Whoa! Meter Reader gave tip on August 13th!

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What's your gut reaction?

  • Meter Reader called in tips, then went searching on his own.

    Votes: 441 89.8%
  • Meter Reader is the one who killed Caylee.

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • Meter Reader is related to an accomplice.

    Votes: 37 7.5%
  • Meter Reader is Casey's accomplice.

    Votes: 10 2.0%

  • Total voters
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And even more good news!!!

Local Orlando news is starting to raise the issue that because the meter-guy first called crimeline in August when the reward was available,
this action should be considered a part of the whole ball of wax and he should get the reward...

Now that would put a definite smile on my face. :blowkiss:
The worker first reports "a gray bag by the side of the road". He must not have been specific with the location of this suspicious bag, because the deputy can't find it.

Worker calls again the next day. I guess the bag reappeared for him. But cadaver dogs can't find anything.

Bag reappears the next day for the deputies. This one is empty??

So now a bag with a body appears?? And worker lies to police about stumbling upon it as he relieves himself?

People are getting carried away here...on the second day a tip is called in, the person calls it in to Crimestoppers or Crimeline (Whatever it's called), they CHECK with detectives who TELL them that the area had already been checked out by cadaver dogs...the dogs did not go there on the 2nd tip day.

Not posted towards you, toledo...just using your post to say that we need to slow down here because we are morphing this into more than it is. :)
What are the odds that this Meter Reader actually read the Meter at the Anthony home?

I don't think that he had anything to do with Caylee's death but If we find out that he was reading the Meter at the Anthony house every month Jose Baez is going to have a pretty good argument that he did.
Even if this is not his last name, something is not right here.

How could LE find a bag in Aug after this person kept calling, and there was no skull in the bag???? Yet, he opens the bag and one falls out. Also, all we have on evidence is rumor but it was stated that the skull fell out of the bag and that there was tape over skull.

I just have a problem with that also. I have been having difficulty seeing that tape could stay adheared to the skull with moisture and deterioration of tissue.

So I dont know what to think about all this.

Could be two different bags. First one has stuffed animals and clothes in it and was close to the street. Second bag found on Dec. 11th, has remains, found further from the street, may have at one time been even farther into the woods, and with the floods from Fay, shifted position closer to street, where it was found.
okay, just to add to the confusion this is what I heard them say

8-11 1st time he calls, deputy comes to the seen, caller is not there, deputy leaves

8-12 2nd time he calls, gets routed to different department, this time investigations, gives his tip again, detective checks logs and sees that cadaver dogs have been in the "area" previously, does not send anyone

8-13 3rd time he calls, instructed to stay put, male deputy arrives speaks to him, clears area, female deputy arrives and is waved off by first deputy. Male deputy under normal administrative investigation in this type of situation. They will look to see if he did a proper job checking the site.

Storm hits days later, recedes two weeks ago, MR back in area, goes looking and finds remains

Yes, this is what I think happened too. :blowkiss:
German G. (same name as zanny the nanny)


Sorry for shouting but OMG I'm losin' it over here
what bothers me is that the defense tries to use this to their advantage
before this they had absolutley nothing
I hope LE can squash this and the fact that I read on this thread that they are going to have a press conf and the meter reader is going to be included is a good sign.
I have the utmost respect for LE & everything they do but I certainly hope that they have a good explanation as to why they didn't find the bag back in August.

I'm going to wait until I hear all the details before I pass Judgement but at the moment I'm having a hard time understanding how they could have missed Caylee's remains.

Sorry for shouting but OMG I'm losin' it over here

It's not pronounced like the nationality German. It is pronounced one of 2 ways Geerman (like beer) or Gurman (like Herman). My DH works with a guy and his name is, you guessed it German! Actually quite polular.

Sorry for shouting but OMG I'm losin' it over here

Are you serious?

His name is GERMAN?

That is too wierd

Sorry for shouting but OMG I'm losin' it over here
German Shepards are also common search dogs. I also like the cake (don't know if it pees)
Are you serious?

His name is GERMAN?

That is too wierd
no. Not for sure. Check this out before you take names to the bank (ie check news and updates in the morning as all the outlets are done for the day):

It has been reported by other posters watching live wftv and other media outlets that the meter reader may NOT be one in the same. That the meter reader that DID report this will be on msm tomorrow.

We shall see but for sure this could be the elephant in the room right now (and I for one am not going to step on him until I see him... figuratively speaking of course)
JMO but I think with a $250K reward outstanding any meter readers in that area would all be looking out for anything suspicious while running their routes.

