why does casey think anyone woud have wanted to take caylee?

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I actually wondered that at first... especially after the 1st 911 call background conversation about custody issues & the July 3 myspace 'my Caylee is missing' posting.... Everyone is free to their own opinion & this one is just mine -
Anyone know why is Baez now saying SEVEN months....?! wth?!!! :confused:
[below from Fox article]

"Casey is going through a nightmare and has been living a nightmare for the last seven months," Baez said. "I sincerely believe that when we have finally spoken, everyone, and I mean everyone, will sit back and say, 'Now, I understand. That explains it.'"

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,438206,00.html :bang:

I didn't even catch that comment about 7 months. I wonder if he is gearing up for the insanity defense. I wonder if she has been seeing a pyschiatrist and is on meds...OMG if meds is the fall out for this, how crazy. This is all ME speculating of course.
I've wondered about the *why* issue as well... why would someone just take her....

The only thing I could come up with is:

Gma hiding her w/ someone & it went too far/escalated too fast

Bio-dad is someone rich/important who has her & just doesn't give a rats behind about kc & feels she neglected Caylee

kc had some wierdo online stalker due to her signifigant online presence & posting partying pics + pics of cute, adorable Caylee

[one angle I do not really think has been addressed enough on here too] is DID or could have kc really have had any enemies [mainly female] that would hate her so badly they tried to set her up like this.... Personally, IMO, someone who sleeps around w/ THAT many guys & has that many BF's, guy friends, etc... seems some of these guys would have GF's or at least some girl who liked them & kc was screwing that up or getting in way....? dunno.... jmo

Last but not least the random psycho child-stealer person.... someone who plotted & planned & was really 'off' in the head, like the ones who kidnap pregnant women & off them in order to take their babies... it happens.... There are some big sicko's in this world.....

sadly.... none of the theories really truly fit this situation.... just throwing out the *what if's* that I've come up with over the past couple months....
JMO I think that the night 6/15 when Casey and Cindy got in that hugh argument, that Casey sufficated poor little Caylee when they were going to sleep that night, because of what her mother did to her and in the morning she probably was carrying Caylee out to the car as if she was asleep and told her dad that she was taking Caylee to the nanny because she had to go to work, then waited until she was sure that her dad and mom were not at home came back to the house buried the poor baby in the backyard and on the 18th she probably dug Caylee up when she backed into the garage and took Caylee so that no one would find her and drove around with her in the trunk to different locations to see where it was less secluded and where there was not a lot of people driving by and then on the 26th or 27th she got rid of her precious little body.

I think you are right.
Do you think it's remotely possible Casey did make some long term babysitting arrangements with a sitter she presumed to be named ZG and then went on a party binge to experience her new found freedom? She didn't realize the child had been taken until she went to retrieve her some 30 or so days later. She could have hired a sitter for a month.......it's not beyond the realm of possibility.

it's possible. i was just thinking that it's even possible that she hired a short term babysitter off Craig's list.

You'd still need a phone number, an addy, and an untraceable story re: how you came by the "sitter."
That could be almost doable. three problems, I think: 1) KC couldn't some up with a credible description for the FBI artist, 2) KC said she knew Zannie for four years. It's hard to keep up a phony persona for that long, 3) There would still be evidence of phone calls, emails, and texts.

Good points, yes :) Okay, some thoughts. On description for the FBI artist, wasn't it something like "hair sometimes curly, sometimes straight" and a height, estimated weight, etc? Pretty generic, but realistically, unless there is something particularly notable about a person's face, or something like a tattoo and etc., I don't think it is that easy to give a description that narrows down to matching only one person.

Suppose Casey lied about knowing Zanny for 4 years -- she might do that so as to make it sound like she had been responsible in terms of not letting some virtual stranger look after Caylee. She might have also lied about things like spending the night with the nanny, visiting in the apartment, and etc. for the same reason -- just to come across as being more responsible than she actually was about who was looking after Caylee. But suppose she did know a "Zanny" for 4 years, I personally do not believe it would be that hard for someone to keep up a phony persona that long -- not if it was important to them to do so. Maintaining a phony persona to someone who is not asking the Right Questions wouldn't be hard at all.

