mentioned that JB has hired the best Jury consultant and they don't know how he's paying for it. If this is true.. I guess this is their test run.

Well, if they have hired a jury consultant I know that JAC is NOT paying for it. I remember the topic coming up in a hearing a few months ago and it was hinted that Mason had enough experience to act as the JC.
Well, if they have hired a jury consultant I know that JAC is NOT paying for it. I remember the topic coming up in a hearing a few months ago and it was hinted that Mason had enough experience to act as the JC.

I know, I remember that as well. I can't believe that JB would do this on his dime. If its true perhaps this consultant is doing it for a crate of oranges?

I just thought of something, perhaps the whole 48hrs is what's paying for the consultant, is that even a posibility?
I know, I remember that as well. I can't believe that JB would do this on his dime. If its true perhaps this consultant is doing it for a crate of oranges?

I just thought of something, perhaps the whole 48hrs is what's paying for the consultant, is that even a posibility?

Anything is possible with the DT. Maybe this is just a rumor?
Has anyone actually confirmed it to be true?
Why do I think that this 48H program is less than what we think it is and more about what we actually know. Could they be presenting the defense side first to these people on the mock jury, polling them to see how they would vote? Then the second half they present the State's side and then poll their mock jury and see how they would vote finally. That would make sense. If only one side is presented, of course they will vote not guilty of murder because it's an unknown without all the factors, without the evidence from the State.

Bingo! That's what I'm thinking ... Baden, Kobelinski, Baez, Mason and the Ants ... if that's who's presented the "evidence" to this mock jury, then of course that means they vote for acquittal ...
I sure hope Perry says something about it Friday ... perhaps a gag order now ??
This was intentionally planned and timed and CBS should be ashamed to contributing to this sham !!
I just got home and saw this thread. Haven't had a chance to read the whole thing yet, so if this has already been asked and answered, I apologize.

How exactly is a mock jury a fair and accurate determination of how a real jury would vote? Until the State presents their case and the mock jurors see both sides, how can they say whether or not they would acquit ICA of 1st degree murder? Cause my guess is that all of them have not read discovery to the extent that many of us who follow this case have, so how would they know what evidence the State has against ICA? :maddening:

And an even better question.... if the mock jurors by chance HAVE read all the discovery, how could they look at all that and NOT convict ICA???? :banghead:

I really don't get it.... :waitasec:
Anything is possible with the DT. Maybe this is just a rumor?
Has anyone actually confirmed it to be true?

We know that Richard Gabriel visited Casey in prison on 7/30/2010.

He appears in the 48 hours trailer.

From his website:
"Mr. Gabriel has assisted counsel in the O.J. Simpson, Heidi Fleiss, Phillip Spector, Enron Broadband, and Whitewater trials, and is currently working with attorneys in the Casey Anthony matter. "

Noone risks the Death Penalty for an accidental death, unless they are covering up for someone else and taking the fall.:snooty: Casey's own vanity will not let her even act that part-because her conscience knows (ironically, that an accidental death is a lie). It was NO accident, she wanted Caylee dead. She was already charged with felony child neglect, which I think they dropped when they charged her with murder. There is noone else who had the access to Caylee (means), motive, and opportunity that Casey did. She was the last one to see her alive. Caylee was alive on the nursing home video, so that is documented proof they are wrong about her "disappearing" on June 9th. We don't however know that George didn't lie about seeing them on June 16th. Caylee did not commit suicide or tape herself up and throw herself into the woods. Common sense dictates that! A jury will be able to tell that and convict her.
(Don't take this post as any anger directed at you!)
P.S. If, and I do mean if, because I really don't believe it, but if Casey were guilty of not owning up to an accident, then why not take an Alford plea??? That's what it essentially would be...

I definitely agree with you all the way and then some. I've always believed that if it were some kind of accident she would have owned up to it after being bailed out of jail. In order for her to do that she would have to tell where Caylee's remains were. She knew what they would find so that wasn't a realistic choice. What I am saying is that the defense can't ignore the elephant in the room therefore whatever defense they use will have to include Casey. They cannot separate her from Caylee and what followed. There's just too much evidence. I think the first couple of questions when considering if it was an accident why didn't she try and get help? Most importantly the partying, tattoo, etc. show a very happy woman with a dead daughter. This is what the defense is going to have to convince the jurors with these psyche experts. I don't care if Casey herself gets on the stand and describes that scenario she will not be believed. I don't think from what I've seen of Casey she would sit in jail for more than 5 minutes for someone else much less face the DP.
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