I too think she had help after the fact, not from the meter reader but somebody closer to home. Does anyone happen to remember the date GA was spreading the lime in the backyard?

Does anyone else find George's behavior a little suspicious?

George - Says he last saw Caylee on June 16th

George - Describes exactly what she's wearing

George - Spreads Lime in his Back Yard

George - replaces missing pavers in his back yard

George - Drives car home from Tow Lot even though it smelled like DEATH

George - Files a report that Somebody stole his gas cans

George - Excop
what bothers me is that the defense tries to use this to their advantage
before this they had absolutley nothing
I hope LE can squash this and the fact that I read on this thread that they are going to have a press conf and the meter reader is going to be included is a good sign.

Just wanted to add can't you just see the defense at trial, saying so Mr Gonzales are you in any way related to Zenieda
ugh !!
I admit, it gave me a little pause when I heard this regarding the calls, then also the "grey" bag by the side of the street.

That said, I'll wait it out. Either way, defense definitely is jumping for joy tonight. They just need one juror, and the more stories they can weave, the better. I don't think it really will be anything, but...

I just watched a replay of My Fox Orlando 11 news, and they say now that he wants to talk, and our meter man will hold a press conference at the police station tomorrow. This bodes well, I hope.
no. Not for sure. Check this out before you take names to the bank (ie check news and updates in the morning as all the outlets are done for the day):

It has been reported by other posters watching live wftv and other media outlets that the meter reader may NOT be one in the same. That the meter reader that DID report this will be on msm tomorrow.

We shall see but for sure this could be the elephant in the room right now (and I for one am not going to step on him until I see him... figuratively speaking of course)

LOL.....Thanks for the Info.

My God, I really don't put much stock in Psychics but it really would be amazing if that turns out to be his name
Does anyone else find George's behavior a little suspicious?

George - Says he last saw Caylee on June 16th

George - Describes exactly what she's wearing

George - Spreads Lime in his Back Yard

George - replaces missing pavers in his back yard

George - Drives car home from Tow Lot even though it smelled like DEATH

George - Files a report that Somebody stole his gas cans

George - Excop

Yes. I find his behavior extremely strange. I just can't get over the timing of that little backyard grooming project either. Who in the heck could even think about landscaping at a time like that?

I know someone will mention *nervous energy* and you don't know what you'd do in their shoes, yadda yadda, but c'mon! Home beautification? No effing way!
Everyone is making great points: My two cents

He's a concerned citizen. If he is "the" Meter Reader that called the crime line give him the Reward $$.

All I can say is Thank God someone found her,now this beautiful little girl will be laid to rest after these hard working men and women find as much of her as they can.:(LE has worked harder and longer than anyone trying to get Caylee Justice.

After looking at the photo's of that area tonight it was so full of thick underbrush and trees,there had to have been a lot of garbage bags found. There were old tires tossed around. Actually, I was driving everyone in my house and maybe a few of you crazy talking about a fire pit or drainage area I have been seeing on t.v all week(sorry). well, I finally figured it out today, HUGE tire used as a fire pit. A little O/T, my point is it looked like it would be easy to miss something. If LE did not follow up correctly I have a feeling whom ever is responsible for failing to follow-through is feeling horrible tonight. or fired...IMO

Have a good night, let's hope this is resolved in the morning so we can get on with holding the people accountable that killed her, KC and/or anyone involved in the act or cover up.
okay, just to add to the confusion this is what I heard them say

8-11 1st time he calls, deputy comes to the seen, caller is not there, deputy leaves

8-12 2nd time he calls, gets routed to different department, this time investigations, gives his tip again, detective checks logs and sees that cadaver dogs have been in the "area" previously, does not send anyone

8-13 3rd time he calls, instructed to stay put, male deputy arrives speaks to him, clears area, female deputy arrives and is waved off by first deputy. Male deputy under normal administrative investigation in this type of situation. They will look to see if he did a proper job checking the site.

Storm hits days later, recedes two weeks ago, MR back in area, goes looking and finds remains

I'll bye into that scenario - It could happen

But if this area was not flooded back in early august why didn't they have the Cadaver dogs search the entire area?

My God, if there ever was an area that screamed out to be thoroughly searched then this was it.

A heavily wooded area right behind the suspects house...!!

Reports that the suspect had buried an animal there...!!

There was also an earlier post that said that there were 3 Tips saying that a "foul odor was coming from the woods behind the Anthony house"....If this is true then why not find the source of that odor?

I'm not criticizing LE but you would think that they would have searched every inch of that area.

Then again maybe they did & they just simply MISSED IT
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