As for evidence of phone calls and the rest -- normally I'd be totally stumped on that, but we have Casey saying she had a second phone that she has lost (one way or another). Suppose Casey used that second phone for all her doings that she was lying to others about (such as where she really was at times when she said she was at work), for all calls and info in connection with the nanny (that she didn't want anyone to actually meet), etc.

Last but not least, this totally Hypothetical nanny may well not have asked much money from Casey in return for babysitting -- anything she could make off of babysitting is money under the table for her, and if she babysat for other kids she could be getting several hundred a week by only charging something like $35 a week per child ... such a cheap arrangement could be why someone like Casey might think it was such a deal that she didn't want to ask many questions and look a gift horse in the mouth.

Again, total speculation.
Good points, yes :) Okay, some thoughts. On description for the FBI artist, wasn't it something like "hair sometimes curly, sometimes straight" and a height, estimated weight, etc? Pretty generic, but realistically, unless there is something particularly notable about a person's face, or something like a tattoo and etc., I don't think it is that easy to give a description that narrows down to matching only one person.

Suppose Casey lied about knowing Zanny for 4 years -- she might do that so as to make it sound like she had been responsible in terms of not letting some virtual stranger look after Caylee. She might have also lied about things like spending the night with the nanny, visiting in the apartment, and etc. for the same reason -- just to come across as being more responsible than she actually was about who was looking after Caylee. But suppose she did know a "Zanny" for 4 years, I personally do not believe it would be that hard for someone to keep up a phony persona that long -- not if it was important to them to do so. Maintaining a phony persona to someone who is not asking the Right Questions wouldn't be hard at all.

As for evidence of phone calls and the rest -- normally I'd be totally stumped on that, but we have Casey saying she had a second phone that she has lost (one way or another). Suppose Casey used that second phone for all her doings that she was lying to others about (such as where she really was at times when she said she was at work), for all calls and info in connection with the nanny (that she didn't want anyone to actually meet), etc.

Last but not least, this totally Hypothetical nanny may well not have asked much money from Casey in return for babysitting -- anything she could make off of babysitting is money under the table for her, and if she babysat for other kids she could be getting several hundred a week by only charging something like $35 a week per child ... such a cheap arrangement could be why someone like Casey might think it was such a deal that she didn't want to ask many questions and look a gift horse in the mouth.

Again, total speculation.

Pretty close! But, the calls would still show up on the phone records. And wouldn''t KC at least have to know her addy?

You could get out of emails by saying Zanny was a bit of a Luddite.

Hey! If we come up with something REALLY good, maybe KC will try to use it in court!
Why does Casey think anyone woud have wanted to take Caylee?

Casey doesn't believe that anyone wanted to take Caylee. This is just a story Casey made up to cover her actions of what actually happened to Caylee.

Just listening to Casey's interview with LE on June 15th & June 16th proves it is all a story-lie about what happened to Caylee. Casey made up the story-lie as Casey was in more fear of her mother then Casey was with what she did to Caylee.
P.S. from my other post. According to KC herself, Caylee was "missing" for that whole month. Giving her to a sitters for a month is not what I call missing.

KC herself deemed her missing the very evening she went to the "nanny's" apartment to pick Caylee up. KC never said she was at the sitter's for a month and then went missing in July. She said Caylee was missing starting June 16thish.

Did you consider the possibility that she might have been afraid to tell her mother that and so, instead, told her she had been missing for 31 days?
This isn't an "i believe Caylee is alive" thread. No one is arguing that. We are thinking of reasons Casey would have believed that someone would want to take Caylee.

That's the problem - she never provided any - which I think is a big hole in the fake abduction she created...
it's possible. i was just thinking that it's even possible that she hired a short term babysitter off Craig's list.

You'd still need a phone number, an addy, and an untraceable story re: how you came by the "sitter."

Ah, Craig's List.......That's a very good possibility. She actually could have dropped Caylee off at the Sawgrass Apts and been given a false phone number, address and name.

When she went back to get her, no one was there, the phone number was no good and no one knew a Zenaida Gonzalez.
That's the problem - she never provided any - which I think is a big hole in the fake abduction she created...

