Why did Jose Baez leave early from court?*MERGED*POLL ADDED*

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Why did Jose Baez need to leave court early 18.05.11

  • True personal emergency?

    Votes: 75 13.9%
  • Casey fired him?

    Votes: 41 7.6%
  • Stall tactic?

    Votes: 249 46.2%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 174 32.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Am I the only one who didn't see her crying?

I didn't think so either, her dabs to the eyes where more like a groomimg movement - the "I have no idea what to do with my hands and I am not allowed to touch my hair. Oh Oh Oh ... lets do the feminine little touch to the eyelashes to ensure my mascara hasn't made me look like I didn't sleep well last night" gesture.
Isn't the judge setting a precedent if he is basically saying that court must shut down if one of the lawyers can't be present?

This is why I doubt it is a personal matter or an illness.
Does anyone have a link to where ICA appears to be crying and his honor asks about a plea consultation? Thanks in advance as work interfered with my trial watch habit!
Not in my opinion. I didn't get the impression the judge was pissed off. Seemed his normal self to me.

I flip flop on the above. I definitely noticed a difference his is demeanor. His voice sounded somewhat shaky. What that means is up to debate and differences in interpretations.

I'm not sure if he was pissed, shaken, or just downright frustrated. But he certainly didn't adjourn the Court as he has the previous days.
Mr. Baez has a pre-trial hearing tomorrow @ 1:30 p.m. in Orlando at the Orange County court house. I am expecting HHJBP to go through the roof on this one.

I don't think he's going to be available. :floorlaugh:
Lol! You mean like insisting GA and CA cannot do as KC is her mother and is not convicted of murdering her yet?

Well, that would explain the looks KC supposedly had gotten from the SA table when she walked out today. That would tick off the judge, too. Stopping the trial to assert her right as a "mother" of the victum would be something she would try. I know in the jailhouse letters KC was upset because she thought, at the time, that CA had put a trademark on Caylee's name and KC assumed it was for money.

Trademarks are for commercial enterprises. They have to show use of that particular phrase themselves so I'm not sure why they went this way. I would think getting an injunction to try and stop the sale on behalf of the victum because she was only 2 would be an option. Trademarking is just too creepy. jmo
I flip flop on the above. I definitely noticed a difference his is demeanor. His voice sounded somewhat shaky. What that means is up to debate and differences in interpretations.

I'm sure if he was pissed, shaken, or just downright frustrated. But he certainly didn't adjourn the Court as he has the previous days.

You forgot "disgusted".
No, she was was crying, and I'll go as far as saying that it looked like she had been sobbing ~

So, I hadn't noticed that Baez was gone ~

Was Jeff Ashton there this AM?? Because it appeared that Mason was MIA for awhile this AM also.

In light of the "low-down" that Judge Perry gave them right before lunch, and of course we all think "plea deal"!!??

I'm not so sure - With the motion presented this morning, and it being denied, then, the Judge giving them the option of going someplace else if they have to, I'd bet that Casey wants out of there.

If this is her only way of getting a delay, she'll take it, IMO.
Another day, another dollar, she doesn't care. It's not her money and she has nothing but "days" anyway.

She just wants a "do-over". And, why wouldn't she?? She has been given do-over's all her life, why should this situation be any differant to her?

Well, it looks like we may have our summer free afterall.
Cause either way, plea deal, or new location, it will take awhile to arrange that, and then the media!

You know if this jury is dismissed tomorrow, there will be more reporters out front waiting to pounce on them than you can imagine.
We'll have new stories, "My Week in Limbo with Casey", etc.
The "entertainment shows" will all be on their tracks and up their whazoo.

Man, what a mess.....

edit: regarding her crying - we have to remember, that ANYTIME there is something that has to do with her, she cries, real tears - this certainly has something to do with her this time around.

I also cannot ignore the fact that when HHJP announced court was adjourned for the day, he did so in a quiet, relaxed manner. It appears to me that the "private matter", (wording by Baez) was completely out of HHJP's control.