Yeah.. she never thought up a credible motive. One day Zanni just took off with Caylee- no reason given. Then, she was mugged for Caylee in the park. No reason given.
Ah, Craig's List.......That's a very good possibility. She actually could have dropped Caylee off at the Sawgrass Apts and been given a false phone number, address and name.

When she went back to get her, no one was there, the phone number was no good and no one knew a Zenaida Gonzalez.

She'd have to have a phone number to call the Craigs listing.
Casey doesn't believe it. It's a story. She probably had the idea pop into her head when her mother said "Who took her?"
Good points, yes :) Okay, some thoughts. On description for the FBI artist, wasn't it something like "hair sometimes curly, sometimes straight" and a height, estimated weight, etc? Pretty generic, but realistically, unless there is something particularly notable about a person's face, or something like a tattoo and etc., I don't think it is that easy to give a description that narrows down to matching only one person.

Suppose Casey lied about knowing Zanny for 4 years -- she might do that so as to make it sound like she had been responsible in terms of not letting some virtual stranger look after Caylee. She might have also lied about things like spending the night with the nanny, visiting in the apartment, and etc. for the same reason -- just to come across as being more responsible than she actually was about who was looking after Caylee. But suppose she did know a "Zanny" for 4 years, I personally do not believe it would be that hard for someone to keep up a phony persona that long -- not if it was important to them to do so. Maintaining a phony persona to someone who is not asking the Right Questions wouldn't be hard at all.

As for evidence of phone calls and the rest -- normally I'd be totally stumped on that, but we have Casey saying she had a second phone that she has lost (one way or another). Suppose Casey used that second phone for all her doings that she was lying to others about (such as where she really was at times when she said she was at work), for all calls and info in connection with the nanny (that she didn't want anyone to actually meet), etc.

Last but not least, this totally Hypothetical nanny may well not have asked much money from Casey in return for babysitting -- anything she could make off of babysitting is money under the table for her, and if she babysat for other kids she could be getting several hundred a week by only charging something like $35 a week per child ... such a cheap arrangement could be why someone like Casey might think it was such a deal that she didn't want to ask many questions and look a gift horse in the mouth.

Again, total speculation.

Speculation or desire to make a case for Casey? Either is fine, but this seems to be a bit of a contortion to try to support a story Casey hasn't even really told. Anyway, if you go with the knew her for 4 years version: yes, she should be able to describe, in a manner distinguishable from others, the person to whom she entrusted her child. I disagree that 4 years is not too long to build a false persona or identity with someone, only to someday steal their child. That is way too long. The basic problem remains that there is no nanny of any description, no lost phone and no kidnap, and there is evidence that Caylee is dead.
She'd have to have a phone number to call the Craigs listing.

Right -- however, if she then lost the phone she had used to make the call (one or many) to the hypothetical nanny, she would no longer have the number and probably didn't have it memorized.

I'm flat out making guesses about all of this, and of course it doesn't answer all the issues that exist with this case.
Why would anyone take Caylee? Because she is an adorable 3 year old which many people would love to have.

I agree!:clap:

For the same reasons we have spent countless hours on this site. We've never met her and we love her. I don't believe there was a kidnapping in this case but can totally see that it could happen.
I have wondered this very same thing since this all began. Why would someone want to take Caylee? According to the story, the babysitter, who already has children herself, stole Caylee. I can almost bet Casey's story is going to be that the babysitter stole Caylee and sold her on the black market.

I keep wondering what her story is now since we aren't allowed to know until trial. I wonder what it is that she told her family to get them to rally around her they way they have. I think this could be it. People on here have suggested that Casey sold Caylee but the argument becomes then where is the money. Your scenario removes that objection.
There's a huge difference between the question "Why might someone take Caylee?" and "Why does Casey think that someone might have taken Caylee?" The first one is answerable in the hypothetical, and the answers would apply to any little 3 year old child. An exception might be that in the case of Casey and Caylee, someone might have wanted to take Caylee who knew what a bad mother Casey was. The second question makes too many assumptions to be a mere hypothetical question. It assumes Casey actually believes that. Anyway, she has said Zanny did and that they have had discussions about it, a script, etc. She must know why. I'm sure we'll hear it from JB in court.

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