HHJP has bent over backwards to accommodate these potential jurors, even taking the blame himself for lengthy delays and PERSONALLY apologizing to them for their inconveniences.

If there was ANY way he could have avoided adjourning court and losing 5+ hours of court time today, it is my opinion he would have done so!

Look at all the effort he offered to help rectify for jurors with their personal work/vacation issues...

Today, he had to send another 15 back home AGAIN....and he didn't seem aggravated by it at all!

Me thinks IF it is a potential Motion for Withdrawal by baez, HHJP is quite pleased that NOW this trial can proceed in a timely manner!!
I am lost completely........I can see Jose quitting or ICA firing him over sats this week.
But I also saw KC crying.................could be fake again.
Apealing something?
The Anthony's called???
Something that court cannot continue because of something..........
If JB had an emergency or was ill, court would go on, because there are DT lawyers to take over????

What I saw was the after effects of a crying spell. I think JB told Casey that he was going to have to leave and take care of something that didn't pertain to her.

I could be wrong about the crying, but her face had the same swelling and redness it did in a photo I saw of her after the academy award winning performance she gave each time the charges were read. And she dabs her eyes repeatedly, just like before too.
And at the request of Casey! Interesting..at one point before lunch AF was texting and showing something to Casey. Maybe this is what it was!

I just can't see HHJP being a willing participant in losing court time, inconveniencing summoned jurors....etc....etc...
When talking to the other lady at defence table...she definately said something along the line of ..."i think he's the problem" or "he's the problem" then the other lady turned to look and JB was just approaching.

She then said "did you do it", "I want it done". I only speculating on the following but by the hand motions from Jb to her and her affirmative responses...as if he was saying "you sure you want to do this"?
I didn't think so either, her dabs to the eyes where more like a groomimg movement - the "I have no idea what to do with my hands and I am not allowed to touch my hair. Oh Oh Oh ... lets do the feminine little touch to the eyelashes to ensure my mascara hasn't made me look like I didn't sleep well last night" gesture.

I personally did not see her cry, but it did look like she HAD been crying during the lunch break. When she was escorted back in after lunch, her nose appeared to be red like she had been crying. Tears for ICA only, I'm sure.

This is what made me first think she had made a plea deal during recess.
When talking to the other lady at defence table...she definately said something alomh the line of ..."i think he's the problem" or "he's the problem" then the other lady turned to look and JB was just approaching.

She then said "did you do it", "I want it done". I only speculating on the following but by the hand motions from Jb to her and her affirmative responses...as if he was saying "you sure you want to do this"?

if that is the case, that leads me to believe they are trying to get the HHBP dismissed and claiming that he was rushing the juror process. JMO

In that case, JB probably did attempt to make the HHBP believe he had an emergency, but HHBP knew in his heart that they were attempting to have him dismissed, which is why he
sounds/looks angry during the dismissal.
Not wanting to wear the same outfit again, Casey sent her attorney, Jose out to shop for her. Hey, that makes as much sense as all the other guesses.

Isn't the judge setting a precedent if he is basically saying that court must shut down if one of the lawyers can't be present?

This is why I doubt it is a personal matter or an illness.

No, ICA can demand he be present and his reasons or "private matters" don't have to be important to anyone.
An example is:
'child falls off swing, is knocked out, taken to hospital but fine.' - The child is fine, mum is with him/her but dad deserves to know, although not required. What does Baez do? Blow it off 9afterall the child is ok and what could anyone say - the media could pump that right up) or Go to the hosiptal to make sure the child IS really ok ... it is his child afterall. Same could be done if his wife collapsed at the supermarket - it isn't an emergency it is just a private matter that he wants to attend to, rather than his mind be elsewhere during a trial or battle the stories that he neglected his child or wife . THESE are just examples ... nothing real in them
Perhaps Baez uses his lunch to watch IS and read the forums for his daily legal lesson. Once he saw that rhornsby did some research for him, he need the afternoon to file "his" motion or appeal and put together his new gameplan, lol.
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